
The Domestic Demographic Crisis in the Context of Political Economy
Titenko L. V., Kushnir L. L.

Titenko, Lyudmila V., and Kushnir, Leonid L. (2019) “The Domestic Demographic Crisis in the Context of Political Economy.” The Problems of Economy 1:141–148.

Section: Economic theory

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is the author’s study of key aspects of the current demographic crisis in Ukraine. The study is carried out on the theoretical platform of the political economy approach and covers the events of the period 1993–2018. Researchers interpret the large-scale depopulation of the country’s population as the main result of its development over the period of a quarter of a century and consider the social causes of this process. The aim of the article is to identify the main social causes of the regress in the demographic development of the country. In order to identify the main causes of the demographic regress in Ukraine, the article presents the key characteristics of the natural and migratory movement of the population, its economic activity, morbidity, causes of high mortality and deviant behavior. The authors prove that the leading social cause of the demographic crisis in Ukraine lies in the mechanism of excessive social stratification of the society, which hinders the unlocking of the potential of human capital of the nation and its movement towards social progress. According to the authors, the mentioned mechanism supports the antisocial way of enriching the privileged minority and the destructive for most of the population way of self-reproduction of poverty, ultrahigh morbidity and mortality. The authors of the article argue that the demographic crisis in Ukraine can be overcome by directing the state’s economic course towards solving the problem of the country’s demographic development.

Keywords: demographic crisis, oligarchic economy, social development, human capital.

Bibl.: 26.

Titenko Lyudmila V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Lecturer, Kirovohrad Cooperative College of Economics and Law named after M. P. Sai (13 Viacheslav Chornovil Str., Kropyvnytskyi, 25006, Ukraine)
Kushnir Leonid L. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Research Associate, Research Department of Modern History, Poltava Museum of Local Lore named after Vasyl Krychevskyi (2 Konstytutsii Str., Poltava, 36020, Ukraine)

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