Economic statistics. Accounting and Auditing
Pilipenko A. A., Pilipenko D. R. Technology of Formation of Registration-analytical Maintenance of Management of Expenses in the System of Strategic Development of the Enterprise (p. 76 - 83)
The article provides theoretical researches and methodic recommendations as for creation a managerial costs system. The essence, contents and particularities of process of cost management is revealed. It is connected with stages of enterprise strategy development. Purposes, objects, subjects, methods, instruments, and functions of cost managerial system are determined. The system of costs and results activity monitoring is presented. The especially establishment of accounting and analytical support for cost management are justified. Article is written in Ukrainian Download article in pdf format -
Okhrimenko S. A., Pisarchuk O. V. Problems of the account of investment property (p. 179 - 182)
The article discusses the basic features of accounting methodological problems, and assessment of investment property and proposed directions for their solution. Proposals to improve the accounting of investment property and its methodological basis are presented. Article is written in Ukrainian Download article in pdf format -
Slyunina T. L., Hlushach Y. S. Internal Audit: Organization Questions On The Enterprises Of Ukraine (p. 183 - 186)
The organization questions of internal audit are studied on enterprises in the article. The aims, tasks and functions of internal audits are considered. The stages of internal audit department organization are offered on enterprises. Article is written in Russian Download article in pdf format -
Gogol T. A. Accounting and reporting in small businesses: managerial aspect (p. 338 - 344)
The article states that development of small businesses envisages formation and use of a wide spectrum of economic information for providing managerial structure with timely and quality information, which requires creation of a system of managerial accounting and reporting, which should not contradict to the principle of expenses – benefits relation, when expenses on introduction of such a system would exceed the effect obtained from its functioning. It adds that the main requirements of building the system of managerial accounting in a small business should be simplicity, accessibility and clearness. The author studies interconnection of the system of managerial accounting in small businesses with the system of book-keeping and reporting on the basis of a simplified mechanism of accounting of economic operations. The article proceeds that formation of a limited volume of information in the system of accounting and analytical provision does not give a possibility to carry out timely and quality control and analysis of financial and economic state of activity and negatively influences planning and forecasting activity of a company in general. The article marks main components for formation of a subsystem of managerial accounting and reporting, develops methods of formation of reporting in the system of managerial accounting in a small business and also analyses units of managerial information in accordance with requirements of users and develops an organisational scheme of formation of economic information about production, realisation and financial flows in the system of accounting and analytical provision of activity of a small business (using example of an industrial enterprise). Article is written in Ukrainian
Kuzenko T. B., Poltinina O. P. Formation of the system of ensuring financial security of entrepreneurs on the basis of controlling (p. 345 - 352)
The article substantiates expediency of introduction of controlling into the system of ensuring financial security of entrepreneurs. It identifies components of the system of ensuring financial security of entrepreneurs on the basis of controlling, namely: goals, tasks, functions, prerequisites of introduction, methods and subjects of ensuring financial security of entrepreneurs. It develops a methodical approach to identification of the use of tactical and strategic controlling in ensuring financial security of entrepreneurs, which allows performance of objective diagnostics of the level of financial security and identification of main threats to financial interests of entrepreneurs. It offers a structural and functional model of ensuring financial security of entrepreneurs on the basis of controlling, which generalises approaches to construction of the system of ensuring financial security of entrepreneurs on the basis of controlling and identifies stages of its construction. Article is written in Ukrainian
Synyugina N. V. The problem of ensuring efficiency of internal control in a budget institution and directions of its solution (p. 314 - 320)
The article analyses the problem of ensuring efficient and legitimate functioning of the system of state finance in Ukraine. It justifies a necessity of introduction of internal control into budget institutions, which conforms with the Concept of Development of State Internal Financial Control in Ukraine. It identifies tasks of internal control in budget institutions. It identifies general and special criteria of assessment of efficiency of internal control in budget institutions. It offers directions of ensuring efficiency of internal control in Ukraine. Its scientific novelty lies in identification of tasks of internal control in a budget institution and proposed directions of ensuring efficiency of internal control into budget institutions. Practical significance is in a possibility of application of the author’s conclusion in practical activity of managers of budget funds with the aim to organise efficient internal control. Article is written in Ukrainian
Ostapenko T. M. Information provision of costs controlling (p. 375 - 383)
The article studies various views on the controlling notion, its informational function and goal. Based on the approaches to understanding controlling that exist among scientists, the article presents the author’s understanding of it as a system that ensures co-ordination of information subsystems, transforms information into the one that is useful for making decisions, ensures information support of management; system, which focuses on optimal use of information as a resource. The article forms the author’s generalisation of the information function of controlling, its goals and tasks, containing orientation at information servicing of making and executing managerial decisions. The article presents classification of requirements (characteristics) of information of costs controlling. It provides the information base of expenditures accounting. It gives the author’s understanding of the goal of costs controlling; the goal of formation of controlling information about expenditures; and information about costs controlling. The article generalises elements of information provision of the enterprise costs controlling. Article is written in Ukrainian
Mardus N. Y., Brik S. V., Falchenko O. O. Peculiarities of Fixed Assets Accounting after January 1, 2015 (p. 252 - 257)
The aim of the article is to study the peculiarities of regulatory and legal support of fixed asset accounting, which involves the further harmonization of accounting with tax accounting, gradually approaching the international standards. To achieve the aim of the study the ways to improve the methods of calculating depreciation were identified; optimal ways of revaluation of fixed assets were determined; the basic directions of accounting fixed assets disposal were studied; ways to improve accounting repairs of fixed assets were suggested; proposals for the harmonization of fixed asset accounting in accordance with international standards were presented. It was noted that as a result of the new rules of tax accounting of fixed assets after January 1, 2015 enterprises with annual revenues of more than 20 million USD have to calculate differences on various operations with fixed assets (such as calculating depreciation, sale, revaluation and decrease (recovery) of the fixed assets utility. Article is written in Ukrainian
Derij V. A., Kaminska T. G. Accounting and Analysis of Capital investments to Ensure the Production Process Development (p. 258 - 266)
The article deals with problems of developing the accounting and analytical support of making capital investments as a basis for the development of industrial enterprises. The aim of the article is the generalization and development of organizational and methodological framework for accounting and analysis of capital investment to ensure the sustainable development of enterprises and the national economy as a whole. In the article the analysis of the current state of fixed assets of enterprises, the need of economic entities for making capital investments has been performed, their volumes and the accounting and analytical support have been determined. The accounting interpretation of the concept of “capital investment” by studying the genesis of scientific views on it has been defined. The features of accounting and analysis of capital investments at domestic enterprises have been studied. Based on the results of the conducted research there have been identified the key accounting and analytical approaches to making capital investments, which will contribute to the sustainable development of industrial enterprises and ensure their maximum efficiency. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kharlamova O. V. Non-IFRS Information in IFRS Financial Statements: the Scientific Discussion Field (p. 267 - 274)
The research object is the presentation and disclosure of non-IFRS information and alternative performance indicators of companies in IFRS financial statements. The aim is to justify actuality of the scientific research of presentation and disclosure of non-IFRS information in financial statements, to create a scientific discussion field and formulate research tasks aimed at solving actual scientific and practical task of developing methodological approaches to the presentation and disclosure of non-IFRS financial information in the IFRS financial statements. Actuality of the scientific research regarding the presentation and disclosure of non-IFRS information and alternative performance indicators of companies in IFRS financial statements has been grounded. The definition of non-IFRS information has been given and its main types have been highlighted. The most common examples of non-IFRS information submitted and disclosed in the financial statements have been systematized. The criteria for the information that allow not to refer it to non-IFRS information have been defined. There have been generalized the results of analytical studies of the financial reporting quality and the role of non-IFRS information in it. The key criteria that must be in the basis of a common methodological approach regarding the presentation and disclosure of non-IFRS financial information in IFRS financial statements have been formulated. The circle of the discussion aspects concerning the presentation and disclosure of non-IFRS financial information in IFRS financial statements has been outlined and the author’s vision of their solving has been described. The further scientific discussions on the presentation and disclosure of non-IFRS financial information in IFRS financial statements have been initiated. Article is written in Ukrainian
Veriga A. V. Depository Accounting of Securities in the Ukrainian Stock Market Regulation System (p. 258 - 263)
The aim of the article is to study the procedures, technologies, prudential regulation of depository accounting of securities in the system of the Ukrainian stock market infrastructure and identify directions of its improvement. The article analyzes the dynamics of the number of licenses issued by types of professional activity in the stock market. The necessity for further improvement of mechanisms of the updated system of depository accounting of securities in Ukraine has been proved. There have been developed the following recommendations: to improve the unified rules of accounting and regulation support of the system of risk management of depository activity; develop tools for prudential regulation of depository activity and strengthen the control over fulfillment of prudential standards by the Central Depository and depository institutions; create the necessary conditions for the practical implementation of legal norms concerning establishment of clearing institutions and increase in the level of competition between depositaries; expand the correspondent relations of the Central Depository in relation to the establishment of international depositary relations for the liberalization of the international movement of securities; use segregated accounts providing the possibility of storage of client funds separately from the funds of the transfer bank to protect the capital of the issuer and investor from risks of any force majeure situations; mediate the movement of funds at implementing dividend payments through participants of the accounting system: issuer-the Central Depository-depository institution-depositor. Article is written in Russian
Marenych T. H. A Justified Initial Accounting Estimate as an Integral Part of the Enterprise Accounting Policy (p. 179 - 183)
