
Assessing the Level of Development of Enterprises Engaged in Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing: Scientific and Practical Aspects
Chobitok V. I.

Chobitok, Viktoriia I. (2020) “Assessing the Level of Development of Enterprises Engaged in Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing: Scientific and Practical Aspects.” The Problems of Economy 2:312–324.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

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The aim of the article is the formation of scientific and practical aspects for assessing the level of development of enterprises engaged in railroad rolling stock manufacturing in accordance with modern economic conditions. Based on the results of the study, it is determined that modern processes of transformation of economic relations are characterized by a significant influence of the endogenous and exogenous environment on the holistic development of enterprises engaged in railroad rolling stock manufacturing and an increase in the level of internal and external competition.This requires developing and implementing innovative and creative management methods, which are formed depending on the level of usingintellectual, potential and human resourcesto build effective business models in competitive markets.It is proved that rail transport, in comparison with other modes of transport in Ukraine, has certain advantages associated with adaptation for transportation of various consignments under any weather conditions; provision of the possibility of fast cargo delivery over long distances; high level of safety and reliability; stable transport links, etc. To improve this situation, a scientific and practical approach to assessing the level of development of enterprises engaged in railroad rolling stock manufacturing, which belong to JSC “Ukrzaliznytsa” or provide its activity, is developed.The results of the calculation of the integral indicator for assessing the level of development of enterprises engaged in railroad rolling stock manufacturing indicate that most of them are in critical condition, which is due to the active influence of the external environment on the formation of an effective business model. Accordingly, in order to solve this situation, it is necessary to make effective managerial decisions and formulate strategic goals aimed at improving the intellectualization of management of their holistic development;create an effective employee incentive scheme and provide efficient use of intellectual, potential and human resources; identify, assess and neutralize risks of various origins, form a strategy-oriented model, etc.

Keywords: intellectualization; enterprise management; holistic development of an enterprise; scientific and practical approach; intellectual, potential and human resources.

Fig.: 5. Tabl.: 6. Bibl.: 14.

Chobitok Viktoriia I. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Economics and Management, Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy (16 Unіversytetska Str., Kharkіv, 61003, Ukraine)

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