
A Conceptual Approach to Assessing the Level of National Economic Security Based on Assessing the Economic Security of Stages of Social Reproduction
Danilova E. I.

Danilova, Elvira I. (2019) “A Conceptual Approach to Assessing the Level of National Economic Security Based on Assessing the Economic Security of Stages of Social Reproduction.” The Problems of Economy 3:47–53.

Section: Economics and national economy management

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The aim of the article is to develop a conceptual approach to assessing the level of national economic security based on assessing the economic security at implementing each stage of social reproduction, which allows to identify sources of danger in the key processes of the national economy and evaluate the ability of the existing system of economic security to ensure balance, stability and development at each of the stages. The research methodology comprises: analysis method – to analyze the existing methodology for assessing the level of economic security of Ukraine; systematization – to form indicators of safety of input flows at each stage of public reproduction, indicators of implementation of the stage and indicators of output flows; additive convolution method – to calculate the Economic Security Index for the national economy. The proposed conceptual approach to assessing the level of economic security of the national economy allows to assess the economic security at implementing each stage of social reproduction and the national economy as a whole as well as to identify the compliance of the state of the economy with the safety criteria, namely: balance, stability, development.

Keywords: economic security, national economy, Economic Security Index, social reproduction, assessment.

Fig.: 5. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 8.

Danilova Elvira I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management of Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprises, National Aviation University (1 Lubomyra Husara Ave., Kyiv, 03058, Ukraine)

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