
Economics and national economy management


Kyzym M. O., Matyushenko I. Y., Cherednik V. I.
High tech sector of economy of Ukraine and Countries of the World: Condition and Tendencies of Development (p. 3 - 17)

The article considers the place of high tech sector in economies of countries of the world and dynamics of its development. the condition and prospects of development of high tech sector in economy of Ukraine are analyzed. the special attention is given to development of aircraft and space-rocket industry of Ukraine.

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Orlov P. A.
The Financial and Economic Crisis in Ukraine and Some of the Ways to Overcome (p. 18 - 24)

In the article the author comprehends the lessons of the crisis persisting in his idea that the basic lesson is the total collapse of neoliberal model of development of market economy which advocated its self-regulation with reduction of state interference. It has been shown that the established monopoly position of the USA in regulation of world monetary system has passed to many other spheres. It has caused an enormous damage to all countries of the world, and should be immediately eliminated. Some directions of overcoming the crisis of the economy of Ukraine have been substantiated.

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Tischenko A. N., Petrova N. B.
Special Features of Tourist Clusters as Synthetic Formations (p. 24 - 30)

The approaches to the definition of the concept "cluster" and "tourist cluster" have been considered, the author's vision of the definition of "tourist cluster” has been given. A scheme for the formation of the tourist cluster has been suggested, the peculiarities of a tourist product (service) influencing the formation of tourist cluster have been analyzed.

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Kyzym M. O., Omarov S. A.
Current Legislation in the Sphere of Strategic Development of Ukraine and its Regions (p. 3 - 12)

In article features of state regulation of strategic development of regions in Ukraine are considered. The current legislation is analyzed, its lacks both at a development cycle, and at a stage of practical realization are defined, and also directions of its improvement are offered.

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Kyzym M. O., Cherednik V. I., Dorovskoy V. A.
Formation of Innovation Clusters of Economics of Knowledge in Kharkiv Region (p. 12 - 20)

In article the problem of formation of the regional economic policy, based on cluster approach is considered. Are considered regional cluster structures in mechanical engineering and pharmaceutical industry of the Kharkov area, as the most priority for region development. The actions, called to provide development of these clusters are offered.

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Zagorskiy V. S., Tischenko A. N.
Clusters: Signs, Diagnostics, Formation (p. 21 - 28)

In article the basic signs cluster structures and base principles of their construction are analysed. The essence cluster as network structure, and also approaches to diagnostics and formation clusters is considered.

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Bryukhovetskaya N. Y.
Influence of World Financial Crisis on the Condition of Car Market of Ukraine (p. 28 - 32)

In article recent trends in manufacture of automobile production of Ukraine, and also a tendency of development of the automobile market are investigated. Dynamics and structure of manufacture of cars among leading manufacturers of automobile production of Ukraine is analysed. The market demand for cars in the conditions of crisis is considered. Prime ways of an exit of domestic automobile branch from crisis are offered

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Hubarieva I. O., Bernatskiy P. Y.
Means of Ensuring Economic Security of Ukraine in Conditions of Crisis (p. 32 - 36)

The problem of economic security becomes especially acute in times of crisis and transition period. The paper presents a mechanism to ensure the economic security of the country in crisis. Studied anti-crisis program in different countries. A list of tasks to ensure economic security and reducing threats in the real sector of economy in crisis.

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Zagorskiy V. S., Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y.
Clustering of Economies of Countries of the World and Ukraine: Experience and Problems (p. 3 - 7)

The article studies the cluster approach to organization of economy and practice of its use in various countries of the world. The models of industrial clusters and their peculiarities were examined. The types of cluster policy and mechanisms of their realization were analysed. The national experience of the use of cluster approach was researched and recommendations on improvement of practice of its introduction into organization of country economy were developed.

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Kyzym M. O., Ivanov Y. B., Golyakova E. V.
Analysis interbudgetary relations at the present stage of development of economy of Ukraine (p. 7 - 13)

The features of management of intergovernmental relations in domestic and foreign practice, and provided on the basis of the analysis recommendations to address important gaps in the distribution of intergovernmental transfers, typical for Ukraine at the present stage of its development

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Hubarieva I. O., Dorovskoy V. A.
Counteraction Against Corruption in the System of Ensuring of Economic Security of Ukraine (p. 14 - 18)

Assessed the state of shadow economy and corruption in Ukraine. The analysis of anti-corruption legislation of the CIS countries. A comparison of the definitions of «corruption» in the laws of some CIS countries. Presented a definition of «corruption» reflects the unity and differences in interpretation that should be considered when optimizing the Ukrainian anti-corruption legislation. Presented recommendations for improving information and analytical support to combat corruption and related offenses.

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Kasyanova L. V.
Peculiarities of State Support of Development of the Infrastructural Complex of Ukraine and its Regions (p. 19 - 24)

The peculiarities of the state support of development of the infrastructural complex of Ukraine and its regions have been considered and the assessment of coordination of strategic priorities of development of the infrastructural complex at the state and regional levels has been made in the article.

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Bernatskiy P. Y.
Economic Security in the System of National Interests of Ukraine (p. 24 - 29)

The system of ensuring economic security is based on understanding and implementing the concept of national economic interests at national and international levels, aimed at maintaining the balance of the economy, its protection from the influence of external and internal threats, capacity for sustainable development. The article substantiates the priority interests of national economy and gives recommendations on creation of the system of economic security that will create conditions for their implementation.

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Tischenko A. N.
Theory and Practice of Organizing Clusters: International Experience (p. 9 - 15)

The article describes the main characteristics of the spatial organization of production theories and approaches to the selection and organization of the clusters in the world.

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Tischenko A. N., Bilyaevska-Plotnick L. O.
Formation of an Integrated Approach to the State Regulation of Taxation at the Meso- and Macro Levels (p. 16 - 22)

The article is devoted to study the impact effect of changes in fiscal terms for indicators of socio-economic development. The proposed integrated approach of the relationship of taxation to the economical and social sphere is based on combining theoretical and practical calculations and is recommended for use at national and regional levels.

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Ivanov Y. B., Nazarenko A. V.
Factors of Social and Economic Efficiency of Tax Regulation of Standard of Living of Population (p. 22 - 28)

The essence of socio-economic efficiency of tax regulation of living standards is justified. Its general characteristics are given. The system of factors, which determine the socio-economic efficiency of tax regulation of living standards, is offered. Their impact on it is described.

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Khaustova V. Y., Gorbatova Y. F.
Problems of Development of Tourist Industry in Ukraine (p. 28 - 33)

In article the condition of world tourism is analyzed and the place of Ukraine in the world market of tourist services is defined. The basic problems of functioning of sphere of tourist business in Ukraine are considered. Perspective directions of its development are offered.

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Dorovskoy V. A.
Legal and Organizational Measures of Counteraction Against Corruption (p. 33 - 38)

The article assessed the level of corruption in Ukraine. Stages of anti-corruption legislation in Ukraine is investigated. Recommendations for improving the organization of anti-corruption activities in the country and bring the system of anti-corruption legislation to international standards.

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Grygorova-Berenda L. I.
Foreign economic security: essence and threats (p. 39 - 46)

In article problems of the external economic safety of the state are considered. The structure of national safety is analyzed and the place in it the external economic safety is considered. Threats of economic safety of the state are considered and their classification is resulted. The analysis of interrelations and possible consequences between the basic threats of economic and external economic safety of the state is carried out.

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Zima A. G., Shtereverya A. V., Podgainaya V. A.
Features of a Choice of the Target Tourist Markets of Ukraine (p. 12 - 14)

Factors of Ukrainian attractiveness as tourists sector were considered and described; also the main cooperation markets of international tourism and some type of such kind of relationships were defined. A lot of selection criteria of target tourists markets within the tourists cooperation were developed.

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Naidenko A. Y., Belosvet A. V.
Modeling of Influence of Tax Privileges for Development of Aviation Branch in Ukraine (p. 15 - 18)

In the article the features of the tax adjusting of aircraft building are considered in Ukraine. The stimulant effect of privileges entered is analysed by the internal revenue code and the alternative variants of activation of hi-tech processes are offered in the state.

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Prokopenko V. Y., Yukhno M. T.
Regulating Role of the State in Development of Mortgage of Land (p. 19 - 22)

In article the analysed experience of the organization of mortgage lending of agriculture of some countries of the world. The attention is paid to features of mortgage lending, of agrarian sector of economy and an all-important role of the state through control levers to provide appropriate functioning of this sector, including directed on support of incomes of agricultural commodity producers.

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Kolbasin Y. S.
The Mechanism of State Support for Automobile Industry in Ukraine (p. 22 - 27)

The current legislation of Ukraine concerning the support of automobile production has been analyzed. The instruments of influence within the scope of methods of direct and indirect regulation of the automobile industry and the mechanism of its state support in conditions of crisis have been suggested.

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Moschitskaya T. A.
The State Target Programs as the Effective Tool of Stimulation of Development of Economy (p. 28 - 33)

In article are considered a place and problems of a program-target method as tool of stimulation of development of national economy. Its basic features, methodological principles and also foreign experience of its introduction are analysed. The essence, the purposes and functions of the state target programs is defined. Classification of the state target programs is considered and methods of an estimation of their efficiency are systematized.

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Kyzym M. O., Omarov S. A.
Practice of Making out and Realization of Development Strategies of Ukraine and its Regions (p. 13 - 21)

The article analyses the legislation and practice of making out and realization of development strategies of Ukraine and its regions. It defines the existing problems as to realization of these processes and also directions of their solution.

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Ivanov Y. B.
Shadow Economy in the Context of Crisis of Government Administration of Economy (p. 21 - 24)

The relationship of the shadow economy to the development processes of public administration is examined. Based approach to the informal economy as crisis form of governance that combines the destructive and deformation processes with the processes of reformatting the socioeconomic structure, inherent factor of which are series of mutated hybrid economic forms.

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Yaldin I. V.
Integration Processes in Iron and Steel Industry of Ukrain (p. 25 - 38)

In article the basic tendencies of development of integration processes in iron and steel industry of Ukraine are considered. Preconditions and stimulus of integration of the enterprises of branch, and also feature of their realization are defined.

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Reshetnyak O. I.
Financing of Innovative Development of Economic Objects in Ukraine: Structure Harmonization (p. 39 - 41)

The article deals with one aspect of the solution of actual problems of science to identify the law, subordinating structural processes in economic systems the proportion of the golden section. The application of this law can improve the development of managerial influences on innovation processes in Ukraine.

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Nizhegorodtsev R. M., Petukhov N. A.
The Regressional Analysis of Main Factors Impact for General Regional Product (the Example of North-West Federal Macroregion of Russia) (p. 17 - 21)

The paper is devoted to carrying three-factor regressional models for general regional product estimation for regions in North-West federal macroregion, and application of those models for GRP forecasting.

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Ivanov Y. B., Naidenko A. Y.
Problems and Controversy of the Tax Code of Ukraine in the Context of Monitoring of its Implementation (p. 22 - 31)

The article defines the concept of monitoring the implementation of the tax code of Ukraine, by identifying the problems the application of the tax code of Ukraine, reasonably methodical approach to monitoring the implementation of the tax code of Ukraine and its implementation of technology at certain stages.

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Matyushenko I. Y., Kovalchuk E. V.
The World Market of Armament: Ukraine Perspectives (p. 32 - 40)

The essence and means of the world market of armament were considered. The dates of export/import operations of the world industrial defense complex in 2002 – 2009th were provided. The Ukraine’s place on the listing of the world armament exporters were determinate. The perspective parts of the military export of the Ukraine were introduced.

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Babich D. V., Kasianova A. О.
Governmental Organization in the Distribution of Authorities and Resources While Ensuring National Economic Security (p. 10 - 13)

In the article there are considered the problems of economic security within the limits of main functions of government management as a common system-formatted organization, and also there are considered principles of governmental defence of security process and laws of organization.

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Matyushenko I. Y.
The Problem of Determination of Nanotechnologies Development Priority Directions within the Framework of Science and Technology Development Priorities in Ukraine (p. 14 - 25)

The comparison of science and technique priorities in Ukraine and national academy of science of Ukraine were carried out. The correlation of global human problems and science and technique priorities for nanotechnologies in the USA, Japan, Germany, EU, Russia and Ukraine, and priority subjects of nanoinvestigations in the USA and Ukraine, the prognosis of critical nanotechnologies in the USA and Japan and the prognosis of perspective for Ukraine critical nanotechnologies were considered.

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Zinchenko V. A., Grygorova-Berenda L. I.
The Analysis of Foreign Trade Activities of the Industrial Enterprises of Ukraine (p. 25 - 35)

In article foreign trade activities of the industrial enterprises of Ukraine in a cut of variety of indicators are analyzed: volumes, dynamics, export and import structure, and also its influence on national economy. Problems in foreign trade activities of the domestic enterprises demanding regulation from the state are allocated.

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Matyushenko I. Y., Buntov I. Y., Kovalchuk E. V.
The Ukraine Industrial Defense complex: the perspectives for development and the place on the world market of the armaments (p. 15 - 24)

The condition and structure of the Ukraine industrial defense complex were considered. The analysis of the main parts of Ukraine’s armament export were carried out. The perspective contracts and directions of the military techniques collaboration for the Ukraine industrial defense complex were represented.

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Fedorova V. A., Karpenko T. V.
Formation and Use of Staff Potential of National Economy (p. 24 - 28)

The article presents the author’s version of a definition of the essence of the “staff potential of national economy” notion and improved structural and logical model of formation and use of staff potential of a macro level with an expanded range of factors of external environment.

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Khaustova V. Y., Grygorova-Berenda L. I.
Theory and Practice of an Assessment of the External Economic Safety of the State (p. 28 - 34)

In article the essence of category the external economic safety is considered. Existing approaches to an assessment of the external economic safety of the state are analyzed. Their advantages, shortcomings and features of use are defined.

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Merkho A.
The Gas Constituent of Energy Security as a Necessary Component of Competitiveness of National Economy (p. 34 - 39)

In the context of the mutual influence of competitiveness and energy security of the country considered gas component of the latter. Defined, historically, the specificity of security of energy resources of the national economy, as manifestations of subjectivity of the residual phenomenon of «resource curse» in Ukraine.

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Ponomarenko E. V., Annenkova E. V.
Methodical Approach to an Assessment of Competitiveness of Branches of Mechanical Engineering of Ukraine (p. 39 - 41)

In the article the considered questions of the methodical going are near the estimation of competitiveness of machine building complex of Ukraine. The algorithm of estimation of competitiveness of industries of engineer is developed.

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Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Dorovsky O. V.
Cluster structures in world economies (p. 24 - 32)

The article considers problems of functioning of cluster structures in economies of the developed countries. Numbers of such structures, goals of their development, specific features of development, establishment and state regulation and stimulation of their activities are analysed. Characteristic of the leading clusters of the developed countries is given. Main branch directions of clusterisation of countries’ economies are marked out. It is proved that the weight industrial policy of a state on the basis of a cluster approach ensures high competitiveness and stable economical growth of a country.

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Tischenko A. N., Yenina-Berezovskaya A. A.
Interrelation of economic security of the state and behaviour of enterprises in the field of taxation (p. 32 - 39)

Article considers interrelation between economic security of the state and avoiding payment of taxes, types of tax policy of an enterprise and its conduct in the field of taxation.

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Pechenik A. N., Salnikov V. G., Serdyuk A. D., Ternyuk N. E.
Social and economic efficiency of the arising science-intensive branch of variative systems (p. 40 - 44)

Issues of social and economic efficiency of the arising science-intensive branch of variative systems are considered. Essential advantages of the variative systems based on application of mechanical variators, in comparison with variative systems based on application of nonmechanical devices, in particular, of electronic frequency converters are shown. A possible organizational structure of the branch is reflected and volumes of initial investments are defined.

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Shpilevskyi V. V., Lelyuk O. V.
The sphere of energy consumption and power cycle of Ukraine: analytical aspect (p. 44 - 54)

The article considers current state and tendencies of changes in the world sectors of production and distribution of primary fuel and energy resources. Priorities of development of the power sphere of European Union countries are analyzed. With the purpose of assessment of efficiency of consumption of energy resources in Ukraine, the authors of the article: analysed analytical balance of primary energy resources of Ukraine for the year 2008; offered a common scheme of the power cycle of the country and identified a common characteristics of power cycle of the industry of Ukraine in the year 2008 with the purpose of detection of points of regulation of economic and production turnover of an enterprise; developed relevant factor models of formation of power turnover of an industrial enterprise and developed a matrix of efficiency of consumption of power resources in industry in the year 2008 on the basis of a conducted analysis.

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Sinitsa T. V., Osmirko I. V., Topchiy A. S.
Features of the innovation economy of Ukraine: economic and financial aspects (p. 54 - 60)

The article analyzes the negative trends affecting the development of innovative economy of Ukraine. Considered signs of an innovative economy. The conditions that need to crate for the development of innovative economy in the country.

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Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y.
The Ukrainian Experience of Formation and Development of Cluster’s Structures (p. 3 - 11)

In the article experience of formation and development of clusters structures in Ukraine is analysed. The history of formation and examples of such structures in domestic economy, the reasons of their successes and failures is considered. Standard legal support of clasterization of economy of Ukraine is analysed. The role and the perspective directions of development of national clusters structures is defined.

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Ilchenko S. V.
Mechanism of government management of a transport complex development (p. 11 - 14)

In the article the expediency of carrying out of different forms of privatization of strategically important transport agencies, presence of different existing approaches in world practice and a substantiation of recommendations concerning development of a transport complex of Ukraine is analyzed.

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Zhuravka F. A.
Institute providing system of currency regulation and currency control in Ukraine (p. 15 - 19)

The paper considers the recommendations, concerning the improvement of effectiveness of the institutional structure of currency regulation and control system in Ukraine.

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Savytska N. L.
Main tendencies of subjectivity in terms of becoming a knowledge economy (p. 20 - 23)

The article pointed out the major trends manifestation of subjectivity in terms of becoming a knowledge economy: the emergence of the creative nature of work, the new value of motivation, actualization of the moral and ethical imperatives of activity, the release of personal time and maintain consumer confidence.

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Shvets V. Y., Rura I. V.
Problems of the family medicine service prime cost estimation (p. 3 - 6)

Introduction of family medicine institution comes across appearing of different organising problems, solution of which is not available without introducing new accounting and analytical methods. One of those problems is estimation of medical service prime cost while visiting a family doctor.

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Kireenko A. P., Klimova M. O.
Self-employement and Informal Labor Market in Russia (p. 8 - 14)

The article deals with self-employment in Russia and its link with the informal labor market. The authors identified the main reasons for the low level of self-employment in Russia: the imperfect statistics, the high costs of the legal activities, the shadow self-employment. Special attention is paid to the development of self-employment in e-business and the informal employment in this field.

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Shkolnyk I. O., Chervyakova S. V.
Reform of the national clearing and settlement system as a prerequisite for ensuring the functioning of the securities market infrastructure during IPO (p. 15 - 19)

The paper investigates ways of reforming the national clearing and settlement system as a precondition for the functioning of the securities market infrastructure during initial public offering (IPO). The author proposed interaction scheme participants in the market at work central depository and central clearing institution.

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Glukhaya A. Y.
Customs policy of the state as a factor of economic growth (p. 20 - 25)

The article is devoted to the influence of the customs policy of the state on the economic growth. The nature of economic growth is determined; and the main regularities of providing this process are discovered. The concept and functions of the state customs policy are analyzed; and the place of the customs policy in the mechanism of economic development of the state is examined.

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Kakhovskaya Y. V.
Sociality of the result of economic actors operation (p. 25 - 29)

The modern concept of the essence of "sociality" as the process and outcome of heterogeneous object-relations, directed to reduce unacceptable asymmetry in income subjects of the production process, is substantiated. The diagnostics of formation and changes of sociality in the national economic space in general and in the context of economic units of the industrialized region, based on reporting and data obtained by the author, are made. The arguments as for the introduction of regulation of sociality are given and tools for regulations are offered.

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Melnyk A. G.
The theoretical definition of innovation output function and its interpretetion (p. 30 - 35)

The article is based on preliminary analyzes the current state of clustering in the Russian Federation and Ukraine. The artical reasoning the necessity of developing an overall investment model taking into account the specifics of the formation of economic communications channels based on technological compatibility of business processes in cluster systems. In article gives the model of investment the projects of the creating international cluster in scientific-technological cooperation, considering the differences of the forming and distribution investment resources of economy of Ukraine and Russian Federation. Described the theoretical bases of the forming canals of communicative innovation clusters, and are structured by the technological identities of the economical environment in the clusters systems. On the Based of grounded of the theoretical-methodological of the approaches in the article proposed model of project investment of the realization cluster initiatives in the field of scientific and technological cooperation.

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Orlova Y. N., Bykov S. S.
Local budgets tax expenditures’s role in formation of tax capacity (p. 36 - 46)

The article deals with the concept of tax expenditures (which are defined as tax revenues which not received in the budget system as a result of tax credits and exemptions set out at tax laws) describes their characteristics, an algorithm for the identification and evaluation. Based on the data of the Irkutsk Region (Russia) analyzes the value of the structure and dynamics of the tax expenditures of local budgets in 2006-2011. Describes the mechanism of the effect of tax expenditures on the tax capacity of the local budgets. The problems of the implementation of this mechanism in the practice of providing tax relief on taxes to the local budget.

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Panteleeva N. N.
The development of domestic long-term loans market in spectrum of mechanisms intensifying the innovational growth of Ukrainian economy (p. 47 - 51)

The main tendencies in development of the international syndicated loans market are defined in the article. The author studies the practice of syndicated crediting in CIS and in Ukraine as innovative long-term financing mechanism that helps to diversify portfolio, minimize risks and to keep stable relationship with trustworthy clients. The propositions concerning intensification of domestic long-term loans market and realization syndicated crediting potential are worked out.

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Timoshenkov I. V.
The formation of a coalition of interests of actors in education as the basis for reforming the educational system (p. 52 - 55)

In the paper, the problems and directions of reforms in education are analyzed from the point of view of their impact on the realization of the economic interests of the actors in education. The necessity of forming a coalition of interests of actors in support of reforms is substantiated. The role and tasks of the state in the process of reforming the educational system of Ukraine are determined.

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Chernenko S. N.
The role of small business in creating innovative-competitive environment of Ukraine in regional innovation systems (p. 56 - 61)

The article examines the development of small business in Ukraine. The factors that impede the development of productive and technological innovation. The problems of small business development of regional innovation systems and proposing tentative solutions to these problems.

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Yemtsev V. I.
Forming of territorial clusters is the precondition for development of competitiveness of the enterprises (p. 62 - 66)

The essence and categorical apparatus of the cluster are considered together with the suitability, advantages of forming and problems of functioning in conditions of legal framework of Ukraine. The current state, problems of functioning and ways of further growth of the competitiveness of sugar-beet complex enterprises of AIC of Ukraine are examined in conditions of food crisis spreading in the world.

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Kramarev H. V.
Project finance in carrying out innovative alternative energy development (p. 67 - 70)

The directions and methods of implementation of innovative development of alternative energy by oil and gas companies as a way of establishing in the implementation of sustainable development strategies. Project financing is proved to be one of the financial and organizational forms of such a strategy, which greatly diversify the possible risks, allowing involvement of large amount of strategic investors, including the state.

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Kyzym M. O., Fedenko G. M.
Methodical Recommendations about Ranging of Target Programs About Priority of Their Financing From the State Budget (p. 13 - 22)

In article the program and target method, as one of the most effective methods of implementation of expenses of budgets around the world is considered. Information on implementation of the state target programs in Ukraine is analysed. Considerable excess of number of the accepted target programs of financial opportunities of the state and regions is revealed. Need of development of a technique of ranging of target programs on priority of their financing from the state budget is proved. Criteria of such ranging are offered and methodical recommendations about ranging of target programs about priority of their financing from the state budget which can be used in practical work of legislative and executive bodies of the power when developing the draft of the budget the next fiscal year are developed.

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Kyzym M. O., Kasyanova L. V.
Classification of Tools of tax Incentives of Innovations (p. 23 - 29)

In this article research of classification of tools of tax incentives of innovations is conducted. New criteria of classification are offered: depending on a stage of life cycle of innovative processes (fundamental research works, applied research works, research and design works, innovation introduction, innovation consumption); depending on subjects of innovative processes (the research organizations, the innovative enterprises, the enterprises of real sector which introduce innovations, the infrastructure enterprises and the enterprises which render assistance of innovative activity).

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Gavkalova N. L., Shuteeva O. Y.
Problems and Features of the Securities Market in Ukraine (p. 29 - 33)

Problems and peculiarities of the securities market in Ukraine were investigated. It was proposed to determine the level of financial support for the operation of the securities market on such components: financial capacity of the state and quality of corporate governance, efficient stock control policy on the stock market and the risk of operations on the securities market. Methodological approach to analyzing of the financial securities market development, based on the research of dynamics and interactions of relevant influence factors was justified.

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Repina I. N.
Analysis of the Structure of Assets of Enterprises in Ukraine According to Economic Activity (p. 34 - 39)

This article presents a retrospective analysis of assets of the domestic enterprises according to economic activity. The structure-forming factors of the formation of the structure of assets of the managing subjects are distinguished. It is well-proven that a key role of the structure of assets of enterprises is played by the convertable and inconvertible assets. The charges of future periods do not influence substantially on formation of the assets of enterprise. The forecast of structure of assets of the domestic enterprises is presented for 2021 under the condition of prolongation of identified structural changes. Among the factors which prevent the economy of country from the development, the low level of the gross mound of inconvertible material assets; high material capacity of production and power consumption of GDP; price pressure of enterprises producing the intermediate products upon the enterprises producing the final products; low share of industrial enterprises which implement the new or improved low-waste, resource-saving and wasteless methods of treatment or production of goods are mentioned.

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Chelombitko T. V.
The Development of Financial and Industrial Groups in the National Economy (p. 40 - 43)

In the article the historical development of the first big integrated industrial and financial capitals was analyzed. The definition, the organizational structure of financial and industrial groups and the features of banking and industrial capitals integration in Ukraine were defined. The present state and foundation trends of financial and industrial groups were analyzed. The key problems of development, also the level of financial and industrial groups influence on the national economy and investing activities were determined. The principal directions of activating and raising the level of development of financial and industrial groups in Ukraine were defined.

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Bashta A. I.
The Direction of Innovation Development of the Recreation System in the Crimean Region (p. 44 - 48)

The problems of recreational system Crimea and the direction of its innovative development are discussed. Current status of the recreational complex is not stable – the material and technical base of recreational enterprises, the range and quality of services does not meet international standards, and recreational resources are used inefficiently. The problems of management of recreation system, and ways to optimize the implementation of a transnational Central European corridor (E-50) are discussed. The implementation of these promising areas of recreational activities will stimulate the development and growth of the authority of the Crimea in the global tourism market, boosting the economy, filling the state budget, creating a powerful tourism industry, preservation of historical and cultural heritage.

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Iastremska O. M., Stamatin A. V.
Determination of Basic Factors of Influence and Indexes of Evaluation of Quality of Labour Life of Workers of Industry (p. 49 - 55)

In this paper the factors influencing the quality of working life of workers in industry as an example of mechanical engineering is investigated. The main components of the quality of working life is defined conditions, financial incentives, intangible promotion, social security, state of the environment. The influence of defined components on productivity is proven. The results of research for mechanical engineering of fifth technological structure in Kharkiv region allow to conclude that all the components of the quality of working life are reflected in the selected factors. Direction of future research, which can be used the results, is the definition of a integrated indicator model for assessing the quality of working life of employees of industrial enterprises.

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Sapronov Y. A., Kostenko D. M.
The Analysis of the Oil Market in Ukraine (p. 56 - 67)

The article examines the state of the oil market in Ukraine. The article explores the dynamics of oil consumption in Ukraine. In this article the main consumers and producers of fuel in Ukraine is defined. The article analyzes the dynamics of oil refining. The dynamics of oil exports from Ukraine is investigated. The paper analyzes the demand for crude oil in Ukraine. It is established that the oil market in Ukraine has significant impact on the dependence of domestic producers of light oil products from oil imports. We investigated the trend of oil production in Ukraine, and determined its steady decline in recent years. Еhe imports of crude oil and petroleum products was analyzed . The main importers of the Ukraine was defined. A comparative analysis of the supply and demand of oil in the Ukrainian market, based on the balance of the crude oil market was made. We investigated the geographical, historical and political terms of trade of crude oil in Ukraine. Pricing mechanisms of major traders of crude oil in Ukraine were analyzed. Dynamics of volumes and prices for crude oil according to the auctions in 2012 was investigated. An analysis of the national market of crude oil has been determined that: the trend of trade crude oil in Ukraine due to the reduction in oil refining, which, in turn, is caused by displacement from the national market of motor fuel domestic fuel imports, the main cause of poor competitiveness of the domestic motor fuel is its quality does not meet modern standards and their corresponding price, low quality of domestic production of motor fuels, the dominant use for its production of low-quality (high-sulfur) import (Russian) oil; overall competitiveness of the domestic oil considered low.

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Bolshinskaya I. S.
About Problems of the Large and Small Towns (p. 68 - 73)

Problems of the large and small towns in the different countries have similarity and specific character. This problems represent the territorial organization of society efficiency, first of all for the small and large towns. This problems are considering as problems of "life environment" organization in accodace with "mode of living" standarts. Migration inhabitans is observed from small towns to large towns becaus of the change of territorial distribution of industry, obsolete production and change of economic models. This process have an influence on the uneven development of regions and have negative influence on real sector of the economy. This and other problems can be decided by working out the complex strategic plan of development the large and small towns. This plan should be worked out on the basis of preliminary exploration. Four stages of this exploration should be produced information for real picture of region conditions and determination the poles and the centres of rise. It was list several examples from experience of development countries and suggest state regulation mechanism for conditions of market economics.

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Makogon V. D.
Budget Architectonics as Tools on Socio-economic Development of Society (p. 73 - 77)

The article explores the role and the economic substance of the budget architectonics that is dynamic institutional processes of fiscal policy in the specific socio-economic conditions of the state, which is the formation of a hierarchical system of fiscal space components of which are the best value for the budget, social, fiscal, monetary and public debt indicators that determine the budget process aimed at ensuring the effective and efficient management of public funds to improve the living standards and welfare of citizens, the major directions of budget management in view of the appropriate balance of fiscal policy.

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Kunitsin S. V.
Methodology of Tourism and Recreational Activities Development (p. 78 - 84)

The article deals with features of the theoretical and methodological basis for tourist and recreational activities development. The proposed approach is based on cooperation professional tourist market members, which can operate autonomously. The essence of the author's hypothesis is reduced to the necessity of formation within the cluster networking activities to create a tourism product and configuration management of such networks. The criterion of efficiency in the formation of the mentioned networks serving manifestation emergent properties and improve the quality of the negotiation process participants cluster. The practical implementation of the proposed theoretical and methodological basis is to create an appropriate institutional mechanism for which the article defines the logic and principles of construction.

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Naumik-Gladka K. G.
Communication Сapital Productivity: National Aspect (p. 85 - 89)

The article offers suggestions for assessing communication сapital productivity; the contradictions that affect the value of the communication efficiency of capital (the union of the agents of the market of communication services and products allows them to increase the communication capital productivity and to decrease communication capital productivity of competitors) are formulated; the dependence of productivity on the number of communication capital customers of the communication network and the quality of the organization of communication is described.

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Oksenenko S. P.
Features of the Functioning of Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine (p. 90 - 93)

In the article the state and the peculiarities of the housing and communal services in today's socio-economic development of the Ukrainian economy is investigated. Indicator-based national statistics the main tendencies in the pricing policy of the enterprise services. The features of the pricing mechanism of this industry is determined. It is concluded that, in the post-crisis period, the housing and communal complex becomes an important element of economic activity. With proper grounded socio-economic policies it can be used as an engine of economic growth, and therefore can serve as a basis for the formation of private capital.

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Roshchina Y. V.
The Motivational Mechanism of Self-Organization оf Peasants (p. 94 - 98)

The Motivational Mechanism of Self-organization оf Peasants In article is proved understanding of self-organization of peasants and its motivational mechanism. Self-organization of peasants is objective need. It is mobilization of peasants under the influence of not satisfied requirements of safety of protection of the social and economic rights and interests; the high-organized form of self-defense from monopolists and unfair competition during reorganization of the market environment by the. Main components of the motivational mechanism are: system of internal biosocial factors of motivation of economic behavior of people; external motivator (incentives), natural and geographical environment. The highest form of self-organization is cooperatives of peasants.

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Sokolova Y. A.
Marketing Aspects of Competition in the Retail Industry of Ukraine (p. 99 - 102)

The article carries out analysis of the current state of competition in the retail industry of Ukraine. The usage of Ukrainian companies marketing activities and tools to strengthen the competitive impact on the market. Marketing strategy of price image of Ukrainian retailers creation are proposed in case to enhance the competitive position and confrontation expansion of foreign retailers. There is a need for further study issues related to the development of measures to improve the attractiveness of the Ukrainian retail industry to the growth of international retailers, which will increase the level of competition in the industry and have a positive impact on the Ukrainian consumers.

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Goncharenko M. F.
Directions to Overcome Imbalances on the Educational Services Market (p. 103 - 106)

The article deals with outlining the causes of disparities in education market and identifying possible directions to overcome them. The analysis of problems connected with the employment of graduates was conducted. Studies have shown that there is a structural imbalance between supply and demand in the labor market, which leads to the fact that job seekers do not have the competencies required by employers. Also the pattern of disparity in selection of candidates and the requirements of the economy was traced. This imbalance may be managed by introducing career guidance at a national level. Education orientation to the specific needs of economic structures and thus ensuring consistency of supply and demand on the market of educational services may be provided with the interaction between economic entities and industry sector, economy institutions and education institutions.

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Anichin V. L.
Regulation of vertical competition as the means of modernisation of the agro-industrial complex (p. 28 - 33)

The article states that necessity of regulation of vertical competition in agro-industrial complex is justified with disproportions in distribution of income between adjacent companies. It also states that these disproportions endanger food supply security of the country. The article considers promising instruments of regulation of vertical competition including fair price formation, food products retail prices control and development of a network of agro-industrial clusters.

