
Modernization of the Military-Industrial and Security Complex as the Main Link in the Innovative Transformation of the Post-War Economy of the Regions of Ukraine
Matrunchyk D. M.

Matrunchyk, Dmytro M. (2023) “Modernization of the Military-Industrial and Security Complex as the Main Link in the Innovative Transformation of the Post-War Economy of the Regions of Ukraine.” The Problems of Economy 3:81–87.

Section: Economics and national economy management

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It is substantiated that the modernization of the military-industrial and security complex is the main link in the innovative transformation of the national and regional economy in both the wartime and the post-war periods. Studies have shown that in the system of academic and sectoral domestic science, a significant potential for fundamental and applied research in the field of armaments, military equipment and security technologies is formed, which implies the basic determinant of innovative transformation of the national economy and the economy of individual regions through the modernization of the military-industrial and security complex. It is determined that the favorable prerequisites for the modernization of the military-industrial and security complex of Ukraine are: an extensive network of research and production institutions that specialized in the design of new types of weapons and military equipment; powerful research and engineering human resources of the military-industrial complex; availability of industrial capacities for the production of military products; sufficient resource base to ensure a full cycle of production of certain types of weapons and military equipment (availability of production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, various types of electronics and optics products). It is found that the restoration of the relationship between the sphere of research and development of defense and security direction and the development of the production of weapons, military equipment and security technologies will ensure the renewal of the military-industrial and security complex on a new technical and technological basis, and this will contribute to the growth of domestic demand for domestic metal products, the transfer of advanced foreign defense and security technologies, the accelerated development of domestic electronics and other industries related to the military-industrial complex, and the development of digital technologies. It is determined that Ukraine enjoys the broad support of the coalition of Western countries, which creates favorable conditions for the transfer of modern foreign defense and security technologies of the latest generations, which will allow to establish the production of modern weapons and military equipment at domestic enterprises of the defense-industrial sector in the short term.

Keywords: innovative transformation, modernization, transfer, military-industrial complex, regional economic complex, old industrial regions.

Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 8.

Matrunchyk Dmytro M. – Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Candidate on Doctor Degree, Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance, Lutsk National Technical University (75 Lvіvska Str., Lutsk, Volyn region, 43018, Ukraine)

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