
Economic theory


Khaustova V. Y., Kurochkina I. G.
Methodological Approaches to Definition of Essence of the Concept «Integration of Subjects of Management» (p. 53 - 63)

The article studies one of the fundamental problems of the economic theory – integration of subjects of management. theoretical bases and basic principles of integration of subjects of management have been defined. Component categories "integration", their essence and interrelation have been considered. interpretations of the concept «integration of subjects of management» have been analyzed from the point of view of representatives of various methodological approaches and its essence has been specified.

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Nizhegorodtsev R. M.
Institutional and technological shifts: interrrelation analysis and control studies (p. 161 - 164)

The paper discusses relations between institutional and technological changes and their differences, and some main principles of control for their interactions. Axiology of institutional shifts and its connection to agents’ utility functions are under consideration.

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Savytska N. L.
On the methodology of the study of man as the subject of modern economic development (p. 164 - 168)

The paper outlines the specific features of the new methodology of the study of man as the subject of economic development in the conditions of becoming a knowledge economy. Emphasis on the principle of holistic personalism and institutional architectonics that define integrity of the structures of modern economic development.

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Popov O. E.
Evolution of development and methodology features of institutional analysis of the economic phenomena and processes (p. 169 - 173)

The methodology features of institutional analysis of the economic phenomena and processes are generalized. The comparative analysis of the theoretical approaches to determination of institutes` economic nature is conducted. Reasons of origin of concrete institutional problems, related to the origin and accumulation of contradictions between interests of different economic agents are considered.

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Skorobogatova T. N.
Value and cost as categories: relation of notions, logistic aspect of comparison (p. 266 - 270)

The article analyses relation of cost and value notions as scientific categories. It considers issues of their objectivity, exposure to influence of regional factors, controllability and role when forming links. It defines logistics as a service, which creates value of a commodity, embodied in its cost. It states that in modern conditions the role of service logistics, which optimises control over human flows of various target orientation, grows. It adds that development of medical logistics acquires special significance from the social point of view as of today. It concludes that logistics unites social and economic approaches to the considered issues and ensures a more integral view on them. It summarises that such a situation results in holisticity of perception of categories by individuals and society in general.

Article is written in Russian

Boyarina T. V., Kashubina Y. B.
Perfection of classification of efficiency on the basis of system approach (p. 271 - 276)

The article considers the concept of classification of efficiency, conducts a critical analysis of existing classification features and reveals the most common shortages in the process of dividing efficiency into types. It proves that efficiency, as a category with polymorphic nature, requires to be studied on the basis of a system approach. This is used as a basis of perfection of classification of efficiency, which takes into account scales of activity of the system and elements of assessment. The article identifies main classification features of division of efficiency: the sphere of public life, type of activity, functional direction of activity, organisation structure, nature of effect, comparison base and the moment of carrying out calculation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hrechina I. V.
General theoretic approaches to development of the concept of potentialogical analysis of the potential of interacting processes of the economic system (p. 277 - 282)

The article reveals the essence of the potential of interacting processes of the economic system, identifies its main components and describes them for purposes of analytical identification. It offers the concept of potentialogical analysis of the potential of interacting processes of a company, the specific feature of which is observance of the modality criterion, which allows consideration of the potential of interacting processes of the economic system from the point of view of a necessary, real or possible levels of development and relevant directions of potentiation: structuralism (structurisation); deconstruction or constructionism (construction).

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lysenko Y., Bizyanov Y. Y.
Model of efficiency of IT-outsourcing in the context of development of information systems of economic objects (p. 190 - 195)

The article considers possibilities, which are provided by IT-outsourcing to the modern economic objects, marks out supposed benefits, expenses and risks connected with its introduction. It offers a mathematical model, based on the theory of fuzzy sets, which is designed for provision of making decisions on the use of IT-outsourcing. The model takes into account different scenarios of the use of IT-outsourcing services in the context of development of the own information system of an economic object.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ianchenko Z. B.
Improvement of terminological approaches to innovation notion definition (p. 196 - 200)

The article traces evolution of the innovation notion, generalises different approaches to its definition as a basic notion in the innovation sphere and conducts their critical study and analysis. It reveals specific features of the national content of the innovation term, which is formed at the turn of two different scientific trends, which define innovations both as a process and result respectively, considers and analyses in detail specific features of the national innovation legislation using example of the main innovation regulatory-legal act – the Law of Ukraine “On Innovation Activity” – identifies main shortcomings of the legislative terminology and outlines determining directions of their overcoming. The article considers international practice and stable standards of formation of innovation terminology. It also offers the innovation term definition from the point of view of its content, risk factor and transformations, which innovation undergoes on the way to practical introduction.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Glushach A. V., Arkhiyeryeev S. I.
Transaction component of exogenous factors of influence upon employment under conditions of globalisation of economy (p. 227 - 232)

The goal of the article lies in identification of influence of globalisation upon efficiency of financial and loan instruments that ensure regulation and stimulation of employment and the role of transaction costs in these processes. To achieve the goal, the article shows how globalisation processes, which take place in the sphere of the financial sector, influence the real economy and employment of the population, identifies positive and negative sides of this influence. The article conducts analysis of causes and effects of the financial and economic crisis from the point of view of the theory of transaction costs, in the process of which the role of specific types of these costs in the processes that took place was ascertained. In the course of the study the article reveals negative influence of the growing disproportion between the public and private transaction costs of the risks of financial and economic instability, especially in the countries with the transformation economy, and justifies the necessity of stabilising mechanisms of the international financial market with the aim of elimination of the marked transaction disproportions such as introduction of a special tax on financial transactions or establishment of the double currency course: less flexible – for servicing trading operations, and more flexible – for regulation of financial flows. Studies of negative effects of integration processes allowed formation of directions of the state policy, which would prevent dangerous consequences of interference of the foreign capital with the financial sector and would protect the Ukrainian labour market from influence of negative effects of integration processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ligonenko L. O.
Theory of social organisations as the methodological basis of economic management of an enterprise (p. 233 - 238)

The article provides the author’s interpretation of the “economic management of an enterprise” notion, which is offered to be considered as an integrating and co-ordinating type of management, the main goal of which is ensuring long-term viability of an enterprise. The article considers genesis of organisational theories with respect to necessity, principles, rules, recommendations and procedures of managerial activity. It justifies expediency of formation of the methodological base of economic management of an enterprise on the basis of use of the problem theory of social organisations of V. I. Franchuk. The article describes the author’s concept of the essential characteristics and the process of organisation of economic management of an enterprise. It justifies a necessity of replenishment of classical management functions with three new functions: problem management, development and economic security (risk tolerance). It characterises principles and organisation of functioning of the “social mechanism”, which should be envisaged in the system of economic management of an enterprise.

Article is written in Russian

Shubin A. A., Gladkyy M. O.
Organisational culture as a socio-economic phenomenon in the context of the modern management paradigm (p. 239 - 246)

The article studies cognitive component of the “organisational culture” category and marks our three groups of approaches to the aspect description of the studied category: aspects of the organisational culture formed by the control system; aspects of the organisational culture inherent in the controlled system; and universal aspects inherent in both control and controlled systems. The article provides the authors’ definition of the organisational culture as a complex element of the internal environment of the organisation that has certain phenomenological properties (synergy, dynamics, uniqueness, adaptability, mentality, hierarchy, aggregation, communicativeness and sociality); integrating spiritual, material, static and procedural elements with the aim of formation of a single management philosophy for ensuring external adaptation and efficient functioning of an enterprise. The article establishes the role and place of the organisational culture as a socio-economic phenomenon in the context of the modern management paradigm through specification of prerequisites of formation and development of the neo-classical concept of the organisational culture; features of the modern management paradigm; phenomenological properties of the culture; factors of influence upon the organisational culture and tendencies of development of the phenomenon of the national organisational culture.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kaparulina I. M.
Essence and criteria of identification of an economic object (p. 247 - 253)

The article is devoted to the problem of marking out economic objects among other objects of reality. The methodological grounds of the study is formed on the basis of close interlacing of two directions of development of the modern economic methodology: logical and cognitive (synthesis of psycho-physiology, philosophy and economy) and socio-constructivistic (synthesis of economy and other spheres of public life). Using the cause-effect method the article analyses the essence of the economic category “economic object” and interconnection of this category with such categories as “economic subject” and “economic unit”. The article identifies key features of economic activity. It forms necessary criteria of identification of a fragment of reality as economic object and specifies two levels of economic objects in the modern world economy. The offered approach to consideration of an economic object plays the role of a prerequisite of creation of a paradigm of the universal synthesis when economy is considered as an organic part of reality.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mazur O. Y.
Managing institutional dynamics: generalisation of modern approaches (p. 254 - 260)

The article presents a critical analysis and systematisation of modern approaches to state management of development of institutional structures. It identifies the most popular approaches to management of institutional dynamics: implantations or shock therapy, import (transplantation) and its modifications (institutional experimenting and building intermediary institutions), growing institutions and modification (elevation and cultivation) and influence upon external factors of institution development. The article builds structural and logical schemes to each approach and identifies main shortcomings and restrictions of their application. It justifies prospectiveness and universality of the theory of priority of external factors in re-formation of socio-economic institutions. It offers a direction of further scientific studies on development of a specific methodology of re-formation of a specific institution on the basis of a selected and justified common strategy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Suprun N. A., Bodnarchuk T. L.
Formation of conceptual grounds of the theory of economic development in the context of protection free trade controversy of XIX – beginning of XX century (p. 305 - 311)

The goal of the article is detection of historical specific features of evolution of scientific views and theoretical conceptualisation of problems of protectionism as a factor of economic development in the domestic scientific literature of XIX – beginning of XX century. The article conducts analysis of problems of the protection free trade controversy at various stages of practical implementation of the policy of paternalism by the Russian government. The article justifies the category of rational protectionism as a possible consensus solution of the said discussion. It reveals that scientific controversy between the supporters of protectionism and followers of free trade had an important scientific and practical significance since it facilitated justification of conceptual grounds of formation of the domestic model of economic development. The prospect of further studies of the said problems lies in the study of the concepts of the policy of state paternalism at various stages of historical development of the Ukrainian territory, which could be considered as the theoretical and methodological basis of development of the domestic strategy of economic development under modern conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yatskevych I. V.
Transfer price: theoretical and applied aspects (p. 312 - 317)

Modern conditions of development of entrepreneurial activity result in fundamental reformation of relations between economic subjects. Not only the subjects change, but also the forms of their interaction with each other on the basis of partner relations. One of the mechanisms of formation and development of partner relations is the transfer price, which is a prerequisite of systematisation of theoretical aspects of formation of the transfer price (notions, essence, participant of price formation) and identification of the mechanism of its calculation with consideration of changes in entrepreneurial environment (index of consumer prices, competitiveness, life cycle and promotion of products – works and services – in the market). Three main stages could be marked out in the process of the transfer price formation between partner-participants under modern conditions: analysis of expediency of introduction or use of price, identification and analysis of factors that influence price formation, and identification and introduction of methods of calculation of the transfer price at an enterprise. The author recommends methods of calculation of the transfer price between the partner-participants. The article considers advantages and shortcomings of the state regulation of the price, and also offers recommendations on efficient introduction of changes into the Tax Code of Ukraine.

Article is written in Russian


Berveno O. V.
Influence of an extreme inequality of income upon the life quality (p. 304 - 308)

Historical mission of economy of the XXI century is increase of life quality. Due to this significance of factors that determine life quality increases. Extreme inequality of income becomes a factor of destructive effect, especially recently. In order to analyse influence of inequality of income upon life quality, the article uses a system approach; to detect direct and backward connections between the inequality and life quality – dialectical method; to identify the character of interconnection between the economic growth and inequality and its decomposition into components: positive and excessive – comparative and statistical methods. Extreme inequality requires from scientists and experts to actively search for new mechanisms of fair re-distribution of the economic growth effect. Increase of life quality is impossible without efficient solution of this problem.

Article is written in Russian

Holikov I. V.
Essence and evolution of the economic security notion (p. 309 - 314)

The article shows the essence and evolution of the economic security notion. It shows that the “economic security” notion is based on a number of definitions and principles of “security”. It establishes that in the result of development of the post-industrial society and complication of social and state relations, this notion was used with economic orientation. It shows that nowadays economic security is understood as the state, in which such components as financial, information, socio-economic, institutional and legal, technical and technological, intellectual and personnel, power and ecological activity are in the states of “absence of threat”, “safety”, “protection from threats”, “protection”, “reliability”, “stability”, “rest”, “independence” and “within acceptable bounds”. Moreover, there is a system of prevention or reduction of impact of threats under controlled conditions. The article shows that economic security is a dynamic component of the economy, which adapts to the needs of the time. The current stage of the state development requires taking into account specific and address specific features of the object of study (for example, branch) for ensuring economic security under conditions of appearance of negative phenomena of uncertainty and risk. The prospect of further studies is developing new systems of economic security with consideration of historical grounds and modern tendencies of development of economic relations.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ivashyna S. Y., Ivashyna O. F.
Social and Institutional Aspects of Economic Transformation (p. 309 - 314)

The article is written on a topical issue devoted to the problem of economic transformation. The limitations of orthodox economic theory to the study of economic transformation and the need to use a methodology that allows the use of empirical evidence and methods of investigation of all areas of economic and institutional theory were highlighted. Economic transformation is considered as a form of social transformation, covering all spheres of social life is a manifest in the economic and social, economic, cultural, economic and political, economic and spiritual interactions and reflects the social context of the economic system. People were recognized as a subject of economic transformation. They are considered as the subject of economic transformations taking into account the influence of modernist and post-modernist values on the formation of social and cultural features of society. Man's role in the process of economic transformation process of socialization is defined in its broadest sense. The criterion of efficiency of economic transformations was defined as transaction costs. When they reach the critical values the destruction of the institutional system and disturbing the natural course of evolution of the economic system occurs. Technological evolution is recognized as a major factor of economic transformation. Considered non-technological, institutional factors of economic transformation, the differences in the dynamics of changes in technology and social institutions, and social inertia is considered as a defensive reaction to changes in the economic system of the existing social institutions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kostiuk V. K., Solohub O. P., Pishenina T. I., Tsymbaliuk L. H.
Problems and Factors of Improvement of Business Performance (p. 315 - 319)

The article explores the issues of increasing aggregate productivity. Theoretical principles of integrated approach of effective improvement of the performance of industrial production were identified, in particular, the baking industry. The nature and characteristics of enterprises in order to improve their performance was investigated. A classification of the factors affecting the performance of enterprises and industrial production was generalized. The main ones are the development of scientific and technological progress, improvement of technological processes and organization of production. The notion of aggregate productivity was generalized . In assessing the aggregate performance based on multivariate analysis also focused on the isolation of two groups of factors: dependent and independent from business entities. Methodical approaches to the evaluation of aggregate productivity and their implementation in the performance of management were considered, the main directions of its effective increase in food industries, particularly baking were substantiated. Based on the state-level programs the main directions of improving performance at the regional, sectoral and enterprise levels were grounded.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rohach F. I.
Role and Evaluation of Contemporary Intellectual Work (p. 320 - 325)

In the past more than 200 years of industrial and post-industrial development of the world economy has accumulated considerable scientific knowledge based upon the leading role of the intellectual component of human labor. There remains the problem of quantitative macroeconomic indicators, through which one could express and evaluate the intellectual work and its role in the intellectual potential of the country and the capital. An attempt to solve this problem was the purpose of this article. Analysis of categories related to intellectual work, allowed the group to identify key indicators to achieve the purpose of the article: the intellectual potential and intellectual capital, deterministically related and containing sub-indicators. Comparative analysis of several countries allowed identifying deficiencies of Ukraine in the formation of intellectual capital at quite high rates of intellectual potential. Such quantitative indicators of intellectual capital were substantiated: GDP and innovative ways of a country.