Article is written in Russian

Gorbatov V. M., Grygorova-Berenda L. I.
Theoretical and methodical foundations of assessment of foreign economic security of Ukraine (p. 34 - 42)

The article considers problems of assessment of foreign economic security of a country. It proves that when solving the task of analysis, assessment and modelling economic security of a state, the central place belongs to the problem of selection of the system of criteria, which would properly reflect the existing state of economy of states in a specific moment of time. It considers properties of such criteria. It analyses essence of criteria of assessment of foreign economic security. It develops a structural scheme of assessment of foreign economic security of the state, in accordance to which it is offered to consider foreign economic security as a set of three components: trade, financial and investment, and banking and credit ones. It offers a methodical approach to assessment of foreign economic security of the state, which is based on calculation of an integral indicator of security as an arithmetical mean of its components. The proposed approached is used for calculation and analysis of the level of integral indicator of foreign economic security of Ukraine in 2010 – 2011 and study of the dynamics of the level of private indicators of its three components. It builds an equation of linear regression dependence of the integral indicator of foreign economic security of a country on time and it is used as a basis for calculating forecast value of the indicator of foreign economic security of Ukraine for 2012.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Doronina M. S.
Role of the state in formation of the knowledge economy (p. 43 - 48)

The article analyses results of taking over the world of the model of information society, identifies urgency of consideration of information and knowledge as new critical resources of this model, objective necessity of adaptation of available theoretical and practical recommendations with respect to development of the knowledge economy to conditions of Ukraine, activation of participation of the state in this process. The article makes a conclusion that in the course of development of the knowledge economy the existing sectors (material, financial, information) should be provided with technologies capable of overcoming hazardous impact on natural environment and life of society. Technological modes of the domestic economy should be improved on the basis of the newest achievements of science and ensure synergy effect of their co-existence. The state bodies, which regulate development of new technological modes and knowledge economy, should take into account ambiguity of their impact on the life of society. Transition to new models of society provoke growth of load on the psyche of a human being. The state should control these processes, creating mechanisms of objective diagnostics and responsible impact on thoughts and behaviour of the population, especially that part of it, which is capable of developing and using its creative potential to the benefit of the nation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Manoilenko O. V., Zhadan T. A.
Place and role of the fat-and-oil industry in the national economy of Ukraine (p. 49 - 56)

The article considers the place and role of the fat-and-oil industry in the agro-industrial complex and national economy of Ukraine. It gives an estimate of the contribution of the fat-and-oil industry into dynamics and structure of volumes of production and sales of products of the food industry. It substantiates an exclusive role of the fat-and-oil industry in formation of the consumption fund, solution of problems of internal food supply security and increase of the export potential of the country and tax proceeds to the budget. It considers social significance of the fat-and-oil industry, products of which are included into a set of food products of the consumer basket. It substantiates a necessity of state support of the fat-and-oil industry on the basis of its place and role in the agro-industrial complex and national economy of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yakubiv V. М.
Potential of energy saving in the system of development of agriculture in Ukraine (p. 57 - 61)

The article is devoted to solution of problems of energy saving of the country by means of balanced development of agriculture. The article analyses main ecologic and energetic problems of Ukraine at the modern stage of its development. It conducts a monitoring of ecologic and energetic changes in development of developed countries. It substantiates a necessity, role, directions and prospects of balanced development of agriculture in solution of economic, social, food and energy problems of stable development of the country. It substantiates potential opportunities of development of renewable sources of energy, including by means of development of agriculture.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Aldoshina M. V.
Specific features of marketing communications in the advertising and communication market of Ukraine (p. 62 - 67)

The article considers specific features of the communication process within the framework of the complex of realisation of marketing activity of a company compared to other types of social communication. It offers stages of the process of formation and transfer of information to the market with consideration of influence factors. It considers main aspects of the process of transfer of information in the market environment: containing, pragmatic and technical. It identifies types of reaction of buyers on the influence of communication methods in the context of a message: cognitive, emotional and effective. It analyses modern state of advertising and communication market of Ukraine and forecast indicators for the year 2013 by main segments. It identifies priority of traditional means of distribution of advertising information for Ukrainian companies, such as: TV, press, outdoor and Internet advertising.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bulakh T. M., Goncharova N. I.
Managing housing and communal services in rural districts: problems and ways of their overcoming (p. 68 - 73)

The article is devoted to the study of the sphere of housing and communal services in rural districts and identification of problems of its development. It provides a statistical analysis of the State Statistical Committee data, calculation of development indicators, and structural analysis and reveals main tendencies of development of the sphere of housing and communal services in rural districts of Ukraine. It proves that the modern state of housing and communal services in rural districts is characterised with absence of proper material, financial, staff and resource procurement, required for carrying out tasks and authorities of local self-government in this sphere. It uses results of the analysis to define that the sphere of housing and communal services in rural districts requires cardinal reformation, which would envisage, first of all, formation of its new structural construction that would have combined best achievements of foreign models of managing housing and communal services.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Karpenko O. A.
Aspects of manifestation of the cluster functioning effect in the context of increase of competitiveness of the national economy (p. 73 - 80)

The article studies the global competitiveness index, including Ukraine, by the version of the Management Development Institute. It establishes that one of the factors, which significantly influences country competitiveness, is the level of economy clusterisation. It provides principles, on the basis of which clusters should be formed. It establishes system properties of a cluster, which allow obtaining synergetic and multiplicative effects from cluster functioning. It develops a conceptual scheme of manifestation of the cluster functioning effect.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kovalenko O. Y.
Instruments of increase of demand on products of agricultural companies in the local market (p. 81 - 90)

The article considers the essence of the remarketing notion and substantiates its content, which is a system of management of demand on products in an agricultural company. It uses experience of developed countries to identify practical tools of remarketing and to consider a possibility of its use in domestic companies. It develops a system of measures for increase of demand on products of agricultural companies in the local market with the use of remarketing methods.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuzmenko O. V.
Optimisation of the structure of active reinsurance by directions (countries) (p. 91 - 98)

The article analyses modern tendencies of development of the Ukrainian reinsurance market. It justifies urgency of development of an adequate state policy of carrying out active reinsurance and conduct of active risk diversification. It develops a scientific and methodical approach to optimisation of the structure of active reinsurance of Ukraine by directions (countries). It studies the existing structure of these operations from the point of view of its optimality and, on the basis of this, identifies most promising directions for development of the domestic market of reinsurance – active insurance directions. It offers an economic and mathematical model of identification of optimal values of the specific weight of distribution of insurance premiums by leading countries, which would ensure minimisation of risks of non-payment in the event of an insured accident. It conducts identification of absolute values of volumes of insurance premiums, transferred to reinsurance in the optimal case, and values of necessary adjustment when compared with the tendency, which is characteristic for time series of distribution.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Matyushenko I. Y.
Creation of favourable investment climate as a pre-requisite of technological development of Ukraine (p. 99 - 108)

The article considers dynamics of changes of values of components of the global competitiveness index of Ukraine in 2009-2013 with the aim to make a general assessment of the level of its economic development and determination of its state in comparative ratings. It identifies competitive disadvantages of Ukraine – quality of the institutional environment, development of the financial market, efficiency of trade markets and technological readiness, which are priority directions of development of the economy and increase of the national competitiveness. It analyses development of state institutes in Ukraine and also values of the index of perception of corruption, values of the index and place in the rating of the economic freedom. It ascertains that in accordance with the index of investment freedom the investment environment in Ukraine is under-developed and bureaucratic obstacles interfere with the necessary growth of private investments. It conducts analysis of dynamics of the index of human potential development as the main characteristic of social development of the countries of the world and determines significant lag of Ukraine from leading countries of the world by indicators of a proper level of life and life expectancy with the values of knowledge level indicators being at the level of developed countries. It provides analysis and recommendations of the possibility of accelerated development of Ukraine by means of fast accumulation of capital and new industrialisation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Medvid' V. Y.
Regulatory-legal provision of economic regulation of regional development (p. 109 - 114)

The article studies issues of regulatory-legal regulation of economic regional development. It analyses main tendencies and priorities of the newest stage of law creation with respect to economic regulation of regional development. It studies issues of two-level structure of economic regulation of regional development (regional and interregional levels). It gives theoretical substantiation of levels of location of regulatory-legal documents of regulation of regional development. It establishes that the higher level hosts regulatory-legal acts of the legislative body of the state – Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the lower level hosts regulatory documents of the executive branch of the power – President of Ukraine and Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and the lowest – central body of the executive power on economic policy – Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mikhaylichenko A. I.
Tourist potential: methods of assessment and innovation development (p. 115 - 123)

The article conducts a study of the necessity to assess potential of innovation development of tourist companies under conditions of scantiness of all types of resources. It conducts analysis with the use of general scientific methods of cognition: economic and mathematical and imitation modelling and multidimensional statistic analysis. It actualises problems of assessment of the tourist potential as a source of innovation of the tourism; analyses indicators and methods of their measurement; substantiates definition of the “innovation potential of tourism” notion and provides a model of its assessment at different levels of realisation with different forms of mutual penetration and objects of influence, effectiveness of implementation, perception and realisation of the potential of tourist companies. It states that the provided instruments would allow cautious use of tourist resource potential of the country / region / destination, positively influence upon value price-formation of exhaustible resources of stable development of tourism; would allow formation of the resource capital of potentially attractive resorts, which would influence their investment and reputation status.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Oliynik Y. V.
Legal imperatives of development of organisation of accounting in Ukraine in the system of macro-economic administration (p. 124 - 129)

The article sets the problem of determination of the role and importance of the state in development of organisation of the system of accounting. It proves that namely the state provides regulation of accounting and financial reports, which is conducted with the aim of creation of uniform rules of accounting and financial reporting, perfection and development of accounting. It specifies the essence of accounting policy as a category, which regulates the process of establishment of principles and foundations of accounting, preparation of financial reports at local, state and international levels. It studies specific features of institutional environment in the sphere of accounting in Ukraine. It identifies regulatory and legal imperatives of development of organisation of accounting under conditions of reformation of accounting with the aim of creation of institutional prerequisites of adaptation of national regulatory and legal acts, which regulate accounting and financial reporting, to international standards.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pushkar T. A.
Transborder territorial and production clusters: modern state and prospects of development (p. 130 - 135)

The article considers main principles of development of transborder co-operation in the regions of Ukraine. It characterises modern state of Euro-regions of the country in view of Euro-integration processes. It identifies main directions of development of transborder co-operation, specifies the place and importance of Euro-regions in ensuring stable regional development. It provides a characteristic of territorial and production clusters as the most effective economic and organisational systems of interconnection of regions. It offers to consider territorial and production clusters as innovation and territorial unions, which co-ordinate main sources of achievement of competitive advantages of the region. It considers prospects of development of cluster initiatives in Euro-regions of the country.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khlevnaya I. V.
Modern tendencies and problems of development of the rural labour market (p. 136 - 141)

The article studies the modern state and problems of the labour market in Ukraine. The study is based on the fact that main engines of economic development are social groups that possess qualification and labour possibilities, social activity and mobility, capability to adapt to existing conditions and efficiently realise their possibilities. The article studies output factors that determine problem aspects of formation of the modern socio-demographic situation in Ukraine and create a threat to the prospects of stability of the state. It proves that the basis of formation of supply of labour in the labour market is the demographic situation in rural districts. The article provides recommendations on reduction of indicators of demographic reproduction and living standard of the population by all indicators for majority of the citizens, since the processes of demographic degradation, worsening of social conditions of reproduction, no doubt, would influence economic reformation and tie up rates of its realisation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khudoley V. Y.
Development of the allocation strategy of administration of ensuring energy efficiency of functioning of regional industrial complexes of Ukraine (p. 142 - 150)

The article develops and justifies optimal for Ukraine functional strategy of administration of ensuring energy efficiency of functioning of regional industrial complexes of allocation type. It reproduces an aggregate model, which is formalised by a generalised set of complex indicators of energy efficiency of functioning of the real sector of economy in regions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bashta A. I.
Algorithm of constructing methods of application of renewable sources of energy at recreational objects (p. 25 - 30)

The article develops an algorithm of assessment of potential of use of renewable sources of energy with the aim to cover needs of recreational objects. The article reveals scientific principles of transformation of the power system and recreational economy of the Crimea on the basis of a wider application of the renewable sources of energy, including the solar one, in the result of which the situation in the region will change: ecological situation will improve, power independence of recreational objects will increase, and probability of man-caused catastrophes will reduce. The article considers results of practical introduction of scientific developments in the sphere of application of renewable sources of energy at recreational objects and offers a logical scheme of the algorithm of construction of methods of application of renewable sources of energy at recreational objects, which include four main stages. Each of the stages and items of the algorithm requires further detalisation and methodical development.

Article is written in Russian

Maksishko N. K., Shapovalova V. O.
Analysis of the real estate market in Ukraine from the point of view of financial market theories (p. 31 - 38)

The article analyses the real estate market in Ukraine from the point of view of the concept of financial markets on the basis of the dynamics of average prices on housing habitations, profitability and chain indices with the annual lag. It reveals that there is no sufficient basis for the real estate market to accept the efficient market hypothesis or fractal market hypothesis; ignoring this fact could lead to unsatisfactory results of forecasting due to availability of dynamics of different types. The article provides quantitative and informative justification of performance of the coherent market hypothesis.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pakulin S. L.
Strategic planning of development of higher education in Ukraine: content, problems, priorities (p. 39 - 45)

The article conducts analysis of strategic planning in Ukraine and assesses its state and determines the place of strategy of development of higher school in the system of strategic plans of the state. It shows gaps of legislation in the field of formation of strategy of development of the higher school. It reveals advantages and shortcomings of the world experience of formation of strategies of development of the higher school. It studies the system of risk management in the higher school, conducts analysis of risks and develops measures on their limitation. It reveals content, goals and priorities of the regional policy in the sphere of higher education, analyses indicators of quality of the regional strategy of development of the higher school and identifies and analyses its directions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Grygorenko T. M., Kochubey D. V.
Managing logistical processes in franchise retail trade networks (p. 46 - 52)

The article analyses approaches to organisation of internal logistics of franchise trade networks and methodical provision of assessment of results of logistical activity at companies of franchise networks. The article justifies urgency of application of referent models of management of supply chains in construction of a system of management of logistical activity of franchise networks. It offers classification of models of management of internal logistics of franchise retail trade networks. The necessity of such a classification is caused by the need in determining the degree and borders of managerial influence of a franchiser upon the logistical system of franchise and establishment of limitation of sub-control of business processes to franchise. In accordance with the classification, the article marks out three basic models of management of internal logistics of franchise networks: soft, hard and hybrid. The article offers to form a set of strategic and operational indicators of activity, with the help of which the franchiser can establish necessary target reference points and assess operation of all franchises using the SCOR-model, which could be applied to the majority of logistical systems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Demyanchenko A. G.
Role and structure of sea ports of Ukraine (p. 53 - 59)

The article characterises economic state of sea ports of Ukraine through the prism of their classification by different principles and methods. When considering ports in the context of carrying out economic and social functions by them, they could be divided by freight specificity (bulked, loose, container-piece), coefficient of their specialisation could be determined and they could be characterised as hubs, diversified or niche companies. Characteristics of ports as of infrastructural systems allows drawing a conclusion that not always the better infrastructure support results in the growth of freight flow. Certain regi0onal groups of ports that service neighbouring industrial complexes and transportation corridors could be marked out. Classification of ports by generations shows that Ukrainian ports rather belong to the second stage of development, however, have features of the third and fourth generations. Thus, the article outlines a set of problems of modern sea port industry of Ukraine, which can be solved in several directions undertaking relevant steps – either independently, attracting resources of the state and ports themselves, or expanding co-operation with private investors.

Article is written in Russian

Zoidze D. R.
Modern labour market: dismissal of employees as a factor of structural discrepancy between supply and demand (p. 59 - 65)

The article considers the modern state of the labour market of Ukraine, namely, problems of availability of structural disproportions between the demand and supply of labour force, including from the regional point of view. It reveals availability of factors that strengthen disproportions: branch, territorial, socio-demographic, and professional and qualification, and identifies as a key factor the cyclic development of economy, which results in increase of a number of dismissed employees from enterprises, institutions and organisations. It analyses dismissal of employees by reasons, types of economic activity and categories of working places. It reveals a necessity of co-ordination of regional socio-economic, financial and demographic policy, the goal of which would be managing mobility of labour force with consideration of issues of provision of habitation when changing place of work and simultaneous perfection of the system of professional training and re-training.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Katysheva Y. G.
Characteristic of activity of enterprises of the fuel and energy complex of Russia on introduction of innovation technologies and equipment (p. 66 - 71)

Competitiveness of enterprises of the fuel and energy complex of Russia is determined now by efficiency of innovation activity. Technological innovations that are capable of increasing efficiency of development of hydrocarbons are developed and offered for introduction at all stages: from survey and exploration to processing of petroleum and natural gas.

Article is written in Russian

Kornіvska V. O.
State policy in the financial sphere in the context of entering the post-crisis trajectory of development (p. 72 - 78)

The article provides results of the study of the state policy in the financial sphere at the pre-crisis stage of development of the world economy. It shows the phenomenon of inclination to liberalisation, which hinders realisation of effective state policy in the field of finances in the long run, and identifies its in-depth basis. It systemises factors, which caused liberalisation of the financial sector, and tendencies of financisation, which mean primary significance of financial relations, financial motives and elites in the system of economic links, are shown as its result. The article proves that conditions of liberalisation and financisation resulted in domination of preference of liquidity and growth of capitalisation as basic motives of behaviour of financial market operators, whose activity was directed at permanent overcoming regulatory limitations with the aim to obtain maximum profit, which resulted to development of regulation dialectics – contradictory process of development of financial innovations in response to regulatory innovations introduced by the state. The article provides recommendations with respect to the state policy in the financial sphere in the context of entering the post-crisis trajectory of development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mahsma M. B.
Assessment of intensity and quality of structural shifts in rural employment (p. 79 - 86)

A certain increase of efficiency of agricultural production, observed recently, has not yet resulted in improvement of the situation in the agrarian labour market. Problems of employment are very sharp today in the market of rural labour. Analysis of the modern state and structure of rural employment, despite some positive shifts in this sphere, shows, in general, a negative picture of reduction of employment of able-bodied rural population in the formal sector of economy, growth of self-employment of the rural population, non-rational age, educational and professional structure of rural employment. Solution of rural employment problems is proposed on the basis of application of a programme-purpose approach. In particular, the approach of improvement and realisation of existing state target programmes of rural development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prushkovskaya E. V.
Evolution of concepts of structuring national economy (p. 87 - 94)

The article studies theoretical views of representatives of main economic schools: mercantilism, physiocrats, classical, Marxist, Keynesian and institutional. It underlines that non-intervention of the state into regulation of economic processes, supporters of which were classical and neo-classical economic schools, results in deformation of the structure at the national level. The article shows that representatives of Marxist, Keynesian and neo-classical schools considered mostly the reproduction structure while analysing the economic structure. It studies the structure of the national economy from the point of view of evolutional approach. It marks out criteria of classification of structural transformations: by the level of functioning of economy and level of development of economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pyankova S. G.
Institutional development of not diversified territories (using the example of the Sverdlovsk oblast) (p. 95 - 101)

Institutional system of development of a not diversified territory should be directed at formation of institutes, which are capable of not only overcoming crisis phenomena, but also of creating conditions for their stable development, adaptation to external and internal changes in future. A deep analysis of institutional voids in not diversified territories is required for formation of efficient institutes of development. The article provides an overview of existing problems of company towns, analyses institutional voids and offers new institutes of development of not diversified territories.

Article is written in Russian

Fylyppova I. H.
Corruption, democracy and control effectiveness of the state (p. 102 - 107)

The object of analysis is a state as a distributed system of decision making and the subject of analysis is its disfunction as a result of action of institutional factors, in particular, corruption as an informal negative institute. The obtained results provide grounds for doubts in positive influence of democracy upon socio-economic processes, including upon the level of perceptible corruption. This suggests that democracy facilitates dispersion of responsibility and alienation of science from control, since scientific knowledge is not a “mass product” and becomes less and less demanded from the ruling elite in Ukraine. The function of the science as an institutional factor of effectiveness of state control lies in development of concepts of non-discretional mechanisms of decision making and also formulation of clear criteria for assessment of results of activity of subjects endowed with authority of decision making, in order to increase the level of their responsibility. Thus, we speak about such institutional factors of state control effectiveness as social responsibility and social control.

Article is written in Russian

Khlevnaya I. V.
Agro-food policy and its influence upon rural labour market employment (p. 108 - 112)

The article studies the agro-food policy and influence of the state regulation upon rural employment, reveals shortcomings and identifies ways of their elimination. It proves that, taking into account negative consequences of slowing down the rates of growth of agrarian production justified by the tendency of saturation of traditional sales markets, it is necessary to consider possibilities of formation of new sales markets and carrying out a problem oriented structural and technological policy, which would allow ensuring acceptable dynamics of development of rural economy in the strategic perspective, beforehand. It argues that the most important element of the procedure of the scenario forecasting is the meaningful interpretation of obtained quantitative evaluations, in the result of which prospective possibilities and problems of development peculiar to the studied variant of the economic policy are revealed. The article offers main directions of improvement of the agro-food policy and ensuring rural labour market employment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iastrebova G. S.
Economy of capital construction product quality through the prism of the evolution of tax processes in Ukraine (p. 113 - 118)

The article is devoted to the study of the modern state and methods of assessment of quality of products of capital construction companies through the prism of the evolution of tax processes in Ukraine. It considers specific features of quality economy against the background of evolution processes in Ukraine, marks out the role of the capital construction branch, and determines a significant role of quality of products of the construction company in connection with their role as tax payers. It provides factors of tax load of capital construction companies on the basis of the evolution approach. It determines the role of economic reliability in the product quality notion. It builds a complex of economic and mathematical models of management of capital construction product quality, which uses the imitation approach on the basis of the concept of system dynamics. It offers models of assessment and analysis of economic reliability of capital construction companies and shows fragments of imitation models of capital construction companies as subjects of taxation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Amosov O. Y., Galushko B. P.
Formation of the mechanism of state regulation of the fuel and energy complex of a region (p. 21 - 27)

The goal of the article is theoretical substantiation of the process of formation of the mechanism of state regulation of the fuel and energy complex (FEC) of a Ukrainian region. The article studies specific features of formation of the mechanism of state regulation of the FEC of Ukraine and identifies conceptual provisions of this process. It develops the mechanism of state regulation of FEC, realisation of which would ensure stable, effective and system functioning of fuel and energy processes, which would be an effective support for economy of the country and its development. It analyses main principles, functions, forms, methods and means of state regulation of FEC. It offers and justifies regulatory and legal, organisational, information and financial and economic provisions of the mechanism of state regulation of FEC. The prospect of further studies is development of directions of improvement of the mechanism of state regulation of FEC of a region, especially this is applied to a proper identification of priorities of state regulation of FEC in the regional context and assessment of efficiency of activity of state bodies of authority.

Article is written in Russian

Rayevnyeva O. V., Aksonova I. V., Goncharenko M. F.
Theoretical and methodological grounds of formation of the efficient system of higher education (p. 28 - 33)

The goal of the article lies in generalisation of the modern theoretical and methodological, methodical and instrumentation provision of building of efficient system of higher education. Analysis of literature on the problems of building educational systems shows that there is a theoretical and methodological and instrumentation level of study of this issue. The article considers a theoretical and methodological level of the study and specifies theories and philosophic schools, concepts, educational paradigms and scientific approaches used during formation of the educational paradigm. The article considers models of education and models and technologies of learning as instrumental provision. In the result of the analysis the article makes a conclusion that the humanistic paradigm, which is based on the competency building approach and which assumes the use of modern (innovation) technologies of learning, should be in the foundation of reformation of the system of higher education. The prospect of further studies in this directions is formation of competences of potential specialists (graduates of higher educational establishments) with consideration of requirements of employers and market in general.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tkachuk I. G., Vusyatytska M. P.
Attraction of migration capital into investment activity in Ukraine (p. 34 - 40)

The article analyses volumes and structure of receipt of private money transfers into Ukraine. It shows that a significant part of money transfers is used for consumption, which testifies to the not used investment potential of the migration capital. It marks out main directions of measures on stimulation of investing money transfers of migrants into economy, namely: improvement of financial instruments for migrants, increase of financial literacy of migrants and members of their families; attraction of migrants to general investments into entrepreneurial activity; and support of individual entrepreneurship of migrants. The article considers foreign experience of the use of migrant funds as an investment resource. It determines the role of local and state bodies of authority, financial institutions, associations of migrants and other non-governmental organisations in the investment activity of migrants. It offers measures on attracting migration capital into economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shevchuk Y. V.
Forecasting development of the network of highways with hard surface with consideration of competitive advantages (p. 41 - 50)

The article uses Lotka-Volterra equations to analyse competition between the highway and railway transportation networks and competitive ability of the network with the cement concrete and asphalt concrete road coverings. Modelling the process of development by the Lotka-Volterra equations lies in selection of parameters of the model in such a manner, so that model trajectories would be very similar to approximating trends by factual data. In accordance with the results of model forecasting of development of highway and railway networks the article makes a model forecasting of development of highway and railway networks by 2080. Within the framework of the Lotka-Volterra equations, the article conducts modelling of development of earth roads and roads with hard surface and studies competition between the roads with cement concrete and asphalt concrete road coverings (type 1), on the one hand, and road-mix and bituminous macadam roads (type 2). The article establishes that earth roads do not compete with the roads with hard surface, although this type of roads was viable in the post-war period due to its cheapness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Byelyenkova O. Y., Antropov Y. V.
Economic sustainability of small construction enterprises of Ukraine: assessment, tendencies and prospects (p. 51 - 62)

The goal of the article is the study of economic sustainability of small construction enterprises of Ukraine on the basis of financial and economic indicators, which characterise financial, production and investment activity of enterprises. Having assessed dynamics of the ratios (liquidity, financial independence, profitability, labour productivity, wages, relation of the level of wages of workers to the average wage by all branches of economy, wear and tear of fixed assets, increase of floating assets and receivables, re-investment ratios and the share of gross capital investments in assets) the article identifies factors that negatively influence economic sustainability of both small construction enterprises and the whole construction industry. These factors are unprofitableness of analysed enterprises during a long period, significant reduction of sizes of own capital and fall of investment activity. Prospect of further studies in this direction is identification of macro-economic factors that influence economic sustainability of small construction enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dykha M. V.
Goals and priorities of socio-economic reforms with consideration of the current economic situation (p. 63 - 69)

The article defines goals and priorities of reforms in Ukraine with consideration of the current situation in economy and social sphere. It marks the necessity of changing strategic goals and giving realistic orientation to the process of reformation. The author marks the necessity of development of institutional grounds of state management, activation of internal reserves of development of socio-economic processes, development of science intensive technologies and innovation activity, development of the weighted socio-economic policy, refusal from the paternalistic model and consequent establishment of conditions for activation of possibilities of the population to solve their social problems independently. The article provides a strategic contour of participation of the state in achievement of goals of socio-economic development, which includes a strategic analysis and identification of goals, strategic and tactical levels of goal-setting, strategic control and regulation of socio-economic development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dikan L. V., Kalinkin D. V.
Theoretical grounds of internal audit in the system of state financial control in Ukraine (p. 70 - 75)

The article considers modern directions of reformation of the system of state financial control connected with introduction of the state internal financial control. It considers economic essence of the state internal financial control in the context of its components. It justifies the place of the internal audit in the system of the state internal financial control in Ukraine. It considers existing definitions of internal audit in legislative acts. It generalises views of scientists on interpretation of the “internal audit” notion. It provides definitions united in approaches. It conducts a critical analysis of generalised approaches. It offers the authors’ view on the essence of internal audit in budget institutions, which has certain positive features compared to existing ones.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yokhna M. A.
Problems of resource provision of international competitiveness of domestic industrial enterprises (p. 76 - 82)

The goal of the article is the study of problems of resource provision of international competitiveness of domestic industrial enterprises and identification of main ways of their solution. Generalising views of modern scientists on sources of competitive advantages of industrial enterprises the article makes an assumption that technological factors play the determining role in strengthening international competitiveness of domestic industrial enterprises. They, along with the intellectual ones, belong to the category of specific resources, availability of which provides an enterprise with sustainability of competitive advantages – both in ensuring high standards of production and in expanding possibilities of development of products in accordance with requirements of customers in the world markets. The article analyses dynamics and structure of innovation expenditures in the Ukrainian industry o, on the basis of which it makes a conclusion that they do not correspond with the tasks of technological development of enterprises. It states that one of the main reasons of the lack of correspondence is insufficient financial provision of processes of technological renovation, which makes it impossible to create and acquire of the most progressive technologies. It shows that the state should play an important role in financial support of processes of technological development of industrial enterprises through institutional instruments and regulators. The prospects of further studies in this direction is assessment of effectiveness of existing institutional regulators of innovation and investment processes and formation of recommendations on their improvement and development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Klochko V. M.
Strategic ways of economic development of agriculture in Ukraine (p. 83 - 88)

The article provides data with respect to the modern state and tendencies of development of the agrarian sector of Ukraine. The issue of the optimal size of an agricultural enterprise is discussed in the scientific literature. The world practice shows that competitive advantages of farms are achieved through their unification for creation of various partnerships and co-operatives, which operate on the unprofitable basis. Powerful industrial enterprises, financial, trading and service structures took advantage of absence of co-operatives and monopolised production of agricultural products, holding significant areas of agricultural land on lease. Today, ten biggest Ukrainian agro-holdings have more than three million hectares of land or 7.5% of all lands. Big capital, trying to maximise profit, is specialised, as a rule, in mono-production. The article shows main ways of strategic development of agriculture in Ukraine. Depending on the main form of farm management, there are two directions of further development of agro-industrial production: development of big agro-industrial formations (branch organisation of agro-industrial production and vertical integration in the agro-industrial complex (AIC)) or co-operatives (territorial organisation of agro-industrial production and horizontal integration in AIC). Depending on the way selected by the state, an organisational and economic mechanism is created. The article develops conceptual grounds of state regulation of AIC in the context of development of major agro-industrial formations and agricultural service co-operatives.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Muhina L. V., Pchelintseva L. K., Dovbiy T. A., Reznichenko G. M.
Economic expediency of production of composite materials made from metal nickel and super-hard materials and methods of its identification (p. 89 - 96)

The article considers a possibility of making composite materials from metal nickel and super-hard materials. It shows that such a product is available in the world market, but there is no information on technology of manufacture of such a product in open literature. It sets the issue of calculation of economic expediency and investment attractiveness of introduction of the said process into production, so that the methods of calculations would be clear for researchers who have no special education. The article provides a calculation of expediency and investment attractiveness of production of composite materials made from metal nickel and super-hard materials and offers methods of calculation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Olshanska O. V.
Influence of activity of farms upon development of agro-social systems (p. 97 - 101)

The article analyses the modern state of economic activity of farms in Ukraine as one of organisational and legal forms of managing farms that produce commodity agricultural products or render services to agricultural enterprises. It conducts analysis of dynamics of agricultural lands used by farms, their production of crop and stock-raising products and level of their profitability. It shows main interdependencies between production activity of farms and number and qualification of personnel of farms. The analysis helped to identify main interconnections and interdependencies between production activity of farms and state of the social sphere of rural settlements. The article analyses the socio-reproduction function of agrarian relations, which directly and indirectly influences upon the system of reproduction processes in the farmers social environment. It justifies allocation of the socio-reproduction function of agrarian relations into a separate scientific direction of study of agro-social systems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ostapenko O. N.
Assessment of the level of development of insurance of agricultural enterprises in Ukrainian regions (p. 102 - 110)

The article considers application of the taxonomic analysis for identifying the level of development of insurance of agricultural enterprises (in case of its voluntary form) in Ukrainian regions through calculation of the taxonomy ratio (development level ratio). On the basis of the conducted study the author identifies those regions of Ukraine where the level of development of insurance of agricultural enterprises, in particular, their agricultural products, is characterised with positive dynamics and those regions where the tariff policy of insurance companies needs to be reconsidered. That is why the article justifies a necessity of replacing the existing tariff policy of insurance companies with a more suitable for modern conditions of farming with the aim to ensure, on the one hand, organisation of efficient management of an insurance company and, on the other hand, taking into account interests and requirements of agricultural enterprises, which are reflected in insurance tariffs.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Petrikova E. M., Slobodyanyuk N. V.
State-private partnership (SPP) in the sports industry of Russia (p. 111 - 119)

The article considers issues of financing infrastructure projects of the sports industry with the help of such an innovation mechanism, used for a number of decades in the whole world as state-private partnership (SPP). It pays a special attention to a characteristic of various SPP models (concessions, life cycle contracts, production sharing agreements, contracts, project financing agreements, etc.) and mechanisms of their application in various countries (USA, England, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, SAR, etc.). The article describes experience of construction and realisation of sports projects in different Russian regions. The article speaks about the problems, faced by initiators and owners of SPP projects, of their realisation in Russia and the ways of solution of existing difficulties and analyses the draft Law on the State-Private Partnership in Russian Federation.

Article is written in Russian

Petrushenko M. M.
Budget management in the system of solving ecological contradictions of development of the national economy: territorial approach (p. 120 - 127)

The article analyses organisational and economic factors and forms a theoretical and methodical approach to budget management in the system of solving ecological contradictions of development of territorial systems of the national economy. The article justifies improvement of processes of managing budgets, directed at overcoming ecological contradictions, on the basis of conceptual provisions of the budgeting oriented at the result. It develops a scheme-model of the organisational and structural solution of ecological contradictions, with reinforcement of the integration role of the budgeting method, in the system of managing an administrative and territorial unit using example of the Sumy oblast. The offered theoretical and methodical approach to improvement of the budget management in the territorial and economic system allows development of principles of the on trust management in the field of ecological and economic relations and also activation of practical introduction of managerial instruments of consensual solution of ecologically caused conflict situations with application of specialised management-consulting activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Portna O. V.
Theoretical approaches to defining the aggregate financial potential of a country (p. 128 - 133)

The goal of the article is the study of theoretical approaches to defining the “potential”, “financial potential” and “aggregate financial potential of a country” notions and improvement of the definition of the aggregate financial potential of a country on the basis of critical analysis of existing approaches. Having analysed scientific works of many scientists the article considers and systemises various approaches to the “financial potential” notion. In the result of the study it identifies a new vector of theoretical grounds and dominating logic of functioning of the aggregate financial potential of a country. The article shows that the essence of functioning of the aggregate financial potential of a country is the capital in all its forms. It offers a definition of the aggregate financial potential of a country as the functioning of the aggregate of resources, reserves, means and results of activity as the capital, which ensure growth of cost, income, achievement of socio-economic effects and development of both individual subjects of economy and a country in whole in short-term and long-term prospects. The prospect of further studies in this direction is improvement of the grounds of analysis of the aggregate financial potential of a country for its efficient use in practice.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pulina T. V.
Genesis of cluster associations of enterprises (p. 134 - 142)

The goal of the article is the study of genesis of creation of cluster associations of enterprises. It considers genesis of cluster definitions. It shows and analyses components that define the “cluster” concept. Researchers from many countries offer a significant number of definitions of the “cluster” term specifically in the economic direction, but there is no single generally accepted definition as of today. This fact is the result of a significant diversity of cluster structures. The article conducts a comparative analysis of classifications of cluster associations of enterprises. It identifies advantages and shortcomings of the cluster approach both from the position of an enterprise and from the position of a regional economy administration. The article marks out specific features of the life cycle of cluster associations of enterprises, which consists of the preparatory stage and stage of commercialisation. Majority of studies consider the preparatory stage and the stage of commercialisation, which consists of the following stages: entering market with a common brand, growth, maturity and crisis – is, practically, not considered. Taking into account the fact that the main result of cluster activity is the synergetic effect from mutually beneficial co-operation and activity results facilitate ensuring competitiveness of cluster enterprises, regional and national economies, the author gives own definition of a cluster.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sedikova I. O.
Role of information component in the system of storage and processing of grain (p. 143 - 148)

The article analyses the modern state of the existing system of obtaining information by the grain market subjects. The conducted analysis of the system of obtaining information by grain storing and processing enterprises shows that it does not meet modern requirements. The article reveals main shortcomings of the existing system: absence of trustworthy materials; shortage of the market and scientific and technical information of production purpose; the system functioning is based on outdated hard-copy technologies of collection, processing and distribution of information; contacts are not established, exchange of information with international and national centres of scientific, information and business activity is not arranged. The article justifies expediency of creation of a common information system of the grain market. It considers main provisions of the system concept of protection of information from unauthorised access in automated information systems and identifies four basic subsystems of the system of protection of information from the unauthorised access.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tymoshchuk O. M., Melnyk O. V.
Formation of the mechanism of realisation of the logistics strategy of river ports (p. 149 - 155)

The article identifies the role of river ports in the logistical chain of supplies of the transportation system of Ukraine. It envisages to use the developed logistics strategy for creation of river logistics centres on the basis of river ports with a high level of logistical attractiveness, which would become organisers of cargo delivery at a certain stage of movement of goods and a connecting logistical link at the junction of transport elements of the system (systems of managing the process of transportation, information support, selection of optimal technological schemes of cargo treatment in the port and optimal interaction of adjacent types of transport), methods of management (organisational, economic, technical and technological, and legal), logistical principles and technologies, which would allow achievement of effective realisation of the logistics strategy of a river port. The article offers to create a separate commercial structure – information logistics centre, which would ensure information support of the logistical movement of goods and optimal managerial decision making.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Filippov M. I., Gavryshchuk T. B.
Introduction of the cluster model of organisation of activity of light industry enterprises of Ukraine (p. 155 - 160)

The article analyses the world experience of introduction of the cluster model of activity of enterprises. It considers main prerequisites of creation and prospects of activity of clusters in light industry in Ukraine. It justifies application of the cluster approach in Ukraine, which is a necessary condition for revival of the domestic production, increase of efficiency of innovation development of regions and achievement of a high level of economic development and competitiveness. It provides proposals on improvement of the state policy of development of innovation clusters for increase of competitiveness of economy and ensuring entry of Ukraine into the circle of economically developed countries of the world.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khmelenko G. G., Khmelenko O. V.
Development of measures on increase of economic security of merger and acquisition transactions in Ukraine (p. 161 - 171)

The article shows the essence of merger and acquisition processes, characterises their types, analyses positive and negative consequences of these processes. It generalises main methods of assessment of effectiveness of merger and acquisition processes. It analyses dynamics, structure and effectiveness of activity of the banks with foreign capital in Ukraine. It offers measures on increase of effectiveness of regulation of merger and acquisition processes and develops an algorithm of assessment and analysis of the portfolio of bank products under conditions of consolidation of banking institutions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chornodid I. S.
Social competitive status of a country and means of its maintenance (p. 172 - 177)