The aim of the article is justification of the need to specify in the order on accounting policies not only the elements of the accounting policy itself but also the initial accounting estimates, which will increase the reliability of financial reporting and the development of proposals on improvement of the given administrative documents of the enterprise. It is noted that in recent years the importance of a high-quality accounting policy has increased significantly not only for users of financial reports but also for achieving the purposes of determining the object of levying the profits tax. There revealed significant differences at reflecting in accounting the consequences of changes in the accounting policy and accounting estimate. There has been generalized the information in the order on the enterprise accounting policy with respect to accounting estimates. It is proposed to provide a separate section in the order, where there should be presented information about the list of accounting estimates taken, about how the company will make changes in the accounting policy, accounting estimate as well as correct errors. Article is written in Ukrainian
Mardus N. Y., Brik S. V. Features of the Organization of Accounting and Tax Accounting and Auditing at Warranty Repairs (p. 281 - 286)
The aim of the article is to study features of the normative and legal support of accounting and tax accounting at providing operations with warranty repairs comprising the secured in legislation right of consumers to obtain from the companies-producers (sellers) products (goods and services) of proper quality and cases of occurrence of warranty obligations to customers. To achieve the goal, the following tasks have been solved: the regulatory framework for the organization of warranty service (repair) from the point of view of the company-seller and reflection of operations associated with warranty repairs in accounting and tax accounting was studied. The article describes the features of the organization of accounting and tax accounting at warranty repairs based on the legislative and normative documents regulating relations that arise in the organization and implementation of economic activity between business entities and between the entities and other participants of relations in the sphere of economic activity. Article is written in Ukrainian
Khorunzhak N. M., Lukanovska I. R. Problems and Features of Legal Regulation of Public Institutions’ Activity and their Influence on Formation and Implementation of Accounting Tasks (p. 287 - 292)
The article is devoted to an actual problem of studying the features of public institutions’ activity that influence accounting tasks. On the basis of analysis of works by domestic scientists the article identifies features of public institutions as non-profit organizations engaged in financial and economic activity and presents a scheme of the formation and implementation by such institutions of new accounting tasks adapted to modern conditions. The estimation of the current and project legislation on the organization and record-keeping of public institutions’ activity has been performed. The accounting tasks in the context of bringing them into conformity with the needs of improving budget funds management have been defined. Prospects for further research in this direction are associated with providing a less painful reform of the public sector on the basis of development and improvement of the legislation, including that relating to clarification of concepts and categories. In addition, under conditions of the deficiency of financial support of public institutions’ activity there actualized issues of developing proposals aimed at improving the mechanisms for optimization of the use of financial resources and regulation of the budget process. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kirey O. S., Mykhalska O. L., Travinska S. I., Kuzminska A. Y. Actualization of Payments for Foreign Economic Operations in the Context of Eurointegration (p. 380 - 387)
The legislative and regulatory framework of currency regulation and the main vectors for effecting settlements on currency transactions at the stage of Ukraine’s integration into the EU are examined. The state bodies of regulation of foreign economic activity in Ukraine and their main powers for ensuring the effectiveness of the activities of economic entities are considered. The main ways of increasing the potential of foreign economic activity regarding currency regulation in Ukraine with the purpose of creating favorable conditions for the protection of subjects of foreign economic activity are defined. The expediency of liberalization in the system of currency regulation and control is justified. It is pointed out that the documentary provision of currency settlements is inadequate. The order of application of penal sanctions for infringement of the currency legislation is defined. Article is written in Ukrainian
Prokopenko Z. V. The Normative Legal Regulation of Accounting Activities of Non-Bank Financial Institutions in Ensuring the Strategic Development of the Financial System of Ukraine (p. 388 - 397)
The aim of the article is to study the normative legal regulation of accounting activities of non-bank financial institutions to ensure the strategic development of the financial system of Ukraine. There actualized the issue of examining the system of normative legal regulation in terms of: first, regulation of the market for non-bank financial services and their activities as an object of accounting; second, regulation of accounting and reporting as the basis of the impact on its organization, methodology; third, formation of requirements to the management of the institution concerning the qualification requirements to the chief accountant as a subject of organization and carrying out the accounting activities. In the course of the research, there developed a model for influencing the transformation of the organization and methodology of accounting, which will be implemented by establishing new requirements to its methods and objects as a result of changes in the normative legal acts and their impact on the systems of economic analysis and audit as components of corporate management of non-bank financial institutions. The proposed model determines the impact of the provisions of the integrated program for the development of the financial sector of Ukraine until 2020 in accounting in terms of methodology, specificity and composition of its objects. As a result of studying the set of documents that define the strategic provisions for the development of the market for non-bank financial services, there identified directions for the formation of new and transformation of the existing provisions of the normative legal regulation of the accounting system through its elements (methods, objects, subjects), study of its functions and justification of the significance in risk management. We believe that these provisions should be implemented by means of the development of organizational and methodological regulations for the accounting of non-bank financial institutions and the development of proposals for their consolidation in normative legal acts. Article is written in Ukrainian
Sokol O. H. Conceptual Foundations of Transforming the Traditional Accounting System into Sustainability Accounting (p. 398 - 403)
Under modern conditions the significance of social and environmental security is manifested in costs of restoring and protecting the environment, ensuring social security at a decent level and requires reflecting these issues in accounting. The aim of the article is to identify and analyze the ways of transition from traditional accounting to sustainability accounting. In the article the following research methods are used: observation, comparison, the empirical method, the monographic method, induction and deduction, generalization. There analyzed differences in the coverage of all components of traditional accounting and sustainability accounting in terms of three dimensions: time, place and type of information generation. The ways of transition from the traditional system of accounting to sustainability accounting that require adjustment and expansion of the existing accounting system are substantiated. There suggested definitions of the main components of the accounting transformation, which are possible due to the introduction of internal and external sustainability accounting. A prospect for future research is formation of a general concept-methodology of sustainability accounting. Article is written in Ukrainian
Nazarenko I. M. The Explication and Clarification of the Interpretation of the Concepts “Audit” and “Financial Audit” (p. 304 - 309)
The aim of the scientific article is explication, clarification of the interpretation of the concepts “audit” and “financial audit” taking into account their functional significance. Based on analyzing fundamental scientific achievements, legislative and normative documents, it is justified that the identification of the concepts “audit” and “financial audit” is inexpedient, since the latter by means of a transformation expands the functional hypostasis of the audit. It is proved that one of the topical issues of the scientific controversy on the problem is the practical application of financial audit as an active instrument of financial management, which will provide the management component of the business environment with the necessary information support that would correspond to the basic and strengthening criteria for qualitative characteristics of the information usefulness. It is substantiated that the financial audit is characterized by interdisciplinarity, which is advisable to be considered as interaction of the planes of audit and economic diagnostics. It is stated that the interdisciplinarity forms a set of features of financial audit. Article is written in Ukrainian
Korepanov O. S., Stepanov O. M. Statistical Analysis of the labor Market in Ukraine Using Multidimensional Classification Methods: the Regional Aspect (p. 384 - 392)
The aim of the article is to study the labor market in Ukraine in the regional context using cluster analysis methods. The current state of the labor market in regions of Ukraine is analyzed, and a system of statistical indicators that influence the state and development of this market is formed. The expediency of using cluster analysis for grouping regions according to the level of development of the labor market is substantiated. The essence of cluster analysis is revealed, its main goal, key tasks, which can be solved by means of such analysis, are presented, basic stages of the analysis are considered. The main methods of clustering are described and, based on the results of the simulation, the advantages and disadvantages of each method are justified. In the work the clustering of regions of Ukraine by the level of labor market development using different methods of cluster analysis is carried out, conclusions on the results of the calculations performed are presented, and the main directions for further research are outlined. Article is written in Ukrainian
Liakhovych H. І. Analysis of the Expediency of Switching to Accounting Outsourcing (p. 392 - 397)
The aim of the article is to justify the methodology for analysis of the expediency of switching to accounting outsourcing. Based on considering scientific papers, approaches to analyzing the expediency of switching to accounting outsourcing are generalized; special attention is paid to analyzing transaction costs of accounting outsourcing, which under current conditions are one of the defining quantitative criteria for choosing this form of organization of accounting. The choice of the type of accounting outsourcing (full or partial) for various groups of enterprises (micro-enterprises, small and medium-sized, large ones) is justified. There determined the sequence of analyzing the expediency of switching to accounting outsourcing that implies identification of the areas of accounting for transferring; selection of an outsourcer; assessment of risks associated with reliability of the outsourcer. Prospects for further research are the issue of analyzing the effectiveness of outsourcing as a form of organization of accounting. Article is written in Ukrainian
Sierova I. A. International Comparisons: Issues of Methodology and Practice (p. 398 - 404)
The article discusses the methodology and organization of statistical observation of the level of countries’ economic development. The theoretical basis of international comparisons is singled out and on its basis the comparative evaluation of inconsistency of theoretical positions and the reasons of differences of GDP growth is carried out. Based on the complexity of the formation of homogeneous data sets in order to obtain correct comparison results, a general scheme for the relationship between the theoretical base of international comparisons and PPP constraints is defined. The possibility of obtaining a single measurement of the indicators of national economies based on the existing sampling errors, measurement uncertainties and classification errors is considered. The emphasis is placed on combining the work using the ICP and CPI with the aim of achieving comparability of data in the territorial and temporal cross-section. Using the basic characteristics of sustainable economic growth, long-term prospects for changing the ranking positions of countries with different levels of income are determined. It is shown that the clarity and unambiguity of the theoretical provisions is the defining condition for the further process of data collection and formation of correct analytical conclusions. Article is written in English