Article is written in Russian


Davydova I. O.
Dialectical Interrelation between Economic Relations and Activities in the Employment Sphere (p. 319 - 323)

The objective of the article is consideration of the employment category and its presentation as an aggregate of interrelated concepts, definitions in order to expand the possibility of using it to analyze the reality associated with intellectualization of labor and employment, realization of the intellectual capital of society. While analyzing the category of “employment”, the interrelation between economic relations and activities is established at the conceptual level. The essence of employment is defined as a unity of economic relations and activities aimed at human development and development of human capacities. The capacity for work is manifest in its characteristic features: immanence, mobility, individualization, involvement of certain contingents, multifunctionality, motivation, whose interaction determines the characteristic ontological features of the employment relations. Elaboration on employment as relations of forming socially necessary behavior provides an objective explanation for the positions of participants which relies on intention and capacities as well as the system of established social relations, on the roles that participants perform in it. Contradictions between employment as relations and an activity are resolved within the market context through alignment of demands of labor market participants with employment terms. Economic relations as a sphere of social relations determine activities from the perspective of realization of particular socioeconomic advantages and objectives, which allows singling out subsystems, providing an explanation for the nature of innovative processes in the employment sphere.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kolupaieva I. V.
The Regulatory Policy Tools of the State (p. 407 - 417)

The objective of the article is scientific and theoretical substantiation of the regulatory policy tools of the state considering the contemporary economic development context and integration processes. The study provides a comprehensive analysis and summary of the aims, functions, and principles of the regulatory policy of the state. The author substantiated and updated the list of specific principles – with the scientific validity principle and the competence principle. The article also proposes the author’s own view on the stages of implementation of the regulatory policy of the state. The organizational support and the legal framework were analyzed, as well as the information, financial and economic support; also rationale was provided for singling out the analytical support for the state regulation of the economy. The study provides schematic representation of the components of the regulatory policy tools of the state which include the aim, functions, principles, methods, organizational, information, analytical, financial and economic support, as well as legal framework and can be used at the level of state regulation of the economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sardak S. E.
Prevailing Forms of Management and Regulatory Impact on the Development of Human Resources in the Multilevel Social and Economic Systems (p. 418 - 423)

Dynamic conversion in society caused by globalization lead to the need to find main forms controls development human resources. The purpose of study is to determine prevailing forms of management and regulatory impact on the development of human resources in the multilevel social and economic systems and provision of their features. The article harmonizes thirteen levels of human activities environment and five management levels which form managerial and regulatory impact on the development of human resources in social and economic systems. It is proved that prevailing forms of management influence on development of human resources in social and economic systems have varying degrees of "managerial rigidity" - from "very hard" (self-management and management) to "moderate" (regulation) and "soft" (coordination) on various management levels. The scientific novelty, practical significance and originality of results are in creation of methodological framework for design of mechanisms of managerial and regulatory impact on the development of human resources in any social and economic systems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shatilova O. V., Moskvin B. Y.
The Notion, Structure, and Functions of the Market for Corporate Control (p. 424 - 431)

The article discusses the characteristic features of functioning of the market for corporate control which is an integral part of the internal market in countries with established market relations. The objective of the article consists in generalization and systematization of the existing perspectives on the essence of the market for corporate control, its structure and functions. Based on the comparative analysis of the interpretations of the market for corporate control currently existing in the economic literature, four approaches were singled out which concern interpretation of the essence of the market for corporate control: 1) the approach which defines the market for corporate control as an area where deals on transfer of the rights to exercise control over enterprises occur; 2) the approach that equates the market for corporate control with the stock market; 3) the approach which defines the market for corporate control as a place where the transfer of the property rights to assets of an enterprise takes place; 4) the approach that regards the market for corporate control as an external mechanism regulating corporate operations. The authors propose their own definition of the essence of the market for corporate control. The structure of the market for corporate control was studied as well. The article describes the composition and functions of such basic structural elements of (participants in) the market for corporate control as market actors, market objects, intermediaries, market regulators, and other market participants. Based on the study of the information, regulatory, stimulating, integrating, and control functions of the market, specific properties of their manifestation within the context of the market for corporate control were singled out, which arise from particular needs typical for the participants in this kind of market. The prospects for further studies in this field consist in the analysis of characteristic aspects of formation of individual segments of the market for corporate control and study of the behavior of enterprises with various types of ownership on the market for corporate control

Article is written in Ukrainian


Budko O. V.
Modeling the System of Accounting and Analytical Support of Economic Entities in the Context of Sustainable Development (p. 285 - 291)

The article aims to provide a rationale for a model of the system of accounting and analytical support of the sustainable development of economic entities which presupposes singling out the interrelations of its components and enhancement of the accuracy and completeness of information formed in the corresponding subsystems in order to develop effective managerial decisions. The study allowed determining a model of accounting and analytical support which meets the information needs of the sustainable development of an economic entity. The article specifies that its basis will be formed by the theoretical, methodological, organizational, and technological components which are determined by trends in the development of socioeconomic relationships. The article describes the constructed model of the system of accounting and analytical support that enabled establishing the essence of its components and connections between them. Prospects for further research consist in the development of models for each of the elements of the system of accounting and analytical support which determine the quality of its operation in the context of sustainable development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vlasenko T. A., Vasylenko Y. V.
Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Defining the Intellectual Capital (p. 292 - 298)

The work generalizes theoretical approaches to defining the term “intellectual capital” using the tools of morphological analysis. The authors list key characteristics of the intellectual capital as a type of capital and describe the features which are only inherent in this type of capital. Morphological analysis allowed singling out basic categories of the intellectual capital: an asset capable of yielding profits, an asset and a competitiveness factor, a process and knowledge, skills. By combining morphological decomposition and analysis of characteristic aspects of basic approaches to defining the intellectual capital, the authors developed their own definition of the studied category: as intellectual assets represented by human and machine intelligence and intellectual products having economic value and usable in production and exchange for the purpose of generating income, ensuring competitiveness of the enterprise.

Article is written in English

Ryazanova N. S.
The Financial Market as an Economic Category: Its Characteristic Features, Social Purpose, and Functions in the Modern Information Society (p. 299 - 312)

The article aims to study the financial market as an economic category with its characteristic features, objective socioeconomic purpose realized through the financial market functions. As an economic category, the financial market is essentially a system of economic relations whose subject matter is monetary capital and the objective is realization of its movement towards a higher rate of return. The article substantiates that the characteristic features of the financial market of the present-day information age are its heterogeneity, a high level of uncertainty, a trend towards globalization, and a focus on innovation. Each of the features, having multiple manifestation aspects, is closely connected with the other features. The socioeconomic purpose of the financial market consists in realization of the monetary capital movement. The objective functions of the market are the accumulative, investment, price, and information functions. The article also considers the connection between the economic category of the financial market and the other financial categories and observes the connection between the financial market and the financial service market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shevchenko B. A.
The Issue of Theoretical and Methodological Support for Efficiency Evaluation of Public-Private Partnership Projects (p. 313 - 318)

The article aims to provide theoretical substantiation and methodological support for efficiency evaluation of public-private partnership projects. The study allowed formulating the theoretical foundation for efficiency evaluation of public-private partnership projects using the project monitoring system and controlling the process of its implementation. Such an approach is realized in terms of both the dynamics of achievement of general project goals and accomplishment of tasks pertaining to its stage-by-stage implementation, determination of their correspondence to the interests of each partner on the basis of adjustment of partnership parameters, its terms, change in the interaction forms, discontinuation of a partnership. A generalizing indicator of the project being efficient was determined as the level of its correspondence to the conditions of the state achieving the ultimate goals of the implemented partnership, that is adherence to the priorities of common goals and policy, in particular socially oriented ones.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Berenda S. V., Sholom A. S.
Etymology of the Term “Institution” and Evolution of Its Meaning in Economic Studies Using the Example of the WTO (p. 319 - 325)

“Institution”, or “social institution”, is not only one of the most popular terms in contemporary social sciences, which is determined by the scientific trend which dominates them, namely institutionalism, but also the least defined one. This results in the essence of the term becoming evasive and generalized, which creates a precedent for referring to virtually anything as an “institution”. The essence of this term varies not only in economics and law, psychology and sociology, but also within one discipline. Understanding of this term which is of critical importance for institutionalism is further complicated by its being increasingly frequently used in the press and thus turning into an “institutional trap”. Nevertheless, provided that the key terms are defined, institutionalism has a chance of becoming a common philosophy of the discipline – the economic “Theory of Everything”. The article discusses the dual essence of the WTO which establishes the rules of play in the international trade but cannot be fully responsible for the strategy of its participating players. On the one hand, the WTO is an institution consisting of international civil servants, while on the other hand, it is an organization comprised of member countries. The aim of the article is to consider the national tradition of using the term “institution” and to study the etymology of the term on the basis of the evolution of its essence in economic studies for its correct interpretation using the example of the WTO.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Berezin O. V., Mezenceva O. M.
Comparative Analysis to the Research of Development Management at Trade Enterprises (p. 240 - 246)

The aim of the article is substantiation of theoretically aspects of management development at trade enterprises. In the article a critical analysis of the concept of “enterprise development management” is presented, modern approaches to the management of enterprise development from the standpoint of theoretical and methodological foundations and specific of the entities are studied. The study identified the key points for providing development management of enterprises based on strategic objectives, effective use of resource potential, introduction of innovations. The author’s generalization of modern approaches to the development management of trade enterprises through the use of comparative analysis has been made. Modern methods of development management of trade enterprises have been studied. The classification of development types of trade enterprises has been proposed. The author’s definition of development management of trade enterprises has been suggested and the directions of the development of the use of development reserves of trade enterprises substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vartsaba V. I.
Synergetic Paradigm of the Harmonized Management of Human Resources of Socio-Economic Systems (p. 247 - 252)

The aim of the article is to study the theoretical and methodological aspects of the harmonization of socio-economic interests of market participants in a social system through the use of intellectual capital. The study shows that the basis of win-win competition in Pareto-efficient relations of counterparties in the market conditions is the phenomenon of synergy that may be achieved through the integration and collaboration of intellectual activity of human resource systems in syntellectual space. A model of achieving by the socio-economic system the state of synergy under the influence of administration of its subsystems and a conceptual diagram of the harmonized administration and management of intellectual and transformation processes in these subsystems have been developed. Comprehensive use of the phenomena of syntellect (joint thinking) and synergy (joint action) for achieving by the system the state of synarchy (co-management) with obtaining the corresponding effect in the form of the level of economic well-being while preserving the market equilibrium and harmonized relations between its participants has been suggested. The prospect for further research in this direction is analyzing the potential of existing management technologies and tools for possible use in the processes and procedures of harmonized administration and management of domestic administrative body.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Voznyak H. V.
The Benefits and Risks of the Budget Decentralization: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects (p. 253 - 257)

The paper clarifies the essence of the “budget decentralization” and suggests the author’s vision of the concept. The benefits and risks of the implementation of budget decentralization at the regional level have been systematized. Their characteristics from the position of macroeconomic regulation of socio-economic processes have been presented. In the result of the research it has been proposed that the reform of local self-government and territorial organization of administration in terms of accretion of the power of local self-government bodies on the formation and use of budgetary resources should be carried out taking into account the advantages/disadvantages of the budget decentralization, the determination of necessary and sufficient level of its implementation as well as the degree of readiness of the central government and society to such changes.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Doronina M. S.
Behavioral economics. The research methodology background (p. 237 - 243)

The subject area of economic science becomes more complicated, its behavioral model is being formed gradually. The problem of determining the method, technology, methodology of its development using recommendations of philosophy and conceptual combination of separate results presented in publications becomes urgent. As a methodological basis of the behavioral economic theory it is advisable to choose synthesis of recommendations made by representatives of postpositivism (K. Popper, T. Kuhn, I. Lakatos, P. Feyerabend) with a focus on two cognitive technologies: epistemology and gnoseology. Specifying the subject of the theory of behavioral economics requires clarifying the essence of the terms “behavior”, “behavioral economics”, “behavior of the economy” and “the economy of behavior”. The content development of the theory of behavioral economics is possible using ideas of cognomics, case studies, culturedigm, chaos, the golden section, spiral dynamics of consciousness, organizational behavior. Higher school should get involved in training specialists for behavioral economics by means of forming cognitive and research competence of graduates. Globalization processes expand the field of economic science as a whole and of its behavioral model towards the external environment. There arises a problem of social responsibility of the government, civil society, business, citizen, employee, enterprise, science. Human consciousness is becoming a new and complex object of attention for all engaged in the theory of behavioral economics.

Article is written in English

Popov O. E., Mytrofanova A. S.
Organizational and Economic Support of Socialization of Production Relations in National Models of Economic Systems (p. 244 - 251)

The aim of the article is to develop a system of organizational and economic support for socialization of production relations in accordance with the initial level of their development in various models of economic systems. In the article it has been revealed that formulating recommendations on socialization of production relations in such areas as social partnership development as well as improvement of joint stock, cooperative, public, individual labor property becomes possible, provided determining the initial level of industrial relations development within a specific economic system model. With this purpose in the article there has been built a system of typical characteristics of development level of industrial relations and their indicators of varying degrees of formalization, which consists of four groups. On the basis of analyzing the characteristics there was suggested a system of recommendations of the state policy on increasing the social content of industrial relations, which consists of three groups according to the initial stage of development of industrial relations — for models of economic systems with high, medium and low degree of socialization of industrial relations.

Article is written in Russian


Bryukhovetskaya N. Y., Buleev I. P.
Competition: Some Aspects of Theory and Practice (p. 253 - 259)

Based on the retrospective analysis, the category of “competition” has been presented as a dialectical unity of the opposites “fight-cooperation”. The forms of its manifestation at different stages of development of society and economy have been considered. The notion of competition and its features in the context of globalization have been clarified. Suggestions on improving the competitive relations at the present stage of economic development have been made. Proposals on specifying the indicators for the formation of competitiveness rankings at the level of the national and international economies taking into account the military and industrial production have been substantiated.