The article describes the “social competitive status” category. It marks that competitiveness is more and more identified by society socialisation factors. It proves that the social competitive status is a characteristic of social competitiveness of the national economy and is ensured through achievement of such indicators as social security, development of the society, level and quality of life, level of correspondence of the potential of organisation of the “optimal” strategy of its development. The article shows positive and negative features of the international image of Ukraine. It offers a formula for calculation of the social competitive status. It characterises such categories as the “national brand”, “international image of the state” and “competitiveness of the nation” by definition of world organisations. It offers effects of ensuring and maintaining the social competitive status of a country, which influence formation of social competitive advantages of countries.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shemyakina N. V.
Ways of improvement of financial provision of industrial development (p. 178 - 183)

The article conducts the study of the state of financial provision of industrial development under modern conditions and justifies main ways of improvement and prospects of investment financing of technical development of the production potential. Classical theses and fundamental works of foreign and domestic scientists, statistical indicators and results of author’s studies of the problems of financing of technical development of industry became the methodological basis of the study. Using the conducted analysis of the state of financing the industrial development in Ukraine, potential sources of financial resources of development of the production potential (profit, depreciation, means of financial institutions and leasing), condition of the state financial support of technical development of the industrial sector and taking into account the modern experience of foreign countries, the article justifies main ways of improvement of the financial provision of industrial development. The proposed ways of improvement of financial provision of industrial development are based on: orientation at the modern model with attraction of all potential investment sources; state-private co-financing of investment projects of production development; de-centralisation of the state support through the use of various channels of support of the processes of industrial development; and formation of the market infrastructure of ensuring of financing of the innovation and investment process in industry.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kyzym M. O., Lelyuk O. V., Cherkaskyi I. B.
Methodical provisions on assessment of prospects of unconventional gas extraction in Ukraine (p. 21 - 33)

The article analyses unconventional gas resources in Ukraine and draws a conclusion that the existing assessments differ and require clarification. The article forms a characteristic of unconventional gas deposits in Ukraine. It analyses prospects of unconventional gas extraction from consolidated rock at the Hughes Site. It proves that the Hughes Site could satisfy the country requirements in tight sands gas (TSG) until 2030, which were determined in the “Renewed Energy Strategy” project, discussion of which was initiated in June 2012 by the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine. The article conducts calculations of a number of mines required for extraction of the planned volume of TSG at the Hughes Site in 2020 – 2030 and required capital investments. It calculates the cost value of TSG extraction at the Hughes Site. It develops the schedule of investing into the Hughes Site and builds forecast scenarios of developing the Hughes Site in 2020 – 2030. On the basis of calculations it proves that only the optimistic scenario (when the selling price of gas would be USD 255 for 1 thousand cubic metres) ensures profitable development of the Hughes Site.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Otenko V. I., Gromyko R. P.
Specific features of innovation development of engineering enterprises (p. 34 - 39)

The article analyses the modern state and prospects of engineering enterprises of Ukraine from the point of view of their innovation development. It identifies that the basis of strategic success of an enterprise are technical and technological changes, which result in organisational and personnel renovation and set a number of new requirements to managerial and marketing technologies. It forms main directions of technical and technological changes, compares them by the level of expenditures on studies and developments and also generalises groups of intangible assets, by which augmentation of innovation capabilities of enterprises is observed. It marks out specific features of innovation development of enterprises: integration processes, state support, personnel potential and also the existing development base.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ohrimenko O. O., Manaienko I. M.
Efficiency of the investment mechanism of electric energy companies: dialectics of qualitative and quantitative transformations (p. 40 - 47)

The article justifies a dialectic interconnection between the economic and investment mechanisms of an enterprise, which is mediated with the financial mechanism. The investment mechanism of the enterprise is divided into two components: mechanism of investment provision and management of investments, for which principles, functions and realisation tools are identified. The authors offer own definition of the “mechanism of investment provision of an innovation project”. The article identifies main determinants of investment provision of innovation development of electric energy enterprises. It conducts assessment of efficiency of the mechanism of investment provision of innovation projects of electric energy companies for three sources of investment means: IPO, bond issue and loans.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tiutiunnykova S. V., Savytska N. L.
Problems of formation of human potential on the way to the knowledge economy in Ukraine (p. 48 - 54)

The article outlines main problems of formation of the domestic human potential on the way to the knowledge economy. It uses general scientific methods of formal and dialectic logic, modern technique of system analysis, scientific abstraction, synthesis, systematisation and generalisation. It marks out main obstacles of transformation of human potential into the factor of economic development: destruction of macro-economic reproduction proportions, institutional and value motivational grounds of human economic behaviour. It identifies that the problem of building the knowledge economy in Ukraine lies not only in institutional transformations, backwardness of the material and technical base of conducting studies, flowing of scientific personnel abroad and deformed demographic state, but also in qualities of a human being as a creator of knowledge. It proves a necessity of providing economy and society with the following determinants so required for the new economy: formation of a human being as a subject of development, production environment, propagation and accumulation of knowledge based on newest technologies of material production and adequate institutions of economic development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iastremska O. M., Romashova Y. V.
Methodical approach to organisation of the foreign students education process (p. 55 - 61)

The goal of the article is development of a methodical approach to organisation of the process of education of foreign students with consideration of existing problems and proposals on their solution on the basis of formation of necessary competences in the process of education. In order to clarify specific features of education of foreigners, the article analyses general problems that foreign students face at different stages of education in Ukraine: before entering a college, in the process of education and after getting the diploma. The article finds out that most of such problems could be solved at the college level. It justifies a necessity of development of a methodical approach to organisation of the process of education of foreign students with consideration of existing problems. It offers within the methodical approach: a joint effort of the Ukrainian language and professional subjects teachers, increase of the role of oral communication in education, attraction of Ukrainian students as curators and use of adapted courses, including with information technologies. It recommends the use of various types of “practices” as a complex of forms, methods and technologies of education with the priority of mastering knowledge through consideration of problem situations, search for solution in the dialogue mode. It determines that approaches to organisation and methods of education could be different for Ukrainian and foreign students and requirements to quality of the level of competences should be common for all. The proposed recommendations on organisation of education of foreigners would allow increase of quality of education and creation of the positive image of both a college and country in general.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Biryuk E. G., Korol V. V.
Technology of budgeting as a tool of managing sugar beet production (p. 62 - 69)

The article considers main methodical principles of development of the system of budgets of sugar beet production. The article analyses, systemises and generalises theoretical developments of scientists and takes into account practice of agricultural enterprises to prove that the most prospective of the process oriented approach to budgeting. It considers main directions of budgeting as a control tool. It identifies topical problems of the budgeting process in integration agro-industrial formations. It offers a form of budget of sugar beet production with consideration of the branch specific features in order to increase efficiency of functioning of beet producing enterprises. It considers specific features of formation of budgets of material expenditures, labour payment expenditures and other direct expenditures. The developed form of the consolidated budget of production expenditures and sugar beet cost value takes into account the data of previously formed budgets and allows calculation of planned indicators of production cost value of products. The article argues that the budgeting as a form of control for efficient management of sugar beet production should take into account the modern control concepts – COSO-ERM. The prospect of further studies is accounting risks when developing and controlling budget execution, which would give a possibility of warning or minimising negative phenomena for sustainable development of agricultural enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vatamanyuk-Zielinska U. Z.
Specific features of the process of attraction of foreign investments for formation of industrial integration associations (p. 70 - 75)

The article analyses indicators of economic development of Ukraine in the stock market context, in particular, indicators of the volume of attracted investments into economy of the country through the stock market instruments during 2008 – 2013. The goal of the article lies in identification of methods of guaranteeing the process of bringing investments back into the Ukrainian economy through the stock market instruments. Such an approach would ensure a necessary financial support and development for integration structures of business. In the result of the study the article presents individual methods of integration interaction with consideration of participation of the state in formation of integration associations by means of their material (non-material) support. Prospects of further studies in this direction are methods of unification of financial and industrial capital. They envisage establishment of integration structures, which ensure themselves advantages in production and financial spheres, expanding their activity in various fields of the national economy. Formation of new organisational and production systems, creation of corporate networks by integration structures and propagation of these processes over financial and industrial groups, international associations and markets stimulates to search for new principles of organisation of economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhebka V. V., Kapelyushna T. V.
Analysis of activity and factors of development of fixed telephony in Ukraine (p. 76 - 82)

The article analyses the Ukrainian market of fixed telephony, which demonstrates reduction of users and income. It reveals that the service has not yet achieved its saturation, which the data of density of telephony testifies to, moreover, there is an irregularity of their territorial provision. The article marks out importance of the telecommunication sphere and communication enterprises for the national economy, need of their stable functioning within the framework of development of any country and provision of the population with accessible services of the relevant quality and also a possibility of getting them independently of geographical location for increase of quality of life of the population in the nearest future. This, in its turn, justifies urgency of study of this problem under conditions of the stagnating market of fixed telephony both in Ukraine and in the world. The article conducts analysis of the modern state of the market and identifies main factors that influence the fixed telephony service, establishes close links between factors of influence and income from the service, which would allow future development of stabilisation measures directed at sustainable development of the fixed telephony.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kizyun A. G.
System approach to development of co-operation of tourism companies (p. 83 - 89)

Analysis of economic state of tourism enterprises of the regional level, developed in the phase of economic recession, allows stating that economic stability should be based on use of anti-crisis models, one of which is the model of co-operation in organisation of the regional tourism business. The article offers to consider the mechanism of development of co-operation as a dynamic system of interconnections of enterprises of the tourism industry and business operations carried out during a certain period of time. These interconnections are characterised with quality and formed with the help of certain methods of assessment and ensuring of necessary reliability of partners in tourism business. These interconnections influence efficiency of the regional tourism production. This issue requires innovation comprehension of traditional economic theories and principles and also complex development of methodological issues within this set of problems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kozak L. V.
Interconnection of the level of production intensity and results of activity of agricultural enterprises (p. 90 - 98)

The goal of the study is assessment of interconnection between the level of production intensity and results of activity of agrarian enterprises and identification of economic effects from increase of prices on agricultural products and resources for their production. Using the regression analysis the author identifies the degree and character of influence of expenditures per hectare of crop (one head of livestock) upon crop and livestock yield. Quantitatively, the degree of approximation of the correlation connection to functional linear dependence was assessed with the help of the Pearson correlation ratio and statistical assessment of its significance with the help of the Student criterion. On the basis of analysis of dynamics of parameters of regression equations for various years, the author conducts assessment of economic effect from growth of cost of resources used in the process of production and identifies the degree of influence of other the studied factors upon the resultant indicators. Supplementing the study with the factor analysis allowed the author identification of the aggregate economic effect from growth of prices of agricultural products and production resources for their production for 2005 – 2012. The result of the conducted study is the author’s conclusion that economic conditions of functioning of domestic agrarian enterprises and their possibilities of introduction intensive technologies into production deteriorate every year, since the growth of prices on production resources had an outstripping rate during the studied period. Scientific novelty of the conducted study lies in a combination of methods of the regression, factor and dynamic analysis, which allowed the author’s assessment of development of the said processes in a complex and as a system. Practical value of the revealed tendencies of dynamics of parameters of regression equations lies in the fact that they give a possibility to develop a number of proposals with respect to maintaining competitive positions of domestic agrarians in the domestic and world markets.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kolupaieva I. V.
State regulatory policy: essence and principles of formation (p. 99 - 107)

The article justifies theoretical grounds of the state regulatory policy. It identifies that the regulatory policy is considered by scientists from the legal, state administrative and economic points of view. It conducts analysis of scientific literature devoted to mechanisms of formation and realisation of the state regulatory policy. It generalises results regarding definition of the “regulatory policy” term. The article underlines that the use of tax instruments should become the main tool of state regulation of economy, which is directed at stimulation of legal economic activity of economic subjects and de-shadowing of business. It analyses principles of regulatory policy, which are defined by the legislation, and also principles, which are added by scientists. The author justifies and adds principles of regulatory policy with consideration of modern tendencies of economic development: principle of scientific justification and principle of competence.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kotkova N. S.
Technical and technological renovation of the Ukrainian food industry: factors of investment and innovation development (p. 108 - 115)

Under conditions of globalisation of the food market, expansion of zones of free trade and unification of standards and technical conditions, the Ukrainian food industry requires technical and technological re-equipment, which is possible only on the basis of investment and innovation development. The process of technical and technological renovation of the food industry enterprises should be directed at intensification of production as the means of increase of efficiency of production and increase of competitiveness. Shortage of investments results in fast ageing of the technical and technological base of food industry enterprises, which explains incompatibility of the level of domestic enterprises and, consequently, domestic products with European requirements.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Malyovanyy M. I.
State and problems of state financing of the healthcare in Ukraine (p. 116 - 124)

The article analyses the state and specific features of financial provision of the healthcare system in Ukraine compared to other countries of the world. It proves existence of dependence between the general healthcare expenditures and life expectancy of the population. Using the curve of production possibilities, the article determines the level of deficit of financial resources in the medical sphere. It used exponential regression by unit logarithmic scale for calculation. Analysis was conducted with the use of indicators by 184 countries of the world (data for 2011 were taken), which were divided into 9 groups, depending on the level of GDP per capita, with the help of analytical grouping. In the result of the calculation it was determined that in order to achieve indicators of developed countries, which characterise efficiency of the healthcare system activity, Ukraine needs to additionally spend USD 36.2 thousand million annually. The article marks out main reasons of inefficiency of use of financial resources in the Ukrainian healthcare system, which allowed assessing the potential saving of state funds from increase of efficiency by groups of analysed components.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Martynenko M. V., Petrenko O. O.
Functional approach to formation of the adaptive system of professional training of industrial workers (p. 125 - 133)

The article justifies a functional approach to formation of the adaptive system of professional training of industrial workers using example of engineering enterprises of the Kharkiv region. It provides ten factors that influence the system of professional training of workers. Use of the factor and criterion model allows determination of the general level of adaptation of the system and adaptation to influence of individual factors. Modelling with structural equations results in determination of the degree of adaptability of the system of professional training of workers. Use of the method of hierarchies allows establishment of priorities of management functions depending on the degree of adaptability of this system. The improved methodical approach to formation of the adaptive system of professional training of industrial workers, unlike the existing approaches, is based on identification and further comparison of the level of adaptation and degree of adaptability of the system, and justification, on its basis, of matrices of measures by adaptive management of this system, which take into account priority of management functions with a relevant degree of adaptability of the system of professional training of workers.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Reikin V. S.
Theoretical and methodological grounds of mainstream and their application in the context of shadow economy (p. 134 - 139)

The goal of the article lies in the study of basic theoretical and methodological prerequisites and principles of modern mainstream and also possibilities of their application in the context of shadow economy. Analysing and generalising economic theories of Nobel laureates, the article considers problems of limited rationality, information asymmetry and opportunistic behaviour of economic agents. The article justifies preferences of the institutional direction as the most appropriate to real conditions of the market activity of subjects of shadow economy. Prospects of further studies are analysis and modification of the theory of economic crimes with consideration of specific features of the shadow component of national economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stankevych I. V.
Ranking of colleges: terminology and basic definitions (p. 140 - 150)

The article studies translation and interpretation of the “rating”, “rank”, “ranking” terms in different both Soviet and modern dictionaries. It generalises definitions of these terms by scientists with consideration of their interpretation in the educational context. It reveals differences and ambiguity in application of terminology in scientific sources devoted to the study of problems of the process of ranking of objects of different spheres, in particular, colleges. It provides understanding of “ranking” and “tables of leagues” notions by the International Ranking Expert Group (IREG). On the basis of generalisation of translations and interpretations of basic notions of the process of ranking by different dictionary and scientific sources, the article improves terminological mechanism of the process of ranking of colleges. It offers and reveals essence of key definitions of the process of ranking with consideration of the process itself, result and form of presentation of the result, namely: “ranking of educational objects”, “tables of leagues”. “rating of educational objects by popularity” and “rating of educational objects by results of activity”.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsapko-Piddubna O. I., Bilenko Y. I.
State financial mechanisms of stimulation of energy efficiency of economy (p. 151 - 157)

The goal of the article lies in the study of modern mechanisms of state financial stimulation of energy efficiency of economy, including fiscal and investment ones. In the result of the study of the world experience of use of fiscal and investment mechanisms the article identifies their essence and marks out advantages, shortcomings, specific features and tendencies of application. On the basis of the analysis of expenditures and benefits, execution of conditions of support of actions of the market mechanism, and also taking into account the world tendencies and experience in the use of fiscal and investment mechanisms, the article justifies a necessity of use and gives recommendations regarding priority of application of certain mechanisms in Ukraine. The article draws a conclusion that a necessary condition of the effective policy of energy efficiency is interaction of the market and state mechanisms. Besides, the market mechanism is determinative and state, including fiscal and investment mechanisms, supplementary in stimulation of energy efficiency. The prospect of further studies in this direction is a detailed analysis of financial mechanisms, namely their quantitative values () with the aim of strengthening the role of these mechanisms in the processes of increase of energy efficiency of economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chechetovа-Terashvili T. M., Malyshko Y. M.
Influence of deregulation of economy in the sphere of small entrepreneurship upon positions of Ukraine in the world ratings (p. 158 - 164)

The article analyses efficiency of the policy of deregulation of economy in the sphere of small business in the context of determination of influence of results of deregulation upon competitiveness of Ukraine in world ratings. The article identifies main criteria of assessment of the level of development of small business, which are included into the structure of economic indices. It considers dynamics of components of international economic indices, which characterise norms of regulation of entrepreneurial activity, assess conditions of registration, conduct of economic activity and liquidation of subjects of small business. Taking into account importance of integration processes in the world, the article conducts a comparative analysis of positions of Ukraine in international ratings with the countries of the European Union and Customs Union. It justifies main problems of the policy of deregulation of economy in the sphere of small entrepreneurship, which resulted in reduction of competitiveness of the national economy of Ukraine in the world market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ianchuk M. B.
Transaction aspect of creating a high technology holding under globalisation (p. 165 - 173)

The goal of the article lies in the study of the synthesis of two main concepts of development of global economic processes – technological and neo-institutional – at the methodological level. This problem acquires special urgency in the high technology sphere, where processes of integrative transformation takes place in the form of creation of powerful meta-corporations, integrated corporate structures, trans-national corporations, with the aim to reduce the level of transactional costs. Analysing, systemising and generalising scientific works of many scientists, the article considers the transactional aspect of creation of high technology holding under conditions of globalisation. In the result of the study the article carries out typology of transactional costs for science intensive and high technology companies. It marks dependence of transactional costs on selection of the institutional form of interaction of enterprises and justifies the condition of minimal value of general transactional costs in the process of integration and creation of holding structures on the basis of high technology industrial enterprises. The article offers, for the first time ever, creation of the domestic mixed aircraft construction holding with the leading company represented by the aircraft developer, which would facilitate reduction or elimination of this type of transactional costs as costs of opportunistic behaviour, which traditionally appear between the developer and serial producer due to availability of contradictions between the strategy of carrying out the business policy and production activity. The prospect of further studies in this direction at the conceptual level is a deep study of a complex dependence of transactional costs of functional, financial and structural transformations connected with the change of the volume of the integrated structure and organisational interaction of its participants on the selected mechanism and type of integration of high technology companies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yarmosh V. V.
Analysis of sources of financing the intellectual property (p. 174 - 182)

The goal of the article lies in identification of the state and modern tendencies of use of intellectual property. The article analyses the sources of financing the intellectual property in Zaporizhia and Dnipropetrivsk oblasts and also in Ukraine in general, moreover, it analyses the specific weight of the volume of performed scientific and technical works in the gross domestic product in CIS countries. On the basis of analytical materials of the CIS Statistics Committee the article identifies internal expenditures on the study and development in recent years in the majority of the Commonwealth countries. Based on the analysis, it identifies that a tendency that did not appear previously to such an extent manifests itself now. Its essence is in the fact that among two assets sectors – tangible and intangible – the role of the latter increases. Ukraine has a powerful intellectual potential, that is why, there is a necessity today to search for the ways of efficient use of objects of intellectual property.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kozyk V. V., Emelyanov O. Y., Petrushka T. O.
Investment-innovation mechanism of ensuring competitiveness of industrial enterprises (p. 52 - 58)

The article considers the process of formation of the investment-innovation mechanism of ensuring competitiveness of industrial enterprises. It identifies the essence, composition, goals and means of functioning of this mechanism. It establishes sequence of the process of functioning of the investment-innovation mechanism of ensuring competitiveness of economic subjects. It marks out such particular types of this mechanism: mechanism of renovation of fixed assets of an enterprise, mechanism of formation of channels and network of sales of enterprise products, mechanism of expansion of production capacity of the enterprise on manufacture of traditional types of products, mechanism of introduction of new progressive production processes, mechanism of development and production of innovation products, and mechanism of reduction of the level of risk of investment activity of the enterprise. The article conducts modelling of the process of development and realisation of investment solutions on introduction of progressive technologies of manufacture of products at the enterprise. It offers a method of selection of the most competitive variant of technology of manufacture of products depending on the level of quality and also specific current capital outlays for their manufacture.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuzmynchuk N. V.
Institutional aspects of state regulation of interrelations of subjects of the electric energy market (p. 59 - 64)

The article identifies tendencies of development of international electric energy markets. It marks out the role of well-organised functioning of the electric energy market for maintaining the energy security of the country under complex conditions of Ukrainian economy transformation under the influence of geopolitical changes, financial, economic and social factors. It justifies important role of the state in realisation of the regulating impact through mechanisms of institutional support of production, transportation and supply of electric energy; it focuses on imperfection of the existing system of institutes of this sphere, which determine harmonicity of the electric energy buy and sell process. Based on the system analysis of the institutional foundation, which reflects principles and essence of regulation of the electric energy market and interrelations of its subjects, the article generalises problems of the modern regulatory and legal base and realisation of strategic programmes of development in the context of formation of relations between the energy market participants, which would facilitate renovation of state regulation. The article marks out key directions of solution of topical issues of institutional support of activity of electric energy market participants, the most urgent of which are problems of the tariff policy, alternative energy development, financial discipline and technical state of fixed assets of the electric energy complex. The article puts in order the system of contractual relations of subjects of the electric energy market, which allows formation of the scientifically justified approaches in the direction of improvement of the organisational structure of the energy market and introduction of measures on increase of efficiency of regulating actions by the state.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ligonenko L. O., Molodozhenia M. S.
State and problems of introduction of economic management at Ukrainian enterprises (p. 65 - 71)

The article considers a wide range of scientific and practical issues that characterise the state and identify problems of economic development and ways of their solution. The study uses the Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) methodology, which allows assessment of indicators of enterprise activity and opens opportunities for inter-country comparison of results and identification of correspondence of Ukrainian realities in the sphere of economic enterprise management with the world tendencies. The goal of the article is publication of results of the “State and problems of introduction of economic management at Ukrainian enterprises”. The detected, during the comparative analysis, lag from the generally accepted modern requirements and approaches to management confirms the objective necessity of formation of theoretical grounds and development of the relevant practical mechanism of economic enterprise management as a factor of ensuring high efficiency of operational, investment and financial activity of Ukrainian enterprises, establishment of conditions for increasing the economic potential of development and ensuring vitality in the long run.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rudensky R. A.
Model of managing pension assets of the defined contribution mandatory state pension system (p. 72 - 76)

Introduction of the defined contribution mandatory state pension system in Ukraine actualises the issue of efficient management of its pension assets. The goals of the article are development of theoretical and methodical provisions and development of the economic and mathematical model of management of pension assets of the defined contribution pension system on the basis of the fuzzy set approach. The necessity to refer to the theory of fuzzy sets when modelling this process is caused by, firstly, absence of rather complete consistent “a priori” information, secondly, uncertainty of flows of insurance contributions and pension payments and, thirdly, significant influence of the instable market environment upon investment processes. The proposed fuzzy set economic and mathematical model of the task of optimal management of pension assets of the defined contribution system is a target function of minimisation of the investment risk as the risk of insufficiency of net pension assets and system of restrictions that reflect restriction of the investment activity with pension assets of the defined contribution pension system, determined by the current pension legislation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Samsonkin V. M., Adzhavenko M. M.
Development of models of assessment of influence of human factor upon innovation development of railroad transport enterprises (p. 77 - 82)

Changes in the socio-economic environment of functioning of railroad companies and corresponding transition to market economic conditions make us deeply reconsider our relation to the human factor as the main source of increase of the level of efficiency of both individual railroad enterprises and companies in general. But, apart from exclusively humanistic (evolution) relation to this process, it is necessary to find means of formalisation of professional activity of a person or certification of personnel. The article is devoted to the above stated issues. In the result of the study the article develops a model of analysis of professional activity of a person at railroad transport, which gives a possibility to numerically determine the level of intellectual, social and physical components of the human factor and also to identify directions and efficiency of investing and a model of determination of the number, which ensures optimisation of the number of personnel of enterprises and structural subdivisions. In order to identify the most significant resources that are connected with personnel, time, place, method, motivation type, obtained effect and intensity of railroad transport operation the article offers to analyse results of professional activity of personnel of each structural subdivision by the “what” is created / developed / performed (regarding professional activity), “where” (enterprise name and its subordination),“when” and “who” created (developed / performed) and “how” and “why” scheme.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Semak B. B.
Role of the ecological audit in information support of the domestic market of eco-textile (p. 83 - 87)

The goal of the article is the study of the place and role of the ecological audit in the system of ecological management of textile enterprises of Ukraine, ecologisation of technologies of textile manufacture, formation of the range and quality and ensuring ecological safety of products of textile enterprises. In the result of the study the article specifies the role and place of the ecological audit in formation of the system of ecological management of enterprises of the domestic textile industry. Special attention is paid to the role of the ecological audit in information support to participants of the domestic eco-textile market. The article justifies expediency of the use of results of ecological audit of textile products with the aim of increasing its competitiveness in the market. It is expedient to conduct further studies in the directions of development of mechanisms of introduction of the ecological audit at textile enterprises of Ukraine and study of influence of ecological audit of products of domestic textile enterprises upon satisfaction of growing ecological needs of consumers of these products in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Semenov V. F., Chekulaieva O. D.
Mechanism of state regulation of innovation development of the construction sphere (p. 88 - 94)

The article provides theoretical and methodological justification of the process of formation of the mechanism of state regulation of innovation development of the construction sphere of Ukraine. The article studies conceptual provisions of formation of the mechanism of state regulation of innovation development of the construction sphere. It develops the mechanism of state regulation of innovation development of the construction sphere, realisation of which would ensure stable, effective and system functioning of the construction sphere on the basis of newest technologies and would become a powerful incentive for the national economy development. It analyses main principles, functions and instruments of state regulation of innovation development of the construction sphere in detail. It offers and justifies organisational, information, personnel and financial and economic support and also tax stimulation of creation of the mechanism of state regulation of innovation development of the construction sphere. Prospects of further studies in this direction is identification of priorities of innovation development of construction in the regional context, development of directions of improvement of the mechanism of state regulation of innovation development of the construction sphere and assessment of efficiency of the state impact on innovation development of construction.

Article is written in Russian

Skrypnyk A. V., Rodyna M. A., Volovodenko L. V.
Prospects of achieving the world standards of meat consumption in Ukraine (p. 95 - 102)

The article analyses possible variants of growth of the level of consumption of meat products (beef, pork, and poultry) during the nearest 6 years. The article considers, as a basic variant, planned indicators provided by the Institute of Agrarian Economy and approved in “Strategy of Development of the Agrarian Sector for the Period until 2020”. Based on the time series of meat products consumption during 2000 – 2012, the article builds a forecast of consumption until 2020 using methods of econometric analysis. The article compares the obtained forecast indicators with official indicators, on the basis of which a conclusion is made with respect to groundlessness of planned indicators of beef consumption, for realisation of which the 15% annual growth is needed. In order to specify the level of meat products consumption depending on the level of income, the whole population was presented in the form of three groups: under-provided (40%), averagely provided (30%) and well-provided (30%). Optimisation task for maximum of caloricity of the meat products basket, with availability of budget and production (built up on the forecast) restrictions, was solved for each group. In the result an optimal ration, which differs significantly both in composition and caloricity, was obtained for each group. Moreover, the article shows that in order to achieve these meat products baskets, it is necessary to bring beef import up to 210 thousand tonnes and the unclaimed 190 thousand tonnes of pork and 210 tonnes of poultry could be exported.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shvets V. H., Travinska S. I.
Programme of identification and assessment of risks at Ukrainian milk processing factories (p. 103 - 108)

The goal of the article lies in the study of possible risks at a milk processing factory and their identification and assessment by relevant criteria and creation of the efficient risk management system with the help of methods of reacting to them. The article considers the economic risk of production processes at a milk processing factory and control of their limit, studies identification and assessment of possible risks in accordance with the international practice pursuant to the COSO concept, and analyses methods of identification of assessment of the risk level and relevant methods of reacting to them. The authors offer the milk processing factory risk identification and assessment programme, which would ensure timely detection of the most important risks, which require relevant reactions, and development of new methods of internal control and recommendations on improvement of the risk assessment system for ensuring efficient activity of a factory in general.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yanenkova I. G., Liakhovets O. O.
Essence of institutional provision of industrial complex development (p. 109 - 116)

The article identifies and justifies the essence of institutional provision of the industrial complex development. It systemises and justifies main institutes of industrial complex of Ukraine. It marks a necessity of improvement of institutional structures, which influence activity and development of the industrial complex, that should go along the way of use of both market mechanisms and state regulation of functioning of links of the national innovation system. The article identifies main directions of organisational and institutional transformations in the industrial complex of Ukraine. It justifies expediency of shifting the focus of structural transformations in industry to the regional level and develops proposals with respect to distribution of authorities of state and regional bodies of authorities for the conduct of these reforms.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hubarieva I. O.
Assessment of quality of anti-corruption state programmes (p. 117 - 122)

Complex use of target programming, expert assessment and taxonomic analysis allows assessment of quality of state anti-corruption programmes by such criteria as: integrity, correspondence with regulatory acts, structure and content, scientific justification and ability to solve problems (realisability), at which it is directed, with the aim of improving the quality of state policy documents. The conducted analysis shows low quality of regional anti-corruption policy in structural and content contexts, resource provision and mechanisms of realisation and control, which negatively influences effectiveness of introduction of mechanisms of crime prevention and corruption fighting. Assessment of quality of target regional anti-corruption programmes in Ukraine on the basis of the developed methodical approach confirmed inefficiency of the modern policy approach to solution of problems of reduction of the corruption level in the country.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kocharian I. S.
Analysis of training potential and development of higher education of Ukraine (p. 123 - 128)

The article analyses the use of training potential and formation of the complex state policy on development of the higher education system in Ukraine. It shows that absence of the strategy of regional development of the higher education potential and selection of the place of obtaining higher education by entrants results in overload of infrastructure of socio-household services of some cities and requires additional investments. It shows that information about specific additional investments is complex and requires preliminary computation and analysis since it depends on a region where a specialist is trained, on a region from which the specialist came from, whether there is a deficit of training capacity of the region, whether the trained specialist stays in the city where this specialist obtained education, and also on the volume of fixed assets of the region that falls on one person and on the structure of these assets. The article makes calculations for determining a set of rules of specific investments depending on situations that take place during solution of a complex task. It presents a matrix model of the complex task of distribution of services on obtaining higher education in the context of regions. It develops a target function, which identifies the total amount of investments into fixed assets for maintaining the level of socio-household services and into fixed assets of the “Education” type of economic activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krasnova I. V.
Stock market in Ukraine: state and prospects of development (p. 129 - 134)

The article is devoted to analysis of the topical problem of detection of specific features of functioning and problem of development of the stock market of Ukraine and also justification of directions of increase of its liquidity and efficiency. It analyses main tendencies and regularities of development of the stock market in the context of institutional, instrumental and infrastructural components. It considers issues of changes of volumes of trade and other parameters of activity of stock exchanges during recent years. It focuses on existing problems on the way of development of the stock market of Ukraine, which interfere with its efficient functioning, in particular, a limited number of liquid and investment attractive financial instruments, high fragmentariness of the exchange and depositary infrastructure, and insufficient legislative regulation of the exchange activity. For solution of problem issues and stimulation of further development of the domestic stock market the article marks expediency of consolidation of stock exchanges, necessity to increase capitalisation, liquidity and transparency of the stock market; further formation and consolidation of the market infrastructure and ensuring its reliable and efficient functioning, and improvement of mechanisms of state regulation, supervision and protection of the rights of investors in the Ukrainian stock market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krush P. V., Makaliuk I. V.
Realisation of functions of planning and organisation in the system of management of transaction expenses (p. 135 - 141)

The goal of the article lies in building a functional model of management of transaction expenses of an enterprise with specification of stages of realisation of planning functions in an organisation. In the result of the study the article marks out functions of management of transaction expenses, which ensure transformation of incoming (financial) resources into outgoing ones (optimised transaction expenses). The article identifies stages of realisation of “Planning transaction expenses” and “Organisation of management of transaction expenses” functions. It characterises in detail responsibilities of enterprise subdivisions that deal with management of transaction expenses. It establishes that the original element of the planning function is the budget of transaction expenses for a planning period and organisation – job descriptions of employees with detailed description of their duties and authorities, rights and obligations. The prospect of further scientific developments is study of stages of realisation of such management functions as “Motivation of personnel on rational use of funds and management of transaction expenses”, “Control over the state of management of transaction expenses” and “Regulation of the process of management of transaction expenses” of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Novykova I. V.
State regulation and support of competitiveness of telecommunication enterprises (p. 142 - 148)

The article analyses existing problems of state regulation and support of the telecommunication industry. It shows that the telecommunication infrastructure is formed, on the one hand, under the pressure of needs of consumers of various service market segments, on the other – internal organisational, personnel, scientific and financial resources of producers of telecommunication services. On the one hand, production of telecommunication services has a comparatively low financial threshold of entering into business, which is attractive for development of private entrepreneurship. On the other hand, the telecommunication industry needs globalisation and correspondence with international standards, which is not always accessible for enterprises of the industry. The modern stage of establishment and development of the Ukrainian telecommunication infrastructure is characterised with reorganisation of the structure of basic operators at all levels of management. Thus, decisions made at the state level exert significant influence upon development of the regional telecommunication market. A new institutional structure of management of the telecommunication sphere, connected with enlargement of organisational structures, is being built at the state level. All enterprises that work in the market of telecommunication services (as a rule, independently from the declared goals) pay main attention to consumers that are ready to pay for services. Profit and income are the main criteria of enterprise activity. They are central factors of survival in the competitive market. At the same time, this natural inclination leads to overpricing the tariffs, irregularity of distribution of services by districts and categories of consumers. The social factor takes the second place in motivation of activity of telecommunication companies. Telecommunication coverage of realisation of applied issues of the state management is carried out residually.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pronoza P. V.
Theoretical aspects of appearing of bubbles in economy (p. 149 - 157)

The article considers theoretical aspects of appearing of bubbles in economy. It analyses vies of scientists regarding the essence of this phenomenon and, with the help of content analysis, specifies the essence of the bubble notion in economy. It considers main stages of appearance of such bubbles. It offers classification of their types. It analyses pre-requisites of appearance of bubbles in economy and their features. It considers main existing approaches to detection and modelling appearance of bubbles. It proves that bubbles negatively influence economy of the countries, that is why, the problem of their detection and prevention is one of the central problems in the process of development of policy of state regulation of economy.

Article is written in Russian

Skoruk O. P., Zubar I. V.
Solving problems of modern land relations on the way of formation of competitive agrarian production in Ukraine (p. 158 - 163)

The goal of the article is identification of modern problems of conduct of the land reform and ways of their solution in the context of economic consequences for development of the competitive agrarian production in Ukraine. It identifies that the main task of completion of the land reform is creation of the land market, which would ensure transition of the right of ownership on land lots to an efficient land owner. The basis of this development are farms that combine the owner and master of land in one entity. The article shows that adoption of the Draft Law “On Agricultural Land Turnover” would facilitate development of this form of management. The article identifies main problems of the moratorium on agricultural land sales, namely: land black market activity, withdrawal from market turnover of land of about USD 40 thousand million cost and, as a result, impossibility for agrarians to apply mortgage. The article identifies gaps in the legislation with respect to state control over unclaimed shares and escheats, due to which the state budget does not receive significant amounts of money. It offers ways of solution of these problems through empowering the founded Goszembank, which should become a partner and support for development of small and medium farms after withdrawal of the moratorium on agricultural land sales, with relevant authorities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Fylyppova I. H., Sumtsov V. H.
Social responsibility of the state and business as a factor of competitiveness and economic growth (p. 163 - 172)

The role of social factors in economic development of countries and nations cannot be ignored today. However, the goal of this article is not a proof of this already evident fact; the main hypothesis of the article is that the level of social responsibility of the state and business is directly reflected in competitiveness of the national economy and prospects of economic growth. The authors proceed from three quite evident assumptions: first – development of entrepreneurship is the basic factor of competitiveness in the market economy; second – competitiveness is a condition of export oriented economic growth; third – all the above listed “ingredients”, including economic growth, “close” on one key indicator – labour productivity, and the main problem lies in clear identification of the cause-effect relations between them. Thus, labour productivity is the nucleus of the “competitiveness – economic growth” system. The authors consider labour productivity as a function of three arguments: physical, human and social capital. Moreover, the first two arguments are a passive potential of the economic system and characterise the level of development of productive forces and only the social capital, which reflects the level of development of production relations, characterises real possibilities of the economic system with respect to realisation of its passive potential, that is, is the active potential of the system. The production function of social labour, identified in such a way, is, in fact, a characteristic of the social method of production. While studying influence of social factors upon development of entrepreneurship, competitiveness and economic growth, the authors reveal internal contradiction of the existing social method of production.