Hevchuk A. V. Features of the Genesis of the Concept of Doubtful and Bad Debts, Organization of their Accounting and Assessment, Creation of a Reserve (p. 321 - 326)
The problem of defining the concept and content of doubtful and bad debts as well as the possibility of improving their accounting and creating a reserve is considered. Further steps to disclose the essence of the concept, qualitative characteristics of doubtful and bad debts under modern economic conditions, to ensure identification and cognition of accounting processes are taken; the debt in value terms is considered; reasons for its depreciation over time are identified, providing for the recording of transactions in accordance with their essence and not only on the basis of legal form. Methods of calculating, accumulating funds to create a reserve for the repayment of doubtful and bad debts and organization of their accounting are scientifically studied; recommendations on improving the accounting of the debt reserve when using various ways of its reflection in the balance sheet, accrual by journal entries and writing off by means of the documents “Debt adjustment” are given. Characteristics of methods for calculating doubtful debts are presented, examples of the mechanism for calculating the amount of the reserve are considered. The conclusions drawn are that the choice of the method strongly influences the final indicators, because using any method of calculating the reserve we receive different amounts of it, which changes the situation for the worse. In the course of the study, differences in approaches to the valuation, writing off and formation of a debt reserve are revealed as well. Article is written in Ukrainian
Orlova V. K., Kafka S. M. Accounting in the Context of the Implementation of Production Sharing Agreements (p. 327 - 332)
The aim of the article is to study the problems of accounting in the context of the implementation of production sharing agreements (PSAs) concerning development of proposals for their solution. Therefore, the main tasks considered are the assessment of the legal framework for regulation of accounting in the context of the implementation of production sharing agreements in accordance with the current legislation, a critical analysis of the unsettled provisions of the current legislation acts for the practical need, to generate information on specific accounting objects for management purposes. The ways of their solving based on the methodology for the accounting of PSAs are suggested. The methodology and scientific approaches of the research imply general scientific and specific research methods associated with complex processes of the functioning of the system for managing business entities in languages of the PSA implementation. There proposed a scheme for accounting in the context of the PSA implementation, which allows introducing in the accounting system objects that are new and characteristic only for the PSA. The practical significance is that the obtained results make it possible to separate compensation costs, single social contribution, which is necessary for determining the object of taxation in the context of PSA; to generate information on compensation costs, which is necessary when dividing the products into compensatory and profitable ones, which allows to reflect in the accounting the division of finished products into compensatory, profitable for the investor and profitable for the state. The originality and value of the authors’ development contributes to the formation of reliable information about management objects in the PSA between enterprises and the state, with clear allocation of compensation costs, compensatory products, profitable products for the state and profitable products for the investor in separate accounts. Article is written in Ukrainian
Korepanov O. S. Statistical Classification of Products in the Sector of Information and Communication Technologies (p. 375 - 381)
The aim of the article is to study the principles of interaction of classifications and groupings in the process of statistical estimation of products of the sector of information and communication technologies. The main statistical classifications of products that function at the present stage at the international (world), multinational (European), and national levels are considered. The general principles on which the determination of ICT products is based are laid out. Changes in the determination and classifications of statistical information related to products of the ICT sector issued by WPIIS and harmonized with European and national classifications with the passage of time are analyzed. There given an example of statistical determination of ICT products according to the classification under the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) – HS 1996, HS 2002, HS 2007, HS 2012, HS 2017 and harmonization with the Central Product Classification – CPC Rev.2 and the Ukrainian Classification of Goods for Foreign Economic Activity – UCGFEA. The determination of the list of products in the ICT sector is realized as a result of generalization of the work carried out by international organizations (OECD, Eurostat, and UN) as well as unification of concepts and harmonization of methodologies at the international level. Article is written in Ukrainian
Shyshkova N. L. The Use of Blockchain in Transforming the System of Public Financial Control (p. 382 - 388)
The transformation of the system of public financial control should occur through applying the latest IT technologies and innovative practices of monitoring and analysis. The existing problems of the system of public control and management should be an impetus for the transformation, the use of the most advanced technological achievements. The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of applying distributed ledger technology (blockchain), the stages and sequence of performing the tasks of its implementation as the basis for effective, transparent, reliable public control. There determined the content of the stages and the sequence of actions to transform the architecture of public financial control on the basis of new technological capabilities that give an impetus to the initialization of regulatory and legal support for using blockchain technology in Ukraine. There proposed a general algorithm for implementing blockchain technology in the system of public financial control, which realization is aimed at clarifying and synchronizing the processes of improving the system of public financial control, IT support for the control system, increasing the safety and transparency of control actions, monitoring and interaction of individual control bodies and tasks. It is proved that the only significant restriction in the implementation of blockchain may be the rules regarding disclosure of personal data and information constituting a commercial secret. Article is written in Ukrainian
Tsal-Tsalko Y. S., Moroz Y. Y. Information Support for Managing Territorial Communities: the Aspects of Statistics and Financial Reporting (p. 389 - 395)
The state of information support for managing territorial communities as an important resource to obtain the maximum economic, social and ecological effect is investigated. It is established that the use of information resources of statistics and financial reporting by business entities in managing a territorial community is additional opportunities for creating added value in the community, implementing measures for increasing corporate social responsibility and improving the environment. The possibilities of using regional statistics at the level of territorial communities as a new direction in forming information resources to assess social and economic processes are highlighted. The main problem aspects of statistics and financial reporting in the system of territorial accounting as the basis of information resources of a community are determined. The range of issues requiring solutions to ensure information support for managing territorial communities is outlined, in particular those concerning the preparation of statistical reporting and formation of indicators of community development based on the financial reporting of economic entities. It is noted that the development of a territorial community is subject to statistical and financial reporting, and information resources for its assessment can be obtained through reporting indicators of activities of formalized structural elements, such as government, business, social institutions, public organizations, and political parties. Organizational models to form an information base for managing the development of territorial communities are proposed. It is argued that statistics at the level of territorial communities should be an integral part of statistical observations carried out by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Article is written in Ukrainian
Yakymova L. P., Matskuliak K. I. Analytical Support for Managing Settlements with Counterparties in the Context of Ensuring Enterprise Solvency (p. 396 - 402)
The specific features of the formation of analytical support for managing settlements with counterparties, which includes the diagnostic and optimization levels and is aimed at ensuring enterprise solvency, are disclosed, the method that provides support for management decisions being a system of descriptive, normative and optimization models. The diagnostic level of analytical support contains templates to implement standard procedures for analyzing indicators that characterize the process of managing receivables and payables as well as to form diagnostic conclusions and recommended operational management decisions. The verification of the diagnostic block was carried out according to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. The basis of the optimization level is the economic and mathematical model for optimization of the structure of settlements with counterparties in the context of ensuring enterprise solvency. In the model, solvency is ensured by maximizing the current liquidity ratio and keeping the ratios of quick and absolute liquidity within optimal limits, the remaining constraints are normative models of the diagnostic level. There suggested directions for expanding the basic optimization model as well as the ways to eliminate the incompatibility of the constraint system, which took place when validating analytical support in an enterprise of the processing industry. Article is written in Ukrainian
Dolbneva D. V. Directions of the Development and Ways for the Improvement of Government Auditing of Budget Programs in the Context of Economic Transformations of Ukraine (p. 226 - 231)
The aim of the article is to analyze foreign experience in conducting performance audit and justify the possibility of its adaptation to the domestic practice of government auditing of budget programs, as well as to determine strategic development vectors and ways to reform government auditing of budget programs in Ukraine in the context of economic transformations. In the course of the research, there considered the essence of government financial audit and one of its forms — government auditing of budget programs (“performance audit”). It is found that the economic essence of government auditing of budget programs is manifested in the need to introduce adequate methods to monitor the undertaking of budget expenditures in the form of a budget program. It is substantiated that the establishment of government auditing of budget programs is associated with certain trends, but the presence in Ukraine of a number of problems and unresolved issues regarding its comprehensive conduct determine the need and special relevance of studying and applying foreign experience in this area of financial and budgetary relations. Taking into account the foreign experience in this field as well as the fact that the current model of conducting government audits of budget programs in Ukraine today is characterized by a number of problematic issues, there proposed strategic vectors for the development of both government financial auditing in general and government auditing of budget programs in particular. They will contribute to ensuring an effective and rational use of public finance in the process of implementing budget programs, which are crucial for the economic development of Ukraine and welfare of its citizens. Prospects for further research are to identify ways for improving the effectiveness of government auditing of budget programs by government financial control authorities. Article is written in Ukrainian
Lazebnyk I. O. Big Data Analytics in Healthcare (p. 232 - 239)
Particular attention is paid to identifying possibilities for analyzing big data by healthcare organizations as well as to studying potential benefits that can be received due to the modern understanding of big data analytics and the ways for innovative transformation of organizations in terms of management information. It is substantiated that the use of big data analytics in the field of healthcare is one of the promising areas for the implementation of innovative approaches in the social sphere. For this purpose, various components of big data analytics are considered, in particular, descriptive and predictive analytics. Several approaches to identifying possibilities of introducing big data analytics are analyzed. The main sources of big data and possible directions of their use in the healthcare system are identified. The main obstacles that hinder widespread introduction of big data are highlighted. The ways to improve the efficiency of analytical and predictive capabilities of big data are outlined. Article is written in Ukrainian