Article is written in Russian

Tiutiunnykova S. V., Ganzherli A. O.
Social (Public) Needs in the System of Human Needs (p. 260 - 265)

The problem of needs has always been the focus of academic economists. A special place in the system of human needs is occupied by public (social) needs. The aim of the article is to analyze the conditions of formation, role and importance of public (social) needs in the structure of human needs. Human needs are the main driving force of social and economic development. Social needs reflect and influence the priorities of development, form the cultural space of a modern man. Therefore, the factors that build the structure of consumption in modern society ensuring its stable social and economic development require special attention. In today’s society the circle of essential needs is increasingly expanding, there occurs socialization of needs. They become social not only because they are satisfied by using the means generated in the process of socio-economic activities, but also because the whole process of satisfaction is associated with forms of social life. At the post-industrial stage of development in the structure of the needs of a modern man there start dominating social and cultural requirements actualized by the man’s striving for cultural identity. Along with the real needs reflecting the objective situation of human existence in the current social environment, there are also false, virtual needs artificially stimulated in people with different goals. Modern processes affecting the system of public needs are very dynamic and contradictory, so there is a need of their constant monitoring in order to skillfully redirect the society resource potential to achieve the priority goals of development. Social needs are not only able to reflect the specific historical conditions but also actively influence the nature of the processes, face the challenges of time and affect the stability and inclusion of social development by improving the life quality of both human and society.

Article is written in Russian

Khomjak M. S.
The Evolution of Theories and Concepts of Financial Space (p. 266 - 272)

The aim of the article is to study the essence of theories and concepts of financial space, and its objectives are: to identify the main stages and specifics of financial theories and concepts of financial space; justify the possible directions for implementation of the theoretical concepts of financial space in the Ukrainian realities. Under modern unpredictable conditions of the globalized world, various financial processes, which are difficult to predict, occur in financial space. As the realities of the second decade of the XXI century testify, the financial practice is ahead of the theoretical developments. However, the essence of cash flows, which are formed in the world, including domestic financial space, is that they are real, rather than virtual, and therefore are of such a nature that can be found, studied and justified. All the financial problems that emerged during the existence of human civilization found its theoretical justification and proper implementation. That is why the domestic financial flows, which currently have an unpredictable nature, should be properly investigated and a concrete solution should be found.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kolesnichenko I. M.
The Theory of Effectiveness of the State: Institutional Aspect (p. 229 - 234)

The article is devoted to one of the most urgent problems of modern economic theory and practice — effectiveness of the state. The aim of the paper is a comprehensive analysis of institutional aspects of the formation of a new economic theory of effectiveness of the state. To achieve this aim, the author first summarizes the evolution and theoretical and methodological characteristics of the economic theories of the state paying a special attention to the essence of the concept of “state” and focusing on “effectiveness of the state” as a major category of the new economic theory. Then he proceeds to institutional aspects of effectiveness of the state considering it as a specific organization and system of institutions of power and control; defines components of effectiveness of the state generalizing the existing methodological approaches and most importantly — the modern criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the state.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Miriasov I. О.
Real Capital: Complementarity and Structural Characteristics (p. 141 - 147)

Two opposite approaches to the concept of real capital are considered. The presupposition for studying capital within the neoclassical school, which can be characterized as “empirical realism”, is the homogeneity of capital. This allows to apply formal methods of studying and modeling industrial processes but excludes from consideration the properties and characteristics of capital as a real factor of production. The approach of the Austrian school corresponding to traditions of “critical realism” in the economy focuses on real properties of capital and its role in the process of public production. The aim of this study is to clarify the idea of real capital, its properties, structural characteristics and mechanisms of formation. According to this, the characteristic of two different approaches is given. It is shown that the heterogeneity of capital is the basis of complementarity of capital goods and their combinations in each particular case of their application. The same capital goods have different performance depending on the method of their combination as a result of the production plans of entrepreneurs. Emergent properties of capital are also the result of the combination. Differences in the use and combination of capital determine its overall structure, subsystems of which are natural objects at different levels included in the production, capital goods themselves and their various combinations, social capital. Each of these subsystems is relatively independent and forms a higher level subsystem.

Article is written in Russian


Doronin A. V., Doronin S. A.
The Conceptual Preconditions of Studying Collective Professional Mobility of Management Personnel (p. 245 - 252)

The preconditions and problems of developing the concept of the study and transformation of collective professional mobility of management personnel are generalized. The necessity of specifying the content and structure of the scientific and methodological concept of “paradigm” is justified. The possibility of using philosophy and economic theory to determine the initial ideas on the development of technique for studying collective professional mobility of management personnel are analyzed; contradictions, which resolution would create a constructive theoretical basis of such a study are revealed. The need to focus on the interdisciplinary approach in the development of the conceptual preconditions of studying collective professional mobility is substantiated. The versions of the world view allowing to ensure productive discussions of representatives of various scientific disciplines at the phenomenological stage of building a new paradigm are developed.

Article is written in English


Butenko N. V., Tereshchenko O. L.
Competitive Advantages of Effective Relationships of Business Entities as a Basis for Economic Development of Ukraine (p. 176 - 182)

The aim of the article is to determine the transformation of sense of relationships between business entities in the national economy as well as basic ideas and principles of forming competitive advantages of effective relationships. The objective preconditions for the transition from the confrontation strategy to relationships as a basis of interaction of business entities in the structure of the national economy are analyzed. It is determined that the weakening of the antagonistic dominant of competitive relations and the growing importance of a constructive component of partnership has become a background of the desire of business entities to establish effective relationships. The attention is focused on the trends of the cooperation and integration approach to competitive behavior, which is manifested in such forms of competitive interactions as coordination, constructive interaction and competitive collaboration in order to achieve individual and common goals of competitive relationships of the entities. The competitive advantages based on establishing long-term and effective relationships are considered. The peculiarities in the formation of the system of relationships in the insurance market are justified, in particular the causes hindering the development of relationships in the sphere of security are determined, the main partners — entities in the system of relationships in the insurance market are identified, the levels of relationships management in the insurance market are determined. Among the advantages of the use of effective relationships in the field of insurance are the following: improving the company’s image, attracting new customers, additional sales of insurance services, limiting the access of competitors’ offers, more efficient use of the advertising budget, improving the efficiency of the development of new insurance products and services, increasing the profits and value of brands, improving relations with investors.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vishnevsky V. P., Rekova N. Y.
Principles, Economic and Institutional Prerequisites for Fiscal Decentralization under Conditions of Post-Conflict Reconstruction (p. 183 - 189)

The aim of the article is to study principles, economic and institutional prerequisites for fiscal decentralization on post-conflict territories. It is determined that fiscal decentralization is one of the main ways to solve problems of post-conflict areas. There justified principles, economic and institutional prerequisites of fiscal decentralization on post-conflict territories with regard to the specificity of individual spheres of fiscal relations. Moreover, different spheres of fiscal relations require different approaches: the sphere of public revenues — providing economic efficiency with the formation of the tax structure contributing to the expansion of the tax base; the sphere of public spending — ensuring social justice and transparency in allocation of social cost at the local level; the sphere of subsidies — narrowing the scope of application of intergovernmental transfers with organizing the redistribution of financial resources under the principle of “center - post-conflict regions - post-conflict recipients”; the sphere of external assistance — ensuring proper coordination for cultivation of new co-operative institutions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Savytska N. L., Ushakova N. G., Pominova I. I.
The Market for Higher Education Services in the Context of the Theory of Merit Goods (p. 190 - 196)

The aim of the article is to determine features of the market for higher education services under modern conditions of globalization in the context of the theory of merit goods. In view of a holistic vision of education as a sphere of economic development, it is proved that the educational service of a higher education institution is a process and result at the same time; there disclosed a complex nature of the educational product of a higher education establishment represented by educational programs and technologies, formalized and implicit knowledge, physical and mental components of organization of the educational and scientific process. Services in the sphere of higher education have both features inherent in the majority of services in general and specific properties, the most important of which is a complementary nature of individual and social usefulness of their production and consumption, which allows to define them as merit goods. The state tutelage over the market for educational services is substantiated by the lag of demand for such services behind long-term interests of society because individual consumers are willing to buy merit goods at a price that is significantly lower than the total expenditure on training specialists. The merit market for national higher education services is characterized by disequilibrium caused by systemic and local institutional traps, the smoothing of which requires not only a competitive state educational policy but also balanced marketing policy of educational institutions that becomes possible under conditions of real autonomy of higher education institutions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vahlakova V. V.
The Formation of the Science of Economic Security (p. 290 - 296)

The accumulation of empirical material on the problems of economic security (state, region, enterprise) at a certain moment required explanation using a number of theoretical constructions and structurization of the accumulated body of knowledge, which led to the emergence of the science of economic security — a hierarchical science in which objects of economic security are located by the following levels: state — region — subject of economic activity. The terms used to denote the totality of knowledge about economic security (state, region, enterprise) are analyzed. The content of the science of economic security as a modern field of knowledge is disclosed. The presence in the economic security of the characteristics peculiar for each scientific branch is analyzed. The general laws of the formation of the science of economic security are considered. The content and characteristics of previously isolated stages in the evolution of the national science on economic security (phenomenological, divergent, convergent and sedimentary) are clarified, the integration and pragmatic stage is added.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivashyna S. Y.
Theoretical Basis for Studying the New Middle Class (p. 297 - 301)

The aim of the article is to clarify the content of the economic category “the new middle class”, to define its specific features and basic functions. Various classification and functional characteristics of the middle class are given. The necessity of combining sociological and political-economic approaches to the definition of the middle class as a socio-status and socio-economic group is shown. Formation of the socio-economic type of the owner of intellectual capital is identified as the attributive feature of the middle class. A conclusion is drawn on the economic realization of the right to property for intellectual capital in the form of rent. It is proved that the formation of the new middle class reflects the objective orientation of social production to overcome social contradictions. However, the tendency to overcome the class antagonisms of previous social types does not reduce the depth of contradictions between labor and capital and does not indicate a change in the essence of capital. Attention is paid to the socio-cultural features of the new middle class, which are viewed through changes in the way and style of life, its motivational orientation to the post-economic value system is determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Opalko V. V.
Determinants of Development of Socio-Economic Systems (p. 302 - 307)

The aim of the study is to determine the dynamics of development, factors and determinants that can stimulate the development of socio-economic systems. There proposed the author’s approach to the concept of “development of the socio-economic system”, which should be understood as gradual quantitative and qualitative changes in the functioning of the social and market institutions of the system. The theoretical principles of the dynamics of development of socio-economic systems that allow identifying the determinants capable to qualitatively change the development of socio-economic systems are systematized. The novelty of the study is the proposed formalized approach to development determinants that in the aggregate significantly change the functioning of the socio-economic system. It is proved that the determinants of development cause fluctuations, phase transitions from the previous level of development to the next one.

Article is written in Russian

Tiutiunnykova S. V.
Human Capital as an Actual Resource of Social and Economic Development (p. 308 - 314)

The strengthening of the competitive struggle in the world space, the growth of crisis phenomena in the national and global economy, the spread of new and emerging technologies with the dominant role of the human factor in them actualize a new surge of scientific interest in the problem of human capital and human potential. Human potential as a more capacious and complex integrity, of course, is the basis of human capital, but it is not reduced to it. Human capital absorbs only a certain set of qualities that are used in the economy. They form the qualitative characteristics of the labor force, which are capable of increasing the productive capacity, and, consequently, the incomes of their owners. Human potential is not only a platform for the development of human qualities and corresponding intangible forms of capital (social, intellectual, cultural, etc.). The human potential is the possibilities for human development, the expansion of its choice. In turn, the possibilities for growth of the potential depend on the quality of human capital, its use and capitalization. Between the human potential and human capital, there formed complex and ambiguous relationships: complementary, mutually replicating, correlative, mutually reinforcing, interrelated and causal. Under conditions of overcoming the accumulated contradictions and challenges of the 21st century, directing the country’s economy into the trajectory of economic growth, it is important to avoid opposing these categories and find mechanisms for resolving the contradictions between them, to improve the practice of managing in search for their harmonious interaction and effective use.

Article is written in Russian

Shved V. V.
The Theory of Collective Action and Wikinomics: the Analysis of Historical Transformation (p. 315 - 319)

The subject of the article is the analysis of the main components of the theory of collective action and its evolutionary transformation into modern economic models. The nature of emergence of the theory of collective action, its significance for modern society, the scope of its use as well as the key shortcomings are analyzed. There studied the process of development of the theory of collective actions, namely the interrelation of public incentives of different nature and peer relationships, which, in turn, leads to a change in the economic nature of relations in modern society. Also, attention is paid to the essence of wikinomics, the transformation of the theory of collective actions into the theory of wikinomics is argued with simultaneous solution of the key problems inherent in the theory of collective action, one of which is insufficient information. The main reasons for using wikinomics in modern business environment in the context of the transition of modern society from the post-industrial era into the information age are revealed.

Article is written in Russian


Hutorov A. O.
Rent and Rent Seeking Behavior in the System of Integration Relations in the Agrarian Sector of Economy (p. 235 - 244)

The aim of the article is to improve the theoretical and methodological basis of rental relations and rent seeking behavior in the system of integration relations in the agricultural sector of economy. It is shown that the system of economic mechanisms of integration relations in the agrarian sector of economy includes one of the most important and at the same time the most controversial elements — rent seeking behavior. The dialectical unity of rental and integration relations in the agricultural sector of economy follows from the nature of rent itself, its interconnection with economic relations as well as the place in the system of agrarian relations as a whole. This interdependence is empirically confirmed based on the dynamics of frequency of using the terms “integration” and “rent”, as well as their derivatives in scientific works with the Latin and Cyrillic script. The taxonomic system of rent in the modern economic paradigm is developed, rental principles of development of integrated business entities in the agricultural sector of economy are generalized. It is confirmed that the strategy of rent seeking under conditions of imperfection of state and market institutions is unproductive at the micro-level and destructive at the macro-level. Its consequences are the Dutch disease, excessive misuse of funds, low rates of economic development, deindustrialization and disintegration. A productive rent seeking, on the contrary, stimulates innovations, promotes rational distribution of property and resources in economy, raising the level of people’s well-being.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Farat O. V.
The Typology of Methodological Approaches to Development of Innovative Clusters (p. 245 - 250)

The aim of the article is to study the existing methodological approaches to assessing the development of enterprises for further substantiation of possibilities of their using by cluster associations. As a result of research, based on the analysis of scientific literature, the most applicable methodological approaches to assessing the development of enterprises are characterized. 8 methodical approaches to assessing the level of development of enterprises and 4 methodological approaches to assessing the level of development of clusters are singled out. Each of the approaches is characterized by the presence of certain advantages and disadvantages, but none of them allows to obtain a systematic assessment of all areas of cluster functioning, identify possible reserves for cluster competitiveness growth and characterize possible strategies for their future development. Taking into account peculiarities of the functioning and development of cluster associations of enterprises, we propose our own methodological approach for assessing the development of innovative cluster structures.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kyzym M. O., Doronina M. S.
World View in Economic Science (p. 227 - 232)

In the process of updating the economic model of society there arose the problem of eliminating contradictions in the development of economic science that do not allow us to solve problems of practice in proven ways. Although these contradictions and methods for their resolving are partially reflected in many scientific publications, methodological and practical justifications for a comprehensive study of the reserves of the economic science development by combining the provisions of philosophy and disciplines of the humanities are still relevant. The solution of the problem of unpredictability of functioning and development of the economy using such a combination of scientific disciplines can be ensured by applying the world view models that enable justifying the vector of attention of scientists in the subject area of the problem. The constructiveness of the interaction of scientists representing different ontological views of the world depends on improving of the conceptual and categorical support of their dialogue. A scientific world view in such a composition creates a basis, firstly, for a fruitful discussion of representatives of various disciplines having a common subject of research, and, secondly, for overcoming the institutional and cognitive barriers to professional mobility of scientists. It can also serve to develop the mobility of representatives of professional communities of researchers.

