
The Modernization of Innovation Infrastructure as an Institutional Prerequisite for the Structural Reconstruction of the Economy of the Regions of Ukraine in the Post-War Period
Vahovych I. M., Pohuliaiko Y. M.

Vahovych, Irina M., and Pohuliaiko, Yurii M. (2022) “The Modernization of Innovation Infrastructure as an Institutional Prerequisite for the Structural Reconstruction of the Economy of the Regions of Ukraine in the Post-War Period.” The Problems of Economy 4:94–101.

Section: Regional economy

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The article substantiates the expediency of modernization of innovation infrastructure as an institutional prerequisite for the structural reconstruction of the economy of the regions of Ukraine during the wartime with the projection of activation of innovative processes in the post-war period. It is further substantiated that the innovation infrastructure in Ukraine covers an overly narrowed specification of the elements of generation and commercialization of innovations, which makes accelerating the processes of innovative renewal of the material and technical base of the basic links of the national economy and regional economic complexes impossible. It is found that the main structural elements of the regional innovation infrastructure are the technological, commercial and supporting core, which, interacting, ensure the acceleration of the processes of production and commercialization of innovative developments and their implementation in the spheres of production and product circulation. It is identified that the creation of business incubators and start-up schools in the short term will eliminate the shortage of innovative ideas and developments, which in the post-war period will ensure their commercialization and implementation in the practice of innovative renewal of the economy of the regions of Ukraine. Studies have shown that the innovation infrastructure of Ukraine is not marked by a critically necessary level of efficiency of functioning due to the underdevelopment of the informational-analytical and expert-consulting component, which gives not a possibility to ensure effective propaganda of the best foreign and domestic practices of innovative and knowledge-intensive development of the structure-forming units of the national economy, in particular, the implementation of the first stages of digital transformation of processes of adoption of managerial decisions in the public administration sector. It is found that it is advisable to carry out programming of priority directions of modernization of regional innovation infrastructure during the wartime in order to form an algorithm for systematic renewal of the economy of the regions of Ukraine immediately after the end of the war to ensure an accelerated recovery of integral property complexes destroyed by enemy attacks and the formation of modern industrial, post-industrial and information growth poles.

Keywords: modernization, innovation infrastructure, post-war period, structural restructuring, commercialization, innovative potential.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 13.

Vahovych Irina M. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Rector, Lutsk National Technical University (75 Lvіvska Str., Lutsk, Volyn region, 43018, Ukraine)
Pohuliaiko Yurii M. – PhD, Head of the Department, Volyn Regional State Administration (9 Kyivskyi Maidan, Lutsk, 43027, Ukraine)

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