Akimova N. S., Aswaye Azaden Methodological Approaches to Transformation of Financial Statements under IFRS (p. 286 - 293)
The aim of the study is to identify the current trends in and main ways of harmonizing financial reporting in Ukraine in accordance with international standards. In the article, approaches to the definition of financial accounting and financial reporting prevailing in the domestic and English-language accounting literature are analyzed; improved definitions of financial accounting and financial reporting are proposed. There carried out a comparative analysis of the methods for drafting financial statements under IFRS in order to identify the most optimal one to prepare reporting under IFRS and work out recommendations for further development of the methodology implemented in the framework of the application of this method. The rationale for the expediency of applying the method of translating data from local accounts to IFRS accounts to prepare financial statements under IFRS is formulated and presented. The method involves dividing the concept of translation into direct (transferring data from local accounts to IFRS accounts in full), and partial (transferring individual data from local accounts to IFRS accounts), which allows maintaining a high degree of specification of financial indicators under IFRS and ensures the accuracy and efficiency of their formation, makes it possible to build an effective system of management accounting. The use of the method of translation for the purpose of the formation of financial statements under IFRS allows to a certain extent avoiding drawbacks of such methods of preparing financial statements under IFRS as parallel accounting and the method of transformation. At its core, the application of the translation method is an organization of quasi-parallel accounting, in which accounting data, if they meet IFRS requirements, are transferred to IFRS accounts without subsequent transformations. The proposed methodology for the preparation of financial statements under IFRS allows a company to collect and compile information for preparing reports in international format with the lowest input of labor and financial resources, which fundamentally affects efficiency of management decisions. Article is written in Ukrainian
Akimova N. S., Toporkova O. V., Naumova T. A. Improving the Management Accounting System of a Trade Organization in a Competitive Environment (p. 294 - 300)
The aim of the article is to substantiate the need for management accounting and the key principles of building its system in trade enterprises in order to further improve the efficiency of their economic activities. It is noted that under modern conditions management accounting of trade organizations through its functions acts as the information basis for managing their activities. The main goal of the introduction and use of a modern management accounting system in an enterprise has been defined, namely, the adequate and timely provision of all management levels with planned, factual, and forecast information necessary for making sound management decisions based on prompt and detailed collection, systematization, and analysis of information. To build a comprehensive but not excessive management accounting system in trade enterprises, the stages of its formation are proposed, namely: forming accounting policies for management accounting; specifying responsibility centers; compiling a list of reports and their specification; determining break-even point; planning revenue. To solve the problems of the establishment and use of a management accounting system, it is proposed to adhere to certain principles and approaches in its development, implementation, and application. The key elements that determine the overall management accounting information system — responsibility centers, business processes, regulations, results, and performance indicators — are highlighted. The comprehensive approach proposed will allow to effectively solve the problems that arose due to the lack of uniform methodological approaches and sufficient practice of management accounting in trade enterprises. Article is written in Ukrainian
Zamula I. V., Syroid N. P. Methods of Internal Control over Operations with GMOs and Ecological Costs of Production (p. 301 - 308)
The aim of the article is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological provisions for improving the methods of internal control over operations with GMOs and ecological costs of production. Based on the study, there developed a systems approach to internal control over GMO operations and ecological costs of production. The method of internal control over operations with GMOs and ecological costs of production is proposed to be considered in the context of the main stages: organizational and preparatory, methodological one, generalization of the results, inspection, which allows to identify relationships among the components of the internal control system. As part of the organizational and preparatory and methodological stages there elaborated a plan and program for internal control over operations with GMOs and ecological costs of production, which contain a list of tasks in a certain sequence of their implementation, and a set of control procedures, through which controllers obtain sufficient and reliable evidence in accordance with goal of the control. The proposed methodological approach to internal control over operations with GMOs and ecological costs of production allows ensuring the accuracy and completeness of control over economic operations with GMOs and ecological costs of production to identify the potential number of violations and prevent their recurrence in the future. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kryvytska O. R. Responsibility Centers in the System of Management Accounting of Life Insurance Companies (p. 309 - 316)
The aim of the article is to determine the specifics and tasks of responsibility centers in the system of management accounting of life insurance companies. Based on studying modern research works, which comprehensively reveal the problems of appointment and organization of management accounting in activities of business entities, it is found that most of them relate to enterprises of various forms, types, and a rather insignificant number of works consider its specific characteristics, peculiarities in activities of insurance companies in general and life insurance companies in particular. The article defines the main tasks and criteria for assessing performance of centers of income, expenditure, investment, and profit, taking into account peculiarities of the main activities of life insurance companies. The key aspects in organizing activities of each of the mentioned centers are presented. The attention is paid to the necessity of introducing computer technologies in activities of the centers of responsibility, which will increase efficiency of processing a large array of information contained in various archives of an insurance company. Article is written in Ukrainian
Lazebnyk I. O. Adaptation of the International Classification of Status in Employment to National Conditions (p. 317 - 324)
The actual issues of substantiating the theoretical and methodological principles of adaptation of the International Classifications of Status in Employment and at Work to the national conditions of Ukraine are considered. The modern definitions of such concepts as “work”, “employment”, and “job” are disclosed based on the Resolution of the 20th International Conference of Labor Statisticians (2018). The main criteria used to classify the population by status in employment are considered. There revealed peculiarities of the formation and the essence of the main categories of the International Classification of Status in Employment ІCSE-18 in each of two alternative hierarchies (the International Classification of Status in Employment according to type of authority (ІCSE-18-A) and the International Classification of Status in Employment according to type of economic risk (ІCSE-18-R)) and the International Classification of Status at Work (ІCSaW-18). The necessity of applying these classifications in Ukraine is substantiated, and their adaptation to national conditions is implemented. The main sources that are appropriate to use as a basis for employment statistics are identified. Article is written in Ukrainian
Svirko S. V., Kovalchuk V. V. Identification of Objects of Accounting in Carrying out Operations under Concession Agreements (p. 325 - 329)
Under modern conditions that require improving qualitative characteristics of information resources generated by an accounting system, the identification of objects and their properties, which is the basis for their further evaluation and reflection in the accounts, is gaining importance. In the course of the study it is found that accounting of operations under a concession agreement has industry specifics. There defined the structure of an accounting system, which is represented by objects that make up and ensure economic activities: business processes; resources received by the concessionaire, owned or acquired by the concessionaire to ensure compliance with the terms of the contract. The features that are taken into account when forming the structure of the accounting objects are determined. The structure and characteristics of the system of objects of accounting in carrying out operations under concession agreements are defined. In particular, the following groups of objects are singed out: non-current assets, current assets, work in progress, construction in progress. In the course of the study it is found that the organization of accounting operations under concession agreements is extremely complex and important at all stages of the formation and implementation of a public-private partnership project in the form of a concession. Article is written in Ukrainian
Semenets A. O. A Comparative Historical Analysis of the Development of the Institution of Internal Audit (p. 330 - 337)
The aim of the article is to conduct a comparative historical analysis of the development of the institution of internal audit and determine the prerequisites for the formation of a new phase of its development in the context of European integration. The paper proves that the active development of internal audit in the world began in 1941 with the publication of the first book on internal audit and the creation of the Institute of Internal Auditors. To determine the impact of the Institute of Internal Auditors on the development of internal audit, the work analyzes the main events that became a prerequisite for its formation and the further popularization of the internal audit profession on the world stage. It is proven that the establishment and evolution of the Institute of Internal Auditors had a significant impact on the development of the methodology and organization of internal audit throughout the world, and the standards of internal audit developed by the Institute provide comprehensive guidance for the professional activities of internal auditors through adherence to the principles which are the basis for conducting audits and promoting the internal audit profession. For further study of the history of the development of internal audit and the determination of the prerequisites for the formation of a new phase of its development, the article examines the approaches to phasing the history of internal audit covered in the scientific literature. It is proposed to single out a new phase of the global development of the institution of internal audit — the phase of global outspread and informatization of internal audit. The chronology of the phases of the development of the institution of internal audit in Ukraine is proposed to be supplemented with the phase of internationalization and harmonization, which takes into account the influence of European integration processes. Article is written in Ukrainian
Tsal-Tsalko Y. S., Moroz Y. Y. Accounting and Statistical Aspects in Assessing Cost of Quality of Employment in an Enterprise (p. 338 - 343)
The concept of employment in an enterprise as an important resource for ensuring its economic activity is investigated. It is established that quality of employment in an enterprise is affected by the ratio of the professional abilities of its employees and the process requirements of its economic activity for workforce. The possibilities of information resources of accounts, financial and statistical reporting for quantitative economic assessment of quality of employment in an enterprise are highlighted. The system of parameters for calculating indicators of quality of employment in an enterprise is determined. The parameters for assessing quality of employment in an enterprise are justified, and algorithms for calculating them are developed. The main problem aspects of the state of quality of employment in enterprises of Ukraine by regions are identified. It is argued that accounting information and data presented in financial and statistical reporting should be an integral part of the system for managing quality of employment in an enterprise. The need to develop regulatory levels of parameters characterizing quality of employment in an enterprise is noted. Article is written in Ukrainian