Article is written in English

Shpak S. O.
The Category of Development in Economics of Enterprises. Critical Notes (p. 233 - 241)

The aim of the article is a critical analysis of definitions of the development process in economics in general and enterprise economics in particular, identification of typical mistakes in formulating these definitions, clarification of the economic content of this concept and formation of its methodologically correct definition. On the basis of the main formal logical and methodological requirements of the logic and methodology of scientific research to defining concepts, the results of the critical analysis of the widespread in scientific literature definitions of the concept of development of economic systems and enterprises are laid out. The results obtained testify to the lack of unity of views among scientists on the concept of development, which is fundamental in the theory of strategic management of enterprises; the existence of numerous typical logical and methodological mistakes in formulating the definition of this concept, which exclude the possibility of effective, constructive use of the concept of enterprise development as an instrument of scientific knowledge. The appropriateness of interpreting enterprise development as the process of purposeful qualitative changes in its condition, which provides an increase in the level of viability (competitiveness) of the enterprise, is justified. Furthermore, there identified scientific issues that arise from the proposed interpretation of the development process and require additional study, including the issue of the expediency of introducing the very notion of enterprise development in the conceptual-categorical apparatus of the theory of enterprise management.

Article is written in Russian


Kniazieva T. V., Radchenko H. A.
Theoretical Prerequisites for the Formation of the Concept of Environmentally Responsible Marketing (p. 319 - 325)

The aim of the article is to study the evolution of theoretical approaches to the problems related to the ecological and economic interaction of economic entities and clarify the essential characteristics of the economic component of environmentally responsible marketing. By analyzing, systematizing and summarizing scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, the evolution of marketing concepts is considered, the views of researchers on the definition of the concepts “social marketing”, “environmental marketing” are systematized. As a result of the research, the advantages and disadvantages of the existing definitions of “green” marketing are highlighted. The main characteristics of the concept “environmentally responsible marketing” are formulated in the context of the concepts of sustainable development and socially responsible marketing. Prospects for further research in this area are: the infrastructure of environmentally responsible marketing; a conceptual justification of the methodology for building an environmentally responsible marketing system; factors and models of modern economic growth with consideration for the environmental factor, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mardus N. Y.
Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Determining the Economic Essence of Market as an Economic Category (p. 325 - 329)

The aim of the article is to study theoretical and methodological approaches to determining the economic essence and content of the concept “market” with subsequent clarification and expansion of its interpretation. To achieve the research objective, the following tasks are solved: the prerequisites for the emergence of market, its evolution are investigated, which, in comparison with existing approaches to the definition of market, are considered by the author comprehensively from the perspective of the system and evolutionary approaches. In the article a holistic and thorough examination of the concept “market” from the point of view of the existence of the public economy is carried out and theoretical and methodological approaches to the definition of the concept “market” as an economic category is considered. The results of the research showed that the concept “market” is one of the most widespread and complex categories in economic theory, one of the most common terms in society and is the basis of the market economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tiutiunnykova S. V., Karasik A. O.
Humanization and Optimization of the Structure of Human Needs in the Context of Globalization (p. 330 - 335)

Holistic harmonious development of a person depends on the quantity and quality of the needs being met. A vector of social and economic development aimed at maximizing rather than harmonious satisfaction of needs destroys the holistic human reproduction, turns a person into a consumer. The article is dedicated to the issue of humanizing the system of needs and optimizing its structure, which expand the conditions for holistic human development. The modern transformation of the structure of needs, which takes place in the context of globalization, occurs under the stringent pressure of many objective and subjective factors that sometimes have a multidirectional and contradictory impact on the system of needs. Needs are in the state of movement, development, expansion; the structure of needs is complex, multilevel, hierarchical. An important task for economic practice is the creation of mechanisms for external and internal restriction of excessive needs, formation of effective social norms of personal consumption. The search for a new vector of civilized socio-economic development should be oriented toward such structural changes in the system of human needs that will be formed under the influence of humanization, which ensures the balance of structural elements. The progress of humanity is not confined to the restriction of needs of a person, it is associated with the development of his/her abilities, with such dynamic and structural changes in the system of needs that contribute to the development and realization of abilities of a person. Among the main directions of the transformation of the structure of human needs in the context of the spread of the contradictory impact of globalization there can be separately singled out the acceleration of the quantitative dynamics of the growth of needs, changes in their quality, improvement of the forms and methods for their satisfaction; growth of interethnic and intra-national gaps in the volume and structure of needs; institutionalization of personal consumption and its transformation into a factor of economic growth; identification of demand as the leading factor in building social identity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Smiesova V. L.
Reproduction of Economic Interests as a Nonlinear Dynamical System (p. 336 - 343)

The aim of the article is to define the system characteristics of reproduction of economic interests of actors, substantiate the possibility of its evolutionary and revolutionary development and the nonlinearity of its development in dynamics. The article justifies the main characteristics of the system of reproduction of economic interests. It is proved that in this system stability and variability are complementarily combined as integrated mechanisms of its development in statics and dynamics, assurance of its self-organization and self-restoration, quantitative and qualitative transformation. In its static state, there prevail characteristics of steadiness and leaning towards stability and constancy. In the dynamic state, the main characteristic is variability of the system of reproduction of economic interests, which determines / reacts to the processes of transformation and development of its constituent subsystems, potential opportunities, preferences and economic behavior of actors (changes in the endogenous environment), institutions and establishments, constraints and stabilizers (changes in the exogenous environment). The model of dynamic development of the system for reproduction of economic interests is proposed, the phases of its evolutionary and revolutionary development are substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sharko M. V., Gusarina N. V.
Transformation of the Terminological Apparatus of Economic Development of Innovation Activity under Conditions of Dynamic Changes in the External Environment (p. 344 - 350)

The aim of the article is to analyze the content interpretation of categorical concepts of economic development of production functioning under conditions of dynamic changes in the exploitation of the external environment. The article presents the author’s interpretation of the concepts of economic development and economic growth under conditions of dynamic changes in the external environment. The urgency of unification and systematization of the main interpretations of economic growth as a means of choosing and using certain management solutions under specific production conditions is substantiated. Based on the construction of the Ishikawa diagram, the reasons and difficulties of the economic growth of enterprises are graded. The conditions and factors of the conceptual apparatus of innovation activity under uncertainty are structured. It is shown that the complex application of iterative methods and methods of factor analysis provides a holistic perception of the dominant tendencies of economic development under conditions of dynamic changes in the external environment.

Article is written in Russian


Vasylchuk I. P.
From Corporate Social Responsibility to Corporate Sustainability: Features of Financing Sustainable Development (p. 243 - 250)

The theoretical basis of the concepts of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development are studied. It is revealed that scientists mainly distinguish two main stages in the evolution of the concept of corporate social responsibility. There argued the expediency of singling out the third stage of the development of the concept (version CSR 2.0), which is characterized by the integration of the theoretical and practical foundations of the concepts of CSR and sustainable development as well as by their implementation into activities of corporations. The presence of the necessary prerequisites for singling out the new stage in the evolution of these concepts (version CSR 3.0), which is based on the provisions of the collaborative theory and provides for the cooperation of social enterprises and sustainable corporations in achieving the goals of sustainable development, is revealed, its expediency is justified. The determinant of the stage is the use of opportunities for sustainable development, the dominant is the social orientation, and its content is characterized by the slogan “doing common good to do common well”. Using generalization, there identified the features of the established models of sustainable development of corporations by key aspects (goals, principles, methods). On this basis, the features of approaches to financing sustainable development at the macro and micro levels are determined, and the principles for financing the activities of corporations in the new conditions are defined. It is concluded that achieving sustainability requires an effective system of financing corporate measures aimed at sustainable development, for the creation of which in Ukraine it is necessary to use the experience of “best practices” at the national, local and corporate levels.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hrinchenko R. V.
Modernization of Theoretical Components of Managing Adaptive Changes in an Enterprise (p. 251 - 256)

The main aim of the article is to study and improve the theoretical basis for managing adaptive changes in an enterprise. An analysis of theoretical approaches to the definition of the concepts of “management”, “adaptation” and “change” is carried out. There proposed the author’s definition of the concept of “management”: management of an enterprise’s activities should be understood as a complex, multifaceted, dynamic process of the formation, adoption and implementation of decisions based on studying the laws, principles, methods, and tools for the formation, adoption, and implementation of decisions to achieve the planned objectives with regard to changes in the external and internal environment of the enterprise. There studied the main aim as well as the task of forming a mechanism for managing activities of enterprises, which made it possible to identify the key tasks of such a mechanism for agro-industrial enterprises. The investigation of theoretical bases of the definition of the concept of “adaptation” is carried out. There proposed the author’s definition of the concept of “adaptation” as a continuous process of studying the external and internal environment of an enterprise, developing and introducing changes in managing organizational and economic, legal, technological, and social components of enterprises to achieve the performance targets and improve the competitiveness of enterprises. There identified and grouped the main components of the mechanism for managing agricultural enterprises: organizational and economic, technological, legal, and social management mechanism.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhukova L. M.
The Role of the State in Economic Development: the Main Theoretical Approaches (p. 257 - 264)

The aim of the article is to investigate the impact of institutional changes on the economic development of society and determine the extent to which the institutional status of the state is being realized under global uncertainty. Analyzing, systematizing and summarizing scientific works of a number of scientists, new approaches are considered with regard to the features of the functioning and interaction of state institutions as well as the creation of institutional foundations for the formation of an effective state policy adequate to the contemporary economic realities and the needs of society. As a result of the study, the conditions that modify the role of the state are characterized, differences in the interaction of the state and the economy at the current and previous stages of social and economic development are revealed. It is determined that the provision of the institutional status of the state under modern conditions involves both the continuation of the search for its socio-political formation and geostrategic identity and a significant transformation of the socio-economic development of society, in the process of which a multicomponent aggregate institutional system should be formed. It is substantiated that the process of Ukraine’s integration into the global competition environment calls for orientation towards an innovation model of development. There proved the necessity for searching for the criteria of effectiveness of reforms in the area of mutual complementation of state institutions and market institutions through the thoughtful use of the existing institutional and value resources of society. Prospects for further research in this direction are the definition of strategic objectives of the state policy regarding the provision of the institutional status of the state in the context of global changes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khaustova V. Y., Omarov S. A.
The Concept of Sustainable Development as a Paradigm of Development of Sosiety (p. 265 - 273)

The article is dedicated to studying the concept of sustainable development as a new paradigm of development of humanity. The genesis of the evolution of the views of scientists on the goals, essence, and problems of the introduction of this concept are considered. The interpretation of the concept of “sustainable development” by scientists and practitioners is analyzed, and the main approaches to understanding its essence are grouped. The basic principles of sustainable development are singled out. The main approaches to assessing sustainable development of socio-economic systems at different levels, their content, goals, and features of application are investigated. The views of scientists on the path to achieving sustainable development are considered, and the key discussion aspects in solving this problem are identified. It is shown that the concept of sustainable development has undergone a long evolution and continues to develop in accordance with new global challenges. Sustainable development is associated with the formation of a fundamentally new attitude towards man: on the one hand, as a subject of the ecological and economic system, on the other hand, as the main goal of its development. It is substantiated that the transition to sustainable development on a global scale is possible only with the obligatory condition of coherence of all objects and subjects of this process, which is systemic in nature and connects all levels of the socio-economic system (the global, national, regional, local one) and various spheres of its functioning (the economic, social, ecological one).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shved V. V.
Trust: a Psychological Category or an Economic Value? (p. 274 - 279)

The subject of the article is the analysis of key characteristics of modern economic theories in view of influence of trust on consumer behavior. The main forms of the wikinomistic and behavioral models of economy, their significance for society, key features of the application, as well as the role of trust in their functioning are considered. The basic principles that are unified for all the models under consideration are defined. The Chinese experience of administering and controlling the level of trust is studied with the aim of optimizing the country’s economy, forming consumer sentiments, and influencing behavior of citizens. The key weaknesses of the Chinese system of social rankings are identified. There revealed the negative influence of bureaucracy and state control on the economic models as well as on trust as an independent economic value capable of fundamentally influencing decisions made by market participants.

Article is written in Russian

Shpak S. O.
The Development Potential in the System of Potentials of an Industrial Enterprise (p. 280 - 286)

The aim of the article is to clarify the content and formulate a methodologically rigorous definition of the concept of enterprise development as a key category of management theory for restructuring industrial enterprises that provides the basis for a constructive definition of the concept of development potential and its place in the system of enterprise potentials. It is substantiated that the interpretation of the concept of enterprise development that is consistent with the philosophical concept of development should accumulate the concepts of competitiveness of an enterprise, as the ability to generate an acceptable profit on a long-term basis; the potential of an enterprise, as the ability to perform its basic activity characterizing the cumulative result of such activity, its marginal opportunities; the role of the structure of the enterprise as a system in the formation of its ultimate capabilities (potentials). It is shown that these requirements are met by the definition of the development process as a process of a purposeful transfer of the enterprise to a qualitatively new state described by broader opportunities for generating profits under the forecast conditions. At the same time, the structural adaptation of the enterprise to the new operating conditions is a tool for realizing the development process, which indicates the equivalence of the concepts of structural adaptability of an enterprise and its development potential. It is substantiated that the competitiveness of an enterprise is determined by its economic potential and development potential, which form the highest level of the hierarchy of potentials, the construction of which is possible in the course of decomposition of these potentials into their components according to the type of activity of the enterprise.

Article is written in Russian


Buleev I. P., Bryukhovetskaya N. Y.
A Comparative Analysis of the Driving Forces of Capitalist and Socialist Economies: Possibilities of Application in Ukraine (p. 276 - 288)

Based on the application of the formation approach to the development of the economic and social structure of countries, a comparative analysis of the capitalist and socialist economies is carried out. The inconsistency of the materialist doctrine of the socio-economic formation is shown. The illegitimacy of ignoring spirituality, values of society and elites in the economic development of countries is proved. The thesis that the basis of society is not the economy but spirituality of society is substantiated. To understand the driving forces of capitalism and socialism, there used economics and chrematistics, the latter considers not physical indicators, as economics does, but is aimed at exploitation, usury. Approaches to the assessment of the economy as a dynamic, constantly changing internal and external social development are considered. There studied the evolution of capitalism in terms of improving skills of employees, level of income, formation of the middle class, creation of forms of social security — insurance, the pension system. It is proved that the fundamentals of capitalism remain unchanged: the industrial material and technical base, private ownership of the means of production, the social form of production under the private capitalist form of appropriation, liberalism as the dominant theory in economics. Characteristic features of the socialist mode of production, the Soviet economy are revealed. It is proved that all above mentioned ensured the application of countervailing mechanisms of economic development, active introduction of the achievements of scientific and technical progress, belief of the population in social justice in society, care of the state about man, and confidence in the future. Proposals are made as to changing the methodology of economic research and real reforms in favor of the primacy of fundamental moral values, evaluation of activities by physical rather than cost indicators.

