
Assessing the Financial Indicators of Activities of Territorial Communities of Ukraine
Stoiko O. Y., Shubenko I. A.

Stoiko, Oleh Yа., and Shubenko, Inna A. (2022) “Assessing the Financial Indicators of Activities of Territorial Communities of Ukraine.” The Problems of Economy 2:163–174.

Section: Finance and banking

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is aimed at monitoring the main financial indicators of the activities of territorial communities and determining the directions for restoring their financial potential. The article specifies a positive dynamics of increasing the total revenues of local budgets of Ukraine for 2015-2021, except for 2020, which received the smallest amount of interbudgetary transfers to local budgets over the past five years. The tendency to increase the share of own revenues of local budgets (general fund without transfers) in GDP and revenues of the consolidated budget of Ukraine during 2015-2021 is identified, which indicates, on the one hand, the increase in the revenue base of local budgets, and on the other hand, a decrease in the concentration of financial resources at the central level. It is determined that the share of expenditures of local budgets in GDP and in the consolidated budget of Ukraine during 2015-2021 decreased, which indicates the dominant role of the State budget expenditures that provide funding for the national needs of socioeconomic development of our country. The revenues and expenditures of the general and special funds of local budgets of Ukraine for 2021 are analyzed, the excess of revenues over local budget expenditures this year has provided a surplus of these budgets. The structure of local budgets of Ukraine by types of revenues and by tax revenues is researched in the plane of regional budgets and budgets of territorial communities for January-December 2021. The proportion of own revenues and the general fund of oblasts in the total amount of revenues of local budgets in the plane of regions of Ukraine for January-November 2021 is analyzed. The dynamics of local budget revenues per capita in terms of regions of Ukraine for January-November 2020-2021 is examined, which indicates an increase in the financial potential of all regions of Ukraine for the specified period. The expenditures of local budgets (general and special funds) according to the functional classification for January-December 2021 are analyzed. The proportion of expenditures on the maintenance of local self-government bodies in the expenditures of the general fund of local budgets of Ukraine for January-November 2021 is analyzed. The carried out analysis of financial indicators for January-November 2021 showed the existence of a significant differentiation in the resource provision of regions and the ability to provide the necessary public services to the citizens in the relevant territories. It is determined that the main task of the State policy at the local level in the postwar period is to facilitate the restoration of the financial potential of the territories affected by hostilities and to provide their citizens with an adequate level of public services. The basic principles of restoration and development of Ukraine on the basis of the conception of sustainable development, the European Green Deal and taking into account the key role in this process of local self-government are distinguished.

Keywords: local budgets, local budget revenues, local budget expenditures, interbudgetary transfers, financial indicators of hromadas.

Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 8. Bibl.: 12.

Stoiko Oleh Yа. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Credit, Polissia National University (7 Staryi Blvd, Zhytomyr, 10008, Ukraine)
Shubenko Inna A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Credit, Polissia National University (7 Staryi Blvd, Zhytomyr, 10008, Ukraine)

List of references in article

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