
Government Support and Transparent Reporting as Tools of Market Transformations in Ukraine
Vlasyuk V. Y.

Vlasyuk, Valerii Ye. (2019) “Government Support and Transparent Reporting as Tools of Market Transformations in Ukraine.” The Problems of Economy 1:20–27.

Section: Economics and national economy management

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article deals with analysis of various approaches to scientific assessment of economic management. There presented a detailed consideration of methodological aspects related to determining quantitative and qualitative indicators of activities of business entities. The legislative consolidation of accounting and financial reporting in Ukraine is reviewed. The principles of integrated reporting, which were developed in Ukraine based on the recommendations of international experts, are summarized. The legislatively established requirements for the list of articles, financial statements indicators to be published are described. Practical examples of national policies aimed at supporting entrepreneurship in countries of the Asia-Pacific region are studied using a constructive and critical analysis. Attention is paid to proposals of the USA to support the American economic system. Separately, the prospects for the development of the domestic economy are investigated based on a process-oriented approach. Problems associated with ensuring an integrated approach to the diagnostic tools of financial information quality by means of the model of M. Boenisch are analyzed. There disclosed a number of other factors that complement the model of M. Boenisch, which expands the range of tools in order to achieve transparency and openness for the entire Ukrainian economic system. In order to improve the system for assessing risks associated with accounting abuses other relevant factors are being actualized. The necessity for stimulating entrepreneurial structures in the implementation of processes aimed at identifying changes in economic performance indicators is substantiated.

Keywords: economic environment, accounting standards, principles of integrated reporting, transparency of business activities, government support.

Formulae: 1. Bibl.: 9.

Vlasyuk Valerii Ye. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Economics and Social-Labor Relations, University of Customs and Finance (2/4 Volodymyra Vernadskoho Str., Dnipro, 49004, Ukraine)

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