Article is written in Russian

Panchyshyn S. M., Hrabynska I. V.
On Political Economy and Economics as the Branches of Economic Knowledge (p. 289 - 295)

The article is dedicated to the methodological discourse on certain aspects of the improvement of the domestic economic terminology system and objective changes in the national economic science and education at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century, which is a reflection of changes in both the system of economic knowledge and transformational changes in economic practice. There substantiated the necessity and relevance of using in the domestic economic terminology system the term “analitychna economika” as the one correspondent to the English term “Economics”, which reflects the analysis as a core method of investigation of economic reality and, at the same time, an organic combination of theoretical and applied economics. The theoretical and methodological approach of an American economist H. Varian to the analysis of the relationship between “Economic Theory” and “Economics” is further developed, which provided the basis to interpret economic theory as a method or tool of economics. It is concluded that political economy has become a leading direction in the development of modern economic science, a kind of interface between economics and political sciences, which emphasizes the problems of achieving social efficiency and explains the way political institutions and the economic system affect each other. There analyzed the experience of western universities in the programming of educational specializations within the field of “Economics”, which provides for the identification of a number of educational programs (Ecological Economics, International Economics, Business Economics, Economics of Development, Health Care Economics, etc.). The using of this experience will allow bringing the economic education in Ukraine closer to economic practice and promote its integration into the world educational and economic space.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kolomiyets G. M., Hlushach Y. S.
Evolution of the Institution of Rating in the Mechanism of Economic Transformations (p. 165 - 170)

Under conditions of the development of the modern market economic system, which is characterized by the accumulation of large volumes of information, an increase in its asymmetry, complication of processing and generalization, rankings play an important role as an effective consolidating tool for decision-making. The development of the rating process is logical within the mechanism of modern economic transformations, and the increasing role of rating in the context of imperfect information is confirmed by the significant demand for its practical application and turns it into an important institution of the digital economy. The aim of the article is to study the evolution of the institution of rating, starting with the analysis of the historical prerequisites for the emergence of rankings and rating agencies, as well as to consider the descriptors of its institutionalization in the process of economic transformations. It is substantiated that the development of rating, change of its historical forms is due to the specificity of rating services, the demand for production of which depends on the amount of information available to business entities, its distribution between them and the performance by rankings of derived functions: reducing information asymmetry and transaction costs. On this basis, in the process of economic transformations, three stages of rating institutionalization are singled out: the emergence of communication and the beginning of the formation of demand for rating under conditions of absolute lack of information; an increase in the demand for rating services (mainly in the financial and credit sphere) and, as a result, an increase in the number of rating agencies and the formation of a market for rating services; globalization of the market of rating services and the acquisition by rating of a polysystemic character.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Strielnikov R. M.
Formalization of a Model of Influence of Institutional Factors in the Development and Implementation of Investment Projects in Time (p. 171 - 177)

The article notes that insufficient attention has been paid to the issues of influence of institutional factors in the development and implementation of investment projects, and therefore, this area of scientific research is relevant. It is proved that the management of production structures should clearly define the managerial paradigm, according to which it will carry out its investment activities. There formulated the author’s definition of the concept “institutional factor”, which can be described as the cause determining the structure of incentives and the degree of restrictions imposed by formal and informal rules in the process of choosing an alternative solution when interacting with socio-economic actors (individuals and entities, organizations) and their groups. The conditions and options for choosing the management paradigm in developing investment projects are presented. It is proved that it is much more difficult to determine the influence of the informal component of institutional factors rather than that of the formal factors. It is established that time in the dynamics of investment processes should be considered as a resource that can be expressed not only in time constants (day, month, year), but also in other digital equivalents. The formalization of the model of the influence of institutional factors on the investment activity of an enterprise or group of enterprises is carried out.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Burennikova N. V., Zavgorodnii I. V.
Methodological Approaches to the Formation of an Effective Mechanism for Managing Economic Activity of Agricultural Enterprises: Future Aspects (p. 169 - 175)

The aim of the article is to study methodological approaches to the formation of an effective mechanism for managing economic activity of agricultural enterprises, taking into account the forecast values of efficiency of such activity in the process of developing an appropriate strategy contributing to adequate scenario planning. The views of individual researchers on defining “economic activity”, “mechanism of economic activity of agricultural enterprises” are considered, and some common features and differences between the concepts of “economic activity” and “business activity” are indicated. The components of the mechanism of economic activity of agricultural enterprises are identified. Furthermore, there highlighted the main directions of its improvement in the context of efficiency and the need to introduce the concept of “future efficiency” of economic activity with the rationale for taking it into account in making and implementing management decisions in the process of such activity. The author proposes a functional consolidated model for assessing and regulating the level of efficiency of economic activity (future efficiency) of agricultural enterprises for the purpose of forecasting in the process of SEE management. The main elements of the strategy of economic activity of agricultural enterprises are determined. Prospects for further research are associated with finding ways to improve the values of future efficiency in the context of SEE management, which should take into account the established characteristic features of the above mentioned efficiency as an institution of the national economy in the system of modern socio-economic relations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kovalyov V. M.
Theoretical Bases of Social Transformation of Humanity as a Historical Inevitability (p. 176 - 187)

Theoretical provisions on the social transformation of humanity as a historical inevitability in Ukraine and in the world are considered. It is proved that these transformations are a product of human development in accordance with the requirements of objective economic laws, whose emergence is predetermined by the natural triune — material, spiritual and social essence of man. The essence of the economic category «sociality», which, unlike its generally accepted definition as «gregariousness» or «civic consciousness», is inherent to an individual as their quality, is in fact a category inherent in all humanity. It expresses equitable distribution of the results of human labor between laborers and owners of the means of production and technological energy. In its essence, this category reflects the class structure of the whole human community, which with the disappearance of classes can turn into a museum piece. It is established that the processes of social transformations of humanity, which take place in a historical context, require the emergence of the newest science of man and his development in accordance with objective economic laws and the theory of our compatriot, academician V. I. Vernadsky, of the noosphere, which we define as human studies. There developed a methodology and formula for quantifying the level of social maturity of humanity according to the structure of labor potential, which is evidenced by the calculations of the indices of socialization and capitalization in Ukraine based on the data of 2015–2017, which allowed for revealing the patterns of social transformations in Ukraine and in the world as well as the advancement of humanity towards a classless society. The essence and manifestation of the objective economic law of wages are disclosed, and the methods for determining its required level are substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rayevnyeva O. V.
Building a System of Institutional Autonomy of a Higher Education Institution: Methodological Background (p. 188 - 194)

The article deals with the further improvement of the methodological background for building a system of autonomy of a higher educational institution (HEI). Based on a critical analysis of the world and national experience, it is determined that the current stage of the functioning of the world higher education system is characterized by the formation of a new development paradigm and implies the need to find a certain balance between university autonomy and government regulation in this sphere. The main dimensions in changing the global paradigm of development of the education market are defined and, accordingly, the peculiarities of changing the paradigm of modernization of the national higher education system in Ukraine are formed. It is proved that autonomy of an HEI is, above all, the decentralization of management culture at the university and the construction of an effective system for managing its structural components – academic, staffing, financial, and organizational autonomy. The stages of development of the concept for building a system of HEI institutional university autonomy are proposed; hypotheses, provisions, functions of the system of autonomy of the university are formed.

Article is written in English


Dankevych V. Y., Pyvovar P. V., Pyvovar A. M.
The Evolution of Land Resources as a Production Factor (p. 121 - 127)

The aim of the article is to study the specifics of the evolution of land resources as a factor of production. It is proved that the main idea underlying modern approaches to the use of land resources is that economic subjects involved in the production process are guided by their own interests, which is caused by the maximization of utility of or profit from the available land plots. Thus, production decisions regarding allocation or use of land as a production factor are made in order to maximize profits, taking into account the state of technological development (society, industry), available resources, and government policies. Land resources throughout the entire existence of mankind have played a key role in the life of society, which is determined by national, social, economic, and natural features of the realization of the function of land as a natural object necessary for the functioning of all sectors of the economy, the main means of production and subject of labor in agriculture. The multifunctionality of land resources determines a significant number of theoretical and methodological approaches to their study. Investigating the evolution of land resources as a factor of production from the position of various economics allows distinguishing different views on this economic category. Systematizing the theoretical foundations of the evolution of land resources as a production factor in classical economics made it possible to identify the main theories of development of land relations.

Article is written in English

Kolomiiets V. М.
Methodological Justification of Studying Human Capital Development in the Context of Institutional Theory (p. 128 - 133)

In theory and practice of economic management, issues concerning the nature of human capital and its structure, the methodology to study human capital development in the light of institutional theory remain insufficiently studied. The formation of integral thinking regarding the processes of the formation of a new economy determines the need to update the existing methodology to study the development of human capital. The changes in the nature of the development of the economy, movement of the majority of the employed people from the manufacturing to the services sector as well as active creation of artificial intelligence significantly change the views on the development of human capital. The main goal is to formulate a new methodological basis for studying human capital development in the light of institutional theory and the perception of human capital as the basic component and goal of the development of human. The methodological basis for studying the essence of the process of forming the institutional system for human capital development is the general systems theory, systems analysis, synergetics. In the context of an institutional approach to the formation of a methodology for studying human capital, understanding the institutional system as a set of institutions for human capital development, which are in certain interrelations and relationships and form certain integrity, as well as their hierarchies among themselves is most acceptable. The result of the carried out investigation is a methodological justification of studying human capital development in the context of institutional theory. Based on the methodology of theoretical analysis, generalization of existing views, and real state of human capital development, there formulated the main directions to further elaborate the research methodology of the theory of human capital and the practical tasks of its development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Miriasov I. О.
The Effect of Marketing and its Influence on Consumer Preferences in an Optimal Choice Model (p. 134 - 140)

The central problem of this work is the identification of opportunities and objective constraints of the impact on demand for products of companies, justification of mechanisms and tools ensuring the formation and management of demand, depending on type of the market structure to which the company belongs. Consumer demand is considered as a two-tier category. Functional demand is determined by the consumer characteristics of a good and the objective needs they satisfy. The formation of functional demand is subject to the principle of consumer rationality. Non-functional demand is a variable component of demand which reflects the subjective attitude of the consumer to the benefits and is subject to the principle of rationality to a lesser extent. The main role here is played by social, speculative and irrational motives. Along with the known effects of prestigious consumption, snob, and joining the majority, in the structure of non-functional demand, the effect of marketing can be singled out. This effect, firstly, distorts consumer preferences and their utility function, secondly, leads to new consumer equilibrium which is not optimal from the point view of the principle of rationality. The influence of the effect of marketing is illustrated using an optimal consumer choice model, within which changes in individual demand with changes in the price for goods are analyzed, and the formation of new consumer equilibrium is subject to the effects of income and substitution. It is shown that the effect of marketing in this case can absorb or neutralize the income effect or the substitution effect, depending on the type of goods included in this model. The paper shows that the prerequisite for transforming the utility function and consumer equilibrium is the vertical and horizontal differentiation of goods, and advertising and product branding are the tools that generate marketing effect and affect demand.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Titenko L. V., Kushnir L. L.
The Domestic Demographic Crisis in the Context of Political Economy (p. 141 - 148)

The article is the author’s study of key aspects of the current demographic crisis in Ukraine. The study is carried out on the theoretical platform of the political economy approach and covers the events of the period 1993–2018. Researchers interpret the large-scale depopulation of the country’s population as the main result of its development over the period of a quarter of a century and consider the social causes of this process. The aim of the article is to identify the main social causes of the regress in the demographic development of the country. In order to identify the main causes of the demographic regress in Ukraine, the article presents the key characteristics of the natural and migratory movement of the population, its economic activity, morbidity, causes of high mortality and deviant behavior. The authors prove that the leading social cause of the demographic crisis in Ukraine lies in the mechanism of excessive social stratification of the society, which hinders the unlocking of the potential of human capital of the nation and its movement towards social progress. According to the authors, the mentioned mechanism supports the antisocial way of enriching the privileged minority and the destructive for most of the population way of self-reproduction of poverty, ultrahigh morbidity and mortality. The authors of the article argue that the demographic crisis in Ukraine can be overcome by directing the state’s economic course towards solving the problem of the country’s demographic development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Usyk V. I.
Education Cluster as a Basis for the Formation of Information Economy and Knowledge Economy (p. 149 - 154)

The aim of the article is to distinguish between the concepts “knowledge economy”, “innovative economy”, “information economy”, “education cluster”, “education”. Through analyzing, systematizing and summarizing scientific works of a number of scientists, the evolution of these concepts is considered, and relationships between them are described. It is proved that the education sector has functional and organizational aspects. Based on the results of the analysis, it is established that education cluster, within the framework of the formation of a new type of economy, is considered as a modern educational form, where the core of development is a research university. Prospects for further research in this area are, firstly, analysis of the emergence of the “research university” phenomenon and, secondly, quantitative assessment of the share of the education sector in the national economy in countries with different levels of development, including Ukraine. Further research on the features of the education sector is important for solving the scientific problem of formulating and implementing certain financial rules in the practice of public administration of the education sector.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsikalo Y. I.
Theoretical and Conceptual Principles for Qualitative Assessment of State of a Business Entity (p. 155 - 163)

The article presents conceptual theoretical and methodological principles for qualitative assessment of state of a business entity as a complex state, in which the economic and integration state (ES and IS) are synergistically combined. Qualitative assessment characteristics are obtained through the application of a conceptual approach to the assessment, which is based on the identification of qualitative combinations of ES and IS, with the formation of six variants of complex state. The variants display possible combinations through correlations between the indicators of result of activity and degree of integration, based on their quantitative positioning relative to the ranges of embracing changes in their values. Singling out types of complex state within each variant normalizes the options for establishing pairs of indicators and fixes qualitative variables for ES and IS. The content of the variables (by types of state), based on changes in the indicators of result of activity and degree of integration is disclosed, and the influence on them of the corresponding formative (factor) indicators of activity and integration features is interpreted. The factors of influence (causes of changes) are localized at the level of accounting details of these indicators. Qualitative decisions will be made at points of localization (in the attractors of the control system). Such decisions are reasonable in terms of effectiveness of integration, elimination of disintegration, reintegration, embracing changes in the result of activity and attitudes towards its critical changes, ensuring a positive and sustainable state. The proposed approach and principles of qualitative state assessment will allow creating, in the self-organizing aspect of management, an information and analytical platform to make and implement decisions to ensure controlled support for the state of homeostatic equilibrium of the management system in a business entity.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kwilinski A. S., Trushkina N. V., Rynkevych N. S.
Conceptual Approaches to Defining the Term “Information Economy” (p. 147 - 155)

The article determines the key prerequisites for the formation of the concept “information economy” and studies the evolution of its development. It is established that the majority of researchers identify the information economy with such concepts as digital economy, new economy, post-industrial economy, Industry 4.0, virtual economy, network economy, information and network economy, electronic economy, digital intellectual economy, Internet economy, e-economy, web economy, knowledge economy. Scientific approaches to defining terminology relating to the problems of the development of the information economy are conventionally broken down into classification groups: science, new type of economy, section of economic theory, information environment, system of economic relations, type of economic activity, instrument. Based on the result of the generalization of the existing scientific developments associated with the conceptual apparatus and the analysis of its compliance with modern business conditions, the content of the concept “information economy” is clarified. It is defined as a system of economic relations involving modern information technologies as well as the information environment, which is effectively evolving through the use of digital technologies and functioning of information infrastructure facilities. The article determines the priority areas for the development of the information economy in the global digital space, including: creation of a digital platform as a new business model; use of the concept of Industry 4.0 and smart factory as drivers for the digital transformation of industrial development; implementation of a cyber-physical system as a single complex of information resources, systems and physical processes.