Burlan S. A., Katkova N. V. Accounting and Analytical Support for Economic Security in Today’s Business Environment (p. 184 - 190)
The aim of the study is to determine the essence and role of accounting and analytical support for enterprise economic security in a modern globalized and informationalized market. The article considers the main groups of approaches to the definition of the essence of economic security and justifies an integrated approach to determining its components. The authors analyze the existing points of view regarding the definition of the content of accounting and analytical support. As a result, the authors’ vision of the categorization, composition and functions of accounting and analytical support for economic security of enterprises is formulated. Thus, accounting and analytical support for economic security of an enterprise under modern conditions is defined as an information system which covers operational, financial, statistical, and personnel accounting, information carriers, communication channels, methods of processing and can create preconditions for timely taking measures to combat the negative impact of threats to economic security of an enterprise. The functions of accounting and analytical support in the system of economic security of an enterprise include: providing management personnel with the necessary information on the state and main trends in the development of the enterprise and changes in market conditions; creating prerequisites for efficient functioning of the control system at the enterprise; ensuring the reliability of data on all business processes in the enterprise; forming an analytical basis to calculate the impact of internal and external threats, quantitative determination of economic security factors; planning and forecasting the development of the enterprise and level of its economic security; forming own analytical markers of the emergence, activation or strengthening of the impact of economic security threats to the enterprise; transmitting such signals to management personnel. It is noted that the organization of the accounting and analytical process includes three main stages: monitoring, comprehension, planning. It is substantiated that it is accounting data and indicators of financial statements that are the fundamental basis for making major decisions on combating threats to economic security. The main effective ways for organizing the formation of accounting and analytical support for economic security of an enterprise are identified. Article is written in English
Kryvytska O. R. The System to Control Performance of Life Insurance Companies as an Information Resource (p. 191 - 198)
The article studies the organization of control over life insurance companies in two directions: issuance of work permits for insurance companies (organizational (preliminary) control) and current supervision over its implementation (financial control). The purpose and form of organizational control is defined. It is established that the results of organizational control can be considered the first preventive measure that protects potential policyholders from the risk of entering into an agreement with a fictitious insurance company. Attention is focused on the advantages and disadvantages of the current register of financial institutions kept by the National Commission which carries out state regulation in the sphere of financial services markets. It is proposed to clarify the form of displaying information on the registration of financial institutions in terms of its unification by individual subjects of the financial services market, in particular, the compilation of a register of life insurance companies. The importance of monitoring the financial condition of a life insurance company is noted, and the role of early warning tests for its implementation is determined. Given the complexity of the process of assessing the financial condition of the insurer through early warning tests, it is proposed to place information about the results of the assessment in an understandable and easily accessible form on the company’s official website. It is recommended that the insurer supplement the list of mandatory reporting with information on the assessment of the financial condition based on the results of early warning tests. The publication of such information on the official website of the National Commission which implements state regulation in the sphere of financial services markets unifies data on the financial status of all life insurance companies in one place. Article is written in Ukrainian
Brukhanskyi R. F., Spilnyk I. V. Crypto Assets in the System of Accounting and Reporting (p. 145 - 156)
The aim of the article is to identify and justify the prospects for solving the problem of integrating new cryptographic objects into the accounting and reporting system. Despite the lack of legal and regulatory framework for using the attributes of the digital economy, the emphasis is placed on the need to generate the accounting status of crypto assets. The problems of crypto assets (cryptocurrencies and other, different form cryptocurrencies, tokenized assets) as accounting objects are identified. The issue of identification of cryptocurrencies for accounting purposes (cash, cash equivalents, currency, commodities, stocks, financial investments, intangible assets, etc.) is investigated. There defined problems of documentary evidence of transactions performed with crypto assets; identification of the type of assets to which certain tokenized assets should be attributed; determination of the method for evaluating crypto assets in order to ensure a reliable reflection of their value; ensuring an adequate system of internal control of transactions with crypto assets. There formulated an assumption about the problematic nature of the application of a universal approach to the reflection of crypto assets in the accounting system due to their diversity and differences in the functions they perform. It is recognized that the accounting of crypto assets is rather complex in terms of methodology, but it is an extremely new and promising problem that requires a comprehensive solution. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kryvytska O. R. Conceptualization of Management Accounting of Life Insurance Companies (p. 157 - 163)
The conceptual framework for the organization of management accounting of life insurance companies is defined. There given the main differences between management accounting and financial accounting based on the following criteria: purpose of accounting, users of information, degree of accessibility, statutory or not, basic structure, principles of accounting, type of information, degree of responsibility for mistakes made, objects of accounting and reporting, time interval, accuracy of information provided, documentation, reporting frequency, cost grouping, data openness, scope of application. It is determined that the criteria for management accounting of life insurance companies are: brevity; efficiency; comparability; expediency, neutrality; benefit from using. The expediency of distinguishing the preventive function of management accounting, which is aimed at timely identification of threats associated with deterioration of financial stability and solvency of companies of this type by the company’s managers, is proved. The centers of responsibility of management accounting are detailed and their positioning is schematically reflected in the organizational structure of life insurance companies. It is proposed that the responsibility centers be concentrated within the framework of the main (insurance) activity with singling out the centers for working with: contracts which envisage reaching by the insured a certain retirement age stipulated by the contract; life annuity contracts, insurance against the risk of disability or death of a non-state pension fund participant; cash-value life insurance policies; life insurance contracts only in case of death; other life insurance contracts. The emphasis is placed on the appropriateness of using automated information systems which will facilitate rapid processing of a large array of data from a life insurance company, save time and contribute to timely adoption of rational management decisions. Article is written in Ukrainian
Krivtsova Т. О., Liadova Y. O. Audit of Liabilities of Business Entities: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects (p. 164 - 176)
The aim of this article is developing theoretical principles and elaborating methodological approaches and practical recommendations to improve the methodology for auditing liabilities of business entities. The article uses the following research methods: induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, cause and effect relationship, statistical analysis. Analysis and research of relevant scientific and practical literature, as well as standards which regulate conducting an audit of the financial statements of business entities, allowed to define the concept of audit methodology in general, as well as to determine the nature and content of the methodological support for auditing liabilities of business entities. The relationship between the tasks of the auditor in an audit of liabilities of business entities and sources of information is generalized. Achievements regarding the formation of the methodology for auditing liabilities of business entities at the present stage of development of audit activities in Ukraine, in particular, approaches to the definition and assessment of audit risk in connection with the materiality level, are systematized. As a result of the analysis of the scientific papers and domestic and international legislation, the methodology for auditing liabilities of business entities is improved by developing and justifying guidelines for minimizing audit risk when verifying liabilities, based on the proposed predictive assessment model of acceptable audit risk during an audit of the obligations of business entities. Practical implementation of the research results will allow optimizing the work of auditors in conducting an audit of the financial statements of business entities. In this regard, it makes sense to focus the further research on considering best practices of developed countries and global trends in the field of auditing liabilities of business entities. Article is written in Ukrainian
Sierova I. A. Shadow Economy: Formation of an Observation Matrix (p. 177 - 184)
The aim of the article is to form a matrix of observations of shadow processes in the economy as a tool ensuring the completeness of assessment and comparability of macroeconomic indicators. The relationship between the SNA and accounting as one of the conditions for consistency and quality of macro- and micro-level data is described. The basic moments concerning the complexity of interpreting indicators rapidly changing in time are generalized. Emphasis is placed on the specifics of the accuracy of economic measurements and the uncontrollability of the error of observation. There revealed the nature of the shadow economy through determining the degree of concealment from the available observation and the probability of the results obtained from the calculations. The basic approaches that make it possible to increase the analytical value of the calculations carried out and ensure the comparability of aggregated indicators are considered. There determined the feasibility of identifying homogeneous groups in which the values of the analyzed parameters are within the same limits, in order to track the stability of their positions by selected groups over time. Based on the fact that the reliability of the data is measured by the convergence of the results, the order of analytical techniques is determined, which allows to take into account the possible limits of variation of economic indicators and their comparability. Article is written in English
Makurin A. A. Determination of the Legal Status of Modern Banknotes in Ukraine and Abroad (p. 202 - 207)
Legal regulation of operations with cryptocurrencyies is analyzed. It is found that the lack of control by the state is due to the imperfection of the existing regulatory system. The legalization and recognition of cryptocurrencies allows operations with them to be controlled and regulated as well as considered valid by and among individual participants in this process. In Ukraine, there is still no regulatory document that would regulate operations with cryptocurrencies. These currencies are not recognized in our country; therefore, it is impossible to tax operations in which they are used. The existing practice and approaches applied in many countries allow to develop our own approach to using such modern banknotes. This money has every chance of becoming an integral part of the global economy since some countries have intentions to allow its use and trade. The distinction between the concepts “electronic money” and “virtual currency” is considered. The main approaches to implementing taxation of cryptocurrencies, which depends on how they will be treated, are highlighted. It is established that in terms of accounting and tax accounting the process of cryptocurrency mining is an illegal enrichment. Within the legal framework, it is necessary to recognize the very process of mining virtual currency legal and treat virtual coins as cash. This will necessitate paying taxes on this activity, which in turn will require determining the taxable item and the tax base. Further, the legal approaches to the definition of cryptocurrency in the UK, Canada, China, Japan are analyzed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Dyka O. S., Prokopenko Z. V. Identification of Objects of Accounting in Activities of Non-Banking Financial Institutions: Initial Monitoring and Valuation (p. 233 - 239)