Article is written in Russian

Chernysh I. V.
Justification of principles and functions of the anti-crisis state policy in the tourist industry (p. 173 - 179)

The goal of the article is the study and justification of principles and functions of the anti-crisis policy of the state in the tourist industry. The article justifies and proves expediency of the use of principles and functions of the anti-crisis state policy in the tourist industry. The article marks out the scientific problem of identification of principles and functions of the anti-crisis state policy in the tourist industry by scientists, provides the composition and specifies the characteristics of principles of the anti-crisis state policy, and justifies functions of the anti-crisis state policy in the tourist industry; proves the necessity of identification of principles and functions when developing conceptual grounds of the anti-crisis state policy and establishes their interrelation and interdependence during realisation of the relevant concept.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Otenko I. P., Iartym I. A.
Definition of the “economic security of strategic changes at an enterprise” notion (p. 204 - 210)

Availability of a multitude of approaches to management of economic security of an enterprise and systemisation of their provisions allow development of a conceptual framework by means of identification of the essence of the “enterprise economic security” notion in the context of development processes management. The article shows that essence and composition of the “economic security of strategic changes of an enterprise” notion should not only take into account the set of views and methods of understanding and their interpretation in various aspects, but also form the basic idea and tasks of ensuring economic security of strategic changes of an enterprise, which is reflected in results of its activity through prevention and assessment of threats and formation of the state of protection and qualitative changes. The presented provision that the economic security management system should be integrated into the processes of strategic changes of an enterprise allows forming methodical provision of management of economic security of strategic changes of an enterprise and instruments of management, directions of forming of which correspond with the enterprise strategic goals.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Luchyk S. D., Luchyk M. V.
Food Security Assessment as Part of the Economic Security of the Country (p. 56 - 61)

The purpose of the article is to study food security as part of the economic security of the country. Given the current legislation of Ukraine and materials of agriculture statistics, the key indicators of food security were calculated and analyzed. The study identified the main directions of development of branches of agriculture. It was proven that the innovative scenario of agricultural sector development will increase the level of self-sufficiency of the country’s population with main products, which ultimately will ensure food security of the state. The prospect of further research in this direction is to predict future state of agricultural market conditions during the implementation of a scenario situation. Predicted values obtained will allow to suggest a set of strategic measures to ensure the economic security of the agricultural sector of the economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Moroz O. V., Volovodyuk S. S.
Principles of Adaptation of the Economy of Ukraine to the Postindustrial Society Demands (p. 62 - 66)

The article describes the evolutionary features of the trans-market transformations in XVIII – XXI century. The regularity and consistency of formational processes of transition to a post-industrial age period were noticed. The attention is focused on the progressive dematerialization of the economy and a lot of systemic change, which include dominance moral and ethical priorities. Given the problems associated with the disagreement of the information function of a competitive market in the period of transformational change. The desirability of changes in the competitive market mechanisms in connection with the duality of modern global economic processes through a combination of their structure as industrial and post-industrial relations was highlighted. The necessity of the application based on communicative rationality, which is based on the principles of convergence and solidarity, on the predominance of informal ethical evaluation positions on the potential of the individual accumulated knowledge and relevant assessments of information flows. Offered at the enterprise level to provide adequate information and competitiveness in a globalized network society postindustrial period attract informative technology not only as a tool for advertising and sales area, but also in the process of its formation and development, which reduces the distance between producer and consumer and minimizes the negative impact of uncertainty.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tarachev V. A., Petrikova E. M.
Infrastructure Bonds in Russia as a Tool to Reduce Economic Growth Infrastructure Restrictions (p. 67 - 75)

The article examines the financing of infrastructure projects using this innovative mechanism, as a means to issue infrastructure bonds. The Russian theory, law and practice there is have no clear understanding of the nature of the process. The article shows how the infrastructure constraints of economic growth can be removed with the help of investment projects financed through the issuance of infrastructure bonds. The concept of "specialized society project financing" mechanism for the preparation and issue of the procedure, the scheme of financing investment projects through infrastructure bonds and the main directions of improving the process.

Article is written in Russian

Hor’ovyi V. P., Sydorenko O. V.
SWOT-analysis of the Agricultural Produce Exchange in Ukraine (p. 76 - 82)

The aim of this paper is to examine the SWOT-analysis of the agricultural produce exchange in Ukraine. This paper resolves an important problem of building up the development strategy for such a complex economic system as the agricultural produce exchange (APE) of Ukraine. The study introduces the author's vision on the analysis of the APE business environment operation, eliciting the influences on it in Ukraine, on the basis of which SWOT-analysis has been made. The results of the SWOT-analysis suggest the most appropriate and cost-effective development strategies and define the priority and sequence of each of the strategic plans depending on complexity and investment. Eliminating problems and threats on the basis of this SWOT-analysis will enable the formation of an effective and balanced agricultural produce exchange with high motivation directly in the sphere of agricultural production, insurance and, the most crucial, management. In the light of the need for intensification and urgency of further development of the agricultural produce exchange in Ukraine, research related to APE development strategy will be further investigated in theoretical and practical scientific studies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanov Y. B.
Methodological Aspects of the Analysis of Economic Development of Publishing and Printing Activities in Ukraine (p. 83 - 88)

The purpose of the article is to study the actual approaches to the analysis of economic development, in particular, its manifestations in the context of determining priorities of publishing and printing industry by formulating the essential characteristics of groups of factors that influence and clarify the simulations performed. The study investigated the development of publishing and printing industry in the context of sustainable development and institutional development issues new information economy. Grouping and structuring of the basic characteristics of groups of factors determining the economic development of publishing and printing activities in Ukraine. Substantiated proposals to clarify and improve the forecasting model of mutual influence of selected factors on the basis of the hierarchy of functional competition with other areas of consumer information. Prospects for further investigation in this direction are the formulation of the theoretical and methodological foundations of management and regulation of publishing and printing industry in the information society, solutions using such techniques of sustainable development, and on the conceptual level, there is a need to clarify certain fundamental categories of knowledge economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shkurupii O. V., Bazavluk N. G.
Factors that are Affecting the Dynamics of the Economy of Ukraine and National Competitiveness (p. 89 - 94)

The development of the modern world economy has necessitated the formation of approaches to national competitiveness. Given this, it is important to identify factors that influence this process. The aim of the article is to determine the factors of competitiveness of Ukraine and to identify the priority areas of economic development. The article describes the main factors of competitiveness of the country. Modern trends of innovative development in Ukraine were analyzed. Competitive advantages and critical gaps were identified in the context of individual components of sub indexes, Global Competitiveness Index. The scientific basis of this study is the theory of M. Porter, which is taken as a basis for the World Economic Forum in determining the Global Competitiveness Index of the country. Given the fidelity of international processes Index Doing Business was also used in the analysis, which is defined by the World Bank. The analysis of factors of competitiveness of Ukraine demonstrates the negative impact of the institutional environment, macroeconomic instability, inefficiency of the commodity market and the financial system of the country on innovation activities of the country. Elucidation of Ukraine's place in the world economic system of modern relationships and the definition of its competitive advantages has shown that the country has sufficient potential for economic development, which, however, is not used properly.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Achkasova O. V.
Organizational and Legal Aspects of Outstaffing in Ukraine (p. 95 - 99)

The aim of the article is a research and generalization of theoretical aspects of outstaffing to identify opportunities and threats related to the participation of all the subjects of this process, organizational and legal aspects of outstaffing, which if taken into account, will provide the possible benefits of its implementation. Based on analysis of the literature and study of practical experience in the provision of services in Ukraine’s outstaffing the content of the process was determined. The generalization and systematization of the opportunities and threats that are associated with participation in the process of all subjects, particularly outstaffing workers as the most vulnerable members. Recommendations were provided for improving the content of the outstaffing contract and provide a legal framework for the provision of this service and improving social protection of outstaffing workers. In order to address the identified problems and hidden dangers that are associated with the implementation of outstaffing, it was proposed to implement it by domestic companies, subject to certain legal aspects.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Budnik V. A., Shkurko Y. L.
Controlling Tariffs for Cargo Handling in the Sea Ports of Ukraine (p. 100 - 107)

The processes of the liberalization of tariffs for cargo handling in the sea ports of Ukraine by deregulation of rates for loading and unloading. The expediency of introducing tools of controlling tariffs for cargo handling in the sea ports, that is to determine the reasonable value of the discount rate applicable at the time of tariffs for loading and unloading services ports. A methodical approach was developed to control tariffs transshipment at the sea ports for the calculation of each cargo traffic that is served in a port value economically justified tariff considering the demand for port cargo handling, regulation of tariffs in the sea ports of Ukraine and achieve maximum profit from the port transshipment. Availability of the proposed methodological approach to optimize tariff policy seaports of Ukraine confirmed by the example of calculating the amount of discounts on the existing tariffs transshipment cargo flows for the three that are served in Izmail seaport.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kalyuzhna N. H.
The Resource Concept of the Interpretation of Potential in Economy: the Nature and Limitations in Application (p. 108 - 114)

The aim of the article is to determine the expediency of compliance with the resource concept of interpretation of the potential as an economic category. To solve this problem a systematization of the main approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "potential" in the economy was implemented and the evolution of the interpretation of the concept of "productive potential" was studied. It was also shown that a considerable spread in the economy in general and in the definition of productive potential in particular the concept of resource-based potential interpretation was received within which the resource, resource-focused and resource and result approaches were formed. It was proved that, despite the close relationship between the resources and potential of an economic entity, these concepts are not identical, namely the provision of resources for the business entity is a necessary condition but not exhaustive realization of its potential. The prospect of further research in this direction is to identify opportunities for integration of resource concept with other approaches to the treatment of potential as an economic category.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kutsenko M. A.
Economic Factors of Education Quality in the Civil Defense System in Ukraine (p. 115 - 120)

The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of the quality of education and personnel training in the civil defense system as well as the connection between the quality of personnel training and the economic impact of state by the example of civil defense service in Ukraine. After analyzing, systematizing and generalizing domestic and foreign scientific works, the author specifies the peculiarities of educational services and determines the concept of quality in education. The paper investigates the difference between the concepts of “education quality”, “learning quality” and “personnel training quality” and defines the factors affecting the quality of personnel training for civil defense. The author estimates the economic component of improving the training quality and proposes general instructions for evaluating the quality of personnel training in civil defense system in Ukraine. The results of the study show ways to improve the quality of personnel training through the reform in the financial mechanism of providing personnel training in the civil defense system. The perspective for further research should lie in conducting a factor analysis to determine the dependence of losses from emergencies and personnel training quality.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Matyushenko I. Y., Shostak I. V., Danova M. O.
Approach to Automation of Methodology Foresight Concerning the Definition of the Scientific and Technological Priorities of Nano Industry (p. 121 - 130)

The generalized procedure for implementing of Foresight project to identify promising areas of nanotechnology NTR was suggested. As a result of solving the problem an information technology implementation of the Foresight Project will be created on setting priorities in predicting NTR nano industry. As a formal framework the methods of bibliometrics and scientometrics (counting the number of publications), multicriteria decision making problems (t-ordering, Pareto optimality) and patent analysis (analysis of the dynamics of inventive activity curves) were chosen. An approach to complex automation foresight projects in Ukraine was given. Theoretical developments in the future will be implemented in the form of an interactive decision support system for members of the Foresight project. However, access is provided to the system using the web-interface. Economic effect of the complex computerization of foresight projects will be achieved by reducing expenditures on experts by reducing their number.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Petrushevska V. V.
Adaptation of Financial Policy of Ukraine to the Conditions of Globalization and European Integration Processes (p. 131 - 137)

The process of European integration of Ukraine provides for the implementation of a number of measures aimed at the harmonization and unification of these components of the financial policy: such as monetary, fiscal and currency policies, and institutional conditions of the process for our country. The aim of the research is to study the basic aspects of financial integration of Ukraine into the European Community. International financial integration intensifies around the world, especially among the advanced economies. The main consequence of interstate integration for countries is the reduction of the number of available instruments of financial policy, which can be applied for the purposes of macroeconomic stabilization. In particular, the country is not able to fully use monetary and credit policy to smooth the negative effects of the economic crisis and the main instrument of financial stabilization is fiscal policy. If we consider the path of development of Ukraine's European integration and the possibility of moving the national economy to the innovative type, the emphasis in shaping financial policy should shift towards fiscal regulation. Particular attention in the process of European integration of Ukraine should be given to the development of the domestic financial market. Financial policy should be aimed at satisfying the interests of the general public. The success of fiscal policy leads to the development of the real economy, leading to an expansion of the tax base and strengthening Ukraine's strategic position in the international arena.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ryadska V. V.
Institutional Paradigm of Audit in Ukraine: Current State and Prospects for Development (p. 138 - 143)

The paper investigated the content of audit institution and described the mechanism of its formation and development. Systematic understanding of auditing practices from the standpoint of institutional methodology allowed to determine its contents as a set of interdependent and interrelated informal and formal components, internal development and interactions of which reveal the mechanism of the process of change of auditing purposes as a social institution. Formal component of audit institution should be regarded as a hierarchical structure, which includes the norm of following levels: international, national, sectoral, subject auditing. In case of export of audit as a finished institutional form, the first stage of the development of formal component occurs in the direction “from the top down", whereby the structure of the national legislation governing the audit activity must conform to international standards. The next phase of change in the formal component is due to the influence of informal rules in the middle of the audit institution. This effect is maximal at the regional level of audit activity and is completely absent at the highest level – international. These circumstances are crucial in the process of further development of the audit institution in connection with the fact that the result of the effect of the interaction of formal and informal components at the lowest level of the hierarchy becomes the impetus for changes in the content of the institute in the direction “from the bottom up". Further disclosure of the audit institution should be carried out through the determination of its structure, content of which, in turn, should: be harmonized in accordance with the requirements of the European Union regarding the terms of the statutory audit of annual and consolidated accounts; correspond to the level of socio-economic relations of subjects of the triangular relationship; form the basis for further development of the institutional environment of audit activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sysoiev V. V.
Model of Supply Management of Security Forces and Defense Sector of the State in a Single System of Logistics (p. 144 - 153)

Reforming the forces of the security and defense sector of the state under modern conditions makes the integration of their systems of logistics into a single system, doing that requires a research of problems in logistics management in proposed vertical and integrated macrologistical system. The purpose of this paper is to develop a model for Supply Management of security and defense sector forces of the state in a single system of logistics based on the hierarchical structure of the system and the interaction of its elements. Developed based on the theory of management of organizational systems management, the model shows the key characteristics of the process of supply management of security and defense sector forces of the state on the conceptual level and defines the entire spectrum of relationships involved in the process. The model implements the idea of system management of government’s actions at different hierarchical levels of the system through a coordinated sequential choice of the dominant supply management strategies and their implementation using various managerial and logistical arrangements. Application of the model creates opportunities for the development of economic and mathematical models to select the most cost-effective options for the supply of distributed organizational structures of security and defense sector forces in a limited state budget financing, diversified material and technical resources and services, the changing conditions of markets by combining the hierarchical system optimization and optimization of logistics activity, providing global supply chain management process optimization in a unified hierarchical system of logistics.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tymoshenko O. V.
Main Directions of Strengthening the Financial Security of Ukraine (p. 154 - 160)

The aim of the article is to analyze the current approaches to assessing the level of economic security as a fundamental component of economic security. The article offers the author's technique evaluation level of financial security in the context of its main components, namely, banking, budget, tax, debt, monetary and foreign exchange, which are considered as the most representative and important. Based on the analysis it was concluded that most of the indicators exceed the limit values safe level of financial security. It is critical to increase the share of foreign capital in the authorized capital of banking institutions, the values of the indicators of external debt per capita exceeds the norm by more than four times the total amount of government debt is extremely dangerous for the economy of Ukraine. The author has developed measures to strengthen security in the components of the financial perspective, including the military-political situation of Ukraine's development, which will increase the competitiveness of the economy; it will provide a sustainable socio-economic development and improve the quality of life of the population.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tomakh V. V.
The Essence of Knowledge Management of Industrial Enterprises (p. 161 - 166)

Aim is to determine the necessary and sufficient steps in the process of knowledge management in the enterprise in terms of national economic development. Analysis of a number of definitions of "knowledge management" allowed us to offer the following: knowledge management – an ongoing multifaceted process by which an organization increases its competitive advantage through the timely use of the necessary knowledge, and binding elements are the definition, collection, selection, storage, distribution, use, creating and selling knowledge. Also in the article was the basic goal of knowledge management: reducing the knowledge gap by their generation, detection and diffusion, and use of knowledge to create new and stronger competitive advantage. The article analyzes the existing approaches to the definition of knowledge management process steps, and the experience of domestic enterprises, which allowed the selection process to offer knowledge of management stages such as: definition, collection, selection, storage, distribution, use, creating and selling knowledge.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iastrebova G. S., Chagovets L. O., Balykov O. H.
The Possibilities and Preconditions for Ukraine’s “Economic Miracle” (p. 167 - 173)

The aim of the paper is to study the preconditions for elaboration of strategic measures, meant to resolve the crises in the economy, to level the threats of recession and to stabilize the economy. This paper analyzes the macroeconomic situation in the state, the main financial threats to the economic security of the state. The paper reviews European countries’ experience in overcoming the crisis of such sort and potential of such measures in the Ukrainian context. The author emphasizes the examples of countries that have experienced an “economic miracle”, implemented by forced, innovative methods with a focus on national peculiarities, which helps prevent the recession and stabilize general economic situation. The article substantiates the feasibility of large-scale innovative economic anti-recessionary measures and demonstrates the possibility of forming a new legislative and executive power program for Ukraine to recover from the economic and financial crisis as soon as possible. The paper offers a system of priority measures for reforming various sectors within the framework of the crisis management.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Babenko A. G., Bondarevska K. V.
Ways to Improve State Regulation of the Agricultural Sector (p. 54 - 59)

The article highlights the features of the current state of state support in the agricultural sector; the main problems in the agricultural sector were identified; justified by the value of state support for the stable operation of agricultural enterprises, to increase their profitability and competitiveness. The ways to improve the mechanism of state regulation of the agricultural sector of Ukraine in dynamic changes in the economic environment were identified. Relevance of the issue of state regulation of economic relations in the agricultural sector was the purpose and goals of the scientific article. In particular, they identified the problematic issues in the sector of agribusiness, substantiated ways to improve the mechanism of state regulation of the agricultural sector at the present stage of its development. Such research methods were used: the abstract logic (in the process of theoretical reasoning and drawing conclusions); statistical and economic (to study the mass economic phenomena and the establishment of relevant trends); prediction (in the process of calculating the expected performance of production costs (cost-effectiveness) of the main types of commercial products. According to the survey the main ways to improve the mechanism of state regulation of agro-industrial complex was identified, which will have a theoretical and practical significance for the further development of the agricultural sector. Special attention should be paid to the reform of the price system through the introduction of regulated prices for basic products; formation of integrated agricultural systems; budget improvement, tax, insurance and credit policies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Grechko A. V.
Prospects for Reforming the Tax System of Ukraine under Conditions of European Integration (p. 60 - 70)

The article is aimed at comparative analysis of the European and the Ukrainian legislation on taxation and at providing practical recommendations on improvement of the domestic tax system, taking into account the results of the present study. When reviewing, analyzing and summarizing the works of numerous scientists, changes in the tax legislation of Ukraine were examined under conditions of European integration. In the results of the study the place of Ukraine in the international rankings was defined and a trend towards improvement of indicators to characterize the tax system was revealed; the current tax legislation of Ukraine, embodied in the norms of the Tax Code, was analyzed compared with the tax legislation of the Euro area member states and with the prospective model of reforming the tax sphere, which was proposed by the Government of Ukraine and is explicated in the «Conception for reforming the tax system of Ukraine» and a particular detailed analysis of the value added tax, income tax, property tax, environmental tax and excise tax was carried out; tax systems of the several EU member states were studied and on the basis of the obtained results practical recommendations on improvement of the domestic tax system using the positive experience of European countries were given. Prospective for further research in this area is the development of measures to improve the domestic tax system.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dorovsky O. V.
The Condition and Development Prospects of the Pharmaceutical Market of Ukraine (p. 71 - 80)

Principal developmental trends of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market are considered as well as its primary deterrents. Similar trends are singled out in the development of post-Soviet pharmaceutical markets which are also characteristic of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine. Worldwide trends are demonstrated which have an effect on the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market. Major issues associated with functioning and development of the pharmaceutical industry are pointed out which affect the indices of the domestic market. Prospective lines of development of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine are shown as well as basic risks to introduction of changes to the industry.

Article is written in Russian

Ivanov Y. B., Sienina A. O.
Improvement of the Organization of Administrative Services as a Way to Prevent Corruption (p. 81 - 88)

The aim of the article is to study the major problems faced by the population in the process of obtaining administrative services, and offer solutions to these problem areas in order to improve the organization of administrative services to meet the needs of the population. The article describes the main problems in obtaining administrative services that were illustrated by a separate administrative services "Adding to the state land cadastre information (amendments thereto) of land within the boundaries of administrative-territorial units." The emphasis is on the need to simplify the procedures for obtaining administrative services by eliminating unnecessary and redundant documentation, reducing visits to entities that provide administrative services through the provision of powers between the Centers for the provision of administrative services (CPAS). The necessity of more active CPAS branch network, expanding the functions and powers of the administrators who work there was grounded. All proposed activities are designed to meet the quality needs of the population and prevent the risks of corruption.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Shpilevskyi V. V., Khaustova V. Y., Antonenko S. V., Matyushenko I. Y.
Opportunities and Hazards Posed by the Membership of Ukraine in the WTO for the Metallurgical Industry of the Economy in the Context of Collaboration with the Countries of the EU and the EurAsEC Customs Union (p. 89 - 99)

The article establishes that in 2012 the metallurgical industry remained one of the leading industries of Ukraine (accounting for 16% of the industrial production volume and 27.5% of goods export), its scale and importance for the economy of the country reduced after entering the WTO. Evidence is given that the period of 2007-2012 witnessed reduction in the volume of metallurgical output exported from Ukraine both by volume and by value: in 2012 compared with 2007 the share of metallurgic output in Ukraine dropped both in terms of export (1.53 times) and import (1.26 times). Data are provided showing that metallurgical output exported from Ukraine has significantly lower value added than the same imported, and prevalence of the import price over the export price shows a negative growing trend. It is proven that after entering the WTO there generally was a significant decrease in the tariff rates and liberalization of access to world markets for Ukrainian output, simultaneously the domestic market of Ukraine became more open for imported products. It is demonstrated that after entering the WTO the share of Ukrainian metallurgical output exported to third countries which are not members of the EU and the CU in total exports (by value), increased by 1.4% in 2012 compared with 2007, which means that reorientation towards trade with other countries is taking place. The conducted analysis shows that the period of 2007-2012 witnessed reduction in the production output of principal types of metallurgical products, since imbalance in production capacities and the range of manufactured products contributed to an increase in the dependency of the industry on import and its export orientation with growing home market capacity, and due to the low technology level of domestic production and low competitiveness, enterprises of the industry are losing both foreign and domestic markets. The proposed forecast shows that in 2014 surplus capacities on the world metallurgical output market and intense competition will have their effect, yet demand can increase due to recovery of the Eurozone economy, as well as stabilization and growth on North American markets.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koliada T. A.
Financial Support of the Social Functions of the State: the Condition, Trends and Directions of Optimization (p. 100 - 107)

The purpose of the article is to identify trends in the budgetary policy of the government for the financing of its social functions and identify areas to optimize budget expenditures with available macroeconomic and institutional factors of influence. Analyzing the structure of expenditures of the consolidated budget of Ukraine for the functional classification, in comparison with budget burden in the European Union, it has been proven that the transformation of the public sector in this country are in line with European trends and contribute to filling the new content of the concept "welfare state." The study revealed that in increasingly adverse trends in socio-economic development of the country comes the growth of budget expenditures for the implementation of the social functions of the state. The reserves of decline in social spending due to the introduction of compulsory state social insurance for the self-determination of the citizens of the maximum level of funding for public services was identified, which will in the long run reduce the fiscal stress in Ukraine and at the same time enhance the effectiveness of state institutions. The prospect of further research in this direction is the proof of the necessity of legislative consolidation of procedures for the development of the budget strategy as a tool to balance the budget in terms of adverse long-term trends that will allow the government to carry out more effective correction of volumes of public goods and services, taking into account the possible demographic shifts and other changes in the economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Komelina O. V., Shcherbinina S. A.
Contemporary Problems in Ensuring Energy Efficiency of Residential Construction in Ukraine (p. 108 - 114)

The objective of the article consists in studying problems associated with ensuring energy efficiency of residential construction in Ukraine. It is indicated that energy efficiency in the housing sector can be increased through construction of new energy-efficient residential houses and thermal modernization of already existing housing stock. The concept of energy efficiency is considered. As part of the study, energy balance of Ukraine is examined, the structure of final consumption of fuel and energy resources is analyzed, in particular in the housing sector. The difference between the building energy classification under European norms and the domestic legal framework is established. The results of analysis of the European experience in state support of measures aimed at thermal modernization of residential houses are described. Basic routes to solving the problem of ensuring energy efficiency of residential construction at the state level are formulated, as well as principal tasks for construction enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kotina H. M., Stepura M. M., Tabakova T. V.
Macro-financial Provision of Economic Development: Priorities, Strategy, and Risks (p. 115 - 123)

The objective of the article consists in studying theoretical foundations of priority economic sectors, development of an improved system of their selection in order to ensure macro-financial stability in the state and contribute to recovery of the national economy by determining potential areas for acceleration of Ukraine’s economic development rates. The article analyzes theoretical approaches to interpretation of the “priority sector” concept, establishes up-to-date criteria according to which a sector is regarded as a priority, and develops its own criteria according to which economic sectors are to be selected as priority ones from the viewpoint of budget funding. In the process of the study, relevance of state support for the development of priority economic sectors is substantiated, and it is established that the major driving force of economic development will be provision of financing for innovations and projects concerned with the development and modernization of priority sectors rather than financing current problems and investment projects whose objectives and targets change annually, whereas the objectives they were created to meet remain unachieved.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Laktionova O. A.
Methodological Approach to the Evaluation of the Flexibility of Fiscal Policy in the Context of Cyclical Development of the Economy (p. 124 - 138)

The paper considers the improvement of the methodological approach to the evaluation of the flexibility of fiscal policy in view of its different orientation at different stages of the macroeconomic business cycle and defined on this basis the three types of flexibility (flexibility to fiscal expansion, restriction and consolidation). Assessment of the flexibility of fiscal policy is based on the evaluation of three characteristics: the estimates of fiscal space, functional space and components of uncertainty of trends. Indicators of fiscal space: the ability to generate a positive indicator of cyclically-adjusted budget balance, government debt, interest differential and GDP growth, the current funding requirements, the necessary size adjustments of the state budget balance to GDP, the value of the stabilization fund. The flexibility of fiscal policy or the capacity of its maneuverability in accordance with changes in the economic situation in Ukraine during the 2003 - 2013 periods was evaluated. Its reactivity, inability to carry out counter-cyclical impact, primarily due to the lower level of the generated function space was determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Omarov S. A.
Evaluation of Sustainable Development of Regions of Ukraine (p. 139 - 150)

The article discusses the problem of evaluation of sustainable regional development. Existing methodological approaches to evaluation are studied, and it is established that, despite their considerable amount, there is currently no single systemic approach ensuring comprehensive and well-founded assessment with a view to further selection of objectives and strategic directions of sustainable development of regions. A methodological approach to evaluation of sustainable development of regions of Ukraine is proposed where the overall evaluation of its level is conducted by using an integral index constructed on the basis of the rank method (additive convolution of ranks of the social, economic, and ecological components of the development of regions of Ukraine). The proposed approach is used as the basis for integral evaluation of sustainable development of regions of Ukraine, and problematic lines of development of the country regions are singled out in the social, economic, and ecological spheres.

Article is written in Russian

Rad N. S.
Conceptualization of a Demographically Stable Model of the Pension System and Economic Activity of “Third Age” People: Interaction Context (p. 151 - 158)

The objective of the article consists in studying the problems in the domestic pension system within the context of contemporary demographic imbalances. Proceeding from the correlation of the economically active population and the population having lost the earning capacity (as the basis for its financial balance), it is indicated that the pension insurance mechanism is susceptible to financial instability risks due to a growing trend towards population ageing. The study focuses on the availability of economic and personal prerequisites to extension of the limits of economic activity of people throughout their lifetime and during the “third age” period, as well as formation of a demographically stable model of pension insurance. Analysis of contemporary studies shows that transformation of the final (production) output from the material to the information and knowledge form has occurred within the context of domination of the innovative economic development vector and establishment of a “knowledge-driven economy”, and its generation requires formation of a corresponding specialist training level. Collection, compilation and grouping of results of a survey conducted for the purposes of the study among 3.0 thousand Donetsk oblast residents representing varying age categories, education levels and occupations, have demonstrated that the primary incentive for continuation of labor activity to the vast majority of respondents is insufficiency of means to provide for vital needs. Problems and negative trends in pension insurance functioning found in the plane of overlying systemic imbalances in the demographic, labor, and pension spheres are singled out by analyzing legal framework provisions and scientific research. As a result of theoretical generalization and on the basis of the abstract and logical method, a conclusion is made concerning practicality of forming a demographically stable framework of pension system functioning by realizing professional abilities of people considering the present-day development requirements. Propositions are developed aimed at improvement of the modern pension system framework by realizing economic activity of “third age” people. Implementation of the listed propositions will allow ensuring improvement in the demographic and financial stability of the pension system and senior citizens’ social security level within the context of innovative economic development. Prospects for future studies in this area consist in the development of an integral pension system framework resistant to imbalances and risks of an instable social environment.

Article is written in English

Terovanesov M. R.
Methodological Approaches to Evaluation of Developmental Rigidity of Higher Education (p. 159 - 163)

The article discusses the problems of increasing effectiveness of higher education by means of improving its management. Primary instruments of higher education quality assurance in Ukraine and developed countries are considered, among them accreditation, audit, monitoring, and evaluation. It is proven that developmental rigidity of higher education can be viewed as a criterion for assessment of graduates’ training quality. A method of its calculation on the basis of ratings and statistical data is proposed. It is based on the comparison of principal indices of system functioning with the so-called reference ones. Groups of indices describing education rigidity constituents are used as indicators, namely: economic weight, external influences, and temporal parameters. Such evaluation is justified by factual comparison of education systems and clarity of utilization of relative values. A scheme of evaluation procedures is developed. The credibility of the obtained value is determined by the accuracy of original assessed values and data sources. The proposed approaches to evaluation of activities of higher education establishments through calculation of rigidity of the educational system allow establishing its numerical value and using it in the analytical efforts aimed at optimization of higher education management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shevchuk A. V.
Utilization of Foreign Experience for Management of the Development of Regional Educational Systems of Ukraine (p. 164 - 170)

The article outlines and gives account of principal directions for adaptation of foreign experience with a view to ensuring transformation of regional educational systems. Rationale is provided for acceptability of pluralism of ownership forms of educational institutions, including private education, in accordance with the experience of developed countries. Priorities are singled out for ensuring accessibility of education in terms of physiological and financial capabilities of the individual receiving education which are practiced in developed countries. Variability of adaptation of foreign experience in transforming regional educational systems to the national institutional environment is determined. Principal directions for adaptation of foreign experience within the context of ensuring transformation of regional educational systems are studied. Individual steps aimed at increasing competitiveness of Ukrainian education and methods of stimulating cooperation among educational, scientific research institutions and business entities are considered. The key role of ensuring continuity of the educational process and revitalization of the modern university education of Ukraine is singled out in the process of ensuring development of regional educational systems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shost I. M., Vyniatynska L. V.
Statistical Analysis and Evaluation of the Solvency Level of Forestries (p. 171 - 176)

The aim of this article is to study the solvency of forestries with assistance of the system of interrelated statistic indicators and by using the sampling method (the sampling frame based on the criterion of the forest coverage in the regions of Ukraine). The article examined the solvency of Ukrainian forestries for the years 2007-2013, using the financial reporting of the forestries, which forms a system of information and analytical support to statistical analysis and assessment of solvency level of the forestries. The results of statistical analysis and assessment of solvency level of the forestries under the conditions of self-financing and commercial calculation were generalized and systematized. The procedure of comprehensive statistical analysis of the solvency of the forestries with use of an appropriate algorithm was grounded, that is relevant in the context of a market economy and meeting the needs. The system of interrelated statistical indicators is offered, with absolute and relative indicators of solvency included.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shkurupii O. V., Bazavluk N. G.
Possibility of Progressive Dynamics of Ukraine on the Basis of Structural Changes of the National Economy (p. 177 - 181)

Scientific and practical studies related to the determination of conditions for sustainable economic development of Ukraine, are extremely relevant. In the context of political and economic destabilization of direct vector dynamics possibility (ensuring macroeconomic growth by attracting resources and investments) is severely limited. The purpose of this publication is to identify opportunities of macroeconomic development based on the structural changes in the national economic system. The analysis showed that due to the influence of these factors of destabilization for the development of Ukraine, the importance is obtained by not direct structural changes in the economy due to innovations, and those which are due and are mediated by the action of the demand. Taking this into account, the growth of the national economy can be achieved by using regulators which are incomes of the population. As a result, the effective demand for domestically produced goods (with a lower share of imported goods in consumption), in the short time interval tends to raise production, and further innovation activity of enterprises. In the future, this assumption will let to restore the more typical for modern civilization development procedure for structural changes in the economy (resources ? innovation) and in the long run change to higher technological structures in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Baitsym V. F.
Analysis of Energy Efficiency Problems of Powering Ukrainian Cities within the Context of Sustainable Economic Development (p. 68 - 74)

Considering the fact that saving one energy unit is currently three times cheaper than the cost of its extraction, intensification of energy efficiency measures becomes one of the key aspects of economic development of Ukraine both at the national and the regional and local levels. The essence of energy efficiency consists in utilization of the whole package of effective means aimed at reducing specific energy consumption per one unit of output (including traded energy) and increasing productivity of labor. Ukraine is a country whose energy consumption rates are extremely high, which is caused by unbalanced energy use patterns and irrational use of energy. The country belongs to energy-dependent countries importing over a half of gas consumed with a total cost of more than $10 bln annually. A significant part of gas consumed in Ukraine is used in the housing and public utilities sector, including heat, power, and hot water consumption. Simultaneously, efficiency of energy consumption of both the Ukrainian economy in general and its housing and public utilities sector in particular, is 2-3 times lower than that of developed countries. In other words, improved efficiency of energy consumption could significantly reduce energy dependence of the country. In fact, with the current level of energy consumption, the country is capable of covering approximately 40% of its needs using its own fuel resources, whereas efficiency of energy use can be potentially increased by 67% in the industrial sector, 40% in heat generation and heat carrier media, 55% in the housing sector. The article analyzes basic problems of energy efficiency in Ukraine using the example of a typical city – the administrative center of Volyn region. The author’s logical conclusion is that the principal problems of Ukrainian cities consist in an extremely low efficiency of powering Ukrainian cities with simultaneous maintenance of international proportions. The article demonstrates that actual potential for energy saving in such cities, and thus in Ukraine in general, exceeds 70%. Solving the energy efficiency problems discussed in the article will make Ukraine (and its regions) energy independent.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Barna M. Y.
The Transformation Concept of the Home Trade System (p. 75 - 83)

The objective of the article consists in providing rationale for the transformation concept of the home trade system, whose foundation is formed by basic organization frameworks and which is balanced with basic conceptual provisions of trade development and regulation. The results of the conducted analysis, systematization, and generalization of scientific approaches to home trade system transformation were used to determine the degree of correspondence between conceptual provisions of trade development and regulation and the transformation concept of the home trade system, to identify the degree of agreement between basic organization frameworks and the transformation concept of the home trade system. The results of the study allowed establishing that there is currently no functional framework for home trade development in Ukraine. This practical task can be solved using a substantiated transformation concept of the home trade system as a foundation. Prospects for future research in this field consist in studying home trade system transformation with a view to clear identification of problems hampering the development of the sphere, problems arising in each subsystem and the system overall, diagnostic checks of the status of changes taking place in the system itself and the sector in general. Finding a solution to this research-to-practice task requires selecting the indicators which describe the influence of factors and the state of each subsystem forming the home trade system, substantiating principles of assessment of the home trade system and developing a corresponding methodology for efficiency evaluation of this system within the context of changes occurring both inside the sector and in its external environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bondar-Pіdhurska O. V.
Re-engineering as a Multipurpose Tool for Innovative Development of an Economy (p. 84 - 90)

The article focuses on the study of re-engineering as a multipurpose tool for innovative development of an economy in terms of forming socially-oriented principles and technological security of Ukraine’s economy. Relevance of implementing business process re-engineering within the context of intensified innovative development at industrial enterprises at the time of Ukraine’s civilizational choice was substantiated. Using a comprehensive approach, the article offers an analysis of multidimensionality of manifestation of the business process re-engineering phenomenon in terms of its substance as well as a developed system of indicators (primary and additional) to evaluate the effectiveness of implementing business process re-engineering measures as a multipurpose tool for innovative development of an economy. The architectonic structure of re-engineering as a multipurpose tool for innovative development was considered which implies re-engineering of science, education, technology transfer, commercialization of outcomes of innovative activities, as well as re-engineering of investment efficiency evaluation in order to meet the vital needs of each participant in the process, ensure competitiveness, technological security, and create a reliable foundation for a socially-oriented economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zalunina O. M.
Creation of Ukrainian Regions Grouping Conceptual Framework According to Macroeconomic Parameters in the Construction Sector (p. 91 - 96)

The article describes the methodological approach to monitoring the construction sector, which would help to develop measures to reduce the incidence of critical conditions for the construction on territory and meeting the requirements of availability, flexibility, adaptability to practical application in modern conditions. A conceptual diagram of Ukrainian regions grouping according to macroeconomic parameters is offered. Clustering algorithm using hyperspheres areas as decision rules can be used in the automatic classification not only in Ukraine, but also for companies and construction enterprises.