Article is written in Russian

Kyzym M. O., Doronina M. S.
Economic Science in Ukraine: Challenges, Problems and Ways of their Solving (p. 156 - 163)

World experience shows that an effective activity of a country largely depends on the correct choice of priorities to support the development of its science, the choice of ways to finance it. Although many publications of scientists partially provide solutions to this problem, methodological and practical justification for a comprehensive study of reserves for the development of domestic economic science under current conditions of the life of society remains relevant. The aim of this article is to summarize the prerequisites for updating the theoretical and methodological support for the formation of the economic basis of Ukraine and identify some reserves for the development of this process. In the course of the research, it was found out that the sources of problems of economic science are: lack of systematization of a significant amount of available economic knowledge, which often creates problems with their practical implementation; still weak efforts on introducing the behavioral models of the economy. It is urgent to update the methodological basis for the accumulation of knowledge at all its levels: philosophical, general scientific, at the level of specific disciplines. There is no systematic procedure for diagnosing the cultural, socially reflective, humanitarian, environmental, moral functions of science. There is a need for a conceptual definition of the essence and content of fundamental and applied research, the choice of their optimal combination in solving various problems of economic theory and practice. The traditional picture of the world in studying economic problems urgently needs to be rationally supplemented with the recommendations of synergetics, capable of finding constructive technologies for establishing order from chaos. Diagnosing the truth of research results should be provided through an understandable professional, qualified expert examination, which can ensure creating a system of criteria to assess a specific subject and obtain a particular result.

Article is written in English

Nikishyna O. V., Dilenko V. O., Tarakanov N. L.
The Logistic Factor in the Transformation of the Theoretical Principles Underlying the Functioning of Commodity Markets (p. 164 - 170)

The influence of the logistic factor on the transformation of the theoretical principles underlying the functioning of commodity markets is investigated. First of all, this concerns certain provisions of the theory of market equilibrium and the theory of competition. It is concluded that the logistic factor allows not only to reveal the influence of its individual components on the postulate of the market equilibrium theory about delayed response of supply to changes in product prices but also to minimize the time to achieve equilibrium. The components of the logistic structure should include warehousing logistics, distribution logistics as well as the integrated logistics concept of 7Rs. There developed a modified Evans’ mathematical model, the analysis of which has demonstrated the possibility of the influence of logistic structures on market processes in order to minimize the time to achieve the equilibrium price. The logistic component of product distribution introduces certain adjustments into the modern concepts of the theoretical principles underlying the functioning of the market environment, in particular, the motivational component of eliminating competition depending on the market share of commodity producers. The authors’ hypothesis on this issue is that the opportunities for producers in the competition will be more differentiated due to using providers of logistical services of different levels, while the weight of market shares as a motivational component of competitive relations will decrease. The performed monitoring of the logistics services market has made it possible to single out a promising level of development of logistics services related to the provision of comprehensive logistics services, primarily, 3PL.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Romanovska Y. A.
City as an Object of Socio-Economic Security (p. 171 - 177)

Ukraine is a country with a high level of urbanization, as evidenced by the presented description of urbanization trends in the country and their effect, which makes the study of the city (urban geosystem) important in terms of various aspects. At the same time, one of the directions in the development of the science of economic security at the meso level is the completion of the architectonics of objects of socio-economic security, the basis of which should be elements of the structure of the socio-economic system of the region – region, city, village, etc. The city is the object of study, the nature of origin, evolution and development features of which are described in modern theories of city formation. It is considered in the framework of various approaches (social, economic, social, communication, cooperative), the provisions of which should become the basis for investigating (studying the nature, evaluating and ensuring) socio-economic security of the city. The study of a new object of socio-economic security – the city (urban geosystem) should begin with clarifying the semantic load of the category “city”. Based on the analysis of the existing definitions of the content of the category “city”, there made conclusions that allowed to disclose the content of the studied category in its wide and narrow sense using the concepts of a human-centric idea of the development of society. The features for specifying the generic concept of “city” are presented. It is shown that the urban geosystem, as the basis of the urban system, has a complex structure and is extremely sensitive to the influence of the external environment. Furthermore, its purpose, functions and consequences of functioning are described.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yarmolenko V. О., Burennikova N. V.
Measuring the Effectiveness of the Process of System Operation with Simultaneous Consideration for its Effectiveness in the Classical Sense and its Efficiency Coefficient: Energy Aspect (p. 178 - 185)

The aim of the article is to describe the methodology for measuring effectiveness of subprocesses of the system operation process with simultaneous consideration for their effectiveness in the classical sense and their efficiency coefficients. The methodology is based on the authors’ models of efficiency components of the process as a newly created toolbox to be used in the process control. It is found that the proposed by the authors process effectiveness indicator, which is presented as the relation between the indicator of total product of the process and the cost indicator, characterizes the process mainly in terms of cost, and the authors’ efficiency coefficient indicator (as the relation between the indicator of net product of the process and its total product indicator) – in terms of benefit. The geometric mean of these indicators, which simultaneously takes into account effectiveness of the process in the classical sense and its effectiveness in the form of efficiency coefficient, is chosen as a newly created process effectiveness indicator. It is emphasized that the special value of the proposed new (third) effectiveness indicator is that it determines the features of process effectiveness in terms of the above mentioned two factors: cost and benefit. Moreover, three efficiency indicators (in terms of costs, in terms of both benefit and costs, in terms of benefit) are introduced. Each of the efficiency indicators is obtained as the product of the indicator of scale product of the process by the corresponding effectiveness indicator. The specific examples given in the article show the practical implementation of the methodology proposed by the authors for measuring the newly created indicator of effectiveness of system operation and the possibility of its application (along with the methods for measuring other author’s indicators) to control the force of this process. It is noted, as in the previous works of the authors, that the proposed methods can be used to study complicated systems of various types and levels of hierarchy (which is the scientific novelty of the proposed research results).

Article is written in Ukrainian


Hrybinenko O. M.
The Evolution of the Theoretical Basis for Studying National Economic Security (p. 149 - 155)

The aim of the article is to study the cause-effect relationship between challenges of globalization and provision of national economic security under modern conditions. The evolution of the theoretical basis for studying national economic security is investigated. The analysis showed that scientific research and empirical studies in the field of the formation and provision of economic security have been carried out for a long time. Economic security issues were examined through determining the impact of international trade on the welfare of the nation, which is directly related not only to the state of military security but of economic security as well. Classical economists drew attention to tools to ensure stability of markets, coordination of interests of their participants. With the progress in international economic relations under the influence of increasing global challenges, the focus of research in the field of economic security is expanding from traditional issues to those related to environmental problems, organizational crime, terrorism, human security, etc. Among the new areas of security research, it is worth highlighting the development of the concepts of cooperative security, democratic world, unconventional security; the theory of transnational networks; social and economic catastrophe theory; the conflict theory; synergetics, etc. Studying the theoretical and methodological bases for determining economic security allows to define it as a system and as a process, which in turn requires appropriate identification of components in assessing economic security, namely from the point of view of the subject (human security, national security, international security); the object of security (military, political, economic, etc.); level of security (national, regional, global). It is concluded that, despite a fairly significant level of scientific achievements in studying the security concept, this category is still complex and contradictory and requires appropriate conceptualization through applying appropriate approaches to determining the content of economic security, which determines the further direction of research on national economic security under modern conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Doronina M. S.
Worldview, Social Consolidation, Science: Dialectic Relationship (p. 156 - 162)

In Ukraine, the problem of social consolidation, the current state of which does not allow for a meaningful forecasting of its future, is getting more urgent. Many publications propose recommendations for solving this problem through a permanent diagnosing of mechanisms for the formation and development of worldview resources. The world around a person is continuously and abruptly changing and requires developing scientifically based mechanisms for conscious adapting of a person to it. The aim of the article is generalizing the prerequisites for the creation of theoretical and methodological support for harmonizing the development of a worldview, social consolidation and science in Ukraine. Worldview creates for a person a general view of the outside world he/she is guided by when making important decisions and committing acts of social significance. Studying worldview allows determining what social patterns should be built in Ukraine, how to organize the constructive discussion of the way of solving the current problems by people with different worldviews; will help adapt the system of dialectical principles that are traditionally used by scientists in Ukraine to studying worldview. The article presents the definitions of the basic categories of the topic under study, the attention being focused on the dependence of the worldview orientations and the model of behavior of a person, first of all, on his/her financial standing. Solving complex tasks set by the internal development of our society and the international situation puts forward a pressing issue of forming a systematized scientific worldview. Tackling problems of worldview of a society can be facilitated by revision of the concepts of building its scientific and educational spheres. Worldview management should be oriented not towards standard functions and principles of management but towards the formation of conditions for enhancing internal conscious sources of people’s desire to carry out their own unique ideas in practice. The processes of consolidation and solidarity are implemented both in society as a whole and its scientific sphere, in particular. They are manifested in their full in schools of thought.

Article is written in English


Chelombitko T. V.
Modern Approaches to Studying Economic Potential as an Economic System (p. 227 - 233)

The aim of the article is to generalize theoretical approaches to determining the content of the categories “potential” and “economic potential” as well as to clarify the composition of economic potential as an economic system on the basis of the provisions developed by classical economists and works of domestic and foreign scientists. The article considers four approaches to understanding the essence of economic potential: economic potential as the combined ability of sectors of the national economy and individual enterprises to carry out production; economic potential as resource availability pool; economic potential as a result of economic and production relations among business entities; equating the terms “economic potential”, “economic power” and “potential of the national economy”. The analysis of the existing approaches to understanding this category made it possible to justify the author’s definition of the concept of economic potential and outline its characteristics. The main approaches to determining the structural composition of economic potential as an economic system presented in the study include: resource approach (potential elements are divided by types of resources); functional approach (elements are grouped according to functional characteristics and types of activity); resource and functional approach (structural elements of economic potential are grouped by functions and resources). There singled out classification features of the constituent elements of economic potential, which are lower-level potentials and are characterized by a certain amount and quality of relevant economic resources, namely: labor potential, production potential, innovative potential, marketing potential, financial potential, investment potential.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chobitok V. I.
The Methodology of Scientific Cognition as the Basis for Intellectualization of Management of Enterprise Holistic Development (p. 234 - 240)

The aim of the article is the formation of the methodology of scientific cognition as the basis for intellectualization of management of enterprise holistic development under the current economic conditions. The article establishes that, in the modern business environment, a significant progress in the development of enterprises is provided by specialists that are intelligent. Against this background, resources are of especial importance, primarily those concentrated within intellectual capabilities of man, which are reasonably considered as the intellectual basis for modernizing the economy through innovative solutions. As a result of the study, the main functions of science are considered. The article proposes a methodology of scientific cognition as the basis for intellectualization of management of enterprise holistic development, which solves a number of relevant problems: development and use of research methods; analysis of methodological paradigms in the history of economic thought; study of the stages of economic research, including the disclosure of the mechanisms of “scientific discovery” in intellectualization of management of enterprise holistic development; analysis of the problem of truth, research of its criteria and methods of confirmation; study of the role of the methodology of scientific cognition in the system of the general methodology of social and natural sciences; examination of worldview standards and ideals associated with intellectualization of management of enterprise holistic development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Haidenko S. M., Svichko S. O.
Institutional Origins of Entrepreneurship and its Relationship with Regional Development (p. 338 - 346)

The article discusses the theoretical aspects and prerequisites for the formation of entrepreneurship as an active factor affecting both the economic progress in general and development of regions. A new interpretation of the institutional approach in the context of using it under modern conditions of transformation of systems and methods of regional development management is proposed. A logical model of factors influencing the development of entrepreneurship is built, and a refinement concerning the use of the concept “object of observation” in economic research is made. The authors’ version of the content of the concepts “entrepreneurial climate” and “entrepreneurial environment” is provided, and the relationships in the responsible conceptual cluster are determined. Business environment is proposed to be considered as an aggregate of positive and negative factors which significantly affect performance of a business. The article describes basic characteristics of business environment, among which the investment climate, regulatory policy and readiness of society for innovative changes are of paramount importance. The development trend and effectiveness of regional management is provided not by the central bodies but by an integrated local mechanism, which is formed by coordinating the goals and interests of independent social organic structures within the framework of regional integrity and regional policy. A significant result of the study is the developed conceptual cluster, which is formed around the term “climate”. The relations between the characteristics of business climate and regional environment, which are attributed to the line of human factor, mentality and traditions, are established. “Climate”, “environment” are also interconnected through a system of barriers, tensions, and conflicts, together they act as assets of regional development. Based on the result obtained, it is concluded that scientific theory and scientific support (practical tools for transformation) are the dominant components of regional development, which can give a powerful impetus to the regional business sector.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Hryniv L. S.
Conceptual Principles of Physical Macroeconomics for Sustainable Development: Problems and Prospects (p. 139 - 147)

A new concept of forming physical macroeconomics for sustainable development has been suggested, which broadens the coordinates system of economics, as it takes into account the physical parameters of terrestrial biosphere in economic development. The object of study in physical macroeconomics is complex ecological and socio-economic systems (ESES), the core of which is made up by terrestrial ecological systems characterized by definite amount of soil productivity. Physical macroeconomics analyzes balance models of biophysical and cost estimates on the way to forming sustainable economy of ESES. The article also suggests a physical and economic paradigm of forming sustainable economy, which, unlike the current ones, takes into account natural sources of the first enrichment period in economy. It gives grounds for methodological changes in the theory of value and creating a breakthrough model of monetary economy to solve sustainability problems. Such up-to-date physical economy is an integral (synthesizing) science which uses a transdisciplinary approach to studying cause-and-effect relations in complex stationary ecological and socio-economic systems of various hierarchy levels. Its new conceptual models are based on a synthesis of physical, biological, geobotanic, geochemical, landscape science, biophysical and economic laws. A physical and economic model for sustainable development has been substantiated, which is based on the function method of the environmental offer of the Earth. This function determines the best possible natural capital volume of the Earth, which can be obtained having its targeted volume and the area of a given terrestrial ecological system. Due to the information given above, the author of the article has managed to substantiate and determine new physical and economic sustainable development indicators of ESES.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Andriishyn N. M.
Production Potential of a Gas Producing Complex: Concept, Structure, Factors of Its Formation and Usage (p. 265 - 272)

