
Features of Organizing Public Procurement in Ukraine
Faizov A. V.

Faizov, Anatolii V. (2020) “Features of Organizing Public Procurement in Ukraine.” The Problems of Economy 2:160–165.

Section: Economics and national economy management

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article deals with considering modern organizational aspects of the functioning of the public procurement system, taking into account innovations in tender legislation, international and European practices; defining the role of a clearly structured public procurement system in ensuring rational and efficient use of budget resources; characterizing new laws in the field of procurement organization; evaluating the adaptation of new organizational forms of tendering in the national tender system; characterizing centralized and decentralized procurement organization models with consideration for efficiency and rationality of the processes; analyzing the collegial form of tender organization by national customers with the use of tender committees, identifying prospects for its further use in procurement; highlighting problematic aspects of modern traditional tendering practices; systematizing a number of advantages of alternative methods for organizing procurement using the institutions of an authorized person and a centralized procurement organization; describing the features of organizing cooperation between customers in the implementation of a centralized procurement function, in particular, presenting details of the interaction mechanism, methods and stages of introducing a centralized model in the context of domestic tender practice; determining the potential of a centralized form of organizing procurement to ensure rational use of budget funds, minimize financial and human resources; forming further directions for intensifying the spread of pan-European centralized procurement practices.

Keywords: public procurement system, procurement organization model, tender committee, authorized person, centralized procurement organization, electronic catalogue, trading platform.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 10.

Faizov Anatolii V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Financial Law and Fiscal Administration, National Academy of Internal Affairs (1 Solomianska Square, Kyiv, 03035, Ukraine)

List of references in article

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“Upovnovazhena osoba - osnovna osoba dlia provedennia sproshchenykh zakupivel“ [Authorized Person - the Main Person for Simplified Procurement].
“Tendernyi komitet chy upovnovazhena osoba: shcho obraty?“ [Tender Committee or Authorized Person: What to Choose?]. vazhena-osoba.html

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