
Prospects for the Development of Fintech and Banking in Ukraine
Stoiko O. Y.

Stoiko, Oleh Yа. (2020) “Prospects for the Development of Fintech and Banking in Ukraine.” The Problems of Economy 2:356–364.

Section: Finance and banking

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The aim of the article is to study the problems of developing fintech and banking in Ukraine and develop promising areas for their interaction. It is established that in the context of the introduction of financial and technological innovations, traditional approaches to the provision of banking services no longer meet the modern needs of consumers and the requirements for improving the efficiency of banking. The main advantages and disadvantages in activities of commercial banks and fintech companies are identified. The advancement of financial technologies has a positive effect on activities of domestic commercial banks, which enhance the quality of customer service, improve automated means, and increase the protection against cyberattacks and fraud.At the same time, traditional commercial banks can provide significant assistance to fintech companies in terms of expanding infrastructure, increasing capital, and enabling access to a well-developed client database. It is proved that the most effective strategy of relationships between commercial banks and fintech companies is not competing but using various mutually beneficial cooperation options. With the introduction of the latest technologies in Ukraine, a significant breakthrough was the launch of the first mobile bank – Monobank, which operates without physical branches and is able to carry out all basic banking operations.The analysis showed that the online service of Monobank in the second half of 2019 grew by an average of 100 thousand customers every month and also had a positive trend in all key performance indicators. The feasibility of the participation of commercial banks in promoting P2P and P2B electronic platforms is substantiated. It provides mutual benefits for both parties: for banks – avoiding liquidity and defaultrisks, and for electronic credit platforms – getting access to a significant amount of banking resources. A promising area of interaction between fintech and banking is the introduction of Open Banking, which will enable access of fintech providers to banking data and give possibility for creating new products and services.Another potential impetus for the implementation of innovative solutions may be applying BankID remote digital identification, which will make the domestic financial market more accessible and open for its participants, simplify the procedure for rendering services and provide conditions for creating innovative services and improving the existing ones. The important role of the National Bank in the development of financial technologies and mutual cooperation of commercial banks and fintech companies is highlighted. Further research will be aimed at an in-depth study of individual areas of cooperation between fintech and banking.

Keywords: fintech, fintech business, fintech companies, banking, P2P and P2B lending.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 20.

Stoiko Oleh Yа. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Credit, Polissia National University (7 Staryi Blvd, Zhytomyr, 10008, Ukraine)

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