Article is written in Russian

Ilyash O. I., Buhaichuk N. V.
Directions for Reforming the Amenities and Social Infrastructure and the Social Service Provision System in Border Areas (p. 97 - 103)

The article provides evidence of the insufficient level of development of the amenities and social infrastructure, as well as the network of institutions providing welfare and medical and social care to incapacitated persons in border areas of the Western regions of Ukraine. The study investigates the negative aspects and identifies obstacles to functioning of the amenities and social infrastructure and the social service provision system. Priority directions and ways of reforming the amenities and social complex infrastructure were proposed, as well as ways to maintain and ensure effective functioning and further development of the social service sphere in order to satisfy the housing and utility as well as household needs of the population inhabiting the border areas.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Manoilenko O. V., Kravchenko S. M.
Theoretical and Methodical Aspects of Improving the State Investment Policy on Development of Knowledge-Intensive Industries (p. 104 - 109)

The article is aimed at forming the basic theoretical and methodological positions on improving the state investment policy on development of knowledge-intensive industries sector in the national economy. In the article an analysis of existing approaches is conducted and is also reasoned that, in order to form an effective investment state policy on the development of knowledge-intensive industries, the differentiation of its measures by economic levels should be considered, including the following components: analysis of the current state of knowledge-intensive industries in the national economy and constant monitoring of its changes; elaborating of state policies and strategies for the development of knowledge-intensive industries (system of goals and methods to achieve them); creating a favorable institutional and infrastructure environment; working out the tools for state regulation of investment activity in the sector of knowledge-intensive industries; coordination of the investment and the financial-economic policy of the state; determining consequences of implementation of investment policy of the state in terms of its influence on economic development. It has been proven, that at the present stage of development of the national economy, for the improvement of the state investment and innovation policy towards the knowledge-intensive industries, «point measures» for the implementation of foreign experience must be introduced, which are connected at the macroeconomic level with creation of information and analytical support to the development of knowledge-intensive industries; elaborating the economic-mathematical apparatus for forecasting the consequences of its implementation; and at the mesoeconomic level – introduction of new forms of institutional cooperation between the state and business in the context of limited financial resources (innovative clusters, integrated corporate scientific and production associations and public-private partnerships on the basis of risk-and-income-sharing), establishment of a network of regional coordinating centers for providing informational, analytical and advisory support to the enterprises of knowledge-intensive sector.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Orlov P. A.
Problems of Social Responsibility of Economic Operators and Marketing within the Context of Their Intensive Development and the Global Economic Crisis (p. 110 - 117)

The article focuses on the causes and examples of social irresponsibility of economic operators and their marketing in advanced industrial economies and Ukraine, in particular using the Internet, mobile telephony, and on-line shops. The interconnected concepts of social responsibility of economic operators and socially responsible marketing (SRM) were substantiated alongside identification of the primary criteria. Evidence was presented to support the conclusion that the development of marketing significantly outpaces growth of its social responsibility. It was proven that the SRM framework can be implemented on a large scale in any market-economy country only provided that the economy is duly controlled by the government and non-governmental consumer protection organizations are developed, rather than only on the basis of growing responsibility of owners of enterprises and social initiatives. Rationale was provided for a significant effect of the quality of a country’s economic system on the social responsibility of economic agents. Arguments were provided which demonstrate that even short-term discontinuation of government control of the quality of products being produced and sold, especially food and medicines, is unacceptable,as it prevents potential enormous material and moral damages. Rationale was provided for the conclusion that in those countries whose economic systems are incapable of ensuring a due degree of government regulation of the economy and its social orientation, the population is bound to be exploited by socially irresponsible economic operators, suffer moral and physical degeneration, or even extinction.

Article is written in Russian

Pikhotskiy V. F.
Prospects for the Introduction and Development Audit Function in the Management of Public Finances in Ukraine (p. 118 - 126)

The aim of the article is to study the audit functions in the whole system of the state financial control, the theoretical and practical aspects of the regulation of financial relations, identification of existing problems in this sphere, making suggestions on how to address them, as well as proposals to reform the system of state financial control. The urgency of the issue of acceptance of public financial management in Ukraine, achieving social and economic objectives and future directions of development of the state financial control is studied. There is conducted the analysis of the current state of public finances, including evaluation of audit functions of the use of public financial resources and financial audit, the need to strengthen the ability of the audit of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine. It is concluded that the state needs the formation of public administration and decentralization of control systems, integrated with the management of programs and activities of the budgetary funds, as required by EU standards.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prushkivskyj V. G., Kolesnykov V. I.
Theoretical Approaches to Defining Rural Areas (p. 127 - 132)

The objective of the article consists in analysis of scientific approaches to defining rural areas and development of the author’s own definition of a “rural area”. Relevance of a theoretical study of rural areas was substantiated, as the currently existing definitions lack in functionality, that is possibility of applying and adjusting the notion “rural area” for the needs of not only various economic sectors, but also the social, institutional, and environmental spheres. The article presents an analysis of primary scientific approaches and methods serving as a foundation for determination of the essence and content of the notion “rural area”. On the basis of this analysis, a whole series of scientific and methodological approaches were singled out, in particular, the territorial, spatial, structural, systemic, and multicriteria approaches. Weaknesses and strengths of the above approaches were singled out, which allowed a more profound study of the notion under consideration. It was established that the most comprehensive approach to interpretation of rural areas is the dualistic one which combines the systemic and spatial approaches. The author’s definition of the notion “rural area” was proposed on the basis of the dualistic approach.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Revak I. O.
Higher Education within the Structure of Intellectual Assets of Ukraine: the Current Status and Development Prospects (p. 133 - 140)

The objective of the article is the analysis of the current status of higher education in Ukraine and its development prospects. The article emphasizes the interpretation of higher education as one of the intellectual assets of Ukraine which provides significant opportunities for storage, reproduction, and accumulation of knowledge. The legal framework for educational activities in Ukraine was analyzed, and rationale was provided for the private education functioning on a level with the public education. The study also describes the system of higher educational establishments currently existing in Ukraine and discusses the intrasystemic causes of the deteriorating quality of higher education. The rates of increase in the number of students at higher educational establishments of the 3rd and 4th accreditation levels, as well as rates of growth in the number of graduates over the past five years were established to have negative values. A comparison of the staffing of state-affiliated and private higher education establishments demonstrated the ability of Ukrainian educational establishments with varying forms of ownership to provide services of equal quality. The article also analyzes the structure of state financing for higher education and reaches a conclusion on the degree to which financing for domestic education approaches the European standards. Special emphasis is put on the structural deformation of the system of higher education in Ukraine and its excessive humanization. The article also identifies positive trends in training top-qualification specialists and substantiates the necessity of organizing advance training for the population using the continuing education system and making higher education more accessible. A comparative analysis of indicative rates of higher education and professional training in Ukraine and leading countries of the world was conducted.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Salashenko T. I., Fedenko G. M.
Energy Security of Ukraine in the Oil Refining Sphere (p. 141 - 152)

The article presents methodical positions for evaluating the energy security of Ukraine in the oil refining sphere, which are based on the indicative, taxonomic analyses as well as parametric identification, which provide an ordering of risk factors and sustainability factors in production and consumption of motor fuels. To the local energy security indicators in the oil refining sphere are referred: the share of oil and the gas condensate in the structure of primary energy supply, the share of oil products in the structure of final energy consumption; indicators of energy dependence on imports of oil, oil products and motor fuels; proportion of the production and consumption of oil and gas condensate; the rate of growth of production and consumption of motor fuel; the loading level of production capacities in the oil refining; light oil products yield; the Herfindahl-Hirschman index for production and imports of motor fuel. The research on the energy security of Ukraine in the oil refining sphere conducted in 2007-2013 has provided a conclusion about its pre-crisis level up to the plummeting into crisis state because of fundamental changes in the resource cycle of motor fuel. As main risks was recognized the lack of sufficient stocks of the Ukrainian oil, non-competitiveness of the enterprises in this industry branch as for both the technological level of production and the quality of products, low diversification of production and import of the oil products.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skrypnyk A. V., Holiachuk O. S.
Environmental Management and the Cascade of the Dnieper Reservoirs (p. 153 - 160)

Based on common approaches regarding to environmental management the research questions the effectiveness of the use of the Dnieper cascade hydroelectric power stations. As an alternative, there is considered the use of flooded areas in agriculture. There is used average productivity per unit of agricultural land and the amount of electricity generated by hydropower plant. In general, in terms of money value of all produced electricity it was approximately 60% of the potential value of agricultural products (in 2010 prices). There is introduced the concept of efficiency in the use of flooded areas as the ratio of the cost of electricity to the potential value of agricultural products. The most effective were the Dnieper reservoirs for which the cost of electricity significantly exceeded the potential value of agricultural products. The least effective were Kiev, Kremenchug and Kakhovka reservoirs, where the efficiency of the flooded area is 25 to 30%. There is given the general scheme of the risks of further use of reservoirs. They can be divided into economic, environmental and man-made. The authors consider the share of the economic component (inefficient use of space). Environmental risk can be a first approximation to estimate the cost of measures to bring the state of the water masses in the reservoir (no flow) to a state of the uncontaminated masses. The greatest difficulty in terms of estimation are technological risks, which are presented in both static (regular maintenance of dams, measures to support the state reservoirs) and stochastic (the possibility of a tsunami) components. If based on the existing world statistics on dam reservoirs disasters, the probability of failure of a separate dam is approximately equal to 0.01%. The situation is made more complex by the presence of 90 million tons of radioactive sludge at the bottom of the Kiev reservoir. In the case of this scenario, radioactive contamination may be subject to 10% of the territory of Kyiv. If considered as a possible solution to the dismantling of the dam, the problem reduces to the standard formulation of income and consumable analysis. It should be emphasized that the degree of depreciation (demolition) will increase the cost of maintenance and the probability of technological hazards, the cost of human life must be taken into account in future studies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skrypnyk A. V., Yara T. Y.
The Effect of Variability of Individual Factors on Agricultural Production (p. 161 - 169)

The work contains an analysis of performance of agricultural enterprises over the period of 2009-2013 and the planting area, gross croppage, and yield of basic crops, as well as livestock sector production, in particular production of meat, milk, and eggs in 2012-2013. The contribution of individual components to the agricultural production process was examined using a multiplicative production function (the Cobb-Douglas function) and additional parameters, namely planting areas and time. A model of the effects of individual factors on the agricultural production was developed by using the econometric analysis methods on the basis of time series within the interval of 1998-2012. A comparative analysis of the developed models was conducted which established that the model including such parameters as fixed assets, employment size, planting areas, and time (for progress in science and technology) has the highest adequacy rates. Also, the effect of variability of the above factors on variability of production output volumes was evaluated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tatarina T. V., Tretiak K. V.
Characteristics of Operations of Reinsurance Brokers on the Domestic Reinsurance Market (p. 170 - 176)

The objective of the article consists in studying the characteristics of functioning of reinsurance brokers in Ukraine, identifying the range of problems existing in operations of intermediaries and substantiating possible solutions. The article focuses on the organizational framework for operations of reinsurance brokers in Ukraine. The essence of the notion “reinsurance broker” was determined, as well as its functional characteristics according to the requirements of the domestic legal framework. A review of the State Register of Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers was conducted enabling identification of basic flaws in its information content which interfere with monitoring of brokers’ operations and analysis of their efficiency. The article presents a study of primary indicators of intermediary operations dealing with reinsurance agreements: the number of insurance and reinsurance brokers in comparison with the overall number of insurers and the share of the reinsurance market involving brokers. A comparative analysis of broker operations was conducted in terms of reinsurance agreement premiums received by residents and non-residents in order to predict future tendencies in the development of the domestic reinsurance market. The conducted analysis allowed identifying a series of issues in the operations of insurance and reinsurance brokers and substantiating possible measures aimed at creation of a favorable environment for their functioning on the domestic reinsurance market in order to improve the dynamics of sale of reinsurance services and intensify inward reinsurance as a tool for attraction of funds to the economy of the state.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tokar V. V.
The Bankruptcy of an Individual in the Economic Security of Ukraine (p. 177 - 182)

The purpose of this paper is a conceptual study of the bankruptcy institution of the individual who is not engaged in business activities in the economic security of Ukraine. The article analyzes the current state of Ukrainian market of lending to individuals for purposes not related to business activities. There is identified the threat of economic security of Ukraine, due to the lack of state programs to prevent the collapse of the national financial system in general and the banking system in particular with regard to the potential of mass insolvency of individual debtors. The urgency of creating the individuals bankruptcy institution and the definition of the debtor in this context are suggested. The basic criteria for the procedure of bankruptcy of an individual in the event of a debt not related to entrepreneurial activity is determined.

Article is written in Russian

Khaustova V. Y., Gorbatova Y. F.
Estimating the Quality of Programs for Development of Tourism Industry in the Regions of Ukraine (p. 183 - 196)

The article is aimed to work out a methodical approach to estimate the quality of target programs for development of tourism industry in the regions of Ukraine, and to conduct a corresponding study on the basis of the elaborated approach. In order to achieve the article's objective, the existing methodical approaches to estimating the quality of specific programs in the various sectors of the economy were analyzed, their disadvantages and advantages were determined. On the basis of the conducted analysis, a model for estimating the quality of the target programs for development of tourism industry in the regions of Ukraine was developed, which allows to level the inadequacies of the existing approaches. In accordance with the proposed approach, has been suggested that estimation of programs' quality is carried out by the integral indicator, which comprises the following components: expediency, coherence in levels of the hierarchy, structural correspondence, scientific validity, feasibility, informativeness. In turn, each component is estimated by means of the relevant criteria (partial indicators). On the basis of the elaborated approach, quality of programs for development of tourism industry in the regions of Ukraine has been estimated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khaustova V. Y., Khomenko O. I.
Methodical Approach to Formation of Enterprise's Development Strategy, Taking into Account the Dynamics of Market Value and the Life Cycle Curve (on Example of the Iron-and-Steel Industry of Ukraine) (p. 197 - 205)

The article defines that one of the most important components of the strategy of enterprise's development are the dynamics of market value and the stage of life cycle. As result of an analysis of the available scientific studies has been proved, that problematics of interrelation of these categories and their combined use in the management of an enterprise are still not sufficiently covered. A methodical approach to the choice of enterprise's development strategy on the basis of the market value of the enterprise and the stage of its life cycle has been proposed, consisting of the following main stages: evaluation of enterprise's life cycle stage, calculation of the market value of the enterprise, determining the narrowness of the relationship between the market value and the stage of enterprise's life cycle, formation of the analytical base for managerial decisions, and choice of enterprise's development strategy. An implementation of the elaborated methodical approach is demonstrated on example of OJSC «ArcelorMittal Kryviy Rih».

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shkarlet S. M., Kholiavko N. I.
The Potentially-Factorial Substantiationof the Objective Functionalsof Management of the Information Economy FormationProcesses (p. 206 - 211)

The aim of the article is the potentially-factorial substantiation ofa restricted list of objective functionals of management of the information economy formation processesin a state. The article studies the scientific and application-oriented foundations of transformation of the national economic system in Ukraine. The results of the potentially-factorial substantiation of the objective functionals of management of the information economy formation processesare described. The author identifies the functions of the primary constituents of the system-universal functioning within the context of management of the information economy formation processes in Ukraine in a resource-constrained environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bondar-Pіdhurska O. V.
Generalization of Ideas of Economic Clusters as a Tool for Development of the Innovation Infrastructure in Ukraine (p. 43 - 48)

The article aims to generalize the ideas of economic clusters as a tool for development of the innovation infrastructure in Ukraine. The article stresses that a precondition for the growing competitiveness of the economy of the state and ensuring its sustainable socially oriented development is the development of the innovation infrastructure. The study researches cluster as a social notion in the international economic system and a tool for meeting the vital interests (VI) of the community, society, or the state. The author proposed her own interpretation of the term “cluster” as a form of integration of the innovation infrastructure grounded in the idea (national, regional) and strategy of accelerated growth aimed at satisfaction of the VI of the community, society, and the state of the current generation taking into account the future and solving relevant temporal and spatial tasks with a view to obtaining competitive advantages on the innovative basis at an optimum pace. The conducted systemic analysis of scientific information allowed singling out the inclusive characteristics of the cluster approach to formation of the innovation and investment infrastructure that enhance the effect of the socially oriented element of the innovation infrastructure of the economy alongside intensification of the innovative development and contribute to its stability during the period of the civilizational choice of the state, world financial and economic, political, and management crises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Buleev I. P.
Certain Aspects of Functioning of the Economy of Ukraine at the Current Stage of Its Development (p. 49 - 58)

Using the current economic concepts as a basis, this study analyzes the state of the Ukrainian economy. The study allowed singling out the primary factors that have led the economy and society to a systemic socioeconomic crisis. These include: using institutions that do not correspond to the mentality of society and the population; private capitalistic relations; oligarchic property and removal of citizens from ownership and management; weakness of the civil society and the middle class; low level of protectedness of citizens and their property; weakness of elites, etc. The article also proposes recommendations for elimination of the existing defects, ways of overcoming the economic crisis.

Article is written in Russian

Vlasiuk T. O.
Ways of Ensuring External Economic Strength in the Agricultural Produce Market of Ukraine (p. 59 - 71)

The article assesses the status of external foreign relations in the agricultural sector and describes the regional structure of the agricultural goods turnover. It also analyzes the prospects and possibilities for the agricultural sector of Ukraine arising after signing the Ukraine-European Union Association Agreement and creation of a free trade zone as part of the Agreement. The author formulated a series of threats to the food security of the state connected with integratedness of the domestic agricultural sector in the world food supplies market. The article also proposes measures of the state agricultural policy aimed at enhanced efficiency of using the available potential of the agricultural sector of the economy, its adaptation to new circumstances, including consideration of the possible risks resulting from liberalization of the foreign trade relations with European countries.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Denysov K. V., Babmindra D. I.
The Industrial Policy of Regulating the Processes of Accelerated Greening of the Industrial Activities of Iron and Steel Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 72 - 78)

The article aims to analyze the primary issues linked to the environmental aspects of industrial activities of iron and steel enterprises, to identify the priority areas and tools used for regulation of the processes of greening of the metallurgical production in Ukraine within the context of the necessity of ensuring a sustainable development of the industry. The article analyzes environmental and economic effects of the industrial activities of iron and steel enterprises in terms of pollutant emission, dumping of polluted water, as well as waste handling. The study proved that the share of the industry in the overall index of dumping of untreated water and carbon oxide emission has grown. The study concludes that there currently exists a non-rational structure of capital investment in environmental protection, where the share of current spending on maintenance of environmental facilities exceeds 50%. This substantiates the necessity of pursuing a comprehensive industrial policy combining maximum support for implementation of innovation projects and simultaneously harsher punishments imposed on industrial enterprises for violation of the environmental legislation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yermachenko V. Y.
Conceptual Approaches to Identification of Threats to the Development of Tourism in Ukraine (p. 79 - 84)

Using the conducted expert survey as a basis, the author carried out identification, focused description, and comparative analysis of threats to the development of tourism in Ukraine It allowed establishing that the most detrimental effects on the travel services market are produced by economic threats, namely: decreased consumer purchasing power, lower employment rates, growing price index for most goods and services, unfavorable exchange rate fluctuations, as well as geopolitical threats that may have long-term and structural negative effects. The study proves that interdependence of threats is their essential property; the synergistic effect is inherent in threat materialization processes; achieving efficiency in management of the socioeconomic development of tourism requires, alongside the in-depth analysis of specific threats, synthesis of the obtained information into understanding of the travel services market as a complex system where tendencies in parameter changes are set under the influence of a wide range of destructive factors that are both internal and external with respect to the national economic system.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Karpenko I. V., Shyshova I. G.
Methodological Approaches to the Budget Financing of Projects under Conditions of Sustainable Development Based on the Principles of Public-Private Partnership (p. 85 - 91)

The aim of the article is to improve the theoretical and methodological basis of the financial provision for eco-friendly activities (projects) under the conditions of sustainable development based on public-private partnership. The article analyzes the characteristic features of the current financial and economic mechanism of the environmental policy in Ukraine. The study also substantiates the use of the public-private partnership as the most effective way of providing funding for environmental projects in regions with different levels of environmental pressure and financial capacity for self-financing its development. The authors proved the necessity of forming the state financial policy aimed at realization of eco-friendly projects based on the principles of potential ability and ecological and economic adaptability. Arguments were provided to substantiate the reasonability of taking into account the environmental risk by investors along with other risks while evaluating the effectiveness of eco-friendly projects. The study allowed proposing an approach to calculation of the net present value of an investment project taking into account the environmental risk premium. It is proposed to take into account the level of ecological and economic adaptability of the region while determining the value of the risk premium. The approach was practically tested using the example of a treatment facilities reconstruction project.

Article is written in English

Kichurchak M. V.
Directions for Improvement of the Institutional Provision for Reproduction of Public Goods in the Economic System of Ukraine (p. 92 - 106)

The article aims to clarify the character of interaction between institutional factors and production of public goods, to single out the principal directions for improvement of the institutional provision for their reproduction in the Ukrainian economic system. Reliability and scientific validity of the obtained results are grounded in the methods of induction, deduction, comparison, historical and canonical analysis. The article describes the theoretical and methodological principles of the influence that institutional provision exerts on reproduction of public goods and analyzes the effect of the political and legal factors on their production in the Ukrainian economy. The author demonstrates that deformed production of these goods is caused by incompleteness of construction of the domestic representative democracy model; the processes of permanent improvement of electoral procedures; non-transparency of relations between the state and consumers of such goods in the system of a fiscal organization. Application of the canonical analysis allowed assessing the character of dependencies between the institutional provision and primary indicators of their production. The article proposes such important directions for enhancement of the institutional provision of reproduction of public goods in Ukraine: harmonization of electoral cycles of power branches, which fosters improved interaction with the electorate in terms of determination of preferences while producing such goods; completion of the process of reforming the electoral legislation and construction of a party system in order to enhance the functional capacity of the state; gradual transition to a better quality of democracy by developing political rights, civil liberties, freedom of the press and fighting corruption.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Komarova O. A.
Priority Areas of the Public Educational Policy (p. 107 - 113)

The article aims to develop the principles and strategic, operational, and transformational areas of the public educational policy. The study allowed substantiating the necessity of taking into account those external factors (economic, social, political, science and technology-related, and cultural) in the process of development of the public educational policy that influence it directly. The study established that the public educational policy of today should be realized on the basis of the following principles: precedence, stability, correspondence between the available resources and the reforms implemented in education, comprehensiveness, consistency, and transparency. It is recommended that priority areas of the public educational policy be grouped in three blocks: strategic, operational, and transformational areas. The following areas were suggested as strategic areas of the public educational policy: ensuring integration of the domestic education into the international educational space; transformation of the traditional educational paradigm into the online and distance one; development and implementation of scientifically substantiated educational standards with a view to improving the quality of education; increasing the employment rate among graduates of educational establishments. The following areas were determined as the operational areas of the public educational policy: formation and development of an ongoing staged educational system; ensuring the conditions allowing free access to the education services for all citizens; improvement of the education funding system. The article recommends the following transformational areas for the public educational policy: improvement of the quality of the learning process through its modernization and intensification; humanization and humanitarization of education; transition from the traditional to the learner-centered education paradigm. The prospects for further research in this field consist in the development of a new organizational and economic mechanism of formation and development of the educational potential of society.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mashkantseva S. A.
Substantiation of the Choice of Development Directions for the National Merchant Fleet (p. 114 - 119)

In the context of international and regional integration, the development of the national merchant fleet becomes one of the factors in achieving the economic security of residents. The main objective of the article is detalization of the current characteristic features of the world freight market functioning with a view to forming the main development directions for the merchant shipping of the Ukrainian merchant fleet. A typical state for most freight market sectors is cyclical operation. Selection of a prospective strategy for positioning of the merchant fleet within the system of the global seaborne trade market presupposes taking into account the degree of stability of foreign economic relations. Transit freight flows tend to acquire an important role in the context of globalization of economic relations. The mechanism of development of the fleet and ports should be focused on both solving entrepreneurial tasks and realization of the cargo owners’ needs. A crucial characteristic of the current state of any segment of the seaborne trade market is the flow of the freight profits which eventually predetermines the value of the fixed assets of individual companies and the overall market value of investment. Regulation of foreign economic relations on the basis of WTO principles requires development of new approaches to facilitation of the international transport cooperation grounded in new technology and the technical and economic level of the fleet and ports. The development of the national merchant fleet can be carried out within the framework of such specialized fleet groups: bulker, tanker, ferry, and container fleet. For the purpose of stabilizing the development of the national transportation system of Ukraine it is important to determine its role in the system of international transportation corridors. One should note that most international transportation routes crossing the territory of Ukraine are water routes, which should be regarded as an additional factor contributing to practicality of creation of a competitive national merchant fleet.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnykova O. А.
The Issues and Development Prospects for City Branding in Ukraine (p. 120 - 125)

The article aims to develop theoretical and methodological recommendations for city brand building taking into account the present-day socioeconomic development of Ukrainian cities. Using analysis of theoretical works on marketing as the basis, the article considers the notions of “city brand” and “city branding”. Generalization and systematization of theoretical and practical experience in the studied area allowed singling out the primary goals and tasks of city branding and identifying the city brand target audience. Analysis of successful domestic and foreign practical experience in city brand building permitted singling out the primary issues in Ukrainian city brand building and outlining the methods of resolving them. Analysis, systematization, and generalization of data obtained in the process of investigation allowed developing theoretical and methodological recommendations for city brand building taking the form of a sequence of six stages, as well as adjusting the product life cycle concept to the city brand life cycle. The article emphasizes the importance of a strong interrelation between the city brand building stages and the socioeconomic development strategy of the city.

Article is written in Russian

Mrykhina O. B., Mirkunova T. I., Stoianovskyi A. R.
The Methodological and Regulatory Framework for Technology Transfer (p. 126 - 132)

The article deals with study of the methodological and regulatory framework for technology transfer. Having studied existing theoretical and practical research papers focusing on this range of problems, the authors established that the phenomenon of technology transfer is mainly considered as an intermediate stage that mediates innovative activities. Using basics of systemic analysis, the authors grouped and picked out the main methodological and regulatory documents from the legal framework of Ukraine that are used in TT; the authors identified issues that complicate technology transfer and proposed steps that aim at solving such problems; the authors proposed their own approach to formation of the methodological and regulatory framework of TT as a subsystem of the methodology. Formation of mechanisms of realization of an enhanced methodological and regulatory framework of TT constitutes prospects for further scientific research addressing this range of problems.

Article is written in English

Solodovnik O. O.
Financial and Economic Security of the Public-Private Partnership: Theoretical and Methodological Framework (p. 133 - 138)

The article aims to formulate the author’s own approach to presentation of the content of financial and economic security of the public-private partnership on the basis of analysis and generalization of the existing research into the financial and economic security of agents of varying levels of the management hierarchy and the character of the public-private partnership. Studying scientific works dealing with the questions of financial and economic security allowed affirming that there is certain fragmentariness in formation of the terminology for ensuring the financial and economic security for agents of varying levels of the management hierarchy in modern research, whereas the general notion of “financial and economic security” still remains insufficiently studied. This study substantiated the reasonability of singling out a new manifestation of financial and economic security, namely financial and economic security of the public-private partnership; the author proposed to introduce the terms “financial and economic security of the public partner” and “financial and economic security of the private partner” into the scientific use and formulated the author’s own viewpoint on the essence of the notions; the study also substantiated the necessity of developing a comprehensive methodology for the strategic protection of financial and economic interests of parties to the public-private partnership. Prospects for further research in this area consist in clarification of the essence and content of the strategic protection of the interests of partiesto the public-private partnership.

Article is written in English

Skydan O. V., Lytvynchuk I. L., Samojlenko K. A., Dubinchenko S. V.
Reforming the System of the Research and Educational Support of Ukrainian Agrarian Sector (Based on a Sociological Study) (p. 139 - 148)

The article aims to study the public opinion on the efficiency of the state policy of reforming the agrarian education and research in Ukraine within the socio-professional segment of individuals dealing with research and science and technology. The study utilized the methods of collection, processing, and analysis of sociological information to determine the opinion of individuals dealing with research and science and technology about the government’s steps in the area of innovative development of the system of the research and educational support of the agrarian economy; solving the problems associated with institutionalization of the intellectual property within the system of the research and educational support of the agrarian economy; formation of a network of integrated educational and operational platforms in the agrarian economy. The study substantiates the reasonability of holding sociological studies to research the reaction of socio-professional groups to the macroeconomic policy of the state with a view to avoiding conflicts of interests of the parties and ensuring more effective implementation of the governmental policies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khaustova V. Y.
The Legal and Regulatory Framework for the State Support of the Industry Development in Ukraine (p. 149 - 167)

The article determines that industry is the foundation for any economy, for which reason support of the industrial development receives special attention from the governments of virtually every country of the world, including Ukraine. The article aims to analyze the existing legal and regulatory framework for the state support of the industrial development in Ukraine and methods of its improvement. The article analyzes the state industrial policy concepts adopted in the country: their objectives, main principles, structure, funding sources, primary tasks and priorities, etc., as well as specific implementation aspects and obtained results. The author considered the concepts of the nation-level target economic programs of the industrial development of Ukraine: their characteristic features, proposed directions for support of the industrial development of the country, priorities, etc., as well as expected and actual implementation outcomes. The sector-specific concepts of State target science and technology programs were analyzed, as well as strategies of the economic and social development of Ukraine and industry sectors; their objectives and characteristics were considered. The article also discusses the adopted Laws of Ukraine dealing with the development of leading industry sectors and the tasks and priorities declared by them. The study allowed investigating and generalizing state comprehensive target programs and other programs aimed at the development of the country’s industry, as well as Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine adopted in Ukraine over the past 15 years, their primary goals and priorities, as well as funding sources. The conducted analysis allowed proving that the fact of the governmental bodies and agencies taking no practical steps for the accomplishment of the tasks declared in concepts, strategies, and policy documents, as well as failure to achieve the planned level of industrial development give one the grounds to argue that realization of the industrial policy in Ukraine must be reconsidered and requires adoption of a strategic plan for further development of the Ukrainian industry in the medium and long term.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sharko M. V.
Commercialization of the Intellectual Property in the Process of Transferring Technology to the Real Sector of the Economy (p. 168 - 173)

The article aims to study the lines of Ukraine’s economic development in the field of high technology and intellectual property. The work studies the intellectual property market dynamics, determines the strategic reference points for the economic development and the structure of the used cutting-edge technology. The article demonstrates that the intangible components of the present-day production constitute the primary part of creation of the value added. Intellectual property products tend to become economic growth factors ensuring demand for products and services. Exploration of the intellectual property results and their commercialization were considered in the context of demand for them in technology markets. The results of study of high technology gradations according to types of economic operations and implementation terms allowed establishing the trends toward profit making in the short run and decrease in technology with later implementation terms. Further study of commercialization of intellectual property in the process of transferring technology to the real sector of the economy can help increase the efficiency of public production.

Article is written in Russian

Shved T. V., Bila I. S.
Identification of Issues in the Development of Enterprises of the Oils and Fats Industry in Ukraine (p. 174 - 179)

The article identifies and analyzes main issues in the development of oils and fats industry enterprises in Ukraine. Consideration and generalization of certain aspects of functioning of enterprises from the oils and fats industry of Ukraine allowed singling out the following issues in their development: a high level of monopolization in the industry, insufficient focus of the enterprises on innovation and investment, an underdeveloped system of storage and transportation of oils and fats products in Ukraine. Identification of negative effects resulting from the listed issues in the development of enterprises of the oils and fats industry in Ukraine allowed stating that the existing issues need finding solutions, including state-level solutions. Determination of the principal measures of governmental regulation of the development of oils and fats industry enterprises in Ukraine will be the focus of the authors’ further research.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Allahverdiyeva M. A. k.
The Regulation of Transnational Business at a Regional Level (Foreign Trade) (p. 18 - 25)

The conducted research has shown that the regulation of transnational business at a branch level is mainly related to foreign trade, including export-import operations. The particular importance in the regulation of transnational business there acquires the transnational corporation SOCAR (ARDN?), since a large part of the foreign trade turnover falls on energy resources and their components. In order to identify the parameters of regulation of transnational business at the regional level, we propose the following sequence of researches: systematic analysis of the dynamics of foreign trade, including exports and imports; research and analysis of the foreign trade turnover by types of operations; research and diagnosis of the foreign trade according to the classification of international trade standards; determination of the republic export quota; determination of the republic import quota; determination of the republic foreign trade quata; determination of the exports share in the total exports of the republic; determination of the export quota in the production industry of the republic; determination of the structural specialization of the industries; determination of the coefficient of relative export specialization of the industry.

