
Formation of the Economics of Peacebuilding in the System of National Economic Security
Ilyash O. I., Blokhin P. V.

Ilyash, Olha I., and Blokhin, Pavlo V. (2019) “Formation of the Economics of Peacebuilding in the System of National Economic Security.” The Problems of Economy 2:45–52.

Section: Economics and national economy management

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 341.215.2:351.82(477)

The urgency, versatility and complexity of the problem of establishing the economics of peacebuilding in the system of national economic security are a matter of utmost importance for Ukraine, which has become an object of the Russian aggression, and requires a more deep study. The absence in the Ukrainian realities of a relevant study on the problem of the economics of peacebuilding complicates the development of mechanisms for overcoming internal and external threats to the economic security of the country, which necessitates the intensification of scientific research in this area. The article examines the development principles of the economics of peacebuilding, as a tool to overcome the social and economic imbalances in the development of Ukraine, and its impact on ensuring the economic security of the country. An attempt is made to determine the impact of the economics of peacebuilding on the system of economic security of the country in the post-conflict period. It is proved that the economics of peacebuilding in the system of national security is the material basis for the national sovereignty. The results of the study deepen the problem of underdevelopment of economic ties with EU countries. The authors are convinced that the reduction of hybrid threats and risks to the economic security of the country based on the economics of peacebuilding can guarantee the sustainability and stability of the national economy, its ability for self-development and economic progress along with social priorities and interests of the country. At the same time, the achievement of a truce creates new opportunities for the restoration of industrial and infrastructure facilities, attraction of international donors, resumption of economic ties, real support and revitalization of small and medium-sized businesses, formation of a new business model of the national economy. It is concluded that among the national interests of Ukraine in the sphere of economic security the highest priority should be paid to the creation of a competitive, socially oriented economy on the basis of peacebuilding and ensuring a steady increase in the standard of living and welfare of the population.

Keywords: economics of peacebuilding, national economic security, peacebuilding complex, post-conflict period, hybrid threats, socio-economic development, national security.

Fig.: 5. Bibl.: 14.

Ilyash Olha I. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Economic Cybernetics, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» (37 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine)
Blokhin Pavlo V. – Postgraduate Student, International University of Finance (37 Peremohy Ave., Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine)

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