
The Social Security Strategy of Ukraine: Sequence of Formation and Implementation Directions
Sydorchuk O. G.

Sydorchuk, Orystlava G. (2019) “The Social Security Strategy of Ukraine: Sequence of Formation and Implementation Directions.” The Problems of Economy 1:176–183.

Section: Social economy, policy and demography

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There justified the need for government regulation of social security in connection with the growth of threats and dangers to the realization of social interests of management subjects, uncontrollable socio-economic processes of the country’s development, growing decrease in competitive advantages of the national economy in terms of accumulating human capital, overcoming the negative consequences of the armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine, carrying out a system of reforms under conditions of limited opportunities, successful European integration, etc. The results of an expert survey, which, along with the theoretical generalization and results of an economic and statistical analysis, have become the rationale for management decisions and strategic priorities of social security, are presented. The features of social security under conditions of transition to a new model of national security are identified. The goal, principles, criteria for achieving the social security strategy and directions for its formation and implementation are described. A model for the formation of internal and external threats affecting social security is elaborated. There developed a draft of the Social Security Strategy of Ukraine, which presents a detailed description of the content of the strategic directions in the field of social security with the subsequent filling of each direction with measures for ensuring their implementation. There identified, substantiated, and proposed strategic directions for ensuring social security, which comprise the whole range of current problems and provide the basis for creating conditions for safe and progressive development of the country, increasing its competitiveness, and implementing the optimistic scenario of the development of society and man. The strategic directions of social security are focused on creating conditions for a decent, safe, secure, competitive, socially responsible, developed society, which should have a high degree of government regulation of these processes for the benefit of the main subject of social security management – man.

Keywords: social security, strategy, threats, social interests, government regulation, principles, criteria, management, national economy.

Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 16.

Sydorchuk Orystlava G. – Candidate of Sciences (Public Administration), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration of National Academy of Public Administration under the Office of the President of Ukraine (16 Sukhomlynskoho Str., Briukhovychі, Lvіv, 79491, Ukraine)

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