
Features of the Functioning of the Modern Educational Services Market
Dogadina V. Y.

Dogadina, Valentina Yu. (2019) “Features of the Functioning of the Modern Educational Services Market.” The Problems of Economy 4:14–20.

Section: World economy and international relations

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The main directions in the functioning of the modern market for educational services are identified based on the analysis of trends and factors determining changes in their specific characteristics. The features of the functioning of the modern educational services market are analyzed, the main trends are revealed, the key problems are identified. It is established that, at the present stage, an especially important factor in social and economic development is investing in education since this is the most effective means for carrying out social changes that can ensure a stable economic progress. It is found that the directions and trends in the development of the educational services market in each country are defined by the strategy, specific priorities and goals. It is determined that in the context of the transition to e-commerce and the digital economy, the performance by education of the functions of a special mechanism for transforming the economy requires improving the efficiency and quality of educational services. It is established that, over the following decade, when the financing of educational services in Ukraine is becoming more stringent, and educational policy is being used as a political lever, educational institutions with limited funds tend to use commercialized methods to promote their service offerings with greater intensity. This suggests that people will face many options when choosing an education service, which means that the probability of making nonoptimal choices will simultaneously grow. Based on the results obtained and using effective training technologies, the main trends in the development of the educational services market are determined. The modern prerequisites for the emergence and implementation of innovative teaching methods are considered. The practices of rendering educational services that meet current principles of quality education, prepare for changes and provide flexibility are described. It is concluded that the processes of globalization and the formation of the knowledge economy significantly affect the functioning of the educational services market and the structure of the labor market, thereby increasing the dependence of effective professional activity of a person and his/her successful employment on the level and quality of education. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the formation of relevant competencies and skills and the reorientation of educational services in order to meet the requirements of the digital economy.

Keywords: education, educational services market, training, competencies, innovative teaching methods.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 17.

Dogadina Valentina Yu. – Director, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (2 Frometіvska Str., Kyiv, 03039, Ukraine)

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