The economic essence of the category "production potential of the gas producing complex" is substantiated from the standpoint of the systemic approach and a set of factors determining the ability of a gas producing complex (GPC) to perform its functions. Methodical approaches to the interpretation of the essence and structure of production potential are determined, taking into account the peculiarities of gas production. It is noted that the study of production capacity should begin with its production functions, which are provided by the resource potential of a company. The relationship between production factors and production resources lies in the fact that only resources that can be used in production are considered factors of production. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the success of the gas producing complex today is not only determined by the size of hydrocarbon deposits and the availability of modern technologies or production equipment, but mainly by available intellectual capital, which includes leading technicians, gas producing management and programmers together with the software developed by them. It has been proven that a company’s ability to effectively use intellectual capital is a sustainable competitive advantage in ensuring future balanced development, as intellectual capital is based on the accumulation and use of knowledge, ideas and information that are specific to a particular company. The effect of their usage is the result of practical implementation of this knowledge, transfer of experience to young employees of the company, and interaction with partners and contractors. Nowadays, intellectual capital affects the investment attractiveness and competitiveness of the GPC to a greater extent than tangible assets and financial capital. Therefore, the production potential of a gas producing complex cannot be confined to its production capacity (tangible equity). It is concluded that, based on the fact that the GPC is a system of enterprises and organizations with different functions, its production potential should be considered systematically, comprehensively assessing the quantity and quality of resources that create opportunities for all its structural units to perform their functions in accordance with strategic development tasks.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dubiei Y. V.
Knowledge and Technology as Public Goods (p. 273 - 278)

The features of knowledge and technology as factors of modern economic development have been analyzed, as well as their essential characteristics in the public goods theory. It has been proven that knowledge and the results of fundamental scientific research are characterized by the properties of non-competitiveness and indivisibility in consumption, as their consumption by one subject does not reduce their consumption by others. It is substantiated that knowledge of applied nature and the results of applied research lose the properties of public goods due to the recording of intellectual property rights. The expenditure budget on scientific research in some countries has been analyzed. It has been found out that constant reduction of the R&D expenditures share in the GDP and significant reduction of fundamental research funding preserves Ukraine’s scientific and technological lag behind the world’s leading countries and makes rapid technological renewal of the domestic economy impossible. It has been found out that economic entities receive the innovation rent at the first lifecycle phase of the technology, given the existence of a mechanism for patenting research and development results and the monopoly rights of the owners of new technologies for their exclusive use. However, the monopoly on new technologies is not an absolute one due to the threat of information leakage in the process of interaction with potential buyers and copying or imitation of new products or new processes at the stage of getting them into actual practical use. It has also been proven that at the accelerated diffusion phase, such technologies acquire the features of a mixed public good.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Poliakova H. A., Bilokonenko H. V.
Developing the Educational Environment of an Innovatively Active University: Features and Criteria (p. 279 - 293)

The article deals with the transformation of higher education institutions, changes in their mission and activities within the transition to knowledge-based society and the formation of an innovative economy. The article aims at determining the development features and criteria for the educational environment of a university within the country’s transition to an innovative economy. The actual value of the study lies in the fact that it deals with the evolutionary transformation of modern universities to new generation universities. This transformation is to change their models, namely: from the academic university model (University 1.0), whose mission is education (quality training), to the innovative-active model of a research university (University 2.0), whose mission is education and research (generation of knowledge and technology); and finally, to the model of an entrepreneurial university (University 3.0), whose mission is education, research, entrepreneurship (commercialization of knowledge and technology generation). Transformation of the university is impossible without the development of its educational environment. The research results in revealing the conceptual development features of the educational environment in various models of an innovative university (academic, research and business universities) by components: value-oriented, subjective, content-related and methodical, informational, organization and activity-related, spatial and subject. To determine the state and purpose of developing the educational environment at a university, the key criteria for the development of a new generation university and the educational environment of academic, research, and business universities are proposed. The key criteria for the development of the innovative university and its educational environment are developed by components: the mission of the new generation university, the quality of development goals, processes, conditions, and results. Prospects for further research in this direction are: to develop instruments for diagnosing and modelling the development of the educational environment in higher education establishments within the transition to an innovative economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Rybak H. I.
Innovative Development in the Context of Complementarity (p. 181 - 186)

The peculiarities of innovative development in the interaction of economic and social components of the external and internal environment are studied on the basis of a complementary approach, namely the relationship between economic efficiency and social justice, their negative and positive impact on the quality of life and socio-economic development opportunities. As for complementary development, the idea of justice, which currently is an important factor in achieving European living standards and guaranteeing social-economic rights of a person and citizen, plays an important role in reforming all the spheres of public life, democratization of Ukrainian society, and providing Ukraine's integration into the European political and legal space. Complementarity research is becoming relevant at the present stage of global economic development, when the market situation is characterized by a fairly high rate of transformation, and innovation becomes the main competitive factor. The author considers the emergence of the complementarity concept in research works made in various areas (e.g., the concept of institutional complementarity), and also highlights the features of compensatory and supplemental complementarity. Unconditional following global examples without taking into account the state of real socio-economic and institutional structures in a certain state will not give a favourable result from implementing reforms and introducing innovations due to the lack of complementary connections. Therefore, the conditions for the emergence of new institutional changes and the impact of "social elevators" on social development in the long run are analyzed. The presence of complex unresolved problems in the development of our state actualizes the study of the complementary context of innovative development, aimed at rethinking the role of social justice in solving major economic problems. Due to a complementary approach, the economic system will be able to increase such features as adaptability and continuity by developing mechanisms of self-preservation, and will acquire systematic innovative development with a ripple effect.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dovgal O. A., Dovhal G. V., Serdiuk H. V.
Transition to the Knowledge-Based Economy within the Modernization Paradigm for the States in the Core and Semi-Periphery of the Global Economic System (p. 117 - 123)

The article generalizes the features of modern transition from industrial to post-industrial (or knowledge-based) economy within the modernization paradigm for the states in the core and semi-periphery of the global economic system. It is proved that among the historical diversity of national modernization phenomena one can single out two alternative models: an innovative model and a catching-up one. It is substantiated that the innovative model is most typical for the countries forming the core of the world economic system, while the catching-up model is more typical for countries in the periphery of global development. It is revealed that modern intellectual production covers, first of all, economic sectors producing information and knowledge. At the same time, intellectual capital also functions in productive industries, influencing their indicators as well. That is why knowledge workers, who form the intellectual strata of society, are considered to be subjects of intangible intellectual production, the latter making up the core of knowledge economy. Their main function is to produce intellectual products (socially valuable knowledge), in contrast to groups, whose social function is to embody these values and knowledge. It should also be noted that concrete historical forms of knowledge objectivisation, ways of their reproduction and, accordingly, historical types of intellectual layers can differ considerably. It is concluded that knowledge-based economy is considered as a sphere of economic activity, which nowadays is characterized by intensive use of intellectual capital as the main economic resource, in the fields of material production as well.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khaustova V. Y., Doronin A. V., Doronina M. S.
Cognitive Resources of New Economy (p. 124 - 131)

Global experience shows that society has to be focused on the model of new economy and recommendations of cognitology to improve the reliability of the functioning and development of society. Although many publications partially suggest options for solving this problem, complex analysis of the resources for the development of Ukrainian society still lacks methodological and practical substantiation. Thus, this article is aimed at summarizing the prerequisites for the development of theoretical and practical support for the formation of a social pattern within the new economy alongside with the development and utilization of cognitive resources. The article presents analysis of a) the trend to change social patterns, and b) factors that ensure the switch to using new knowledge that can provide designing and implementing successful reforms of society, as a whole and its economic system, in particular. The article proposes a variant of a collective survey hypothesis: “In a steady growth of the role and value of the latest knowledge in the innovative development of the economy, the cognitive capital of the firm, that is, knowledge of how to produce the latest corporate knowledge becomes a critical factor in providing large-scale and continuous innovations and progressive social and economic development of a country, in general.” Almost all scientists performing research of resources for the development of new economy have determined that it updates knowledge development. Combining provisions of philosophy, psychology and management presented in various research works, we have formed the theoretical basis for studying the cognitive potential of an employee. The necessity of gradual introduction of a research component into the academic activity of higher school is substantiated. The characteristic of each stage is presented as for the following: the purpose of the educational process, the criteria for assessing its results, the peculiarities of student's academic counselling.

Article is written in English


Verbivska L. V.
E-business System (p. 150 - 156)

Today, information technology plays a special role in the development of business entities, creating new promising management areas, making it possible to optimize business processes and positively affect the operation quality and general efficiency of enterprises. This fact contributes to the scientists’ interest in conducting research in e-business as a new, promising area of economic activity. Given the relevance of this research area, the article considers theories describing the formation and development of e-business as a whole system. Using methodological apparatus of the systemic approach as a universal concept of perceiving systems of different nature, the article formulates its own interpretation of the "e-business system" category. The latter is suggested to be considered as a holistic, single object of study. a set of relationships between economic entities occurring in the process of buying, selling, producing and exchanging goods and services due to the use of information and communication technologies, having its own purpose and complex structure, and interacting with other environmental systems. A model of such a system has also been designed. In addition, the article considers the structural features of such a system. To do this, attributes for grouping the main elements in the e-business system are identified, namely: the content attribute (the method of separating the components of this system depending on economic activities that can be attributed to e-business) and the subjectivity attribute (studying e-business areas by analyzing the peculiarities of the relationship between individual economic entities). Their essence and the corresponding components of the specified system, which are identified based on these attributes, are considered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Soboliev V. M., Sobolieva M. V.
Behavioral principles of Crisis Development in Modern Global Economy (p. 157 - 162)

The article is aimed at revealing the possibilities of the behavioral economics theory to provide satisfactory scientific explanation of the causes of crises appearing amidst growing uncertainty of modern economic development in the global economic environment, and to suggest ways to overcome them. The 2007–2008 global financial crisis and the 2019–2021coronavirus pandemic are used as an example of such crises. Observation, the unity of quantitative and qualitative analysis, expert evaluation, logical modeling, analysis and synthesis were used as the methods of the research. Based on the author's understanding of the sweeping reasons for the global financial crisis, conclusion is made that one of the key ways of preventing its recurrence in the future is taking comprehensive educational measures to improve people’s financial literacy, e.g. modification of the state standards of secondary and higher education (compulsory formation of the corresponding general economic and financial competence of education seekers at certain education levels, regardless the educational program specialization). Having analyzed the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on socio-economic stability in individual countries and in the world as a whole, the authors have made two generalizations. First, the economic consequences of a pandemic at the initial stage of its development significantly depend on the awareness of its danger at the level of national consciousness. Secondly, the minimization of the negative socio-economic consequences of a pandemic should mainly lie within the responsibility of the state. Promising areas for further research on this issue are the following: a) the search for opportunities to develop a system of indicators showing the civil servant’s professionalism and their ability to work efficiently in current complex environment; b) the assessment of damage made by incompetent and unprofessional leadership in a particular area of public life; c) the analysis of mechanisms of spreading irrational economic and social behavior at the micro- and macro-levels, taking into account the national character peculiarities.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Omelianenko O. M.
Analysis of Scientific and Methodological Approaches to and Concepts of Innovation Communities (p. 99 - 104)

Innovation is increasingly entering our lives, and its development rate is forcing innovation communities to appear and implement innovation faster. The article is aimed at studying the innovation communities concept, identifying their objectives and emphasizing the importance of their development. The scientific and methodological approaches to defining the essence of the innovation community have been analyzed. An innovation community is defined as a group of people united by a common goal to achieve their aims, and addressing pressing issues. The general features and components of innovation communities are considered, and the need for their creation is substantiated. It is determined that innovative communities help to solve problems by involving the opinion of the socially active population, thus making it possible to approach topical issues in more detail and make correct and agreed decisions. The principles of developing innovation communities are considered. Stages of developing innovation communities are defined as following: working groups, communities of practice, innovation communities. Emphasis is placed on the strengths and benefits of innovative communities (creating open communication; promoting learning; reducing risks when dealing with large or risky projects; increasing trust by taking into account every opinion, which, in turn, creates a comfortable atmosphere; creating open communication by organizing discussions and generating common and agreed ideas). An example of an innovation community is given, and the responsibilities of each participant are considered (trend scouts, technology scouts, competition scouts, content researchers, industry experts, clients, leading users, idea generators, analysts). A brief description of each participant and their tasks is given.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Chaplynskyi V. H.
Principles of Moral Economy in Protestantism (p. 143 - 148)

Attitudes of a worldview character always live in society. In the worldview of individual persons, we find the cultural characteristics of different peoples, which, in turn, is related to the development of material history, as well as the emergence and organization of certain methods of social production. Beliefs in which the basic meaning of life values is expressed affect the public organization of human economic activity. Cultural foundations shape the behavior of humans in society, and therefore always carry moral norms, that is, moral grounds that constitute the implementation of moral principles in specific forms of human behavior. Moral principles are not limited to the sphere of individual consciousness, they permeate society and organize social life. If we turn to the role of ethical principles of the economic activity of society, then we will get to conduct of this activity related to cultural traditions, ideological attitudes, with the world of motivations and values in general. Morality is the Alpha and Omega of a socially useful economy. Morality determines the worldview. The worldview, in turn, forms the conception of society, in which culture and its component - legal culture, in particular economic culture, crystallizes. Christians pinned their hopes in economic life on the application of moral principles, thus forming the bases of a moral economy. The Christian ideal of the national economy is based on justice. Christians evaluate economic relations by the criterion of service to people. Therefore, the economy is perceived as a phenomenon of spiritual life, as spiritual creativity, providing space place to individual freedom. Here it is necessary to comprehend the ideas, objectives, values and traditions of economic activity from the point of view of Christianity.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Danko T. V.
Conceptual Foundations for the Development of International Business Theory in the Context of Increasing Global Technological Dynamism (p. 201 - 213)

The article aims at elaborating the conceptual foundations for the development of international business theory in the context of increasing global technological dynamism. The article examines the relationship between the increase in technological dynamism in the modern world and the problematic issues in the theory of international business regarding the fragility or terminability of specific advantages of countries and specific advantages of firms that underlie the very basis of the existence of multinational corporations, their business models and, accordingly, their sustainability. The author proposes a comprehensive solution to this qualitatively new problem of international business by addressing the general task of ensuring firm sustainability in the context of increasing technological dynamism in the industry and determining what are the specific advantages of those firms that demonstrate an appropriate level of sustainability and which can be successfully internationalized and continue to compete in world markets in the current environment, despite the disruption of the classical paradigm of international firms. The article explores the evolution of management theories of firm competitiveness in the context of increasing environmental dynamism, which has led to the emergence of dynamic strategic management based on the integration of the theory of dynamic capabilities and the institutional approach with the traditional insrtumentarium for developing and implementing corporate strategies. The substantiation of the conception of specific advantages of global innovation ecosystems in the theory of international business has been further developed. With the practical application of the proposed conceptual framework for the development of international business theory, taking into account the continuous increase in technological dynamism in the modern world is meant to introduce dynamic strategic management tools in the activities of international firms, including the development and implementation of strategies for their participation in global innovation ecosystems.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kalyuzhna N. H., Stepichieva O. V.
Neo-Protectionism in the Sphere of Trade and Economic Cooperation: The Essence and Driving Evolutionary Factors (p. 130 - 137)

