
Analysis of Scientific and Methodological Approaches to and Concepts of Innovation Communities
Omelianenko O. M.

Omelianenko, Olena M. (2022) “Analysis of Scientific and Methodological Approaches to and Concepts of Innovation Communities.” The Problems of Economy 1:99–104.

Section: Economic theory

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Innovation is increasingly entering our lives, and its development rate is forcing innovation communities to appear and implement innovation faster. The article is aimed at studying the innovation communities concept, identifying their objectives and emphasizing the importance of their development. The scientific and methodological approaches to defining the essence of the innovation community have been analyzed. An innovation community is defined as a group of people united by a common goal to achieve their aims, and addressing pressing issues. The general features and components of innovation communities are considered, and the need for their creation is substantiated. It is determined that innovative communities help to solve problems by involving the opinion of the socially active population, thus making it possible to approach topical issues in more detail and make correct and agreed decisions. The principles of developing innovation communities are considered. Stages of developing innovation communities are defined as following: working groups, communities of practice, innovation communities. Emphasis is placed on the strengths and benefits of innovative communities (creating open communication; promoting learning; reducing risks when dealing with large or risky projects; increasing trust by taking into account every opinion, which, in turn, creates a comfortable atmosphere; creating open communication by organizing discussions and generating common and agreed ideas). An example of an innovation community is given, and the responsibilities of each participant are considered (trend scouts, technology scouts, competition scouts, content researchers, industry experts, clients, leading users, idea generators, analysts). A brief description of each participant and their tasks is given.

Keywords: innovation communities, communication, innovations, ideas generation.

Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 18.

Omelianenko Olena M. – PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Economics and Administration, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko (87 Romenska Str., Sumy, 40002, Ukraine)

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