The study deals with the scientific substantiation for identifying objects of accounting in activities of non-banking financial institutions related to initial monitoring and valuation. The attention is focused on the process of identifying objects of accounting in activities of pawnshops, as a non-banking financial institution, with the aim of developing methodological support for the accounting in pawnshops as well as requirements for pawnshops regarding organizational issues (compliance with legislation on financial services; inclusion in the State Register; internal rules or provisions governing the rendering by the pawnshop of financial and related services; compliance of the foundation documents of the pawnshop with the requirements of the law; presence in the full name of the pawnshop of the word “pawnshop”, etc.) as well as personnel issues. In addition, objects of accounting in pawnshops, including general and special objects of accounting, are identified and differentiated. Moreover, it is found that each of the pledged items is individual and has its own characteristics, among which there are: cost of products made of precious metals and stones is calculated on the basis of the current prices approved by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine in accordance with the fineness and value of jewelry and coins made of precious metals; provision of financial loans against vehicles is in many ways similar to the provision of similar loans by banks; provision of financial loans against securities; provision of financial loans against property and mortgage loans. It is found that the determination of the value of collateral consists of 2 conditional stages: initial examination of the collateral and the calculation of its value. Also, this process is characterized by a high degree of subjectivity. The impact of the valuation of pledged items on their displaying in accounting operations is determined. Furthermore, the need to display pledge transactions by two types of valuations – by the collateral value and by the size of the loan issued – is grounded. Article is written in Ukrainian
Krupka Y. D. New Aspects of Control and Regulation of Insurance Companies (p. 240 - 245)
The article identifies three main stages of supervision of and control over insurance activities as the main direction in regulation of insurance companies: preliminary, current and final one. It is noted that the dominant area of external financial control is supervision of the solvency of insurance companies, assigned to the National Commission for the State Regulation of Financial Services Markets. The world practice distinguishes three types of supervision of insurers’ activities: licensing supervision, prudential supervision and business supervision. Prudential aspects of insurance regulation involve supervising the financial condition and professionalism of insurers. Business supervision is aimed at regulating relationships between the insurer and the insured, advertising the existing and new insurance products. The necessity of monitoring such important aspects as formation of insurance tariffs and development of typical forms of policies (the implementation of financial control) is emphasized. The article emphasizes the importance of using indirect methods for stimulating the development of insurance business by the state: ensuring the stability of legislation; forming insurance interest; improving the effectiveness of the state supervision system; providing availability of a guarantee system; ensuring presence of insurance competition; increasing the effectiveness of the insurance market infrastructure; intensifying investment activity; attracting foreign insurers to the market; promoting solvent demand for insurance services. Article is written in Ukrainian
Lutska N. I. General Provisions of Economic Analysis of Fixed Assets under Concession and their Modernization (p. 246 - 254)
The general provisions of economic analysis of fixed assets under concession are investigated. In view of the need to present the object of the concession by elements of fixed assets, the analyst, first of all, should assess the correctness of their breaking down into individual elements and evaluate the need for the modernization. To this end, forms of reporting, including the analytical sheet of the element distribution of the concession object, are proposed. The analytical sheet has both analytical and accounting character and is formed on the basis of the act or acts confirming that the object of the concession is transferred by the state partner and accepted by the enterprise-concessionaire. The procedure for the analytical assessment of the received concession object by elements is determined. This will allow to establish by how many percent the value of the received object of fixed assets is more or less than the value which was recorded on the balance sheet of the liquidated state / municipal enterprise. The procedure for the analytical assessment of retirement of the elements of the concession object by elements is proposed. This direction of the analytical support for management of operations to modernize the concession object will allow establishing further tasks to be implemented by the concessionaire to acquire fixed assets. To assess the condition of and need for modernization of the concession object and its fixed assets there developed a system of analytical indicators, including: integral coefficient of the accepted value of the concession object by the concessionaire company, element coefficient of the accepted value of the concession object by the concessionaire company; rates of: retirement of the elements of the concession object, need for modernization of the elements of the concession object, need for modernization regarding the elements of the concession object that were taken to the balance of the concessionaire, need for modernization regarding the elements of the concession object with respect to the balance of the liquidated state enterprise, need for modernization regarding the elements of the concession object that retired in the process of transfer and acceptance, need for modernization regarding the elements of the concession object that require modernization). These indicators will allow to analyze the degree of compliance of the accepted concession object with the requirements for operation, and whether it requires the attraction of additional funds for the acquisition of fixed assets. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kobylynska T. V. Intentional Practices of Statistical Assessment of Green Logistics Effectiveness (p. 209 - 215)
The aim of the study is the further development of theoretical principles, coverage and justification of global approaches to statistical assessment of effectiveness of green logistics under the current conditions of transformation of the global market for transport and logistics services. It is determined that green logistics, which complies with national or international environmental regulations, can enhance the competitiveness of exporters and increase exports. At the same time, environmental standards are the most important factors affecting the practical implementation of green logistics methods. The Logistics Efficiency Index is significantly related to environmental indicators. However, currently, there seems to be no ideal indicator for assessing effectiveness of green logistics. Therefore, in order to provide a comprehensive assessment of logistics performance of individual countries and environmental performance of their transport sector, for conducting a quantitative analysis, the Environmental Logistics Performance Index (ELPI), which is built using the international Logistics Index (LPI) dataset, CO2 emission from the transport sector and its oil consumption, should be used. Improvement of indicators for assessing effectiveness of green logistics contributes to enhancing factors that affect international competitiveness, in particular, upgrading infrastructure, increasing quality of logistics services, and intensifying the use of modern information technologies to improve efficiency of customs and logistics tracking capabilities. Article is written in Ukrainian
Fesenko V. V., Myhal Y. I. International Practices of Auditing and Controlling Transfer Pricing (p. 216 - 222)
The aim of the article is to analyze international practices in the field of auditing and controlling transfer pricing and determine the directions of its use in the practice of auditing and controlling in Ukraine. The globalization and European integration processes taking place in Ukraine have resulted in supplementing its legislation with international norms and rules in the field of preventing tax fraud in enterprises due to transfer pricing. The chronological sequence of introducing control over transfer pricing in different countries of the world is determined. Based on the analysis of international practices in the field of controlling transfer pricing, it is found out that 33 countries use the uncontrolled price method as a priority one, 9 countries use methods that differ from those recommended by the OECD Guidelines, 5 countries regulate the sequence of applying the methods, 2 countries do not use any of transfer pricing methods, and 2 countries use all the existing transfer pricing methods. The practices of foreign countries that have significantly improved their legislation as regards auditing and controlling transfer pricing can become the basis for the formation of an effective system of independent and state audit and control of transfer prices. The analysis of the legislation of various countries in the field of transfer pricing control and their practices allowed identifying diverse control methods, types of restrictions for external operations and types of controlled prices. This indicates the specificity of implementing transfer pricing control depending on the level of the country’s economic development, practices of tax control of the majority of powerful corporations, and the degree of involvement in international trade. Article is written in Ukrainian
Tsal-Tsalko Y. S., Moroz Y. Y. Statistical and Accounting Aspects of the Formation and Assessment of Economic Indicators for the Development of Social Media as Business Entities in Ukraine (p. 223 - 230)
At the modern stage, effective functioning of an enterprise is possible under several conditions, one of which is using various social media services in business activities. Social media, as a form of mass communication carried out by means of the Internet, allow business entities to establish and maintain the internal mechanism of economic relations as well as interact with their customers and suppliers online. The most important types of social media employed by entrepreneurial structures for their own communications or to provide services are sites. The basis for using sites by enterprises is: cooperation with business partners; hiring and training of personnel; exchange of views, thoughts or knowledge, etc. The strategic development of social media in Ukraine in the context of the growth of their role in business is impossible without applying such tools as accounting, statistics, and analysis in their management. The statistical analysis of economic indicators of the social media development, based on the data of the CEA (KVED) 63.12 “Web portals”, indicates that these entrepreneurial structures operate in the shadow economy, using the status of sole proprietor and corruption schemes for tax evasion. The main tool for eliminating this problem may be the introduction of a simplified tax system and IT technologies for social media enterprises to combat the shadow economy. Article is written in Ukrainian
Chala T. G., Hrynchak N. A. A Statistical Study of Technological Trends in Logistics: Patent Analysis (p. 231 - 238)
The aim of the study is to develop a methodology for constructing series for distribution of patents based on selected characteristics, to analyze patterns in the structure of logistics processes and structural changes in them as an information base for a statistical study of technological trends in logistics. It is determined that research on technological trends is becoming very relevant for developing a successful technological strategy in logistics, taking into account the strategic importance of identifying opportunities for and threats to technological development while achieving sustainable competitiveness in the logistic market. Given the rapid pace of development of technology, both in logistics and related fields, logistics service providers need methodological support and relevant patent data to facilitate research on technological trends to increase their competitiveness. It is determined that using the method of expert assessments, qualification and company analysis in studying technological trends in logistics under modern conditions is ineffective, while statistical study of technological trends based on patent analysis in logistics is underestimated. The necessity of a statistical study of technological trends in logistics using a 4-stage methodology for conducting patent analysis is substantiated. The proposed methodology involves the use of the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), which allows determining the logistics related technological topics behind patents. In addition, information on technological topics and their trends, obtained as a result of the proposed methodology for patent analysis, will help to better understand the technological landscape in logistics. Article is written in Ukrainian
