
Role Played by Investment in Ensuring the Development of Ukrainian Rural Areas as Tourist Destinations
Dziurakh Y. M., Kulyniak I. Y.

Dziurakh, Yurii M., and Kulyniak, Ihor Ya. (2022) “Role Played by Investment in Ensuring the Development of Ukrainian Rural Areas as Tourist Destinations.” The Problems of Economy 1:26–32.

Section: Economics and national economy management

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Given the unsatisfactory state of rural areas development in Ukraine, tourism development becomes one of the promising ways to overcome the decline in rural areas, labor migration, and unemployment, and to increase employment among countrymen, as well as to restore and expand tourism infrastructure in rural areas, etc. However, to develop tourism in rural areas, investment should be increased by attracting new funds. The authors consider some theoretical and methodological aspects of the role played by investment to ensure that rural areas be developed as tourist destinations. The conceptual and terminological apparatus in the field of tourism has been improved, and the investment activity concept has been specified. Taking into account the fact that investment activity largely depends on both the way it is supposed to influence investment objects and on the intended goals of its implementation, the authors present a typology for investment activity forms depending on investment objects (innovation, capital construction, leasing, corporate investment), which can be implemented while ensuring the development of rural areas as tourist destinations. Based on the considered general characteristics of investment activity, its various features, available types and forms of implementation, the investment types helping to ensure the development of rural areas as tourist destinations have been classified according to the following features: income sources (and the corresponding form of ownership); investment objects; investment risk level; profitability level; level of social responsibility. Priority areas for attracting investment to develop tourism in rural areas are highlighted. Emphasis is placed on improving the tools used within the state regulation of investment activities, and the mechanism for attracting investment resources in order to develop rural tourism.

Keywords: investment activity, investing, tourism, rural territory, tourist destination, rural tourism.

Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 29.

Dziurakh Yurii M. – Associate Professor, Department of Administrative and Financial Management, National University «Lviv Polytechnic» (12 Stepana Bandery Str., Lvіv, 79013, Ukraine)
Kulyniak Ihor Ya. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management of Organizations, National University «Lviv Polytechnic» (12 Stepana Bandery Str., Lvіv, 79013, Ukraine)

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