
Hubarieva Iryna Olehivna

Date of birth: May 5,1974

D.Sc. (Economics), Prof.

Letter of gratitude by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2008).
Honorary mention by the Kharkiv City Council “For many years of diligent and fruitful work, high professionalism, significant contribution to the development of education and science of the city of Kharkov" (2017).
Honorary diploma of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine "For achievements in solving the most important scientific and scientific-technical problems, implementation of developments in the national economy and practice of socio-cultural construction, training and education of personnel, active participation in public life and diligent selfless work" (2018).

Place of work: Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (Ukraine, Kharkiv).
Head of Section of Energy Security and Energy Efficiency, Department of Industrial Policy and Energy Security

Research interests:
– formation of security of the national economy, directions of improvement of state regulation in Ukraine;
– reformation of the national economy and justification of economic policy;
– modernization of economic sectors and provision of energy security;
– modeling of the impact of destructive factors on the national economy.

Author of more than 150 scientific works, including 14 monographs; co-author of the Analytical Report of the President of Ukraine.
Co-author of a number of scientific and analytical notes addressed to the Presidential Administration of Ukraine, the Analytical Report of the President of Ukraine.

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The most significant scientific works:

  1. Губарєва І. О. Формування стратегічних орієнтирів забезпечення економічної безпеки національної економіки. Актуальні проблеми економіки. 2015. № 6 (168). С. 122–129. URL: (Scopus)
  2. Hubarieva I., Chmutova I., Maksimova M. Ukrainian economy unshadowing as a factor of state economic security management. Economic Annals-XXI. 2016. Vol. 159 (5–6). Р. 25–28. URL: (Scopus)
  3. Hubarieva I., Lebid O., Zuieva O. Determining the priority sources for attracting deposits in the formation of the financial potential of banks. Banks and Bank Systems. 2017. Vol. 12 (3). Р. 215–227. URL: (Scopus)
  4. Tyschenko V., Hubarieva I., Ostapenko V. Trends and Prospects for the Convergence of Public-private Partnerships` Financial Potential in Ukrainian Regions. British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade. 2017. Vol. 16 (1). Р. 1–9. URL: (Web of Science)
  5. Hubarieva I., Chmutova I., Gontar D. The cognitive modeling of the development of the Ukrainian banking system. Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice. 2017. Vol. 1 (22). Р. 246–253. URL: (Web of Science)
  6. Tyschenko V., Hubarieva I., Krasna A. Innovative development in Ukraine: state, trends and perspectives. Innovative development of the economy: global trends and national features : collective monograph. Lithuania : Publishing House «Baltija Publishing», 2018. Р. 128–142. ISBN 978-9934-571-76-3
  7. Кизим М. О., Іванов Ю. Б., Губарєва І. О. Оцінювання рівня економічної безпеки України та краї Європейського Союзу. Фінанси України. 2018. № 4. С. 7–18. URL:
  8. Губарєва І. О. Моніторинг реалізації державного регулювання економічної безпеки країни. Проблеми економіки. 2018. № 1 (35). С. 55–61. URL:

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