
Methodological Sources of Forming Strategic Priorities for the Development of Financial Market and its Infrastructure Support
Chunytska I. I.

Chunytska, Iryna I. (2020) “Methodological Sources of Forming Strategic Priorities for the Development of Financial Market and its Infrastructure Support.” The Problems of Economy 2:374–381.

Section: Finance and banking

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The aim of the article is to study the financial market of Ukraine, which has an unrealized infrastructure potential. For its realization, it is necessary to choose an appropriate strategy since constant changes in the development vectors will contribute to further destruction of the infrastructure potential. The weightiness and priority of methodological support in determining the strategic directions of the financial marketdevelopment are proved.Based on defining individual levels of implementation of financial relations and taking into account causal relationships that accompany the functioning and determine cause and effect changes in such relations, it is proved that these determinants form the methodological bases of strategic directions for the financial marketdevelopment. It is proposed that the theoretical and methodological bases of the development of this strategy include provisions reflecting the modern transformation of financial resources in the unity of the aspects of their formation, distribution and redistribution as basic ones.Their subsequent application requires taking into account the level of the financial market in the context of its individual segments with regard to the needs of its self-development and self-regulation.This allows to more objectively reflect the processes occurring in the system of financial relations and to form the basis of strategic directions for the financial market development along with the strategic development of the financial system as a whole. When implementing the essential, quantitative and qualitative transformations of the conditions of individual segments of the financial market, which have their own laws and infrastructure, and combining their potential into an integrated system, there is a real opportunity to direct the infrastructure potential of the market currently ensuring its functioning towards enhancing its strategic power.

Keywords: financial market, infrastructure potential, investment capacity, strategic priorities, theoretical and methodological support.

Bibl.: 17.

Chunytska Iryna I. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Financial Markets, The University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (31 Universytetska Str., Irpіn, Kyiv region, 08201, Ukraine)

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