Article is written in Russian

Butenko N. V.
Antimonopoly Policy in the Sphere of Partner Relationship Management (p. 26 - 32)

The aim of the article is to determine the structural preconditions of competition in the national economy, the basic ideas and principles of the state competition policy and to substantiate on this basis the instruments of antimonopoly policy in the sphere of partner relationship management. In the article there was analyzed the level of competition in Ukraine and made the conclusion that the organizational principles of the competition development are implemented inconsistently, often contradictory, in the conditions of existing deformations in property relations, the lack of the effective private owner. The role of the state and the forms of its participation in the shaping of competition policy has been determined. The attention was focused on to the trends in development of the total level of the ownership concentration in Ukraine’s economy. Manifestations of contradictory influence of partnership structures on the Ukrainian economy, in particular the budget losses from tax exemptions, sectoral exemptions, intersectoral competition, monopolization of the market, the impact of education and financial-industrial groups were considered. Among the main measures for the formation of the antimonopoly and competition policy in regulating partner relations there was determined the state policy on increasing the national competitiveness and the formation in Ukraine of a favorable business climate; inability to concentrate assets in offshore companies; mandatory identification of ultimate owners of businesses; determining the level of monopolization of the market on the national, regional or local scale; the transfer of assets of natural monopolies to the state ownership with subsequent funding among the minority investors.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vorobiyenko P. P., Stankevych I. V.
The Targeted Approach to Higher Education Management (p. 33 - 41)

The aim of the article is substantiating the expediency of management of higher education using targeted approach with determination of specific objectives of higher education on the basis of generalization of existing scientific developments. The authors noted that the objectives of higher education should be identified taking into account not only the philosophical, pedagogical, sociological and psychological aspects, but, above all, the economic ones. The paper reveales a number of generalized motives stimulating the society and the individual to be active in the field of higher education. The aggregate of the motives revealed by the authors with the scientific analysis of the theory of management by objectives, organization theory, the requirements to the objectives of the SSU (State Standard of Ukraine) ISO 9001: 2009 and the existing opinions of scientists allowed substantiating and suggesting their vision of specific objectives of higher education. The obtained results of the research can be applied in the future to specify the objectives of higher education with respect to its constituents with development of procedures (process measures) for their achievement, methods and means of measurement.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gvozdyk N. M.
Investing in Human Capital as a Factor of Improving Labour Productivity (p. 42 - 48)

The aim of the article is theoretical justification of the role of investment in human capital and its impact on productivity and the development of measures for consistent formation of human capital as a prerequisite for the growth of labor productivity. The article analyzes the current state in the formation of the important components of human capital: education, health, motivation to work and social security. There have been determined the main priorities in the work with personnel aimed at increasing its competitiveness, which, in its turn, is achieved by continuous training of personnel, improvement of motivation system, career guidance of personnel, preservation of ability to work and so on. There was substantiated the necessity of consistent measures on forming the human capital as a prerequisite for the growth of labour productivity, among which are the following: optimization of the educational and qualification as well as age structure of the staff; preparation, training and distribution of personnel, optimization of processes of the personnel movement; increasing the innovative orientation of labor; increasing the level of the employees motivation to work; strengthening the occupational safety, health and performance of the staff; ensuring an adequate level of assessment; social protection of workers.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Denysov K. V.
Industrial Policy of Regulating Innovative Modernization of Production Processes in the Iron and Steel Industry of Ukraine (p. 49 - 56)

The aim of the article is to analyze the characteristics of carrying out the innovation activity by the metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine during the period of 2011-2013. The structure and direction of the innovation activity, as well as the amount and sources of financing have been analyzed. Acquisition of equipment and software has been determined as the main direction of innovation in the industry. The imbalance in the domestic market of specialized scientific and technical services (the industry depends on imports and the field-oriented science — on exports), the deformed structure of the manufacturing (dominant share of innovative products is new only for the enterprises themselves) and export of the product have been proved. The need to introduce innovative industrial policy based on economic nationalism has been reasoned. It was determined that the purpose of this policy is to provide innovative development of domestic industries at the expense of domestic research and technology developments and domestic demand for innovative products with high added value. The necessity of applying the mechanism of reimbursement of value added tax to finance the preparation and implementation of innovative projects in the metallurgical industry has been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhabynets O. Y.
Influence of the State Regulation Instruments on the Financial and Economic Security of the Ukrainian Insurance Market in the Current Business Environment (p. 57 - 63)

The article studies the effect of state regulation instruments on the financial and economic security of the insurance market of Ukraine in modern conditions of the national economy development. In particular, there have been analyzed the differences in the basic legislative acts, on the basis of which the state regulation of the insurance market in Ukraine is implemented, the dynamics and structure of assets as well as insurance reserves of insurers in the context of the solvency of insurance companies and, as a consequence — the insurance market as a whole. The analysis of reinsurance as an important instrument of influence on the financial and economic security of the national insurance market has been carried out. The analysis showed a significant effect of government regulation on the financial and economic security of the insurance market of Ukraine. In the process of the study it was proved that in the current conditions of national economic development the priorities of the state regulator in relation to creating the legitimate and safe environment for the domestic insurance market are: changing the orientation of insurers’ capitalization and asset quality, increasing requirements to domestic reinsurance companies and non-resident reinsurers, introduction of obligatory placement of insurance reserves in the form of government securities as giving a high rate of return and having a high level of reliability. The author considers that these measures have a significant impact on increasing the level of financial and economic security of the insurance sector and as a consequence — the implicit fulfillment of the undertaken obligations by insurers and restoration of public confidence in the insurers.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanov Y. B., Sevostjanova G. S.
Directions of Reforming the Public Procurement System (p. 64 - 70)

The article presents the study of individual directions to reform the system of public procurement in the context of the coalition agreement and their compliance with the European Union standards. The study highlights a number of problems that should be solved at the legislative level. The ways of improving the public procurement mechanism: introduction of a flexible mechanism for the procurement of public services, combining the experience of the European Union in compliance with the basic principles of public procurement and domestic features of procurement; optimization of phases of the procurement of public services through shortening the procedures; allocation of the purchase of public services in a separate regulatory and legal document and laying the function of the authorized body in the field of procurement of public services on the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine; legislative regulation of procedures for monitoring the average market price at procurement of goods, works and services by managers of budgetary funds and the electronic register of offenders in public procurement. The prospects for further research is analyzing the implementation of the directions of reforming the system of public procurement specified in the Coalition agreement in practice and reforming the public procurement system regarding the legislative aspect.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Malovychko S. V.
The Analysis of the Current Trends and Dynamics in the Development of E-Commerce at Enterprises of Ukraine (p. 71 - 77)

The current stage of the development of economic relations is characterized by a high degree of informatization. The rapid pace of scientific and technological progress in the field of communication and information technologies stimulates the development of areas of consumption, production and trade, creates conditions for the emergence of new forms of economic relations. One of these forms is e-commerce, which modern trends of development in Ukraine are analyzed in this paper. The aim of the study is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the state and characteristics of e-commerce at enterprises in Ukraine, the determination of its modern trends. The paper suggests the scientific and methodological approach to the study of the trajectory and characteristics of e-commerce development in Ukraine. The algorithm for assessing the state of e-commerce at enterprises in Ukraine and determining its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats that should be useful to identify areas for its further development and predict its trends has been presented. The common trends in the development of e-commerce at enterprises of Ukraine, its strengths and weaknesses have been identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Manoilenko O. V., Kravchenko S. M.
Study of Structural Changes in the National Economy as the Basis for Forming the Priorities of the State Investment Policy (p. 78 - 86)

The aim of the article is to determine the intensity and speed of structural changes of investments in the fixed assets by types of economic activity in Ukraine to identify the priorities in the state investment policy at stimulating science-based competitive industries of the national economy. The article presents the structural and dynamic analysis of investments in the fixed assets by types of economic activity. The conducted studies of the structural changes in the directions of capital investments by types of economic activity in Ukraine indicate that in the evolutionary perspective the industry is the most stable of their recipients. In spite of the significant structural changes that have occurred in the changing of investment priorities of economic agents after the crisis of 2008 – 2009, they are explained by the conjunctural character of quick profit earning at investing in residential real estate, the industry remains a priority direction of investment activity that allows receiving significant returns on the invested capital in the long term perspective. Proceeding from the assumption that the competitiveness of the national economy is connected with the release of science-based innovation product, as it is evident from the experience of developed countries, the promotion of investments in science-based production is one of the main priorities of the state investment policy. The results obtained confirm at the empirical level, that the strategic priority of the investment policy of the state should be the promotion of science-based production of the national industry.

Article is written in Russian

Naumik-Gladka K. G.
State Regulation of the Development of the Sphere of Communication Activities in the Economic Security System of Ukraine (p. 87 - 92)

The aim of the article is to study the need to ensure the state economic security at providing the state regulation of development in the sphere of communication activities of economic entities. The paper identifies the threats to the economic security of Ukraine connected with the development of the information economy, which happens gradually and is accompanied by the intensification of contradictions between innovation and traditional elements of industrial relations, respectively inherent to the high-tech economy and economy based mainly on the 3-4 technological structures; between the increase in the economy of the role of self-sufficient economic systems that have a network (decentralized) model of development and the preservation of the hierarchical model of state regulation of the economy; between the striving of economic entities to the preventive response to growing competition and the uncertainty on the markets resulting from the rapid spread of ICTs and the current practice of passive adaptation to external challenges and threats to economic security. The direction for further research in this area is to analyze the development of information infrastructure, regulatory framework and level of training of specialists in the field of ICTs.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Oganezova G. V.
Forming a Paradigm of the Health-Oriented Economy (p. 93 - 99)

The article presents the author’s vision of forming a paradigm of the health-oriented economy as a conceptual model corresponding to people-centered management of the health sector. The paradigm includes the purpose, object, subjects and mechanism of the state regulation, within its framework it is supposed to create a unified state system of reproduction, preservation and strengthening of the nation health through the socio-economic mechanisms of the reproduction of health capital, taking into account all possible health risks, which will allow taking a course to the “health preserving” strategies regarding actions of the subjects instead of the “therapeutic” ones specific for the modern society. There have been identified undeveloped behavioral strategies and tendencies of the investing attitude to health (barriers) preventing the formation of the health service and resulting in the existence of socially irresponsible behavior regarding the household health (underdevelopment of the middle class, which spreads the rules and regulations of self-preservation), business (lack of funds for modernization and improvement of working conditions, nonconformance to ecological standards of manufacturing, lack of health insurance programs for employees) and the state (low level of implementation of the constitutional obligations on the human right to health and the factors ensuring it, a controversial health care reform, etc.). The directions of the state policy and measures forming the socio-cultural, legal, economic incentives of health capital accumulation have been determined. In the author's opinion, the use of the paradigm of the health-oriented economy as a means of methodological control, will contribute to the formation of the science-based health sector, rational use of human resources, effectiveness of the state regulation of the market of medical services, replacing of the dominant in the society “disease-centrist” concept, which provides for recourse to medical assistance upon the disease, 4-P medicine concept.

Article is written in Russian

Portna O. V.
Institutional Support of the Total Financial Potential of Ukraine (p. 100 - 104)

The aim of the article is to study the institutional support of the functioning of the total financial potential of Ukraine, determining its nature and characteristics, allocating its components. On the basis of the analysis of scientific developments the definition of the institutional support of the total financial potential of the country has been formulated. The article describes the activities of state institutions as a component of institutional support of the functioning of the total financial potential of Ukraine ensuring the availability of legal conditions. It has been proposed to use non-governmental institutions (nongovernmental organizations, civil society institutions), which will ensure the organizational conditions, as a component of institutional support for the effective functioning of the total financial potential of the country. The prospect for further research in this direction is the development of practical tools for weaving the activities of nongovernmental institutions (non-governmental organizations, civil society institutions) in the functioning of the total financial potential of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pronoza P. V.
Analysis and Identification of Pathological Crisis Processes in Mechanical Engineering in Ukraine (p. 105 - 113)

The aim of the article is to study the development of pathological processes that emerged in mechanical engineering of Ukraine during 2003 -2013. On the basis of the concept of development of pathological processes in the real economy, the dynamics of trade and investment imbalances and distortions determining them has been studied. The study showed that during the pre-crisis period of 2003 - 2007 all distortions and imbalances were in the pre-crisis state, or phase of unsustainable growth. The catastrophic drop in production in mechanical engineering in 2009 was largely due to the transition of paying capacity distortion to the pre-crisis state and the constant pre-crisis state of investment adequacy and trade imbalance. The short-term improvement in the post-crisis period was insufficient and did not have a systematic character. In recent years, the imbalances and distortions have been increasing, which led to a catastrophic level of internal and external imbalances in internal and external offerings and the fall in industrial production in mechanical engineering. One of the main directions of overcoming distortions and imbalances should be the development of high-tech industries of import substitution in mechanical engineering of the country.

Article is written in Russian

Sobolieva M. V.
Non-Economic Factors of Modern Development of the Financial Sector of the Ukrainian Economy: Methodological Bases of the Research (p. 114 - 119)

There have been identified and disclosed the methodological principles of research of the mechanism of functioning and development of the financial sector of the Ukrainian economy in modern conditions: 1) recognition of the priority role of the subjective factor in the dynamics of the financial markets in relation to the objective ones in the short- and medium term prospects; 2) taking into account the complementary interaction between the institutions of the financial sector with all other elements of the institutional system, which can have both positive and negative effects; 3) taking into account the non-linear nature of the financial sector in the context of globalization; 4) taking into account the character of the multiple models of financial behavior of economic entities and the recognition of bounded rationality of this behavior; 5) the need of taking into consideration at studying the modern trends of the financial sector development not only the objective logic and the history of this process, but also the development of scientific ideas about it, and (especially) their correct spreading in society; 6) taking into account the limited resources of the financial sector state regulation, aimed at overcoming the negative consequences of irrational economic behavior of entities on financial markets; 7) awareness of the possibility of unexpected effects of institutional interaction within the financial sector, followed by mutations of the institutions, including the negative, the emergence of institutional traps and preservation of properties not inherent to it in the normal conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vinnychenko O. V.
The Analysis and Structuring of the Causes Impeding the Introduction of Advanced Technologies for Exchange Grain Trading (p. 32 - 38)

In the article the main causes impeding the development and introduction of advanced technologies for grain trading on commodity exchanges in Ukraine have been identified and structured. The generalization of existing shortcomings in operation of the domestic commodity exchanges has served the basis for the model, within which there were built: a directed graph of correlations between the above mentioned shortcomings in the operation of exchanges, the matrix of dependency and reachability. The causes have been identified and structured, the main ones being determined, which, in turn, makes it possible to carry out the correct sequence of actions and emphasize the primary issues requiring priority solutions at making management decisions in order to promote the grain exchange market. The suggested approach clearly shows the correlation between the existing causes and sequence of their elimination.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vlasiuk T. O.
Optimization of the Import Policy as a Factor of Foreign Trade Safety (p. 39 - 51)

The article considers the issues of ensuring the state foreign trade safety by using the tools of import policy. The analysis of the current condition of Ukraine import and import policy was carried out, the individual tools of the import policy were analyzed, a list of problems with the import that threaten separate industries of Ukraine was given, the measures, which implementation will positively affect the level of foreign trade safety of the state, were proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dyuzhev V. G., Suslikov S. V.
Forming the Priorities of Non-Traditional Renewable Energy Technologies in Ukraine from the Position of their Life Cycle the Analysis (p. 52 - 58)

The mechanism for the formation of priorities regarding non-traditional renewable energy technologies by understanding the complex of ecological and technogenic as well as socio-economic cooperation has been offered. The priority directions due to optimization of the expenditure chain of the cycle “output — transportation — processing — accumulation — consumption — utilization of energy resources” have been identified. The comparative analysis of typical stages of the cycle “output — processing — consumption” of traditional fuel energy resources and those on the basis of non-traditional renewable energy has been conducted. The problems of developing the measurement system to assess the risk of using traditional and non-traditional renewable energy have been considered.

Article is written in Russian

Lazareva O. V.
Management of Сompetitiveness of Agricultural Land Tenure (p. 59 - 64)

The aim of the article is to study the theoretical and methodological approaches to managing the competitiveness of agricultural land tenure based on knowledge. The paper analyzes the approaches to the definition of the term “knowledge economy”. The essence of the notion “competitiveness of land tenure” has been revealed. The components of the competitiveness of land tenure have been justified. The model of regional competitiveness of land tenure forming strategic guidelines of the competitiveness and conditions for its support has been presented. The priorities in the development of knowledge-based land tenure and its conditions have been substantiated. The regional peculiarities of agricultural production have been analyzed. The advantages of the strategy to ensure competitiveness have been shown. The mechanism for regulation of the knowledge-based land tenure competitiveness has been analyzed. It has been proved that the land tenure competitiveness should be considered in terms of its innovation. It is indicated that only on the basis of the knowledge economy it is possible to achieve a close convergence of agricultural land tenure as an important condition of its competitiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Perfilova O. Y.
Assessing Validity of the Target Parameters of the “Energy Strategy of Ukraine till 2035” Based on Materiality Guideline (p. 65 - 70)

The article describes the results of assessing the provisions of the project “Energy Strategy of Ukraine till 2035” in terms of the validity of the main target parameters of the strategy. The assessment is based on critical rethinking of the essence of choosing certain indicators as strategic target parameters. This gave the opportunity to prove the existing rigidity of approaches to developing energy policies in Ukraine, which is confirmed by studying the national energy policy foundations in accordance with the chronology of the emergence of the state energy strategies. In order to check the validity of the provisions of the project “Energy Strategy of Ukraine till 2035” it has been proposed to use materiality guideline, as it enables to set a limit of allowable information distortion, exceedance of which becomes critical from the point of impact on the process of making strategic decisions. It has been found that the forecast balances of consuming the fuel and energy resources till 2035 were made up without taking into account the essential information about the energy intensity of GDP and its structure, which gives grounds to draw a conclusion on invalidity of some target parameters of the project.

Article is written in Russian

Portna O. V.
Effective Form of Reproducing the Total Financial Potential of Ukraine (p. 71 - 76)

Development of scientific principles of reproducing the total financial potential of the country and its effective form is an urgent problem both in theoretical and practical aspects of the study, the solution of which is intended to ensure the active mobilization and effective use of the total financial potential of Ukraine, and as a result — its expanded reproduction as well, which would contribute to realization of the internal capacities for stabilization of the national economy. The purpose of the article is disclosing the essence of the effective form of reproducing the total financial potential of the country, analyzing the results of reproducing the total financial potential of Ukraine. It has been proved that the basis for the effective form of reproducing the total financial potential of the country is the volume and flow of resources, which are associated with the “real” economy, affect the dynamics of GDP and define it, i.e. resource and process forms of reproducing the total financial potential of Ukraine (which precede the effective one). The analysis of reproducing the total financial potential of Ukraine has shown that in the analyzed period there was an increase in the financial possibilities of the country, but steady dynamics of reduction of the total financial potential was observed. If we consider the amount of resources involved in production, creating a net value added and GDP, it occurs on a restricted basis. Growth of the total financial potential of Ukraine is connected only with extensive quantitative factors rather than intensive qualitative changes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pronoza P. V.
Tax Support of Small Enterprises Activity in Ukraine (p. 77 - 85)

The purpose of the article is to evaluate the importance of small enterprises for the economic development of Ukraine and determine priorities of their stimulation. The analysis of quantitative indicators of small businesses and their comparison with the average level of all enterprises in Ukraine as a whole allowed evaluating their importance in the development of the country. There has been identified a special role of small enterprises in Ukraine’s economy and confirmed the expediency of using tax regulation instruments aimed at their development. There was identified an insufficient efficiency level of tax regulation of small businesses in Ukraine due to using a simplified system of taxation, accounting and reporting. The basic tools used in the framework of tax regulation of small enterprises activities in international practice have been determined. Additional analysis of performance of small enterprises by types of economic activity on the basis of an integrated assessment permitted to identify priorities of using tax regulation instruments in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sokoliuk G. O.
Problems of Ensuring Competitiveness of Ukrainian Enterprises in the Context of European Integration Processes (p. 86 - 92)

As a result of the study the argumentation of the need for domestic enterprises’ entering foreign markets has been provided and particularities of its conditions have been determined. The assessment of Ukraine on international ratings, which indicates a low level of its competitiveness, has been given. The investigation of ways and forms for Ukrainian enterprises’ entering foreign markets has been performed. The structure of export in the context of goods trends and in dynamics of the past five years has been analyzed. The main issues, which do not allow to fully realize the export potential of Ukraine have been generalized. The vectors to ensure the competitiveness of Ukrainian enterprises at their entering foreign markets in the context of European integration have been determined. Characteristics of the economic part of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU have been provided. It is argued that to conquer the European markets and defend their positions in the domestic ones it is important for Ukrainian enterprises to use the opportunity provided by the agreement timely. Prospects for further research are studying possibilities for implementation of an innovation-active model of management in the engineering industry.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yaremenko O. L., Nasyrov K. Z.
Prerequisites for Forming the Institutional Concept of the National Economy Competitiveness under Conditions of Globalization (p. 93 - 98)

The article attempts to prove that under conditions of globalization there have developed objective and subjective prerequisites for forming the institutional concept of the national economy. The objective prerequisites are the newest information and communication technologies, post-industrial trends and market transformation of civilization intensified by globalization. Under such conditions instability and volatility of the institutional environment both within national economies and at the international level are observed. The aggravation of the global competition between national economies actualizes the role of such institutional factors as political system, property, public administration, economic organization, culture, etc. The subjective prerequisites are related to the fact that the institutional economic theory is currently one of the leading trends in the modern world and Ukrainian economic thought. Interest in it is explained not only by the fact that it overcomes the limitations of a number of prerequisites for the mainstream, but also because it allows considering the modern economic processes in complex.

Article is written in Russian

Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
Analysis of Strategic Approaches and Problematic Issues in Organization of Forecasting the Socio-Economic Development in the EU Countries and Ukraine (p. 99 - 107)

In the work strategic approaches to the organization and functioning of the system for forecasting the socio-economic development in the EU countries, Ukraine and its regions have been considered, the existing problematic issues in Ukraine in this field analyzed, suggestions for their solving presented. Socio-economic development of the state and its regions is inextricably linked to providing the economic function of public safety. The mechanism for implementation of this task requires an objective and comprehensive analysis of the economy of Ukraine’s regions within the relevant indicators, which includes actual observation, monitoring, analysis and forecasting of key socio-economic indicators. The EU countries have a long experience of the functioning of an effective mechanism for territorial development management, the implementation of European economic policy is carried out in complex, involving all levels of the governmental authorities and civil society, which is reflected in the increase of their economies and approaching the goals of sustainable development. At the level of regions and individual territories in Ukraine the forecasting developments are non-systemic and isolated, there is no relationship with the national strategic documents of regional and sectoral development, practically no attention is paid to forecasting critical events and crises phenomena in individual regions of the country. Thus, for today the issue of creating and implementing an effective system for the strategic forecasting and planning of socio-economic development of the regions and individual territories remains relevant and appropriate. One of the components of such a system has to be a system for early detecting and preventing emergence of negative trends and factors, which implies a timely warning about the birth or beginning of crisis processes in every region, which, in turn, will be a signal to tighten anti-crisis measures and develop short-term plans of forestalling negative course of events with the purpose of the further effective functioning of the socio-economic system and achieving the goals of sustainable development of the country, regions and separate territories.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Berveno O. V.
The Role of the Transport System in the National Management of Life Quality (p. 92 - 98)

The aim of the article is to analyze the development prospects of transport system in Ukraine as a lever for national economic development capable of providing a sustainable quality of life and to search for mechanisms of their activation in national development. Transport is one of the leading sectors of material production, it participates in the formation of its branch structure, placement of production capacity and price formation. Through the economic channels the transport industry affects all indicators of life quality creating benefits for economic growth of the region and the country, developing national infrastructure. The transport industry performs a range of services to improve the life quality of the population: providing access to all members of society to socio-economic infrastructure by increasing the degree of transport accessibility, increasing labor force mobility, increasing availability of any objects, simplifying the implementation of many vital processes and expanding opportunities for social interaction. The quality of the social environment formation depends on the operation quality and development level of the transport system. A higher mobility and saving of time as the most important resource of modern time create more opportunities for human development. But the transport system also increases the risk level and risk of human existence because of environmental degradation, technogenity and increasing accident rates. The potential of the transport system development in Ukraine, which, provided the right management decisions, can be implemented as a competitive advantage, should include a favorable geographical position. In order to give the transport development a dynamic nature, it is necessary to combine technological and technical renewal of the industry with the improvement of the state regulation system on the basis of forming innovative transport strategies. It is this approach that not only will allow solving a number of internal problems but also accelerate the development of transit potential and integration of the national transport system into the global transport system. The national transport strategy should identify and rank the primary modernization measures giving priority to socially significant ones, those providing quality of life.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bondar-Pіdhurska O. V.
Scientific and Methodical Approach to Forecasting and Evaluating the Efficiency of the System for Managing Sustainable Innovative Socially Oriented Economic Development Based on a Modernized Human Development Index (p. 99 - 107)

The aim of the article is the development and materialization of techniques for forecasting and evaluating the efficiency of the system for managing sustainable innovative socially oriented economic development based on a modernized human development index (HDI). The HDI is studied as an integral indicator for evaluating the efficiency of the system for managing sustainable innovative socially oriented economic development in terms of its modernization with the purpose of considering the most powerful factors in the development of innovative activity in the context of sustainable satisfaction of the vital interests (VI) of the socium, society, or state. The terms “sustainability criteria” and “stability reserve” of the system for managing sustainable innovative socially oriented economic development, which serve signal values for evaluating the social stability, have been suggested. It is emphasized that the negative value of stability reserve indicates the country’s entering the active phase of a political, financial and economic crisis, long stay in which will inevitably lead to a revolutionary situation. It is for the first time that the author on the basis of a multidisciplinary approach, morphological analysis and the method of adjustment indices has developed a modernized human development index, which, unlike the conventional HDI, takes into account environmental, social and economic components of subsystems of the system for managing sustainable innovative socially oriented economic development. It makes for a complex evaluation of its efficiency as a dynamic system based on criteria of performance, optimality and sustainability, and also acts as the basis for making managerial decisions as to implementing the measures to improve the level of satisfying the vital interests of socium, society and state.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Isaieva N. I., Yaroshenko I. V.
Conditions of Forming the Long-Term Strategies of Socio-Economic Development of the Country (p. 108 - 113)

The article analyzes the experience of some countries in forming and implementing long-term national strategies of social and economic development and determines the basic conditions and stages of forming an effective strategy. It has also been found that the long-term strategy of socio-economic development is the key instrument in implementing an effective economic policy in many countries. Therefore, the experience of implementing strategies of social and economic development in the developed countries is of current interest in respect of its use in the practice of the state regulation of Ukrainian economy.

Article is written in Russian

Kozhushko O. V., Vladimirova N. P.
The Macroeconomic Basis for Ensuring the State Financial Safety (p. 114 - 119)

The aim of the article is to define the main macroeconomic factors ensuring the state financial safety. The article defines the main problem areas for ensuring the financial safety of the state. It has been determined that the concept of “threat” in the financial sector is broader than the concept of “risk”. It has been suggested that “the threat to economic security” should be considered as negative changes both in the external and internal political, economic and natural environment, as well as the situations developing as a result of these changes, which force countries to make additional efforts, require additional costs, mobilization of resources to ensure the implementation by the state of its obligations to the citizens, society and external creditors. The article also highlights the internal and external factors affecting the financial safety of Ukraine. It has been noticed that one of the important components of the state financial safety is debt safety. In this respect, the basic issues of debt security have been defined. Besides, negative consequences of the public debt growth impact on the state financial sector safety have been revealed. It has been pointed out that predicting the financial safety level provides the prediction variance and has a subjective character.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kocharian I. S.
Forming the Demand of the Economy for Specialists with Higher Education in order to Improve Macroeconomic Planning (p. 120 - 126)

The problems of forming the demand of the economy for specialists with higher education have been studied. It has been proved that in connection with the development of market relations in the modern Ukrainian society, changes related to the training of specialists with higher education for needs of the economy are taking place, so the problems of imbalance between the real demand of the labor market for specialists and supply by higher education institutions in the form of graduates are of relevance. It has been substantiated that the demand for specialists with higher education serves as the basic operational information for the formation of plans for training specialists and depending on its type can be divided into social demand and that of the national economy. The demand of the economy for specialists with higher education in the context of types of economic activity (TEA), industries and regions has been analyzed. The basic arrays of information that can be used to form the demand of the Ukrainian economy for specialists with higher education have been presented. Two approaches have been proposed — by economic activity and region — making it possible to obtain more reliable indicators of the demand of the economy in order to improve macroeconomic planning.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koshovyi O. G., Krasovska O. Y.
The Institutional Approach in the Context of Reforming the Sphere of Sports in Ukraine (p. 127 - 135)

In the issue of reforming the given sector the determination of the development vector, its content basis has crucial significance for the project of changes as whole. The aim of the article is to analyze the institutional model of the functioning of the sphere of sports in Ukraine in comparison with the set international standards and to identify a new institutional framework for transformation of the sports sphere into an efficient and self-sustaining industry. The article considers the issues of reforming the functional relations within the institutional framework of the sports sphere in Ukraine, principles of its integration into the organizational structure of the world sports as well as potential possibilities for its transformation. Based on the analysis of the existing model of the sports sphere in Ukraine under conditions of significant reduction of its financing, the key problems in the existing functional relations have been revealed, there have been proposed a system institutional approach to performing qualitative transformations: establishing institutional linkages through legislative introduction of the principle of sports autonomy; formulation and implementation of standardized requirements to the status and regime of functioning of sports federations; creation of transparent and simple mechanism of simultaneous legalization of an international sports federation, its rules, kinds of sports; automatic delegating the rights of the National Federation to the sports federation, which is an official representative of a recognized international federation; formulation of standardized requirements to the status and regime of functioning of a sports club in activities of the selected sports federation. Implementation of the proposed steps to reform the sphere of sports in Ukraine will allow promoting the integration of the Ukrainian sports into the international sports arena and creating opportunities for the development of sports at both the micro- and macro-level, will make the new transparent system an attractive sector of the economy both for private and institutional investors.

Article is written in Russian

Nazarenko I. M.
Analyzing the Investment Support of Agricultural Enterprises in Ukrainian Regions (p. 136 - 143)

The aim of this article is to study the investment support of agriculture in Ukraine, identify the key problems and determine promising directions for its improvement in view of the spectrum of risks specific to the modern investment environment of the country. The factors of negative impact on the investment environment of the national economy, which are the basis for forming risks associated with investment activities, have been generalized. The volumes of foreign investment and capital investment in agriculture have been analyzed. The ranking of the Ukrainian regions in terms of investment has been determined. The detailed analysis of the dynamics of capital investment in the agricultural sector of the Sumy region has been performed as well as SWOT-analysis of investment attractiveness of the region has been carried out. The international experience in attracting investments has been summarized. It has been determined that under conditions of deficit of the state and regional financial resources, agricultural enterprises are self-financing the capital investments. Therefore, in order to increase the investment attractiveness of the country the main priorities of improving the investment policy at the level of the state, regions and enterprises have been outlined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Paientko T. V.
Institutional Asymmetries in Budget Expenditures and Prospects of their Overcoming in Ukraine (p. 144 - 149)

The problems of overcoming the institutional deformations in the policy of forming budget expenditures have been studies. It has been proved that the problems arising in the area of budget expenditures have not only economic, but institutional character as well. The development of the institutional environment is related to the formation and development of the financial infrastructure, which management component directly affects the state economic development. Imbalances in the development of the institutional environment and financial infrastructure have a negative impact on forming the policy of budget expenditures and the rate of the state economic development. This leads to the need for timely identifying and overcoming the institutional asymmetries in the policy of budget expenditures. Based on the results of the conducted research it has been revealed that the institutional asymmetries in budget expenditures are caused by three main reasons. The first one affects the overall dynamics of budget expenditures and is using the “manual” control over distribution of expenditures. The second is in increasing the volume of financing social areas (up to 2013) against the low GDP growth rates and recession in the sector of non-financial corporations, that is, under conditions of lack of their own basis for ensuring financial security of these processes. The third one is in increasing the budget expenditures on general state functions at low institutional capacity of public administration, so that the budget funds are allocated and used efficiently, with minimal benefit for society. It has been proved that overcoming the existing institutional deformation and preventing the emergence of new ones is possible at the implementation of one of the following options of the state policy. The first one implies reducing the expenditures on general state functions to the level of economically developed countries. This should be carried out parallel to the measures on enhancing the institutional capacity of public administration by reducing the number of the management staff and raising responsibility for an inefficient use of the budget funds. The second one suggests maintaining a high level of budget expenditures, including those on general state functions and focusing on improving the institutional capacity of public administration. Under this option, the priorities of the society development will be a high proportion of public sector and relatively high level of taxation. The third one involves a gradual reduction in the budget expenditures on general state functions, improving the institutional capacity of the public administration apparatus, control over growth rates of budget expenditures on other items within the GDP growth rate. This option is the most mild but a positive effect from its implementation will be delayed for several years after economic stabilization.

Article is written in Russian

Pidhurska O. I., Lapko O. O.
Establishment and Operation of the Stabilization Fund in Ukraine (p. 150 - 157)

The article deals with applied aspects of the functioning of the state Stabilization Fund as a financial instrument to counteract economic instability in Ukraine. The aim of the article is to determine the place of the Stabilization Fund in the state budget, sources of its filling and directions of spending. The relevance of this article is substantiated by the need for further improving the mechanism of the Stabilization Fund in Ukraine and bringing the practice of its functioning to the effective global model. Special attention is paid to inefficient using the fund resources for the directions, which have not been legally provided and were not of priority in a difficult period for the national economy, the problems of its operation and management with the purpose of further development of the mechanism that could effectively counteract the general economic cyclicality. The principles that should be observed for the successful establishment and operation of the Stabilization Fund in Ukraine have been highlighted. The measures on the development and use of the Stabilization Fund resources under conditions of cyclic development of economic processes have been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Reshetnyak O. I., Zaika Y. A.
Organizational and Economic Mechanism of Forming Educational Clusters in Ukraine (p. 158 - 163)

The aim of the article is to develop an organizational and economic mechanism of forming educational clusters for enhancing the competitiveness of higher education in Ukraine. By analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the scientific works of many scientists there has been justified the necessity of creating educational clusters by eliminating internal competition in the educational environment in a particular area of the economy and implementing the principles of partnership and mutually beneficial cooperation, which will create the conditions for achieving synergy effects increasing the competitiveness of higher education. As a result of the study there has been proposed an organizational and economic mechanism of forming educational clusters in Ukraine, which establishes a link between educational institutions, business organizations and governmental authorities. Prospects for further research in this direction are to determine the degree of involvement of business structures in financing of educational programs, as well as to develop mechanisms of state regulation of public-private partnership at creating educational clusters.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sazonets O. M., Kuryachya N. V.
The Directions of Business Activity Liberalization in Ukraine in the Context of Improving the Pension System (p. 164 - 169)

The necessity of development and liberalization of entrepreneurship, business structures has been considered. There has been analyzed practice of economic activities of the world leading economically developed countries and experience of formation and development of the economy of European Union countries, as well as, though small, but available experience of the Ukrainian economy. It has been determined that modern scholars highlight the complexity of entrepreneurial activity influence on the positive shifts in the economy. These changes may relate to solving problems of employment, revitalization of individual sectors of the economy, development of new markets. When analyzing the research and publications there were found some authors, who through the prism of economic issues had identified social, international, integration, institutional problems of this phenomenon. Other authors studied exceptionally the problem of forming social funds, settling social processes, introducing pension mechanisms in the sphere of entrepreneurship. In their research the authors almost identified such concepts as “development” of entrepreneurial activity and its “liberalization”. In addition, in our opinion, insufficient attention has been paid to the formation of entrepreneurs’ confidence in the future and possible coverage of social guarantees for representatives of this type of economic activity. The main result of the study outlined in this article should be considered identifying the significance of entrepreneurship activity. The study is based on analysis of international experience, determination of the main areas of entrepreneurial activity in Ukraine in view of the liberalization and highlighting of social context in the development of entrepreneurial activity with a focus on opportunities for pension provision for entrepreneurs.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tarangul L. L., Kramarenko O. A.
Specifics of the Formation and Allocation of Inter-Budget Transfers (p. 170 - 176)

The aim of the article is to analyze the existing practice of inter-budget relations in Ukraine and specifics of providing transfers with the purpose of balancing the budget. In the course of the research the regulatory framework, according to which the mechanism of calculation and remittance of transfers functions, has been evaluated. The distinctive features and innovations in the field of providing transfers have been identified. The analysis of remittance of the transfers to local budgets in 2011-2014 has been performed. As a result of the research there has been determined the constant growth of transfers from the State Budget, and it was pointed out that, despite the changes in the budget process, at present the questions of building an optimal model for calculation and transfer of funds to local budgets remain unresolved. The work studies the Dutch practice of filling the budgets as well as that of inter-budget relations and proposes the principles of its adaptation in Ukraine. Prospects for further research in this area are to build a model of inter-budget relations taking into account economic criteria and improve the mechanism of balancing budgets on the conceptual level.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
Problem Issues of Implementing the Reform of Power Decentralization in Ukraine (p. 177 - 187)

Decentralization of power in Ukraine is one of the priority reforms, which includes creation of an effective system of organization and management of socio-economic development at the local level. The current Ukrainian system of local self-government does not correspond to the needs of society. The functioning of local self-government bodies in the majority of territorial communities does not provide creation and support of appropriate living environment, which is necessary for profound development of a person, his/her self-realization, protection of the rights, ensuring the quality and affordable administrative, social and other services in the relevant territories. The aim of the decentralization reform is transition from a centralized management model in the country ensuring the self-sufficiency of local self-government and building an effective system of territorial organization of power in Ukraine. The result is creation and support of an appropriate living environment for citizens, providing quality and accessible services, emergence of direct democracy institutions, satisfying the interests of citizens in all spheres of life-support systems in the relevant territory, coordinating the interests of the state and territorial communities. Monitoring of realization of the decentralization reform in Ukraine showed insignificant actual results of its implementation, currently a complete legal framework in terms of powers, resources and responsibilities has not been created yet. It is expedient to conduct deep scientific and practical study of the world and Ukrainian experience, develop and implement our own scientifically based system of power decentralization taking into account the historical, ideological, cultural, social, economic, geographical and other features of the country applying the world’s best practices that can be used effectively.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Andryeyeva V. G., Sosnovska O. O.
Evaluation of the Current State of Investment and Innovation Activity of Enterprises in the Real Sector of Ukraine’s Economy (p. 68 - 74)

The article analyzes the main indicators of investment and innovation activity of enterprises in the real sector of Ukraine’s economy at the present stage. Capital investments in enterprises in the real sector of the economy by types of economic activity and of their structure by source of financing, the largest share of which are own resources of enterprises and organizations, have been analyzed. The main indicators of innovation activity of industrial enterprises and sources of financing of innovation activity have been analyzed. It is noted that the main problems of implementing innovation activity by enterprises in the real sector of Ukraine’s economy is the lack of a high-quality system of financial support, an effective legal framework for attracting foreign investors as well as the insufficient level of development of financial market participants. The authors conclude that the current state of investment and innovation activity of enterprises in the real sector of Ukraine’s economy is characterized by the existence of positive and negative trends, timely evaluation of which will enhance the competitiveness of entities in this sector of economy and ensure their sustainable development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Buleev I. P.
Some Aspects of Exit of Ukraine’s Economy from the Crisis (p. 75 - 83)

The analysis of trends both in the global and Ukraine’s economy demonstrates a cyclic, non-linear character of these processes under conditions of absence of a unifying national idea in Ukraine, ignoring institutional features. Ukraine chose a catch-up model of development having not formed corresponding institutions, its own scientific and methodological base, the public-minded elite. The aim of the work is theoretical substantiation of institutional environment contributing to the exit of the economy, industry and business entities from the systemic social and economic crisis. It is necessary: to formulate the goal of the society, its main classes, its elite for a medium term; reconsider the fundamental values of the society; determine the main directions in the development of the economy, industry, social sphere; move from the catch-up strategy to the point advanced one; ensure reduction of the gap in income of extreme decile groups of the population; support fundamental science, education, health care; provide a total increase of the responsibility of managers at all levels on the basis of contracts, programs, roadmaps, monitoring their performance.

