
Improving the Energy Efficiency in the Context of the Transition to the Green Economy
Melnychuk I. V.

Melnychuk, Ivanna V. (2019) “Improving the Energy Efficiency in the Context of the Transition to the Green Economy.” The Problems of Economy 2:200–207.

Section: Economics of Natural Resources and Environment

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UDC 338(477):504:330.15

The aim of the article is to study the trends in the introduction of tools and principles of the green economy in countries of Europe and Ukraine to improve the efficient energy use. The main priorities of the green economy and its differences from the traditional so-called brown economy are determined. The relevance of the topic is proved using international documents and agreements. There selected indicators to justify the importance of cutting the use of exhaustive resources and reducing emissions to the atmosphere to decrease the burden on the environment. In particular, the indicator of the CO2 intensity (in terms of purchasing power parity) and the share of renewable energy sources in the structure of electricity production in Europe and Ukraine are analyzed and forecast. The analysis allowed to identify and describe institutional and economic tools of the green economy which helped various countries achieve success and cut the use of traditional resources, replacing them with alternative energy sources and increasing the share of the latter. Based on the carried out research, there highlighted social and economic directions and recommendations for Ukraine as regards stimulating the implementation of elements of the green economy and increasing the efficiency of energy use.

Keywords: green economy, green energy, energy saving, alternative energy sources.

Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 14.

Melnychuk Ivanna V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Enterprise Economics, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (15 Karpatska Str., Ivano-Frankіvsk, 76018, Ukraine)

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