
Current Trends in the Development of the Labor Market in the Context of Social Security of the State
Bondarevska K. V.

Bondarevska, Kseniia V. (2019) “Current Trends in the Development of the Labor Market in the Context of Social Security of the State.” The Problems of Economy 3:255–262.

Section: Social economy, policy and demography

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article considers the features of the development of the domestic labor market under modern conditions in the context of the need to ensure social security of the state. In the course of the study, the main trends in the development of the labor market are identified, and measures to improve the situation are justified. It is determined that the modern labor market is characterized by an imbalance between labor supply and labor demand; inefficient use of labor potential, in particular, in the youth labor market; high growth rates of unemployment in rural areas, a decrease in the number of employed people by major economic sectors. For the purpose of ensuring the social security of the state, there justified the need for improving the welfare of society due to solving the problem of employment by applying the following measures: forming a mechanism for effective interaction of the labor market and the market for educational services; granting subsidies to employers hiring entry-level candidates; providing tax incentives for these enterprises; establishing conditions for the creation of new jobs; introducing a lifelong education system; applying the mechanism of paid community works; building a system for monitoring labor market indicators; improving the regulatory framework for social and labor relations.

Keywords: labor market, employment, unemployment, social security, employment security, state employment policy, social and labor relations.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 6. Bibl.: 8.

Bondarevska Kseniia V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management of National Economy, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (72 Haharina Ave., Dnіpro, 49010, Ukraine)

List of references in article

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