Chala T. G., Tumanov O. O. Information Support for Statistical Studies of Social Media (p. 239 - 249)
The aim of the article is to review the main information sources and assess the reliability, relevance and timeliness of statistical information to provide a reasoned study of the development of social media. To achieve this aim, various popular websites containing statistics on the topic “social media” are analyzed. The information sources of social media in the modern world are considered, issues of relevance and reliability of statistical data are raised. The necessity of decentralizing the information environment for conducting statistical research in a rapidly progressing society is substantiated. It is determined that the information market is influenced by the main trends caused by the development of technologies, the commoditization of data and the availability of data transfer services, as well as changes in the methods for obtaining information. It is noted that the development of “big data” has sharply increased the possibility of obtaining reliable empirical data from non-traditional sources of information. In combination with powerful algorithms, this leads to the fact that large volumes of low cost structured and unstructured information are available for analysis. The statistical information and data in digital format, collected in real time from various sources, is the key to the further development of the methodology for statistical research. The sources of information are evaluated based on the criteria of reliability, clarity for users, ease of use, comparability and completeness of information. Three main groups of information sources, consistent use of which ensures reliability and improves the quality of statistical analysis of social media, are singled out. Article is written in Ukrainian
Holubova H. V. Social Media as a Means for Big Data Research (p. 298 - 304)
The growing use of cloud computing, social networks, mobile technologies and big data techniques is leading to increased opportunities for both carrying out scientific research and implementing practical tasks. Researchers are faced with a large amount of data created by social networking platforms, the diversity of which is further enhanced by the mixing of social networking platforms and new features of the Internet. The relevance of big data and social media is growing, but the scientific literature lacks conceptual tools and approaches that would help researchers structure and codify knowledge from big data of social media in various subject areas. Researchers do not have a common plan for understanding data and a complex network of relationships between entities, social networks, social platforms and other third-party databases, systems and objects. This problem is even more complicated when entering spatio-temporal data. The article provides a common framework for studying social media using big data. The author presents five analytical directions: space-time analytics, intranet analytics, internet analytics, platform analytics, and third-party data analysis. In these areas, three perspectives are identified — perspective of the account, perspective of the content, and perspective of the network. This material is intended to help researchers focus their study in a specific area of the discipline, using social media data sequentially. Article is written in Ukrainian
Shot A. P., Honcharuk S. M., Priymak S. V. Practical Aspects of the Implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards and Accounting Policies in Business Structures (p. 305 - 311)
Ukraine’s membership in the European Union envisages the introduction of and compliance with the requirements and norms of European law, accompanied by reforms in almost all sectors of the Ukrainian economy including accounting. The main objective of the accounting reform is to bring the national accounting system in line with the requirements of the market economy and international accounting and reporting standards. The aim of the article is to study practical aspects of implementing International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and accounting policies in business structures, with regard to national accounting features, in order to assess their impact on the performance. The article considers advantages of domestic enterprises in preparing reports in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, reveals problems associated with the application of the principles and requirements of IFRS, and describes the specifics of the transition of domestic enterprises to IFRS with regard to national peculiarities. The practical aspects of the implementation of IFRS and the principles of accounting policies in business structures are studied, taking into consideration national accounting features, in order to assess their impact on business entities’ performance. The influence of the transition to tax obligations and tax consequences for enterprises in reporting under international standards is calculated. Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that the transformational differences at the stage of transition to IFRS become neutral before taxation; business owners, investors and lenders receive high-quality financial statements to make informed and sound management decisions. Article is written in Ukrainian
Sierova I. A. International Indices: Measurement and Usage Issues (p. 416 - 423)
The article considers the correctness of the construction of international indices and the possibility of their use in analytical practice. The interconnection of such concepts as: assessment of accuracy of source information – assessment of accumulation of errors during its processing – assessment of accuracy of quantitative estimates obtained based on analysis of main advantages and disadvantages of international indices, is tracked. The emphasis is made on scaling as a method that allows combining the general principles of mathematical analysis and specific methods of data collection. The expediency of selecting a method of data conversion during the transition from the ordinal scale to the interval one is determined, which is a necessary condition for the possible comparability of ranking positions in the presence of various research objectives and arrays of the data collected. The relationship between the methods of data classification as the basis of their primary systematization is considered. To determine the possibility of comparing international indices with regard to the general characteristics of a cluster and the changes within this cluster, the method of cross-clustering is used. The issues of the correctness of aggregate estimates are raised.There proved the erroneousness of revealing dynamic patterns at failing to meet the conditions when the quality of the research tools used is determined by their validity and reliability, and the quality of the results obtained is determined by the accuracy of measurements,. It is found that the stability of the socio-economic system should be confirmed by the statistical stability of the indicators that characterize this system. A scheme of relationships of requirements for data in the construction of international indices is proposed. Article is written in English
Sydorova A. V., Burkina N. V., Furman T. Y. A Comparative Analysis of Household Expenditure in Poland and Ukraine (p. 424 - 435)
The aim of the article is to study similarities and differences in household expenditure in Ukraine and Poland using the methodology of comparative analysis. Ukraine and Poland are similar in many ways, but the structure of their household expenditure is considerably different. It is revealed that the household expenditure structure of the countries is stable. It is traced that in both of them the largest part of expenditure is accounted for by basic household needs (in Ukraine, food and soft drinks, as well as expenditures on housing and utility services; in Poland, expenditures on housing and utility services, as well as food and soft drinks).It is proved that the expenditure structure depends not only on income, compliance with social standards and guarantees, but it significantly depends on changes in basic expenses. Using the calculated paired correlation coefficients, differences in the structure of individual expenditure items are established. With a decrease in the expenditure on food and non-alcoholic drinks, in Ukraine the expenditure on housing and utility services increases while in Poland it considerably decreases. In the household expenditure structure in Ukraine and Poland, there are groups of expenditure that change identically and demonstrate similar trends.These features are identified using cluster analysis. In Ukraine, the expenditure items are grouped into three clusters. A positive trend of decreasing expenditure on basic needs and increasing it for secondary ones is identified. Basic needs are divided into two clusters depending on whether they are characterized by a downward or upwardtrend. For Poland, the distribution of expenditures between the two clusters showed a steady trend towards an increase in secondary expenditures against a decrease in basic ones, which confirms the steady development of the country and an improvement in the standard of living of the population.The study of Poland’s experience proves that reforms and an attractive business climate make the economy more efficient. The prospects for further research are the identification of the relationship between the structure of income and expenditure, their modeling, and forecasting positive changes as concerns the improvement of the level and quality of life of the population. Article is written in Ukrainian
Makurin A. A. Cryptocurrency Assets in the Financial Accounting Systems (p. 184 - 189)
The article deals with constructing an asset accounting process and an algorithm for recognizing an object as an asset. The main approaches to the reflection of cryptocurrency in financial accounting are analyzed. The study showed that International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) still lack specific clarifications on the correctness of accounting and recognition of cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are suggested to be recognized as, intangible assets on the one hand, and as inventories, on the other. The research shows that before starting the process of accounting for any asset, it is necessary to determine, whether such a resource meets the definition of an asset. The article proves that cryptocurrency is an asset. However, attaching cryptocurrency to a certain group of assets turns out to be rather problematic. The main approaches to doing it are analyzed. Speaking formally, cryptocurrency is considered to be cash or cash equivalents. Cash and cryptocurrencies have been compared, and the main distinguishing features of these two assets have been considered. The conclusion is made that cryptocurrency should be evaluated at fair value, indicating the date of evaluation to fix actual market conditions. The measure of cryptocurrency when reflected in the financial reporting is the US dollar or its equivalent in the national currency as at the balance sheet date. The research has shown that depending on the type of the enterprise activity, cryptocurrency should be determined in the financial reporting, or the «balance sheet», as «intangible assets» (line code 1000), and the primary value of such an asset corresponds to line 1001, or inventories (line code 1100). Also, if the company’s accounting policy states that cryptocurrency is a financial investment, it should be reflected in line 1160. Article is written in Ukrainian
Labunska S. V., Serikova T. M., Sobakar M. V. Approaches to and Methodological Basis of Accounting for Intangible Assets Generated in Cryptocurrency (p. 225 - 235)
