
Conceptual Principles of Sustainable Development of the Local Government
Chernykhivska A. V.

Chernykhivska, Anna V. (2020) “Conceptual Principles of Sustainable Development of the Local Government.” The Problems of Economy 3:112–117.

Section: Regional economy

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The conceptual principles of the implementation of sustainable development at the local territorial level in Ukraine, as well as the institutional mechanisms of its implementation within the decentralization of power have been identified. The importance of reforming the local government is highlighted by using the sustainable development concept, which is necessary for Ukraine to move forward on the path to the European integration. The necessity of carrying out the complex work of creating a framework for managing territorial development has been proved. The article deals with topical, practical issues of implementing and realizing sustainable development at the local level. The theoretical essence and content of the sustainable development concept have been studied. The interrelation of its three main components has been revealed, being ecological, economic, and social ones. The conceptual principles of reforming local government and administrative organization within the decentralization of powers have been offered. The author proves the appropriateness of changes implemented in the local government system, which provide for the realization of sustainable development on the basis of openness and transparency of public authorities, civil society’s active participation in the formation of the state territorial policy, and fulfillment of the citizens’ environmental rights. The principles of sustainable development of local government have been summed up. Strategic guidelines for the development of local government have been identified. Prospects for territorial development have been outlined. Transition to the concept of sustainable development has been substantiated, which would result in constructing a qualitatively new social, ecological and economic model of society development, solving acute problems of the present and future generations.

Keywords: environment, greening, local government, resource conservation, sustainable development, sustainable development concept, territorial communities.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 10.

Chernykhivska Anna V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Educational Methodology for Sustainable Development, State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management (35 Mytropolyta Vasylia Lypkіvskoho Str., Kyiv, 03035, Ukraine)

List of references in article

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