
Management of Diversification and Integration Development in an Enterprise: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects
Zalutska K. Y.

Zalutska, Khrystyna Ya. (2020) “Management of Diversification and Integration Development in an Enterprise: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects.” The Problems of Economy 2:247–255.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

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The aim of the article is to develop and generalize the theoretical and methodological bases of managing diversification and integration development in an enterprise. To achieve the goal, the research is performed using the methods of generalization, abstract logical reasoning, induction, deduction, systematization, formalization. Scientific approaches to understanding the essence of the concept “development” and its necessity for effective functioning of enterprises in the changing modern turbulent environment are studied, which served a basis for improving the concept. Considerable attention is paid to the processes of diversification and integration development and the features of their use in activities of modern enterprises. Structural and functional relationships between these concepts are highlighted and the benefits (effects) from diversification and integration development are identified, which made it possible to justify its need for modern enterprises. The theoretical aspects of managing diversification and integration development in enterprises are substantiated. Thus, the above results allow an enterprise to clearly define the goal, principles, functions, approaches, directions, areas and types of management, build an effective management mechanism to achieve the desired effects of diversification and integration development in enterprises as the most acceptable under modern conditions of dynamism and unpredictability of the external and internal environment.

Keywords: development, enterprise, diversification and integration development, management, process.

Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 29.

Zalutska Khrystyna Ya. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Enterprise Economics and Investment, National University «Lviv Polytechnic» (12 Stepana Bandery Str., Lvіv, 79013, Ukraine)

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