
The Integrated Approach to the Formation of Efficient Spatial and Process Management of Economic Potential in the Conditions of Neotechnological Reproduction
Tytykalo V. S.

Tytykalo, Volodymyr S. (2022) “The Integrated Approach to the Formation of Efficient Spatial and Process Management of Economic Potential in the Conditions of Neotechnological Reproduction.” The Problems of Economy 2:117–123.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

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The article is aimed at developing an integrated approach to the formation of efficient spatial and process management of economic potential in the conditions of neotechnological reproduction. It is defined that the creation of conditions for the introduction of spatial and process management is of strategic importance and is associated with an increase in the role of innovatization of management as the main prerequisite for the evolvement of the economic potential of enterprise, upon which the degree of renewal and integration and, further on, the ability to saturate the integrity of the commercial and production process with new qualitative content depend; it is also found that the ability of the management system to activate internal capabilities and intensity of changes is determined by the ability of the elements to integration. The proposed integrated approach to the formation of efficient spatial and process management of economic potential in the conditions of neotechnological reproduction is based on ensuring the effectiveness of the spatial and process management of enterprise, components of the integrated approach to the formation of the capabilities of the economic potential of enterprise in the integration process, the scheme for developing a model of spatial and process management of the economic potential of enterprise, certain stages of its construction. The developed elements as a consistent whole allow, if necessary, to influence the external and internal spaces, select the necessary elements of economic potential and integrate them in order to optimize the use of resources, ensure the implementation of managerial innovations. The multilevel nature of the optimization processes of the enterprises’ activity in the actualization of the components of the potential and the specifics of the object of influence in accordance with the spatial structure require, depending on the overhanging number of key elements used to maintain its competitiveness.

Keywords: integrated approach, formation of efficient spatial and process management, economic potential, conditions of neotechnological reproduction, space, managerial innovation, development, strategizing.

Fig.: 4. Bibl.: 13.

Tytykalo Volodymyr S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Business Analytics and Digital Economy, National Aviation University (1 Lubomyra Husara Ave., Kyiv, 03058, Ukraine)

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