
The Enterprise Risk Management Systems Based on Foresight Innovation Technologies in Conditions of Socioeconomic Instability
Chobitok I. O.

Chobitok, Ihor O. (2022) “The Enterprise Risk Management Systems Based on Foresight Innovation Technologies in Conditions of Socioeconomic Instability.” The Problems of Economy 4:186–193.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The purpose of the article is to form a risk management system for enterprises based on foresight and innovative technologies in conditions of socioeconomic instability. The article stipulates that certain external and internal obstacles that occur on the territory of Ukraine have a negative impact on the development of the national economy, which causes an economic crisis. One of the main conditions for the economy to emerge from the long financial and economic crisis is, first of all, the solution of such a strategic problem as the efficiency of investing in the innovative projects. Its solution will allow industrial enterprises to quickly respond to external and internal changes that constantly arise, in particular, in accordance with the needs of the market to timely update the range of products, the park of technological devices. In turn, the fastest possible satisfaction of market needs will allow enterprises to achieve strategic goals that will eventually solve a number of important socioeconomic tasks of a national scale, namely: strengthening the competitiveness of the country's economy, creating additional jobs, etc. However, one of the significant obstacles in solving the problem of the efficiency of investments in innovative projects and the increase in the number of innovative enterprises is the increased riskiness in conditions of socioeconomic instability.

Keywords: economic crisis, efficiency of investment of innovative projects, industrial enterprises, foresight and innovative technologies, risks.

Fig.: 5. Bibl.: 10.

Chobitok Ihor O. – Assistant, Department of Economics and Management, Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy (16 Unіversytetska Str., Kharkіv, 61003, Ukraine)

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