
Hlaciuc Elena

Ph.D., Professor (Accounting, Audit and Finance)

Place of work: Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava (Universitatea „Ștefan cel Mare” din Suceava) (Suceava, Romania), Head of Accounting, Audit and Finance Department

Academic achievements:
PhD (Accounting), (The Alexandru Ioan Cuza University – Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi, Romania, 1990);
Third prize diploma for specialized economic literature in the field of Accounting for the work "Basics of accounting", Didactic and Pedagogical Publishing House, the Association of Faculties of Economics in Romania, Bucharest (2006);
Teacher of the year 2007 distinction from the Association of Faculties of Economics in Romania (2007);
Diploma of excellence from the Association of Economics Faculties in Romania for special contributions to the evaluation of the works presented in the Accounting and Management Informatics section, as well as for supporting student scientific research through the excellent organization of the National Olympiad of Economics Students. ed. II, Alba lulia (2007);
Diploma of excellence with jubilee gold medal at the 40th anniversary of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Western University of Timisoara, as a sign of high appreciation for the contribution made to the development and modernization of higher economic education in Romania (2007);
The title of “Associate Scientific Researcher” awarded by the Institute of National Economy, Romanian Academy (2010).

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Some scientific publications:

  1. Somitca S., Somitca A., Hlaciuc E. Insight into the resilience of the Romanian economy. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues. 2023. Vol. 10. No. 3. P. 84–101.
    DOI: 10.9770/jesi.2023.10.3(7)
  2. Grosu V., Tiron-Tudor A., Socoliuc M., Ciubotariu M.-S., Hlaciuc E., Macovei A.-G., Tulvinschi M., Mihalciuc C.-C., Melega A. Financial sustainability of oil and gas companies – basis for building resilience strategies. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2023. Vol. 112023. Article 1205522.
    DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2023.1205522
  3. Grosu V., Socoliuc M., Ciubotariu M. S., Hlaciuc E., Tulvinschi M., Macovei A. G., Melega A. Designing the profile of industrial consumers of renewable energy in Romania under the impact of the overlapping crisis. Frontiers in Energy Research. 2022. Vol. 1014. Article 1016075.
    DOI: 10.3389/fenrg.2022.1016075
  4. Socoliuc M. I., Melega A., Hlaciuc E., Botez D. Identifying obstacles in the evaluation of companies based on the research cluster method. Economic Annals-XXI. 2022. Vol. 199. Iss. 9-10. P. 4–18.
    DOI: 10.21003/EA.V199-01
  5. Socoliuc M., Grosu V., Hlaciuc E., Stanciu S. Analysis of social responsibility and reporting methods of Romanian companies in the countries of the European Union. Sustainability (Switzerland). 2018. Vol. 10. Iss. 127. Article 4662.
    DOI: 10.3390/su10124662


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