
The Essence of the Enterprise’s Economic Development
Goloborodko A. Y.

Goloborodko, Alona Yu. (2022) “The Essence of the Enterprise’s Economic Development.” The Problems of Economy 4:140–147.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

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The methodological basis for understanding the essence of the definition of «development» was the generalized results of research by various scientific schools in this direction. On the basis of the dialectical estimation of scientific research carried out by the author on the existing understanding of the essence of economic development and economic development of enterprise, it is proposed to group existing views in accordance with three approaches, namely: extensive-intensive transformation, the process system of dynamic transformations, cyclical evolutionary transformation. The carried out study of the essence and features of the economic development of enterprises allowed to identify the main components of this process as a system and build a conception of economic development of the enterprise. A detailed study of the essence and peculiarities of the interpretation of development of enterprise of different according to various scientific views made it possible to assert that the development of an enterprise is a multifaceted process, which is characterized by the following signs: the development of enterprise is a result of evolutionary transformations in society together with economic activity; the development of enterprise is determined by the need to adapt organizational-economic flow processes in accordance with structural changes in the economic system of all spheres of activity; the development of enterprise stimulates the qualitative transformation of the management system and the organization of economic activity; the development of enterprise involves the construction of a flexible, balanced and adapted to the market environment of the organizational-economic system of functioning in time and space; the level of development of enterprise depends on resources; it also depends on competences and relevance of existing potential in relation to the possibility of its implementation at the appropriate time and place; the development of enterprise is determined by the desire to increase efficiency and gain competitive advantages.

Keywords: development, economic development, enterprise, approaches, conception of economic development of the enterprise.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 36.

Goloborodko Alona Yu. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Economics, State University of Information and Communication Technology (7 Solomenska Str., Kyiv, 03110, Ukraine)

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