
The Impact of Emerging Financial Markets on Marketing Programs: an International Dimension
Balabukha K. Y.

Balabukha, Kateryna Ye. (2021) “The Impact of Emerging Financial Markets on Marketing Programs: an International Dimension.” The Problems of Economy 3:4–9.

Section: World economy and international relations

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The article is aimed at studying the impact of emerging financial markets on marketing programs in the international dimension only. Indicators influencing the economic component of emerging markets are analyzed, namely: the development of services sectors in urban areas of the countries considered (India and China); a gap in employment and income between organized and unorganized sectors in urban areas; the presence of urban slums. The study has resulted in systematizing the main indicators of infrastructure and comparative capacity in India and China, while emphasizing differences in the national cultures of the two countries. It is highlighted that the sustainability of differences in cultural value is especially relevant for large multinational companies, which are influenced by different national cultures in their daily routines. Factors influencing income inequality within the population are substantiated, and the importance of infrastructure in the state of growth is emphasized. It is noted that large differences in consumer incomes indicate the existence of several segments with very different levels of purchasing power; in turn, segments with different incomes allow some companies to create innovative opportunities. The areas of implementing marketing programs in the situation of emerging financial markets are outlined. It is noted that because all regions differ in requirements, tastes, habits, media, and preferences, price awareness is up to changes, and this can cause the development of marketing programs inside and outside the country. Research perspectives in this area, as we see them, can lie in designing an innovative marketing program, targeted at the Ukrainian consumer market and capable of forming a stable competitive advantage in the face of international competition.

Keywords: financial market, marketing program, international dimension, segment, income.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 13.

Balabukha Kateryna Ye. – Candidate of Sciences (Public Administration), Associate Professor, Department of National Economy, Marketing and International Economic Relations, Classic Private University (70B Zhukovskoho Str., Zaporіzhzhia, 69002, Ukraine)

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