Article is written in Russian

Vlasiuk T. O.
Systemic Problems of Ensuring the Competitiveness of Exporters in Foreign Markets (p. 84 - 93)

The key trends of macroeconomic and macro-financial nature, which influence the formation of competitiveness of domestic exporters, have been identified. Analysis of the current state of foreign trade cooperation of domestic exporters and main trends of its further development has been conducted. The systemic factors adversely affecting the competitiveness of domestic exporters have been studied at the macro level and at the level of implementation of export activities; their enhanced characteristics have been given. A number of recommendations aimed at improving the overall situation have been suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zaslavska K. A., Salun M. М., Sidorenko V. V., Yavdak M. Y.
Perspective Trends in the Educational Space of Ukraine (p. 94 - 99)

The purpose of the paper is to identify trends in the development of the educational environment in the near and distant future in the context of globalization and define opportunities for the adoption and interpretation of these activities within the framework of the education system of Ukraine. This study used the results of generalization of literature in the fields of modern global educational trends, practical experience of the European and international community within the cooperation of universities and businesses, experience of the researchers with respect to the stationarity of the Ukrainian model of higher education and possible obstacles in the course of its reforming. Peculiarities of educational environment in the context of global changes have been considered and main trends in this field have been highlighted. The obstacles faced by the educational system of Ukraine have been identified. The need to use the European experience to ensure the interaction between universities and business has been justified. This article presents the issues related to consideration of the educational environment: the global trends, state of the labor market, constraints of the educational system of Ukraine. The study showed that the use of the European experience will enable adapting the educational space of Ukraine to the requirements of the global labour market. This paper provides an original analysis of prerequisites for development of the modern educational sphere. It will be valuable to everyone with an interest in current and prospective trends in the educational space of Ukraine.

Article is written in English

Kulyk V. V.
Conceptual Approaches to Management of Social and Economic Systems under Conditions of Uncertainty and Risk (p. 100 - 107)

Conceptual approaches to management of economic and social systems under conditions of uncertainty and risk have been studied. Under such conditions it is proposed using complementary criteria of evaluation and management, in particular, profitability criteria, compliance with progressive standards, support of the lifecycle relevance, adequacy of the functioning of national economy constituent elements, etc. In the face of uncertainty and risk it is suggested to perform management of the national economy on the basis of a unified model, which simultaneously describes both main relationships between basic agents of the economy and basic reproductive processes inherent to them. There has been presented an algorithm for selecting a strategy of management of the national economy based on the system of interconnected budgets and corresponding to it system of macroeconomic aggregates, in which a propensity to consume/save serves as the object of regulation. Within the proposed model there have been studied processes of reproduction of the economy of Ukraine and its successful Eastern European neighboring countries (Poland, Romania, Slovakia), which can be a model to emulate.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Matyushenko I. Y.
Technological Competitiveness of Ukraine under Conditions of a New Industrial Revolution and Development of Convergent Technologies (p. 108 - 120)

The article considers the problem of increasing the technological competitiveness of Ukrainian enterprises under conditions of a new industrial revolution through the development and introduction of advanced converged technologies. The classification of industrial revolutions, namely, industrial, technological, information and Industry 4.0, is presented, and it has been determined that the key factor of the latter is cyber physical systems for introduction of the client-oriented “Internet of Things”. It has been justified that the formation of Industry 4.0 in developed countries will occur through advanced production technologies (APT), which main characteristics are technological substitution, automation, customization, localization and economic efficiency. It has been found that in 2020 the main priority APT will be: systems of production process control; multidimensional modeling of complex products; intelligent production systems and robotics; systems of creation and transformation (growing) of material objects and 3D-printing; materials effective in creating perspective actuating devices (compositional and those that exhibit their properties in small-size structures). It has been proved that the recovery of Ukraine’s industry is not possible on the old industrial base, and the creation of a new industry based on APT of Industry 4.0 is possible in the following areas: ICT (primarily in the field of software development); new composite materials with specified properties; industrial nanobiotechnologies (biomedicine and pharmacy, new agricultural technologies); mathematical modeling for creation of intelligent production systems; space research and development (in particular, development of the first stages of heavy missiles). The necessity of elaborating state programs of competitiveness development on the basis of APT, foresight research of technology priorities, promoting high-tech exports in Ukraine has been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnyk A. G.
A System Model of Increasing the Investment Potential of Technologically Unrelated Sectors (p. 121 - 131)

The article presents a theoretical substantiation and the progress of practical application of the method for evaluating lagged effects of increasing the investment potential of interaction between industries in meso-level innovation systems on the example of the high-tech sector of Ukraine. The interaction data are considered in terms of their formation in such technologically unrelated sectors as the industrial sector and sector of education and sciences. It has been determined that the analytical basis to form the models of increasing the investment potential in innovation systems of meso-level should be presented by a comprehensive integrated assessment of all sectors involved in the reproduction process including technologically unrelated sectors of highly structured innovative systems. There has been proposed a system model of increasing the investment potential of the high-tech sector taking into account the optimization and synergy effects for system decisions concerning technologically unrelated sectors in economic systems of innovation type of reproduction.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tulai O. I.
Urgent Problems of the Pension Fund of Ukraine (p. 132 - 139)

The current state and problems of the Pension Fund of Ukraine have been highlighted. The formation of the budget of this financial institution has been analyzed. It is emphasized that the effective functioning of the Pension Fund of Ukraine is an important condition for sustainable human development, and in view of this factors influencing the process of its improvement have been identified. Firstly, this is a decrease in the number of the working population against the increase in the number of pension recipients, which directly affects the system of mandatory pension insurance. It is found that the effectiveness of the latter can be guaranteed by two conditions: excess of the working population over the number of persons of retirement age and fair payment of insurance premiums. Secondly, it is the population age structure. In this context it is noted that for our state it is economically advantageous to have a lot of working pensioners because they themselves form the pension they receive. Thirdly, it is the level of remuneration. A serious aspect of the problem is the shadowing of incomes and shifting of personal responsibility for the own well-being to the state. Therefore, it is proposed at the legislative level to develop a procedure of a gradual increase of wages and raising the share of the latter in the cost of goods or services. Fourthly, it is a low level of income among the majority of people of retirement age. Therefore, as an alternative source of rising funds for making pension payments there determined an accumulation system of mandatory pension insurance. Fifth, it is the differentiation of the rate of pension payments. It is claimed that the rate of pension should be the same for the people who paid equal premiums. It is important to take into account interests of all participants in the pension system — payers of insurance premiums, recipients of pension and social aid, as well as the state with the Pension Fund of Ukraine being its authorized representative.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vyniatynska L. V.
The Statistical Analysis and Assessment of the Solvency of Forest Enterprises (p. 19 - 25)

The aim of the article is to conduct a statistical analysis of the solvency of forest enterprises through a system of statistical indicators using the sampling method (the sampling is based on the criteria of forest cover percent of regions of Ukraine). Using financial statements of forest enterprises that form a system of information and analytical support for the statistical analysis of the level of solvency of forestry in Ukraine for 2009-2015 has been analyzed and evaluated. With the help of the developed recommended values the results of the statistical analysis of the forest enterprises’ solvency under conditions of self-financing and commercial consideration have been summarized and systematized. Using the methodology of the statistical analysis of the forest enterprises’ solvency conducted on the corresponding conceptual framework, which is relevant and meets the current needs, a system of statistical indicators enabling to assess the level of solvency of forest enterprises and identify the reasons of its low level has been calculated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Voznyak H. V.
Fiscal Equalization in the System of Financial Support of Ukraine’s Regions: the Current State and Vector of Development (p. 24 - 30)

The peculiarities in the functioning of the current system of inter-budget relations in Ukraine from the perspective of its impact on the regional development have been disclosed. The instruments of implementing fiscal equalization are analyzed, the functioning structure of inter-budget transfers in Ukraine is presented, its characteristics are given. The study demonstrates that the domestic financial equalization system is unable to perform its functions. The conducted analysis of the dynamics and structure of inter-budget transfers made it possible to identify a number of shortcomings in the sphere of inter-budget relations: the excessive centralization of financial resources of regions and their transfer dependence; the imbalances and low revenue capacity of local budgets; the imperfect mechanisms for calculating transfers and terms of transferring, etc. It is noted that in the process of implementing the budgetary policy of the regions, it is advisable to pay more attention to forms of budget support and methods of budgetary regulation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Holian V. A., Holub O. A.
Financial Support of the Forestry Complex Development Priorities: Diversification of Forms and Means (p. 31 - 39)

It is found that at the present stage the funding of the forestry complex development priorities occurs in the following forms: 1) the budget financing of reforestation; 2) financial support of forestry and forest protection projects with the use of funds raised by public and private entities of forest entrepreneurship on the basis of self-financing activities; 3) the receiving of financial resources by forestry entrepreneurship entities as a result of compensation of losses in forestry production; 4) the financing of environmental protection measures relating to reproduction of the forest resource potential due to the environmental tax and the rent. There identified main negative factors affecting financial activities of permanent forest users — state forestry enterprises, which include: the lack of a mechanism of rational use of the forest resources export potential caused by the insignificant proportion of products with a high share of added value; a latent character of the mechanism for stimulating deep timber processing; underdeveloped mechanisms of regulating the flow of forest rents from the forestry to the timber processing segment of the forest-based sector. There improved theoretical and methodological approaches to diversification of forms and means of funding the development priorities of the forest-based sector, which involve raising the level of concentration of the investment potential of forestry and timber processing subdivisions of the territorial and forestry complex through forming integrated business associations of the holding and cluster type; separating the timber processing from forestry, which will ensure the equal level of access for timber processing businesses of different forms of ownership to unprocessed timber and will contribute to increasing the level of capitalization of forest and forestry assets; extension of the specification of forestry and forest protection activities, which will improve the efficiency of using the non-resource potential of the forest, logging waste, timber processing wastes and provide an increase in volumes of the funding of forestry production, including those based on public-private partnership agreements.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gryshkin V. O., Simakhova A. O., Perekopska Y. S.
The Analysis of the Impact of Globalization on Employment in Ukraine (p. 40 - 45)

The aim of the article is analyzing the impact of globalization on employment in Ukraine and studying foreign experience in regulation of the labor market under conditions of globalization. The theoretical aspects of employment of population at the stage of market transformation of economy have been analyzed. The comprehensive analysis of the current state of employment in Ukraine has been conducted. The dynamics of the main indicators of employment of population and labor migration has been considered and analyzed. The shortcomings in the mechanism of employment regulation are revealed and measures to overcome them on the basis of the positive experience of developed countries are proposed. The necessity of adapting the foreign experience to the Ukrainian realities and the possibility of its use in the national territory is justified. The main tasks of the state policy on regulating the employment of Ukraine’s population under conditions of globalization are presented.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dolbneva D. V., Honcharuk S. M.
The Necessity and Basic Directions of Improving the Procedure for the Formation and Use of the Resource Potential of Health Care in Ukraine (p. 46 - 52)

The aim of the article is to determine the status and main problems of the resource provision of Ukraine’s health care system and identify the most appropriate and relevant directions of improving the procedure for its formation and use in the context of the current social and economic transformations. The study considers indicators characterizing the status of funding expenditures on the functioning of the health system for the past 4 years, the plan for the current year and the forecast for the following one. This made it possible to make a conclusion about the budget model and residual principle of funding the branch; the insufficient amount of expenditures on health care; the inefficiency, illegality and irrationality of their implementation by the existing network of health care institutions; the low level of the state and regional control over the resource potential of Ukraine’s health care system. To overcome these negative trends and ensure the health system reform in accordance with the Strategy for Sustainable Development “Ukraine – 2020”, there considered a mechanism of state control over resources provision of the health care system, the implementation of which will improve the quality of health of the population, provide full access to health services, increase the level of funding and efficiency of using the resource potential of the health care system. There also proposed a number of measures which, in the authors’ opinion, will create sufficient conditions for improving the procedure of forming and using the branch resource potential. Prospects for further research are developing a mechanism for attracting additional sources to the branch funding, studying and adapting experience of leading countries of the world in reforming the health system, improving the classification of financial resources of health care institutions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koval V. V., Drozdova O. H.
The State Regulation and Accounting and Analytical Support of the Development of E-Commerce in the Consumer Sector (p. 53 - 59)

The aim of the article is to study the theoretical and methodological principles of the state regulation and accounting and analytical support of the development of e-commerce in the consumer sector. The peculiarities of the state regulation and accounting and analytical support of the development of e-commerce in the consumer sector have been considered. The international and domestic experience in the field of regulatory support of e-commerce is studied. There systematized the ways of solving the problems of e-commerce in Ukraine based on the need to minimize the direct regulation with the perfection of the institutional environment to improve business conditions including the issues of the fiscal regime and simplification of the customs tariff regulation. The state regulation of e-commerce should constructively contribute to the development of entrepreneurship among other measures by solving the problem of financial control of electronic transactions and supporting the payment infrastructure of e-commerce in the consumer market on the basis of its corresponding accounting and analytical support. Prospects of further research in this direction are definition of a clear and harmonized with international standards state policy in the sphere of regulation of e-commerce in the consumer market on the basis of the relevant accounting and analytical support, since the appearance of new objects and forms of economic activity sets new tasks for the accounting, which develops in parallel with these changes and generates information for managing at both the micro and macro level.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Malik E. O., Tabakova T. V.
The Current State of Public Finances in Ukraine: Priorities, Strategy and Risks (p. 60 - 67)

The aim of the article is to study the current state of public finances in Ukraine, define the problems hindering the stabilization of the macroeconomic situation in the country and elaborate strategies for achieving the economic development by determining its three components. The current macroeconomic situation in the country is analyzed; the basic indicators of sustainability of public finances are determined. It has been found that the low level of economic development in the coming years will be the key factor weakening the sustainability of public finances in the country. In this regard recommendations on the ways of reforming the system of public finances are given. There justified concrete measures on their implementation taking into account the actualization of the new challenges that have arisen before Ukraine. In the course of the study there proved the relevance of the system transformations in the fiscal and monetary policy of the government; the need to modernize production facilities and introduce new technologies, the increase of investments in innovations at the micro level in order to restore the national economy, which in the future will increase the possibilities of the budget and allow the country to repay debts.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Poznanska I. V.
Organizational-Economic Aspects of the Implementation of International Standards for Safety of Maritime Navigation (p. 68 - 73)

The aim of the article is to study issues and problems of the implementation of new safety standards for international maritime navigation. The causes of the need for establishment of an international institution that will ensure control over the safety of merchant shipping by the port state have been studied. There has been defined the principles of work and organizational mechanism for port state control provided by the Paris Memorandum of Understanding in general and the Black Sea Memorandum in particular. The basic criteria for the ranking of the flag state in accordance with the condition of vessels registered in them, by the degree of their correspondence to the requirements of safe navigation have been identified. The basic criteria for inspections of compliance with the Memorandum of Understanding and those most commonly applied in international navigation and inspections of Ukrainian shipping companies have been determined. The necessity of creating conditions for Ukrainian ship owners to promote the modernization of vessels with respect to safety of the environment and paying special attention to compliance of the conditions of work and rest of seafarers with international standards has been justified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rudyk N. V.
Macrofinancial Indicators in the Economic Strategy of the State (p. 74 - 80)

The aim of the article is to study the effectiveness of the set strategic objectives of the state and the fact of their implementation. On the basis of the analysis and systematization of the existing practical and theoretical framework the place and the importance of macrofinancial indicators in the public finance management system has been determined. The definition of MFI in the broad and narrow sense is suggested. In the broad sense it is a quantitative measure assessing the condition of public finances at the moment of decision-making and reflecting the results of its impact on achieving the objectives of the state financial policy. The narrow sense reduces it to understanding the indicator as the one adapted for the purposes of specific analysis. The experience of previous strategies of the administrative apparatus is studied. On the basis of analyzing the priority macrofinancial indicators the assessment of current practices of implementing the state economic strategy has been carried out. The study found a discrepancy between the objectives set by the Strategy for Sustainable Development “Ukraine – 2020” with the real situation in the country’s economy. It is noted that the use of macrofinancial indicators aimed at achieving a particular limit only within a single reporting period negatively affects the system character of management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skrypnyk A. V., Mihno I. S.
Treatment of Household Waste in the Context of the Social Welfare Function (p. 81 - 88)

The reasons for the contemporary catastrophic state of the accumulation of dangerous household wastes have been analyzed. The basic historical, economic and social factors that led to the current situation have been identified. The estimation of the rate of accumulation of household wastes and the volume of investment required for the almost complete inhibition of the accumulation process have been performed. There has been suggested an analytical type of the regional social welfare function, which takes into account the main components of the process, investments in recycling, potential reduction of the area intended for landfills and their use in the agricultural business, expenditures on transportation. As a result of the calculations there obtained the shadow price of allotting territories for landfills, which at introduction of a relevant legislation can serve as a reference point for local communities. On the basis of the NPV model there made proposals of the introduction of tax incentives, which can make the business attractive for investors.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tatarina T. V.
Trends in the Development of the Agricultural Insurance Market in Ukraine (p. 89 - 94)

The aim of the article is to identify the promising directions in reforming the agricultural insurance market on the basis of studying its current state and consideration of the major development problems. The article analyzes the current state of the agricultural insurance market in Ukraine. It is proved that this segment of the insurance market has a tendency to slow reduction, as all the major insurance indicators in the dynamics for the past four years have a decreasing character. In spite the difficult macroeconomic situation in the country, agricultural insurance market proves its vitality and potential for further development. On the basis of the identified trends in the development of insurance of agricultural risks the problems hampering further effective functioning of the market are described. There suggested directions in reforming the national agricultural insurance market, in particular, the introduction of new programs of insurance protection with reinsurance guarantee, accelerated development of measures on insurance protection of investing and crediting. Also the agricultural insurance market requires efforts by the government aimed at its support: the introduction of changes in the active legislation and their enforcement mechanisms.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Frolova L. V., Bragina O. S.
Monitoring the Efficiency of Budget Management of Trade Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 95 - 103)

The article justifies the actuality of carrying out the monitoring of budget management efficiency at trade enterprises in Ukraine. It has been found that the efficiency of each trade enterprise management system, in particular the efficiency of budget management system, is determined by several factors, among which there considered the enterprise business profile, the competitive situation in the market and the standard of living of the population. The efficiency of budget management and, as a result, the efficiency of trade enterprises’ activity is reflected in the results of the effectiveness of the main indicators of the financial budgets of enterprises. Therefore, using the method of fuzzy sets, there carried out an integral evaluation of the efficiency of budget management based on the efficiency of financial budgets: the budget revenues and expenditures, cash flow budget and budgeted balance sheet. The study is carried out for Ukraine as a whole, and its most developed regions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Avhustyn R. R.
Priorities in the State Policy of Unshadowing the National Economy of Ukraine at the Present Stage of Development (p. 35 - 40)

The aim of the article is to justify the priorities of the state policy of unshadowing the national economy in the system of basic characteristics of the state economic security at the present stage of development. There made a conclusion about the perspectiveness of aligning the policy of economy unshadowing with forming a viable system of economic security of Ukraine, which allows to achieve a synergistic effect oriented both towards counteraction to the shadowing of economic relations and comprehensive enhancement of key parameters of the state economic security, including through the economy unshadowing. Consequently, the strategic priorities are defined in the following areas: (1) self-sufficiency of economic development and provision of the policy of economy unshadowing (forming the environment of perception of the shadow economy, resource support and an information and analytical system of economy unshadowing; introducing effective foreign technologies; increasing the efficiency in the regulatory sphere); (2) stability of the economic system and high capacity of the policy of economy unshadowing (legalization of the national economy in the branch-sectoral as well as spatial and structural aspects by structural elements of the state security, in the financial system and the internal market); (3) ability of the economy to develop and realize the potential of the policy of economy unshadowing (building the infrastructure; introducing “fuses” of control, human and intellectual, investment and innovation support of the economy unshadowing).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bondarenko T. M.
Specification of Scientific Tasks in Collaboration between Science, Industry and State, and Impact of Political Factors on Managerial Levers and Economy (p. 41 - 46)

The issue of collaboration between science, industry and state is of relevance in domestic and international practice. In leading countries of the world and in Ukraine compatible production and scientific complexes are created; collaboration between research institutions and state is established, in particular the theory and practice of collaboration between science, industry and state on the basis of Triple Helix Model is widespread in the world; in scientific papers objects of research of economic processes, subjects of research of the economic theory are considered. However, there are no works where the objects and tasks of economic researches are studied on the basis of macroeconomic environment, and a distinct principle to distinguish research objects relating to different economies and types of production is laid out; scientific and practical problems of economy in the field of collaboration between state, science and industry are clearly defined. According to the purpose of the article (to specify scientific and practical tasks to rationalize scientific research), the experience gained is systematized and a scheme-matrix of scientific and practical problems is proposed. In scientific practice there are works highlighting principles of scientific research work, research tasks in the field of economy, scientific problems of economy but there are no works considering both principles and tasks of collaboration of academic economists with state and industry in order to provide scientists with recommendations on optimization of economic processes to improve the economic efficiency. Taking into account the experience gained, principles of collaboration of academic economists with the state and industry are identified. On the basis of the developed matrix of scientific and practical tasks, the principle of impact of political factors on managerial levers, the level of Gross Domestic Product and Gross Social Product is demonstrated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Horban V. B.
Management of Sustainable Energy Efficient Development at the Local Level: Stakeholder-Oriented Approach (p. 47 - 56)

There presented a theoretical rationale for the expediency of using the stakeholder-oriented approach to improve the process of management of sustainable energy efficient development at the local level. The evolution of theories by scientific schools that studied the concepts of “stakeholders” and “interested parties” is analyzed and generalized. A classification of types of stakeholders in the context of eighteen typological features is suggested, which allows to more effectively align their interests and contributes to establishing constructive forms of cooperation in order to achieve efficient final results. An algorithm of interaction with interested parties in achieving the goals of sustainable energy efficient development at the local level is elaborated. Typical motivational interests of stakeholders at the local level in the field of sustainable energy efficient development (on the example of Ukraine) are identified. Instruments of prioritization of stakeholders depending on the life cycle stages of energy efficiency projects are proposed. The results obtained in the course of the research can be used to develop local energy efficient programs, business plans and feasibility studies for energy efficient projects.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tokarchuk T. V., Shapovalenko N. V.
Analysis of External Imbalances in the Economy of Ukraine on the Basis of Determining an Acceptable Level of the Current Account of Balance of Payments (p. 57 - 66)

The aim of the article is to determine the size of an acceptable level of the current balance and external imbalance for Ukraine with regard to the steady trade deficit having been observed for the last ten years. The assessment is based on several most common methods, namely: analysis of macro indicators, indicators of external sustainability, and the volume of foreign direct investment received. According to the calculations performed by all three methods, during the 2005-2016 the average acceptable level of the current account deficit made up about 2.5% of GDP, which is lower than in countries of Eastern Europe, however, is at the same level with Asian countries. The largest negative gap of the current account was observed right before the crises of 2008 and 2012-2013 when the gap exceeded 3.5% of GDP. Furthermore, it is important that the processes of correcting external imbalances were aligned with achieving the internal balance. The analysis based on a Swan diagram shows that in most cases the Ukrainian economy needs to correct either internal or external imbalances, which made it impossible to use the same instruments to remove them. Under these conditions the determining role of the state economic policy should be aimed at both searching for optimal variants of macroeconomic measures of the monetary and fiscal nature, and implementing the necessary structural reforms.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
Socio-Economic Development of Territorial Communities in the Context of Financial Decentralization (p. 67 - 76)

The deep socio-political crisis in almost all areas of development of modern Ukraine have determined the importance and necessity of implementing the decentralization reform as an effective factor to stabilize the current socio-economic situation, overcome the financial crisis, regulate the contradictions between power structures at different levels on the principles of efficient allocation of powers and resources, comprehensive responsibility, provision of citizens with all social benefits and improvement of the efficiency of using budgetary funds at all levels of government. Implementing the financial decentralization on the basis of the administrative-territorial reform and a new ideology of public administration in Ukraine creates opportunities for providing comfortable operating conditions and self-development of a self-sufficient community, establishing principles of sustainable socio-economic development, using modern infrastructure, obtaining the necessary high-quality services and ensuring a high level of well-being of its own people.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Aksonova I. V.
Statistical Support for Analysis of the Social Stratification and Economic Inequality of the Country’s Population (p. 55 - 62)

The aim of the article is to summarize the theoretical and methodological as well as information and analytical support for statistical research of economic and social stratification in society and conduct an analysis of the differentiation of the population of Ukraine in terms of the economic component of social inequality. The theoretical and methodological level of the research is studied, and criteria for social stratification and inequalities in society, systems, models and theories of social stratification of the population are singled out. The indicators of social and economic statistics regarding the differentiation of the population by income level are considered as the research tools. As a result of the analysis it was concluded that the economic inequality of the population leads to changes in the social structure, which requires formation of a new social stratification of society. The basis of social stratification is indicators of the population well-being, which require a comprehensive study. Prospects for further research in this area are the analysis of the components of economic inequality that determine and influence the social stratification of the population of the country, the formation of the middle class, and the study of the components of the human development index as a cross-currency indicator of the socio-economic inequality of the population.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Denysov K. V.
Methodological Approaches to Ensuring Innovative Development of Metallurgical Enterprises on the Basis of Principles of Economic Nationalism (p. 63 - 69)

The economic, energy and environmental aspects of the activities of metallurgical enterprises are analyzed in the context of the need to ensure their sustainable development. The high energy intensity of the production process, the low efficiency and irrational structure of capital expenditures for environmental protection, the dominance of material costs in the final cost of finished products at the expense of labor and social contributions are indicated. There proved the low effectiveness of the previous measures of the industrial policy of the metallurgical industry innovative development that were not in compliance with the requirements of the WTO and led to taking compensatory measures against the Ukrainian steel on world markets. The potential of economic nationalism as a system for ensuring the innovative development of the metallurgical industry is considered. There determined the priorities of the industrial policy for the development of metallurgical enterprises based on the principles of economic nationalism and taking into account the global trends in the development of trade and economic relations and Ukraine’s commitments to the WTO.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zahvoyska L. D., Fedoruk M. I.
Ecological and Economic Assessment of the Effectiveness of an Investment Decision Using the Cost-Benefit Analysis: the Project of Replacing the Central Heating System with Individual Gas Heating (p. 70 - 78)

The aim of the article is to study the effectiveness of making an investment decision applying the method of cost-benefit analysis (CBA) using the example of the project of replacing the central heating system with autonomous gas heating. During the research a financial, economic and sensitive analysis of the project is carried out. Based on the results of the financial and economic analysis, it is found that with regard to the existing ratio of gas prices and tariffs for heat supply such a project is effective for residents of houses (investors) and society as a whole. The sensitive analysis showed that according to the results of the financial analysis, the NPV is most sensitive to the change in tariffs for heat supply, the critical level of change being a 35% reduction in the cost of heat supply with an increase in the price of gas by 25% or more. The application of energy efficient equipment for generating heat energy as well as reducing heat loss during transportation by using energy saving principles can cut costs and, as a result, reduce the price for central heating. Prospects for further research in this area are the identification of an objective and reliable method for assessing the investment project in accordance with the requirements of environmental protection, use of energy-saving technologies, and combating climate change. Further development of theoretical approaches to assessing the effectiveness of energy saving measures with consideration for their environmental and economic component may lead to the CBA becoming a real management tool for national and regional authorities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Salashenko T. I., Khaustova V. Y., Lelyuk O. V.
Conceptual Foundations of Strengthening the Fuel Security of the National Economy (p. 79 - 88)

The aim of the article is to substantiate conceptual foundations for strengthening the fuel security of Ukraine under conditions of achieving energy independence from import of finished petroleum products, ensuring energy efficiency of the transformation of primary fuel and energy resources into motor fuel and its energy saving in the transport sector. The key problems in the sphere of liquid fuel use in Ukraine are non-competitiveness of the national oil refining complex, import orientation of the Ukrainian motor fuel consumer, scarcity of the explored reserves of liquid hydrocarbons on the territory of Ukraine, monopolization of transport routes for external deliveries of crude oil. The development of Ukraine’s fuel sector should be implemented on the basis of the national model of fuel security, which provides for balancing the motor fuel market, ensuring sustainable development of the fuel sector and satisfying interests of market actors. The strategic goals of fuel security are defined as energy independence, energy efficiency and energy saving. In the article they were decomposed at the operational level, and the following necessary components were identified: maximization of the national oil production; diversification of external oil supplies with complete abandonment of imports of finished petroleum products, increase in the yield of light oil products; replacement of oil with the national energy potential, saving of motor fuel at the stage of its consumption.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koval V. V., Tolkachova G. V., Neboha T. V.
Strategic Guidelines for Development of the Infocommunication Sphere as a Component of the National Innovation Infrastructure (p. 89 - 93)

The aim of the article is to study and systematize the factors affecting the potential of the innovation infrastructure to improve the quality of conditions of its formation on the basis of elaborating a strategy for the development of the infocommunication sphere. The article considers the current state of development of the infocommunication sphere and approaches to analyzing its role in relation to the goals and tasks facing the national innovation system. It is substantiated that infocommunication technologies act as an innovative tool that contributes to the development of innovations and their commercialization, while enterprises of the infocommunication sphere act as subjects of the innovation infrastructure, which main goal is to intensify innovation efforts and ensure innovation activity. The strategic problems of formation and prospects of development of the infocommunication sphere as a component of the national innovation infrastructure are analyzed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mishchuk I. V.
Determination of Components of Investment Attractiveness of Enterprises and Industries as Factors of their Security (p. 94 - 104)

The article considers the following factors of investment attractiveness of both enterprises and industry: the stage of the life cycle, absence of crisis, reputation. It is justified that the key industries for the Ukrainian economy in the context of improving economic security are mining and metallurgical industry and shipbuilding. The specificity of Zhiglyar cycles for the world steel industry and the actual periodicity of these cycles for the industry are revealed, as well as the interrelationship of their periodicity with that of the K-cycle phases. It is substantiated that for the mining and metallurgical complex there typical generally accepted time frames of Zhiglyar cycles of 6-13 years, which are associated with investing in fixed assets, building-up and loading production capacities. Smaller cycles are found at the level of local markets of individual countries. It is shown that the cycles of Kitchin characterize the volumes of consumption of crude steel in Ukraine. Diagnostics of the crisis of the enterprises under investigation is carried out. It is offered to evaluate the crisis on the basis of the ratio of the actual value of the indicator and its reference value. A scale for diagnosing the severity of the crisis is developed. It is shown that under crisis conditions a part of fixed assets remains unused. To resolve the issue of the need for measures on their elimination or sale, it is proposed to determine the rate of fixed assets utilization. It is estimated that its normative value should not be lower than 0.75. A methodical approach to evaluating the enterprise reputation is proposed. It is shown that internal and external reputations differ in the method of their evaluation. A scale for determining the severity of the reputational crisis is developed.

Article is written in Russian

Mytrofanova A. S.
Debt Sustainability of Ukraine: Status, Problems and Policy (p. 105 - 111)

The aim of the article is a comprehensive analysis of indicators and disclosure of problems of debt sustainability of Ukraine, as well as the formulation of recommendations for its management. There built a system of indicators for debt sustainability analysis consisting of the following elements: indicators of the status, structure and dynamics of the state debt; indicators of the state debt servicing; indicators of the state debt factors; indicators of the debt burden forecast. Based on the calculation and analysis of the indicators, a conclusion is drawn on the deepening of the debt crisis in Ukraine, which is manifested in the excess of normative values of the indicators of status, structure and dynamics of the state debt. The reasons for the aggravation of the debt crisis in Ukraine are revealed and divided into three groups: objective historical, socioeconomic and subjective-institutional ones. Based on the analysis of trends in the sphere of violation of debt sustainability, there defined main problems of debt sustainability management, which form three groups: socio-economic problems; problems in the sphere of public administration; negative impact of related debt factors. In addition, risks and threats of deepening the debt burden are identified. Based on the analysis of these problems, a system of recommendations on the state policy of managing debt sustainability is built, including operational, tactical and strategic measures and reflecting the interrelated action of instruments of fiscal, monetary, investment, foreign trade and other economic policies of the state.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Popov A. S.
Stages of Agricultural Land Consolidation in Ukraine with Consideration for International Best Practices (p. 112 - 121)

The aim of the article is to develop recommendations on defining stages of consolidation of agricultural land in Ukraine on the basis of the best international practices. The analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists made it possible to determine a possible order of land consolidation in Ukraine and provide a detailed description of each stage. As a result of the research, the following main stages of land consolidation were proposed: the initiation, inventory, planning, implementation and final one. Each of these stages is considered consistently with justification of its expediency, the list of necessary measures and land management documentation, presentation of practical examples from different countries of the world. It is determined that each stage of the land consolidation procedure should be conducted in compliance with the principle of openness, which ensures the involvement of the maximum number of landowners/land users and protection of their interests, creates a positive attitude of the society towards land consolidation. A structural and logical model of the procedure for consolidating agricultural land, which clearly reflects the stages and activities of its implementation, is drawn up. There presented recommendations on the need to introduce new land management documentation for land consolidation with a detailed description of their essence. The relevance of further studies of the procedure for the agricultural land consolidation is in bringing a flexible, simple, cost-effective and short-term approach to its implementation.

