
City as an Object of Socio-Economic Security
Romanovska Y. A.

Romanovska, Yuliia A. (2019) “City as an Object of Socio-Economic Security.” The Problems of Economy 3:171–177.

Section: Economic theory

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Ukraine is a country with a high level of urbanization, as evidenced by the presented description of urbanization trends in the country and their effect, which makes the study of the city (urban geosystem) important in terms of various aspects. At the same time, one of the directions in the development of the science of economic security at the meso level is the completion of the architectonics of objects of socio-economic security, the basis of which should be elements of the structure of the socio-economic system of the region – region, city, village, etc. The city is the object of study, the nature of origin, evolution and development features of which are described in modern theories of city formation. It is considered in the framework of various approaches (social, economic, social, communication, cooperative), the provisions of which should become the basis for investigating (studying the nature, evaluating and ensuring) socio-economic security of the city. The study of a new object of socio-economic security – the city (urban geosystem) should begin with clarifying the semantic load of the category “city”. Based on the analysis of the existing definitions of the content of the category “city”, there made conclusions that allowed to disclose the content of the studied category in its wide and narrow sense using the concepts of a human-centric idea of the development of society. The features for specifying the generic concept of “city” are presented. It is shown that the urban geosystem, as the basis of the urban system, has a complex structure and is extremely sensitive to the influence of the external environment. Furthermore, its purpose, functions and consequences of functioning are described.

Keywords: science of economic security at the meso level, category, socio-economic security, object, city, urban geosystem, feature, function, structure.

Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 20.

Romanovska Yuliia A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Vinnitsa Institute of Trade and Economy of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economy (87 Soborna Str., Vinnytsia, 21050, Ukraine)

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