
Transnationalisation of the Travel Services Market at the Globalization Stage: Conceptual and Organizational Aspects
Skarha O. O.

Skarha, Oleksandra O. (2020) “Transnationalisation of the Travel Services Market at the Globalization Stage: Conceptual and Organizational Aspects.” The Problems of Economy 2:63–70.

Section: World economy and international relations

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UDC 338.487:339.94 (045)

The aim of the article is to identify the content-related and conceptual bases of the transnationalisation of the travel services market at the stage of globalization of world economic relations. The factors of internationalization of the service sector are considered. The general structure of the international travel services market is analyzed.The article highlights the prerequisites for the transnationalisation of the tourism services market (international tourism is the cross-border movement of consumers of travel services; calculating profits from international tourism has specific features; the travel industry provides a quick economic effect and requires participation of a large amount of labor, the spending of foreign tourists in a host country have a threefold effect on its economy).The main forms of activities of TNCs in the field of travel services (duplication of a business model; multilocal strategy; global strategy; transnational strategy) are considered. There proposed a definition of transnationalisation of the travel services market, which considers it as the process of concentration of production in the field of international tourism in the administrative and legal, innovation and investment, spatial and territorial, socio-economic dimensions through the formation of transnational tourism companies that create a new competitive environment in the international travel services market through implementing a range of activities of a strategic, current, organizational nature.A conceptual scheme for the transnationalisation of the travel services market is developed. Within the presented framework, a system of measures to develop the process of transnationalisation of the travel services market is elaborated, the results of transnationalisationof the tourism services market are identified (equalization of the quality of life in countries participating in international cooperation in the tourism sector; intensification of economic activities of peripheral territories; diversification of development of the international services sector, etc.).

Keywords: transnationalisation, transnational corporations, travel services market, globalization.

Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 18.

Skarha Oleksandra O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Lecturer, Department of Management, Mariupol State University (129a Budivelnykiv Ave., Mariupol, 87500, Ukraine)

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