The article aims at assessing cryptocurrency dynamics in global economy; studying the prospects and risks of its use in business activities; suggesting approaches to recognize, record and value cryptocurrency in the accounting system of domestic enterprises. The article considers the prospects and risks of using cryptocurrencies by domestic businesses and identifies the importance of developing digital assets at an enterprise. The urgency of developing such accounting and of the necessity to manage cryptocurrencies at an enterprise is substantiated. It is established that the attitude to cryptocurrency and the level of development of the regulatory field significantly vary from state to state, and thus international regulations govern neither the use of nor accounting for such assets. The article substantiates the compliance of cryptocurrency with the recognition criteria for enterprise assets, thus making it necessary and possible for an enterprise accounting system to recognize cryptocurrency. The authors substantiate the options for attributing cryptocurrency to various types of enterprise assets. Due to the lack of regulation of cryptocurrency accounting at the legislative level, guidelines are suggested for the cryptocurrency accounting process, which include options for classifying cryptocurrency depending on the purpose of its use, namely: classifying cryptocurrency as intangible enterprise assets, but distinguishing between current and non-current assets, and monetary and non-monetary ones. Each of these options is accompanied by the use of separate accounts and the order of recording the valuation, use and disposal of cryptocurrency. Necessity to revalue cryptocurrencies due to their high volatility is substantiated. It is suggested to conduct revaluation of cryptocurrency to ensure objective valuation of assets and that of the enterprise in the form of revaluation (increase/decrease in the value) and by determining exchange rate differences. Article is written in Ukrainian
Korepanov O. S., Chala T. G., Korepanov G. S., Chernenko D. I., Maslov M. U. Forming a System of Indicators Showing the State and Development of «Smart» Cities in Ukraine (p. 181 - 190)
The article is aimed at studying international experience and on this basis substantiating the feasibility of calculating and using an index of living conditions and urban development in Ukraine. It is determined that a number of indices are calculated at the international level, making it possible to obtain an integrated assessment of the cities in the world, namely: The Global Cities Index, developed by Kearney; Cities in Motion Index, developed by IECE; Global Financial Centers Index, developed by Z / Yen; Global Power City Index, developed by the IMF; Global Liveability Ranking, proposed by The Economist. The positions of the 10 best cities-2019 in the world are compared according to the five described indices. It has been determined that such cities as London, New York, Paris, Tokyo, and Hong Kong are often ranked among the top 10 most prosperous cities or cities with the highest living standards in the world. It is determined that to precisely elaborate and use the technique for calculating the relevant indices for Ukrainian cities it is advisable to choose the Cities in Motion Index, because, unlike other indices, it has a wide geographical coverage, analyzes the largest number of cities, including Kyiv, and takes into account the maximum number of indicators. It assesses such socio-economic aspects of urban development, as human capital, economy, ecology, social cohesion, governance, mobility and transport, urban planning, international reach and technology. A corresponding sub-index is calculated for each aspect. Using the methodological provisions of the CIMI calculation, the values of sub-indices for the city of Kharkiv have been calculated, and the integral value of the index has been obtained, thus determining Kharkiv’s position in the world ranking. Article is written in Ukrainian
Romaniv Y. M., Priymak S. V., Spodaryk T. I. Provision of Accounting Services on the Bases of Outsourcing in the Current Conditions (p. 164 - 170)
The article explores the main aspects of the introduction and use of accounting on the basis of outsourcing. It is noted that the purpose of the article is to examine and evaluate the current state of accounting services on the basis of outsourcing, as well as to determine the efficiency, feasibility and impact of its application on the activities of enterprises, in particular, in the context of reducing the company’s costs. The concepts of outsourcing and accounting outsourcing, their types, goals and causes are distinguished. Several factors for the selection of outsourcing companies that should be taken into attention when choosing a business entity for conduct of accounting. A separate situation on the calculation of economic efficiency from the use of accounting outsourcing is considered, on the example of the presented enterprise it is proved that its use is efficient and economically substantiated. It is determined that use of accounting outsourcing appears the most optimal for small and medium-sized enterprises. It is noted that outsourcing of accounting services allows not only to focus on a reliable reflection of the facts of economic activity of companies, but also on the rational use of their resources. A number of advantages and disadvantages of accounting at the enterprise for various forms of accounting organization are identified and compared. The article outlines a number of problems faced by a modern enterprise when choosing the use of accounting services on the basis of outsourcing and which slow down the application of outsourcing practice at such enterprises. The financial benefits of a domestic enterprise from the use of outsourcing of accounting services are examined, appropriate generalizations, conclusions and proposals are made. The need for further improvement is substantiated and the prospects for using outsourcing of accounting services in the work of domestic enterprises are determined. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kryvoruchko M. Y. Implementation of the Professional Judgment of Accountant in the Context of the Impact of Dysfunction of Socioeconomic Development on the Sphere of Agrarian Business (p. 306 - 314)
The article is devoted to the study of the professional judgment of accountant in the context of the impact of the dysfunction of socioeconomic development on the sphere of agrarian business. In the process of preparing the article, such general scientific methods as generalization, analysis, synthesis, tabular, and monographic methods were used. The influence of the dysfunction of socioeconomic development on the methodology of reflection of such influence in the financial statements is analyzed, on the basis of the materials of the agricultural enterprise, the most significant factors of the external environment are allocated. According to the results of the study, it is found that modern economic conditions necessitate the adaptation of methodological approaches to the implementation of the professional judgment of accountant, which directly affects the reflection of information in the reporting of enterprises. It is determined that the key challenge for accounting and reporting in the context of increasing dysfunction of socioeconomic development is compliance with the principle of continuity – the assumption that an economic entity will continue to carry out its activities in the absence of signs of its termination. The article focuses on the dependence of reflection in the financial statements of enterprise of the impact of the pandemic on income and expenditure items on two factors – the degree of impact of the coronavirus crisis on financial and economic activities and the possibility of quantitative assessment of such impact. Methodical approaches to assessing the fair value of share capital and financial instruments have been formed; methodical approaches to determining the possibility of further control, joint control or significant influence over the objects of investment activity are outlined; the list of factors of economic activity that can be considered as the basis for recognizing the decrease in the usefulness of assets in the reporting under conditions of martial law has been compiled. The dysfunctional influence of the factors of the operating environment on the activities of the enterprise PJSC «Lebedyn Seed Plant» is characterized. A characterization of the financial risks with which the management of enterprise works within the framework of the risk management system has been carried out. It is concluded that professional judgment plays an important role in the process of preparing financial statements and management reports based on an understanding of the institutional environment in which an economic entity operates. Prospects for further research are outlined as follows: comparative analysis of the reporting of different enterprises to reflect information on the impact of the external environment on their financial and economic activities; analysis of the reporting of enterprises in the context of reflecting the impact of factors of ease of doing business – communal utilities, labor relations, international trade, taxation, dispute resolution, competition, insolvency. Article is written in Ukrainian
Hyk V. V., Defir A. V. Development of Accounting in Cluster Structures on the Basis of the Provisions of the Theory of Transaction Costs and the Contract Theory (p. 138 - 145)
The aim of the article is to substantiate the prerequisites for the development of accounting in cluster structures on the basis of the provisions of key institutional theories – the theory of transaction costs and the contract theory. The theoretical and methodological basis of the article is the basic provisions of institutional economic theory and scientific developments of scientists on the problems of interorganizational accounting. The study was carried out with the use of general scientific and special techniques and methods: scientific abstraction – to study problematic issues and more detailed elaboration of mechanisms for improving accounting; generalization – to systematize the existing scientific approaches; concretization – to characterize the theoretical tools, content and formation of proposals for the development of accounting; graphic – for non-textual display of research results. The recommendations presented in the article regarding the improvement of accounting will allow to more thoroughly and comprehensively identify the economic essence of transaction costs and contractual relations, to reveal the features and form a methodology for their management, including the features of accounting and analysis for operational regulation, control and identification of reserves for reducing transaction costs in the cluster. The allocated directions of development of accounting in the cluster on the basis of the theory of transaction costs and the contract theory, which partially intersect with each other, allow to expand the theoretical provisions of accounting through the explanation of the relationship between participants in terms of the implementation of accounting procedures. The obtained scientific results of theoretical nature can become the starting point for further research in the direction of a better understanding of the current state of scientific developments on the topic. The originality of the study is that it thoroughly reveals the theoretical issues of accounting in the interorganizational management of cluster structures. Article is written in Ukrainian
Chala T. G., Kornilich D. O. A Statistical Analysis of the National Market of Lithium-Ion Batteries and the Influence of the Aggression of the russian federation on Its Development (p. 146 - 152)
The article focuses on the national market of lithium-ion batteries as an energy storage system. The impact of the consequences of the russian invasion of Ukraine on the dynamics of its development is determined. The introduction substantiates the relevance of the chosen topic. The global and national context of market development is outlined, the importance of lithium-ion batteries as the leading technology of secondary batteries is emphasized. In the course of the study, the theoretical and methodological foundations of studying the market of energy storage systems are considered and an analysis of global trends in the development of the world battery market is carried out. Market segmentation is defined. The factors influencing the development of the world market, restraining or accelerating growth are analyzed. An analysis of the national market within the production chain has been carried out. The prospects for the extraction of raw materials, their primary processing, production of battery components (cathode, anode) are separated; the full cycle of production of batteries and final products is considered. The steps taken by Ukraine for the development of the market are considered. The strategic prospects for interaction with the European Battery Alliance (EBA) in order to create a closed ecosystem in the field of batteries within the European Union are highlighted. Data from UN Comtrade, a database of United Nations merchandise trade statistics, was used to statistically analyze imports of lithium-ion batteries into Ukraine. The value of the trend (as an additive component of the time series) of the national market has been allocated using local linear regression by the Friedman method. The practical implementation of this method was carried out using the R Studio software product. Absolute and relative parameters of market dynamics have been determined. The statistics for 2022 as the year of the beginning of the russian aggression against Ukraine are considered; the features and impact of the war on the dynamics of the development of the lithium-ion battery market are determined. It is determined that Ukraine demonstrated outstripping global market growth rates before the start of the war and abnormal consumption in 2022. The carried out research allowed to highlight the consumer nature of the national market, on the one hand, and the global prospects of Ukraine as a player in the production chain, on the other. Article is written in Ukrainian