The article is aimed at defining the essence and systematizing the driving factors of the evolution of neo-protectionism in the sphere of trade and economic cooperation. The analysis and systematization of approaches to the interpretation of the concept of «neo-protectionism» allowed to identify and systematize its key characteristics, which include the terminological basis, instruments, objects of influence and purpose. Based on the generalization and substantiation of the content of the key characteristics of neo-protectionism and the statement of its objective inevitable nature in the context of globalization challenges, neo-protectionism is defined as a comprehensive mechanism for stimulating economic growth and ensuring the competitiveness of the national economy in the context of globalization through the application of a set of principles, rules and methods of regulatory policy, which in the sphere of trade and economic cooperation involve the use of flexible and result-oriented instruments for defending the foreign trade. Based on the generalization of the results of research by scholars on the prerequisites for the emergence and spread of the concept of neo-protectionism in international economic relations, the driving evolutionary factors that determine its observance in the trade and economic sphere are identified and systematized. It is substantiated that the combined effect of these factors leads to the transformation of foreign-trade liberal policy into the policy of neo-protectionism and allows to consider neo-protectionism as an objective trend in the development of international trade. It is substantiated that the objectification of neo-protectionism as a modern inherent characteristic of trade and economic cooperation creates additional challenges to Ukraine’s successful integration into the global economy in the context of reorientation and reduction of foreign trade flows as a result of russia’s military aggression. In such circumstances, Ukraine’s further integration into the global and European economic space requires comprehensive assistance from the country’s trade and economic partners, including by removing trade barriers and minimizing their use of protectionist trade defense instruments to ensure free access of Ukrainian goods to their internal markets.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Karpinskyi B. A., Karpinska O. B.
The Motive Bases for the Formation and Activation of the State-Creating Patriotism of the Nation Based on the Strategiology of the State Development (p. 138 - 150)

The purpose of the article is to allocate and systematize scientific views on the motives that become an effective strategiologic trend in the formation and development of the State, synthesized and manifested through the State-Creating Patriotism of the Nation (SCPN) with its dominants: qualitative; and quantitative (tax-based). It is emphasized and substantiated that the motives have their own characteristic hierarchy within the system of manifestation of both SCPN and strategiology of development, since they are oriented towards a particular person or the international community of States in general. It is emphasized that in order to select and analyze in detail the manifestation of characteristic motives as to the considered issues of creation of the State and their further activation, it is necessary to carry out a gradation regarding the classification of citizens according to the fundamental provisions of sociology, in particular, through subcultures (i. e., groups of people who recognize a certain system of values and are united are united according to certain social characteristics). It is substantiated that the SCPN represents all that the people in general and every citizen in particular do in the interests of creating an independent, sovereign, civilized State. It is noted that taxes are a quantitative feature and a measure of the motive-actual SCPN to specify the real participation (current and future) of taxpayers in the formation of the financial component of life provision and further development of the State. The author emphasizes that a taxpayer does not just pay taxes, but by doing so, creates his/her own civilized State - for himself/herself and the descendants. It is through a purposeful strategiologic activation of the motiveness of SCPN, changing only by 1% the level of shadowing of the world economy, that it is possible to provide up to $ 350 billion of additional tax revenues to the States’ budget. The motive-based mechanism for activating the process of creation of the State based on the paradigm of the SCPN and the strategiology of the State development is highlighted. The motivational fundamentality of activating the quantitative approach of the SCPN as an effective strategiologic direction of development of each State ensures, in particular: growth of budget revenues; reduction of both the level of the shadow economy due to the both activation of patriotic sentiments of taxpayers and the costs of tax administration; accumulation of more effective opportunities for the State to resolve and ensure the constitutional rights of citizens.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Salashenko T. I., Samoilenko V. S.
The Role and Place of the Paradigm of Sustainable Development in Scientific Research (p. 151 - 160)

The paradigm of sustainable development has become dominant in the world since the end of the Second World War, for the spread of this paradigm international organizations are created that direct society on the path of socio-ecological-economic development. The leading one is the UN Organisation, which has approved 17 Millennium Sustainable Development Goals. The issues of sustainable development are dealt with by scholars from all over the world and from various fields of research, which gives it an interdisciplinary status. The number of scientific studies on sustainable development over the past 50 years has been growing exponentially and in 2022 amounted to more than 0.5 million. The key concept of the paradigm of sustainable development in the world scientific research is «sustainability», while the concept of «sustainable development» itself is subordinate to it, and the concept of «sustainable growth» has not received universally accepted spreading. The leading directions of research on sustainable development in the world were natural and technical sciences related to safety and improvement of life, the economy as a social science was recognized as a necessary organizational-economic wrap for the implementation of sustainable development projects. Although Ukraine has adopted a course towards the implementation of sustainable development goals at the regulatory level, the trends in scientific research lag behind the global ones. The problem field of sustainable development research in Ukraine is narrower, there is a shift in emphasis in the conceptual apparatus, as well as a discrepancy as to the directions of scientific research compared to the global ones. Simultaneously, the problematic field of research in Ukraine is unique and determines the need for sustainable development research not only at the national level, but also at the regional level, given their uniqueness. Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has posed new challenges to sustainable development, until now the main emphasis has been on adapting to vulnerability, while the issue of resistance has had a remote place in the field of research. The aforesaid requires a rethinking of the problematic field of sustainable development research in Ukraine, focusing on the sustainable development of its regions, taking into account the varying degrees of destruction as a result of russian aggression.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Duginets G. V., Generalov O. V.
The Methodological Content of the Functioning of the «Perfect Storm» in the Global Dimension (p. 215 - 220)

The article is devoted to the study of methodological features of the functioning of the «perfect storm» in the global dimension. The authors of the article define the «perfect storm» as a complex phenomenon characterized by the interaction of many factors of the structural crisis. The most important factors that influenced the emergence of the «perfect storm» are the global recession, greening of the economy, technological changes, the COVID-19 pandemic, global politics, and russia’s full-scale armed aggression in Ukraine. Making use of theoretical generalization, comparative analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction, the article sets that the «perfect storm» in the global dimension has the following methodological features: it is a multidisciplinary phenomenon that requires an integrated approach to research; it is a dynamic phenomenon that is constantly evolving and transforming; it is an unpredictable phenomenon that is difficult to forecast. The authors also substantiate the need to form a new paradigm of catastrophic collapse in order to understand and overcome the consequences of the «perfect storm». The main objective of the article is to study the methodological features of the functioning of the «perfect storm» in the global dimension. The article presents a relevant study that contributes to the understanding of the methodological features of the functioning of the «perfect storm» in the global dimension. The results of the study can be used to develop policies and measures aimed at overcoming the consequences of the «perfect storm» in the global dimension. The article is original one, as it conducts a comprehensive study of the methodological features of the functioning of the «perfect storm» in the global dimension. For further research in this area, the authors of the article will focus on the following directions: development of methodological tools for forecasting and assessing the consequences of the «perfect storm»; study of the impact of the «perfect storm» on various spheres of human activity; development of policies and measures aimed at mitigating the consequences of the «perfect storm».

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shepelenko S. M.
Conceptualization of the Process of Globalization of the Socioeconomic Development of Society (p. 221 - 226)

The aim of the article is the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the conceptualization of the process of globalization of the socioeconomic development of society. According to the results of the study, it is found that in the modern world the process of globalization has become an integral part of the socioeconomic development of society. This process is perceived and interpreted in different ways, the main reason for this view being the diversity and ambiguity of the consequences and changes caused by the process of globalization affecting all areas of society. In this regard, the urgent problem of our time is the conceptualization and comprehension of socioeconomic changes that occur under the influence of the multi-vector process of globalization. The issues of the globalization process and related processes are considered within the framework of philosophical, economic, sociological, political, ecological, cultural and other areas. The process of globalization becomes the subject of a new interdisciplinary research in the academic field – globalistics, established as an independent direction at the end of the twentieth century. The processes of globalization are numerous, ambiguous and contradictory both in implementation and in perception. They become the «objective reality» of today’s turbulent world. The process of globalization is represented by its own uniqueness, the integration of the world in the economic, political and sociocultural dimensions is gaining strength, being axiomatic and having no alternative. Modern views of society are significantly transformed, and globalization, as a multi-vector process, changes all elements of the socioeconomic development of society. The ontological referent of the meaning of globalization is the state of development of society: social norms and barriers between different institutional organizations are losing their relevance, new socioeconomic, political, legal and other structures are emerging, all spheres of social life intersect so closely that as a result, the global system establishes a space and an integrally unified world system.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shkolnyk I. O., Ohorilko Y. M.
International Experience and Implementation of the Monetary Regime of Inflation Targeting in Ukraine (p. 227 - 236)

The aim of the article is to study the international experience, the experience of implementing the monetary regime of inflation targeting in Ukraine and formulate conclusions based on the results of the analysis of such implementation. It is determined that the basis of the practice of inflation targeting constitutes the idea that there are exclusively rational (inflationary) expectations of economic entities, which are subject to accurate calculation and influence. However, the presented arguments (the existence of business cycles, criticism from the position of adherers of behavioral economics, asymmetric information in financial markets) give grounds to assert that monetary policy can only preestimate the expectations of economic agents with a certain degree of probability. This explains the lack of an accurate correlation between the change in the central bank’s interest rate and its impact on the inflation rate. Based on the experience of foreign countries, it has been determined that at the first-priority stages of implementation of the studied monetary regime in the analyzed examples, there is a tendency to reduce the level of inflation due to increased requirements for the independence of central banks, their transparency and transparency of the monetary policy. The studied examples of the introduction of the monetary regime of inflation targeting show that the co-dependence of the regulatory influence of central banks and inflationary processes is caused by numerous factors (the formation of the institutional structure, the duration of the fight against inflationary processes, etc.). Further on, crisis situations reveal the peculiarity of the studied monetary regime: central banks do not directly manage inflationary processes, but adapt to them and curb inflation by means of a «soft» adjustment (as evidenced by the constant change in forecast analytics on inflation in future periods). The practice of introducing inflation targeting in Ukraine began in 2015 and there was a tendency to curb inflationary processes (which, in principle, is typical for the first-priority stages of the implementation of this monetary regime in other countries). However, the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation in February 2022 made it impossible to continue the practice of implementing this monetary regime (due to the abandonment of the floating exchange rate, restrictions on foreign exchange transactions, monetary financing of the budget, etc.), which indicates limited opportunities for inflation targeting in extraordinary (crisis) situations.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pasichnyk T. O.
The Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Economic Growth and Economic Development (p. 213 - 222)

The aim of this article is to provide a theoretical and methodological substantiation of the conceptions of economic growth and economic development in the context of their interconnection and differences. This is achieved through the prism of the dialectical approach, synergistic approach, normative approach, cyclical theory of economic development, economics of happiness, and theory of sustainable development. The main reasons why economic growth should not be considered as a process identical to economic development are highlighted. It is substantiated that economic development is a more expansive concept than economic growth, which is a component of economic development. Economic growth is perceived as a desirable outcome of economic activity, while economic development, due to its dialectical nature, is progressive and regressive, involving alternating stages of growth and decline. In cyclical theories, economic growth typically coincides with the upswing phase of constantly repeating cycles of economic development. The analysis indicates that there is no singular methodological approach to determining the level of economic development. In contrast, economic growth is typically assessed based on GNP and other metrics. Development economics employs a range of indicators, including life expectancy, poverty, unemployment, income inequality, education, healthcare, happiness, freedom, and others. From the perspective of sustainable development economics, an excessive focus on quantitative indicators of economic growth without considering the cumulative effects of economic activity can be described as "growth without development." This approach may jeopardize the long-term progress of humanity. It is substantiated that economic growth can be predicted within a certain time period, provided that the economic system maintains relative stability at the same level of development. Conversely, economic development is a challenging to predict process, dependent on random fluctuations that cannot be predicted. Consequently, the modeling of economic development necessitates the convergence of the exact and social sciences, interdisciplinary synthesis, which represents an important area for further research.

Article is written in English

Shepelenko S. M.
Spiral Dynamics of the Development of the Process of Intellectualization in the Context of Globalization Changes: Methodological Aspects (p. 223 - 230)

The aim of the article is to study the methodological aspects of the spiral dynamics of the development of the process of intellectualization in the context of globalization changes. The article discusses the features of the development of the process of intellectualization in the context of globalization changes through the prism of the theory of spiral dynamics. Spiral dynamics, as a conceptual model of the evolution of human consciousness, allows us to analyze the transformations of society at different stages of its development. The influence of globalization factors on the processes of intellectualization is studied, emphasizing the role of information technology, network society and knowledge economy. The article allocates that the synergetic evolution of human potential is based on different phases of order (stability – homeostasis) or chaos (crisis, danger) under the influence of endogenous and exogenous environment. The analysis of literary sources provided an opportunity to form a methodology for managing the intellectual potential of enterprises in the context of global transformations. The paper focuses on the interaction between different levels of consciousness that determine the evolutionary movement of society, and shows how these interactions form new paradigms of thinking and activity. Also, the challenges and opportunities that arise in the process of intellectualization are considered, strategic approaches to change management based on spiral dynamics are proposed. The results of the study can be useful for scientists, politicians and managers involved in the development of society in the context of globalization.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iastremska O. A.
The Theoretical and Methodological Basis of the Phenomenon of the Economy of Impressions (p. 231 - 239)

The article examines the origin of the theory of the economy of impressions, identifies related economic theories, which are its preliminary basis for development. It is determined that foreign scientists pay more attention to the research and development of the economy of impressions, while domestic scientists have recently begun to disseminate the provisions of the economy of impressions, believing that they are intended to form an attitude towards an economic entity that produces wares and provides services. Such an attitude, according to most researchers, can be considered as an innovative instrument for competition between manufacturers. Therefore, the aim of the article is to present the results of the theoretical and methodological provisions of the economy of impressions as a certain sufficiently progressive new phenomenon (emergence, process, model) in the field of economic relations. The article provides a logical sequence and interconnection of the theoretical and methodological basis for the formation of the essence and content of the concept of the economy of impressions, which allowed to conclude that it is a complex phenomenon that develops not only on the basis of economic achievements, but also on the basis of managerial, marketing, social, psychological aspects, which should be taken into account in the process of its use and development. It is defined that the impressions of consumers and partners are formed on the basis of trust in certain economic entities, on reputational signals (reputation of the seller’s / manufacturer’s platform) and trusting beliefs, which together significantly increase the cost of products and services and contribute to the development of a certain industry of impressions. The main conclusions of the article are that the development of the economy and evolutionary changes in the models of consumer behavior contributed to the gradual development of the economy of impressions and the strengthening of its influence on improving the efficiency of enterprises. It is noted that the essence of the concept of «economy of impressions» should reflect a complex system of mutual influence of technical-technological, financial-economic, social, psychological, ethical relations between producers and consumers of goods and services at the post-industrial stage of social development. Due to the unification of various industries of impressions, a synergistic effect arises, which contributes to the formation of various types of pleasures, sensations, emotions, the accumulation of individual consumer experience, for which consumers are willing to pay an increased price. The object of research of the economy of impressions is structured, which consists of the processes of improvement: doing business in the context of a new paradigm, innovative development of an industry of impressions, personal experience of consumers and partners, formation and dissemination in society of a complex information and social memory based on attractiveness, brands and reputation of economic entities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

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