
Conceptual Approaches to Development of Territorial Communities
Tymechko I. R.

Tymechko, Iryna R. (2019) “Conceptual Approaches to Development of Territorial Communities.” The Problems of Economy 1:83–88.

Section: Regional economy

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The aim of the article is to summarize the conceptual approaches to development of territorial communities. It is noted that the basic concept for development of territorial communities was approved by the United Nations in 1948. The article highlights the best practices and approaches to development of territorial communities: development of a territorial community as an educational process, development of society as evolution, increase in society’s potential, formation of social capital, non-violent direct action, economic development of communities, sustainable development, participatory development of society based on assets, development of society based on faith. There noted development of communities as a bilateral activity: creation of conditions for social integration of people at the local level and their involvement in the process of making and implementing decisions in the field of socio-economic development of the territory; socio-economic development of the territory through creation of appropriate infrastructure at the local level. It is noticed that the relationship between the level of economic development and happiness reveals some peculiarities of the synthesis of the economy with other spheres of human life. There defined principles of development of society based on assets and participation: every person in society has something to do; relationships create a community; citizens are in the center: citizens should be seen as subjects, not recipients, in development process; leaders involve others; people care; internal organization; investments serve the community; within any community there is a large amount of knowledge and experience. It is established that the basis for development of society is the transition of a resident from the state of the object of influence to the state of the subject of action, not just respond to dynamically developing situations but to actively act under new conditions as a member of a territorial community.

Keywords: territorial community, development of a territorial community, community welfare.

Bibl.: 28.

Tymechko Iryna R. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Senior Research Fellow, Department of Regional Financial Policy, Institute of Regional Research named after V. I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine (4 Kozelnytska Str., Lvіv, 79026, Ukraine)

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