Article is written in Russian

Portna O. V.
The Architectonics of the Aggregate Financial Potential of Ukraine: Positive Synergetic Effects and Overall Risks (p. 122 - 127)

The aim of the article is to determine the positive synergetic effects and overall risks of the architectonics of the aggregate financial potential of Ukraine. Based on the consideration of a number of aspects of the architectonics of the aggregate financial potential of Ukraine using the system approach, it is determined that in the process of interaction of the components of the aggregate financial potential of the country as a system, several types of synergy arise: mobilization, accumulative, realization one. The creation and implementation of positive synergies are carried out with the help of a certain infrastructure. According to the functional purpose for the aggregate financial potential of the country and its synergetic effects, the components of this infrastructure are: monetary organizations, financial markets, and the budget system. The basis for the creation and implementation of synergetic effects of the aggregate financial potential of the country as a resource providing for the development of the national economy is a private-public financial partnership. But together with positive synergetic effects of the architectonics of the aggregate financial potential of the country, overall risks also arise. The overall risks are characterized by loss of resources, decline in the volumes of receipts and financing, decreased efficiency of the resource use both in the context of the aggregate financial potential of Ukraine and its components, deterioration of the financial and economic condition of the country, etc. They include the risks of globalization, financialization, resource leaks, shadowing of the financial and economic sphere, liquidity, as well as credit, interest, currency, inflation, production risks, and risks of privatization, decentralization, distortion of financial and economic information. Prospects for further research in this direction are the identification of measures to strengthen positive synergies and limit and neutralize the risks of the aggregate financial potential of the country.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sitash T. D., Nagaichuk V. V.
The State Fiscal Policy: Determinants and Optimization of Financial Flows (p. 128 - 132)

The article outlines the determinants of the state fiscal policy at the present stage of global transformations. Using the principles of financial science it is determined that regulation of financial flows within the fiscal sphere, namely centralization and redistribution of the GDP, which results in the regulation of the financial capacity of economic agents, is of importance. It is emphasized that the urgent measure for improving the tax model is re-considering the provision of fiscal incentives, which are used to stimulate the accumulation of capital, investment activity, innovation, increase of the competitiveness of national products, expansion of exports, increase of the level of the population employment. The necessity of applying the instruments of fiscal regulation of financial flows, which should take place on the basis of institutional economics emphasizing the analysis of institutional changes, the evolution of institutions and their impact on the behavior of participants of economic relations. At the same time it is determined that the maximum effect of fiscal regulation of financial flows is ensured when application of fiscal instruments is aimed not only at achieving the target values of parameters of financial flows but at overcoming institutional deformations as well. It is determined that the optimal movement of financial flows enables creating favorable conditions for development and maintenance of financial balance in the society and achievement of the necessary level of competitiveness of the national economy.

Article is written in English

Feofanova I. V., Feofanov L. K.
Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Aspects of the Inequality in Ukraine (p. 133 - 138)

The aim of the article is to study the distribution of income in Ukraine and indentify the level of inequality, as well as its causes. Official statistics do not give a real picture of the economic inequality in Ukraine. It was found out that the level of remuneration of labor is characterized by significant differentiation: the ratio of the minimum wage to the average wage was 0.263 in 2015. The minimum level of remuneration of managers of state companies exceeded the minimum wage in 2016 by 250 times. The share of capital in the national income in 2014-2015 grew to 50 %, which indicates the distribution of income in favor of the capital owners and the deterioration of the position of employees. The excess of the return on capital (10 %) over the average rate of economic growth (4 %) will increase the inequality in the future. The reasons for the growing inequality in Ukraine is the orientation in international competition for capital on the model of “cheap labor”, unfair taxation of income from capital, corruption, shadow economy.

Article is written in Russian

Shevchenko H. M.
Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Conducting Predictive Evaluation of the Balanced Development of Recreation in Ukraine (p. 139 - 145)

The aim of the article is to improve the principles of predictive evaluation of the recreation development and methods used on their basis in view of the dynamic balance in the management system of the national economy. The approaches and principles of predicting the balanced development of recreation in the management system of the national economy are enhanced by the criteria of considering the specifics of the socio-economic nature of recreation, optimizing the description of recreation as a prediction object, consistency and similarity, etc., which makes it possible to increase their interrelation with prediction methods in conducting the theoretical and methodical analysis of equilibrium states of recreational activities. There proposed a comprehensive approach to synthesizing methods for predicting the balanced development of recreation, which manifests itself in the determined closeness of their internal interrelations. An econometric scenario approach to predictive evaluation of balanced development of recreation in accordance with the continuum from pessimistic to optimistic character of forecasts is also developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shibaeva N. V., Baban T. O.
Indicators of Effectiveness of the Regulatory Policy in the Agrarian Sphere (p. 146 - 154)

Indicators reflecting the results of state regulation of agriculture are analyzed. The article presents a classification of indicators of regulatory policy assessment in the agrarian sphere based on such features as period of use, stage of activity, form of influence, degree of formalization, sphere of manifestation, base of monitoring. There specified a set of indicators that will enable to more objectively measure the integral effect of the regulatory policy in the direction of creating and supporting market institutions; ensuring the implementation of effective principles, forms, methods, levers, tools in the process of forming the organizational and economic regulatory policy mechanism in order to achieve profitability of production at the level providing for extended reproduction, which is inherent in sustainable development, creation of favorable living conditions for rural residents, improvement of welfare, expansion of the country’s export potential.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Abakumenko O. V., Lukiashko P. O.
Problems of Ukraine’s Electricity Sector and the Ways to Solve them with Consideration for the Experience of EU Countries (p. 70 - 75)

The aim of the article is to systematize the main problems of the development of the domestic electricity sector and compare the ways of solving them in Ukraine with the practice of EU countries. In particular, to identify the problems that under domestic conditions are being tackled not effectively enough, or the mechanism for solving which is not created at all. The systematization of the problems, the addressing of which is a prerequisite for the efficient functioning of Ukraine’s electricity sector, made it possible to divide them into general ones, which arise due to the specificity of electricity as a commodity, and those specific to the Ukrainian conditions. The general problems in Ukraine as a whole are being solved with consideration for the experience of EU countries, although the tackling of some of them is still at the initial stage. In particular, for the introduction of the European experience in the field of the functioning of the Electricity Exchange, at this stage a basic law has been adopted, the implementation of which is still ahead. The comparison of the domestic and European practice of solving the problems of the electricity sector shows the gradual adoption by Ukraine of the positive European experience in tackling a group of general problems, however, mechanisms to overcome the specific for domestic conditions problems have not been created yet. First of all, this concerns the issue of restoration and expansion of the electricity generation capacities, which are on the verge of exploitation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Boiko V. V.
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the State Policy for Ensuring Economic Safety in the Sphere of Development of Rural Areas (p. 76 - 82)

The aim of the article is to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of the state policy for ensuring economic safety in the sphere of development of rural areas. The effectiveness of implementing the safety components of the state targeted programs for development of rural areas is studied. There identified the main shortcomings in the implementation of the applied principles of the state policy for ensuring economic safety in the sphere of development of rural areas that limit its effectiveness: the declarative nature of the state target programs, the imperfection of the organizational and economic instruments for ensuring economic safety, the lack of mechanisms for financing the program activities, the resource constraints in the system of public administration, the imbalance of the latter at various hierarchical levels, the secondary principle of priority in solving rural development problems, the excessive bureaucracy in making managerial decisions, the corruption of officials, the inertia and passivity of the population in rural areas. The information basis for increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of the state policy for ensuring economic safety in the sphere of development of rural areas is formed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Galenko S. M., Ocheretnyi D. S.
The Current State and Quantitative and Qualitative Parameters of the Development of the Domestic Innovative Entrepreneurship in Ukraine (p. 83 - 89)

The domestic innovative entrepreneurship in Ukraine has a long history of formation and development and takes its origins from the days when the country was part of the unified national economic complex of the USSR. Although our state has always had a significant and promising potential for development of innovative entrepreneurship, at present it is not fully used. At the same time, the inconsistent and contradictory nature of reforming the economic and political systems of Ukraine in the newest period of its independent existence has caused the preserving of the backward technological structure of the economy, which on the global scale is still positioned as energy intensive, uncompetitive and incapable of ensuring an effective convergence of all elements of technological chains of innovation intensive production. According to internationally accepted indicators of development of innovative entrepreneurship, Ukraine is most inferior to the leading countries of scientific and technological progress in terms of absolute and relative costs (public and private) on R & D (research and development); quality conditions of the domestic research infrastructure; availability of venture capital; export of high-tech goods and science intensive services; scale of international patent-licensing cooperation; degree of interrelations between the components of the national innovation system, level of their integration into global and regional research and innovation networks, and participation of the state in the international technology transfer. This negatively affects the scale and dynamics of the development of domestic innovation entrepreneurship causing a significant loss of competitive positions of our state in world markets. The aim of the article is to study the current state of domestic innovative entrepreneurship and determine the prospects for its development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanova O. Y., Malyshko Y. M., Laptiev V. I.
The Problem-Oriented Approach to Organization of the Functioning of the State Control System in Ukraine (p. 90 - 97)

There conducted an analysis of the number of inspections of business entities that were carried out by controlling bodies in Ukraine in 2015. As a result, it is justified that the issue of reducing the number of inspections of business entities is of primary importance for improving the business climate in Ukraine. The control functions of some central bodies of executive power that are similar or identical are singled out, the cases of dividing one sphere of control between several bodies are considered. By analyzing the organization of the functioning of the state control system in Ukraine, there revealed its main problems and directions for their solution, among which: the depriving of the State Forest Resource Agency of Ukraine and the State Agency of Fisheries of Ukraine of the duplicating control functions; the depriving of the State Service of Ukraine for Labor of functions of control over business entities delegating these functions to the above bodies. As a result, the State Service of Ukraine for Labor will only perform functions of control over activities of the Funds. These changes will make it possible not only to simplify the system of central bodies of executive power that have the right to conduct inspections of business entities by reducing the number of such bodies but also ensure the conducting of the inspections by special bodies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanova O. Y., Udovenko A. O.
Problems of the Procedure for Regulatory Impact Analysis of Draft Normative Legal Acts (p. 98 - 103)

The aim of the article is to investigate the procedure for regulatory impact analysis and identify problems caused by the adoption of ineffective normative legal acts. The essence of the concept “regulatory impact analysis” and its main tasks are considered. The legislation in the field of RIA is studied, and the contradictions in terms of determining the number of stages of analysis and the timing of the baseline performance monitoring revealed. There made conclusions regarding the unsatisfactory quality of the developed RIAs and presence of violations of legislation requirements by regulatory bodies, mandatory promulgation of the draft normative legal act along with the analysis. There identified the most problematic stages of RIA for the developers, which include identification of mandatory performance indicators, evaluation of compliance with the requirements of the regulatory act and definition of the problem. It is suggested to improve the methodology for regulatory impact analysis by completing the list of its main stages with evaluation of quality and adjustment of RIA. Recommendations for eliminating contradictions in the legislation in the field of RIA are developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Rudyka V. I.
Economic Efficiency of Establishing Domestic Production of Synthetic Liquid Fuel (p. 104 - 110)

The article notes a stable tendency to increasing the oil dependence of Ukraine, which creates a threat to the national economic security, and proves an expediency of establishing domestic production of synthetic liquid fuel. The technical, organizational and economic features of establishing synthetic liquid fuel production in Ukraine are presented. There proved a hypothesis on the expediency of organizing the production of synthetic liquid fuels based on steam-plasma coal gasification technology. The forecast resource cycle of the country until 2020 under conditions of developing this technology is modeled.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kotina H. M., Stepura M. M., Tilichenko Y. H.
Economic and Social Importance of Modern SMART Technologies of Budgeting at the Local Level (p. 111 - 116)

The aim of the article is to study the main SMART technologies of budgeting in terms of their economic and social aspects, consider the risks and prospects of their implementation at the local level in Ukraine. The article is dedicated to description of modern SMART technologies of budgeting. The essence of the concept of infrastructure gap is defined, the necessity of its overcoming through increasing capital expenditures is substantiated. The main methods of financing capital investments are disclosed, the advantages and disadvantages of public-private partnership are determined. The technology of participative budget, its history, features of its introduction and functioning in Poland, Germany and Ukraine are described. The necessity of implementing the Public Finance Management Strategy for 2017-2021 in Ukraine is justified, and risks related to it are investigated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lupak R. L., Kunytska-Iliash M. V.
Conceptual Relationships between the Systems of Ensuring the Economic Security of the State and the Implementation of the State Policy of Import Substitution (p. 117 - 123)

The aim of the article is to substantiate the conceptual relationships between the systems of ensuring the economic security of the state and the implementation of the state policy of import substitution. It is noted that ensuring the economic security of the state should take place systematically in order to reach its acceptable level. Therefore, it is important to define all its elements taking into account their effectiveness, necessity, and objective character. According to these assumptions, the conceptual bases of combining the systems of ensuring the economic security of the state and implementing the state policy of import substitution are justified. At the same time, the state policy of import substitution is viewed as the one which can provide the list of directions and tools that would enable stabilizing the national economy, creating conditions for its sustainable development and ensure its self-sufficiency optimally and efficiently. The conceptual content of relationships and mutual influences of the system of state economic security and directions of implementing the state policy of import substitution is substantiated. Correspondingly, structural components, functional components and spatial characteristics are identified as elements of the system of ensuring the economic security of the state. The directions of implementing the state policy of import substitution are characterized taking into account the determinants of counteracting import dependence, priority spheres of regulation and segments of the internal market.

Article is written in English

Poliakova O. Y., Shlykova V. O.
The Patenting of Biotechnological Developments in Ukraine: Trends and Structure (p. 124 - 131)

The analysis of the trends and structure of patenting developments in the field of biotechnologies is carried out. The study is based on the information contained in the databases of WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), which was used for international comparisons, and “Inventions (Utility Models) in Ukraine” of the Ukrainian Institute of Intellectual Property, which was used for a detailed study of patented developments at the national level. The analysis of patenting the Ukrainian developments for the period of 2000-2015 showed a weak patent activity of Ukraine at the international level. The largest number of active patents on biotechnology granted by the State Service for Intellectual Property of Ukraine to Ukrainian holders belongs to the subclass C12N – “Microorganisms or enzymes; their compositions; reproduction, preservation or storage of microorganisms; mutations or genetic engineering; nutrient media” and amounts to 315. In the structure of patents in the field of biotechnology with the C12N index that are owned by Ukrainian organizations, there prevail state scientific institutions of the NAS of Ukraine and UAAS (Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences). Representatives of the business sector among the patent holders are almost absent. Among the foreign patent holders the opposite trend is observed — representatives of business structures are leading. Thus, the prospects for the development of biotechnology in Ukraine depend considerably on intensifying the cooperation of scientific institutions with business, which should become a priority area of the state scientific and technical policy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Solodovnik O. O.
The Comprehensive Evaluation of Realizing the Interests of Parties to a Public-Private Partnership (p. 132 - 139)

The aim of the article is to substantiate a comprehensive analytical system for evaluating the realization of the interests of PPP parties as a methodological support for diagnosing problems in development of partnership relations between the state and business. The current state of establishing PPPs in Ukraine indicates that the application of the PPP concept without taking into account the interests of all parties in such agreement does not create favorable conditions for its development and implementation of priorities of the state economic policy. To identify the content of the interests of PPP parties and adequately evaluate the state of their realization, it is necessary to use appropriate analytical tools. In the course of this study it is justified that at building the analytical system for evaluating the realization of the interests of PPP parties, the totality of the interests should be viewed as an ontological complex comprising the subsystem of public sector partners’ interests, on the one hand, and the subsystem of private partners’ interests, on the other; the indicators describing the interests of PPP parties are systematized: four groups are singled out (partial, indirect, analytical and integral), the relationships between them are described, which allows selecting the relevant and most informative indicators for the evaluation avoiding duplication of indicators at building integral indicators; there proposed an approach to the formation of a system of partial indicators for the comprehensive evaluation of the interests of PPP parties, according to which a system of evaluation indicators is developed to diagnose the problems of realizing the interests of the partners at the macro-level; there developed recommendations on quantitative evaluation of consistency of the interests of PPP parties with the help of the integral indicator of consistency of interests of PPP parties and analytical indicators that allow quantifying the financial contradictions that objectively arise between public and private partners. Prospects for further research in this direction are using the proposed analytical tools for diagnosing problems in the realization of the interests of PPP parties in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stadnyk V. V., Holovchuk O. V., Holovchuk Y. O.
The State and Factors of the Economic Dynamics of Mechanical Engineering Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 140 - 148)

The economic dynamics of mechanical engineering enterprises in Ukraine is considered. Steady negative trends in the volumes of production and sales of mechanical engineering products are revealed. The analysis of the export capabilities of the mechanical engineering industry in the context of the main commodity groups showed an increase in the exports of products of the third technological mode, which indicates a decrease in its science intensity. The study of the impact on the state of the industry of general macroeconomic trends, which are reflected in the changes in the Global Competitiveness Index of Ukraine in 2014-2016, demonstrated some improvements in the indicators characterizing the conditions of business management and the results of their innovation activities. With the purpose of assessing the conformity of the directions in innovation activities of enterprises in the industrial sector of Ukraine to the objectives of increasing their innovative potential, there conducted an analysis of the structure of innovation costs, which showed a significant predominance of costs on acquiring equipment, while the implementation of new technologies is carried out mainly on the basis of resource saving and not flexibility; the introduction of product innovations in the market, especially of fundamentally new ones, decreases. The examination of organizational forms of innovation management in mechanical engineering enterprises indicated the lack of complementarity of innovation management and quality management systems, as well as a low level of staff involvement in these improvement processes. The necessity of eliminating these deficiencies in management for increasing the innovative potential of enterprises and achieving cognitive self-sufficiency is underlined. It is noted that the principles underlying modern quality management systems can be used to solve these problems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ianchenko Z. B.
The Problems of Realizing the Innovative Potential of Science and Mechanisms for their Solution (p. 149 - 153)

The aim of the article is revealing reasons for the low payoff of science in terms of the effectiveness of the research activity and demand for its results in economic spheres, identifying problems in the innovation activity of research institutions and reasons for their arising, searching for fundamental approaches to the development of a strategy and mechanisms for realization of the innovative potential of science to strengthen its position in the real sector. The study used general scientific methods, including: systems approach — to systematize the problems of the innovation activity of research institutions; methods of theoretical generalization — to study the theoretical principles of the scientific and innovation activity; methods of analysis and synthesis — to search for fundamental approaches to the development of mechanisms for realization of the innovative potential of science. The used concepts of scientific activity and innovations are generalized. The author’s definition of the term “innovation” is proposed. The main reasons of the minor impact of science on the economy are systematized, the mechanisms for their elimination are offered. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the reasons for losing by science its impact on the economy, the ways of realizing the innovative potential of science are improved. The results of the research can be used in reforming domestic scientific research institutions.

Article is written in English


Herasymenko O. O.
Competitiveness of Workplaces as a Prerequisite for Decent Work: Realities of the Ukrainian Economy (p. 33 - 39)

The aim of the article is the theoretical and applied substantiation of competitiveness of workplaces as a defining feature and component for provision of decent work. The author’s interpretation of the concept “competitiveness of workplaces” and signs of its manifestation in different aspects of social and labor relations are given. Suggestions for improving the methodological structure of the certification of workplaces in the context of determining the components of their competitiveness are outlined. The necessity of implementing a number of measures to create new high-tech workplaces and modernize the existing ones with the aim of bringing their level to the competitive one is justified. The results of analyzing individual indicators of competitiveness of workplaces in the economy of Ukraine for 2006-2015 are presented. It is proved that under conditions of the entry of Ukraine into the European space, the dominant factor in increasing the competitiveness of workplaces is the modernization of the existing ones and bringing them to the level of high-tech and high-performance ones. It is noted that the theoretical and methodological basis for assessing the level of competitiveness of workplaces and determining the directions for its improvement is formed by the concept of decent work and the indicators of decent work deficit that are singled out on its basis.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhukova L. M.
Regulation of the Domestic Market under Conditions of Changing Foreign Economic Priorities of the Public Policy (p. 40 - 46)

The aim of the article is a comprehensive study of issues of regulation of the domestic market under conditions of changing foreign economic priorities of the public policy. By analyzing, systematizing and summarizing scientific works of many scientists, new approaches to the formation and implementation of effective mechanisms of state regulation of the domestic market at a critical stage in the modernization of the national economy are considered. As a result of the research, peculiarities of the development of the domestic market under conditions of changing priorities in the trade policy of countries are revealed. The correlation between the capacity of the domestic market and the volumes of foreign trade is analyzed. It is substantiated that under conditions of changing foreign economic priorities of the public policy, an important factor in the development of the domestic market of Ukraine is to ensure its technological competitiveness. The need to apply measures on accelerating technological growth and strengthening the fight in the global competition through the optimal combination of the effective state regulation of the domestic market and market mechanisms is proved. The prospect for further research in this direction is defining strategic objectives of the public policy regarding the institutional provision of competitiveness of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zakhozhay K. V.
Principles of Forming the State Budget of Ukraine: Process and System Approach (p. 47 - 54)

The aim of the article is considering the theoretical and methodological instruments of the State Budget of Ukraine and in view of this providing a more extended characteristic of the principles of the budget system, taking into account the role of the country’s main financial plan at five classical levels of economy. As a result of the research, there determined the necessity of supplementing the legislatively approved principles of the State Budget of Ukraine with the newly introduced principles of economic security and social protection of the population. In order to improve the theoretical and methodological instruments of the State Budget of Ukraine and the visibility of its impact on socio-economic processes under current conditions of the society development as well as to determine its role in the socio-economic space, it is suggested to consider the role of the main financial plan for mega-, macro-, meso-, micro- and nano-levels. Further practical application of the introduced principles of forming the State Budget of Ukraine on the basis of the process and system approach will enable development of many sectors of the national economy; increase the flow of investment; promote political stability; reduce the inflation, unemployment; increase production and exports; reduce the budget deficit and public debt; affect the increase in the financial potential and gold reserves of the state.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kulyk V. V.
The Multi-Budget Matrix of Financial Flows as a Tool for Investigation and Regulation of Reproduction Processes in the National Economy (p. 55 - 64)

There considered a system of interrelated budgets of institutional sectors to provide a comprehensive study of the processes of formation of their incomes and incomes of the national economy within the relations “value added — sector savings”. This allows to systematically improve the financial and economic state of institutional sectors and means of fiscal policy to stimulate the production of the final product in sectors and branches of the economy. The main purpose of the proposed balance model is to study the features of the current economic equilibrium and support the qualitative parameters of the reproduction of the national economy and its institutional sectors by influencing the system of commodity and financial flows, capital flows, and thus the formation of the desired macroeconomic proportions of the gross and net revenues generated. Comparison of the real and nominal GDP, the structure of GDP and NDP, conditions of external economic equilibrium, and other parameters of economic dynamics make it possible to coordinate management of the processes of reproduction of the national economy with the current stage of the economic cycle, and consequently, identify and update the existing potentials or provide conditions for their formation. For further specialized research, the model can be aggregated or disaggregated. The methodology and standards of national accounts, open data of national accounts of Ukraine served as the basis for the formation of the system of balances.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Revyakin G. V., Dovgal O. A.
The Influence of Cyclicality of the Global Economic System Development on the Structure and Dynamics of Ukraine’s Foreign Trade (p. 65 - 71)

The aim of the article is to study the structure and dynamics of Ukraine’s foreign trade under the influence of cyclicality of the global economic system development. There analyzed reasons for the predominance of primary sector goods in the structure of Ukraine’s production, which causes a relatively high seasonal volatility of the economic growth rates. The raw material orientation of Ukraine’s exports explains the instability of the Ukrainian economy regarding the fluctuations of the world market conjuncture. Ukraine’s critical dependence on the cyclical fluctuations of the global economic system manifested itself in 2009, when the adverse conjuncture of the world prices for metals and commodities led to a sharp decline in the production volumes in the national economy. It is concluded that the possible ways of solving the above problems in the national economy of Ukraine is the modernization and restructuring of industrial production, increase in the production volumes of goods for domestic consumption, technological and organizational renewal of the fixed assets of manufacturing enterprises, as well as reorientation of the Ukrainian industry to producing goods with a higher degree of processing along with increasing the share of high-tech products in the total exports.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rodchenko V. B., Prus Y. I.
Social Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: Problems and Prospects (p. 72 - 78)

The aim of the article is to identify the current trends in the development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine as a new form of doing business in the context of socio-economic transformations. By analyzing and generalizing scientific works of many scientists, the evolution of the development of social enterprises is considered, the views of researchers on the definition of the concept of “social entrepreneurship” and its key factors are systematized. The modern tendencies, main barriers and opportunities for the development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine are revealed. As a result of the research, differentiation of social enterprises according to the level of social and business activity is proposed. The experience of formation and development of social entrepreneurship in European countries is studied. It is substantiated that under the current conditions of transition from the resource-oriented paradigm of economic development to the value-oriented one, the motivational component of human labor changes: money loses the role of a key motivational factor; possibility of creating economic values for others by implementing own plans and initiatives comes to the fore. A prospect for further research in this area is studying regulatory and legal aspects of the emergence of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine as a driver of sustainable economic development of the country.

Article is written in English

Sybirtsev V. V.
Conceptual Provisions for Conducting the Institutional Reform of the National Labor Market in Ukraine (p. 79 - 86)

The aim of the study is to substantiate and develop conceptual provisions for conducting the institutional reform of the national labor market. There singled out aspects of implementing the operation and development of the labor market in the context of manifestation of the internal complexity and multi-functionality inherent to it. The existence of regularities in the increase of the need for development of the institutional structure of the labor market under conditions of transforming and restructuring the system of socio-economic relations is proved. The presence of a multiplicative effect from the spread of the new institutional practices being introduced in the labor market on the institutional regulation of a wide range of economic operations, phenomena and processes is revealed. There defined the content of the process of developing the institutional space of the national labor market, which involves institutionalizing the processes of socialization of the socio-economic relations associated with productive employment, in the context of which there occurs an increase in the importance and role of human resources in the creation of economic goods, expanded social reproduction.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skrypnyk A. V., Namiasenko Y. O.
Optimization of Gas Supply as a Component of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine (p. 87 - 94)

There considered the trade in natural gas in four regional markets, namely the market of North America, the market of Central and South America, the market of Europe and Eurasia, and the Pacific market. The process of a global convergence of regimes of trading in natural gas is studied, and a hypothesis on the prospect of creating a world natural gas market is proposed. The hypothesis is based on reducing the dispersion of prices and increasing the share of liquefied natural gas in the total world sales of natural gas. Two optimization models are constructed: the first one relates to minimization of the transport costs on distributing the imported and domestically produced natural gas on the territory of Ukraine; the second model considers determination of the optimal structure of purchasing natural gas by Ukraine and its further distribution on the territory of the country, taking into account the prices of each supplier and the distances between the consumers and suppliers. There identified advantages for Ukraine from the possible formation of a world natural gas market, in particular improving the state of energy security and independence as well as reducing the amount of costs associated with meeting the domestic demand for natural gas.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skrypnyk A. V., Holiachuk O. S.
The Ukrainian Hydropower Industry from the Standpoint of the Social Welfare Function (p. 95 - 102)

In the pre-nuclear era the contribution of the hydropower industry to the energy balance of the former USSR was considered undeniable. At the same time, accompanying negative effects (flooding of large areas, destruction of populated areas, violation of historical monuments, destruction of fish resources, growth of risks of man-made disasters) were not taken into account when creating reservoirs on flat terrain. Over time, as the main equipment (turbines, power generators) and the associated infrastructure (locks and their equipment) depreciates, the generation of hydroelectric power decreases both in absolute and relative terms, and the reservoir dams become an insurmountable barrier to river navigation. The main problems of hydropower engineering in terms of economic, ecological and technogenic risks are considered. For comparison, the forecast volumes of electric power production using renewable sources and hydropower are presented. The losses from the operation of the cascade of the Dnieper reservoirs are estimated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Strielnikov R. M.
The Influence of Stock Exchange Transactions on the Volume of Capital Investments in Real Sectors of the Ukrainian Economy (p. 103 - 110)

It is determined that insufficient attention is paid to the issues of influence of cash flows that are formed in the national stock market on the size of capital investments in real sectors of the national economy. Therefore this direction of scientific and practical research is topical. It is proved that the purchase of securities that the buyer intends to resell within three months cannot be classified as an investment, and the buyer — as an investor. It is found that during the last ten years the main source of financing of capital investments was the position “Own funds of enterprises and institutions”. When considering exchange securities contracts at stock markets there singled out financial instruments that can influence the size of capital investments in real sectors of the economy, namely, shares and bonds of enterprises. The conducted correlation analysis showed that there is a strong correlation between exchange contracts with original issue shares and the volumes of capital investments in real sectors of the economy, which indicates that the capitalization of the assets of issuers of shares contributes to increasing the opportunities for capital investments in the whole country.

Article is written in Russian

Khaustova V. Y., Kriachko Y. M., Kolodyazhna T. V.
Assessment of Concentration in the Economy of Ukraine (p. 111 - 122)

The article is dedicated to the generalization of theoretical aspects of economic concentration and assessment of concentration in Ukraine’s economy. It is proved that in the world there is a stable trend towards the spread of concentration processes both at the level of economies in general and individual industries and business entities, and it occurs predominantly within TNCs. The main stages of the development of TNCs are considered, and it is shown that modern TNCs are large corporations that are the main players in the market. The genesis of the theory of concentration in economy is considered. The views of scientists on the interpretation of the concept “concentration” are studied. It is proved that it is used in different meanings and with respect to different levels of economy and objects of consideration, and there is a wide diversity of basic criteria that determine the essential signs of this concept. The interpretation of the concept “concentration of the country’s economy” is proposed. The existing approaches to assessment of concentration in economy are analyzed. The trends in the development of concentration processes in Ukraine’s economy and the factors that are determined by them are analyzed. There investigated the distribution of industries of Ukraine’s economy in terms of net income of the largest corporations, dynamics of net income of the largest corporations, dynamics of distribution of industries of Ukraine’s economy in terms of profits of large companies, dynamics of net profit of the largest corporations of the top 10 industries of Ukraine’s economy, dynamics of the GDP of Ukraine and main indicators of the largest national corporations. The concentration of Ukraine’s economy is assessed, and it is determined that the most highly concentrated spheres are production of electronics and computers, the automotive industry, media, production of personal goods and software, provision of business services, conglomerates; also among highly concentrated industries there are production of alcoholic beverages and tobacco, mechanical engineering, the chemical industry, medicine and biotechnology, the oil and gas industry.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yahno T. P., Husakovska T. O.
The Theoretical and Methodological Bases to Form the Parity of State Regulation of the National Economy and Market Self-Regulation (p. 123 - 129)

The aim of the article is to summarize the existing approaches regarding the optimal balance of mechanisms of economic regulation and identify factors that influence the formation of the parity of state regulation and market self-regulation of economy. The analysis of the existing studies has made it possible to establish that the mixed economy model, which is organized on the basis of the market price system but uses various forms of government intervention to correct macroeconomic instability, is the most optimal one for effective development. The smoothing, preventing of negative consequences of effects of market regulators is the goal of state regulation of economy. It is substantiated that the optimal correlation of mechanisms of state regulation and market self-regulation is not a constant value. The maximum effective ratio in application of these mechanisms will not always be achieved under condition of equal government intervention and self-regulation. It depends on the country’s potential, its involvement in the system of the world market economy, level of development of the society, as well as historical features of the country’s development and phase of the economic cycle. Prospects for further research are the substantiation of a new paradigm for the formation of the parity of state regulation and market self-regulation in the context of financial uncertainty and effect of supranational regulators, growing contradictions of globalization-regionalization based on the use of the system and synergetic approach.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yatsun L. M., Karpenko O. V., Karpenko V. D.
The Methodology for Formation of National Nutrition Policy (p. 130 - 138)

The materials of the study of management processes in the food service industry based on the criteria of composition of tasks of establishments’ activities, their participation in the integration process of production, sale and organization of food consumption and catering services are outlined. A model of nature-aligned development of the food service industry as a natural and socio-economic system is proposed. Priority directions of the national nutrition policy are determined on the basis of integration of participants in the process of organizing catering. There justified methodological approaches to the formation of a management model for development of enterprises in the food services industry by stages of preparing and making decisions on integration of business entities, including enterprises of the agrarian sector, food industry, trade, restaurant business and households.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Andreichenko A. V.
Development of Agribusiness in the Context of the Resource Saving Problem in the Agricultural Sector of Ukraine (p. 57 - 61)

The aim of the article is to study the development of agribusiness in the context of the resource saving problem in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. It is established that the agricultural intensification is inextricably linked with the problem of resource saving, which is in increasing the efficiency of using resources and their inclusive conservation. A number of positive economic consequences of the conservation of material resources in the sphere of agriculture on the scale of the national economy are considered. There disclosed the essence of the economic mechanism for resource saving in the agricultural sector, which involves justifying a complex of economic, organizational, technical, technological, as well as other measures aimed at stimulating resource saving. It is proved that one of the directions of strengthening the competitiveness of the domestic agricultural sector and an effective resource saving tool is the introduction of zero waste agriculture. It is concluded that the implementation of resource saving policies, in particular in the agricultural sector, is impossible without an effective system for managing resource saving processes at all levels, adoption of appropriate legislative measures, new integrated approaches to ensuring the conservation of material resources, a single resource saving policy based on modern technologies for its implementation, first of all — non-waste ones.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Antonyuk V. P., Shchetinina L. V.
Transformation of Employment by Types of Economic Activity as an Indicator of Structural Changes in the Economy of Ukraine (p. 62 - 70)

The aim of the article is to analyze the process of structural transformations of employment in Ukraine by spheres of economic activity in order to identify priority directions for the development of the labor market in the context of the world economic trends. In the article the analysis of the transformation of employment in Ukraine is carried out according to the methodology of M. Castells used in the book “The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture”. Based on the data of the State Statistics Committee and Eurostat, a comparative analysis of the transformation of employment by major groups of foreign economic activity is made, special attention being paid to the industrial and service sector. The obtained results testify to the narrowing of the domestic labor market and deformation of its structure, noncompliance of structural transformations of employment in Ukraine with modern world trends. This is manifested in a decrease in the percentage of employed in the industrial sector of the economy (due to its stagnation and decline), its growth in agriculture, and a much lower share of employment (in comparison with the EU countries) in the service sector. A decrease in the share of the employed in services to manufactures is revealed, which is a “trap” for the development of the Ukrainian industry. The share of people employed in the domestic service sector remains low, which indicates a low standard of living for the majority of the country’s population. The share of the employed in social services though is growing but significantly slower than in European countries. There substantiated the necessity of developing a strategy for a new social and economic policy aimed at the revival and innovation development of the industrial sector, modernization of the industrial and social infrastructure, and on this basis — ensuring a progressive structure of productive employment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Horban V. B.
Municipal Energy Planning under Conditions of Globalization: Imperatives and Objectives (p. 71 - 78)

The article reveals the importance of energy planning for local authorities in the path of achieving the goals of sustainable development. The quintessence of energy planning in territorial communities of Ukraine and Europe has been outlined from the perspective of analyzing the infrastructure sectors of the municipal economy. The article is based on observing certain international methodologies related to local energy and climate planning. The evolution of Covenant of Mayors initiative is briefly described with a focus on its intensive expanding in terms of energy and climate issues. The experience in the development of municipal sustainable energy and climate action plans in European countries and Ukraine is studied. A survey of empirical data on the consumption of fuel and energy resources and greenhouse gas emissions in territorial communities of Ukraine and European countries is conducted. The European methodological guidelines on the subject under study are highlighted based on the key policy documents. A few practical examples of Ukrainian and European cities are presented in order to illustrate possible actions corresponding to the defined problem. A systematic framework is proposed to describe the various and complex aspects of energy planning in cities with regard to rational implementation of energy efficient measures. The innovative mechanisms, main barriers and opportunities for the effective implementation of energy efficient projects in territorial communities of Ukraine and European countries are revealed. It is substantiated that under the current conditions of globalization, using project-oriented paradigm, municipal energy planning instruments become key motivational factors for development sustainable energy policy.

Article is written in English

Yermachenko V. Y., Prokopovych S. V.
The Problem of Determining Weighting Factors for Building the Ranking of Ukraine’s Higher Educational Institutions in Terms of Scientific Activity (p. 79 - 87)

The article is dedicated to the problem of rating Ukraine’s higher educational institutions in terms of scientific activity and the study of the influence of weighting factors on the position of a university in the ranking. The initial information space used in this work makes it possible to determine the potential of scientific activity in terms of staffing and resources provision as well as its effectiveness in terms of quality of the training of scientific staff (students, graduate students, young scientists, etc.), financial results of scientific and publication activities. As the objects of the research 98 universities of Ukraine are selected. On the basis of the maximum entropy method, the weighting factors that determine the significance of each initial indicator of the information space are calculated. Using the taxonomic method, integral estimates in terms of potential, effectiveness and scientific activity for each institution in whole are calculated with and without the use of the weighting factors. The analysis of the received scores of the universities is carried out, changes in the positions under influence of the weighting factors are investigated. It is concluded that the use of the weighting factors in calculating the integral estimate of the scientific activity of Ukrainian universities did not lead to shifts among the first (the strongest) and the last (the weakest) universities. But changes in the positions in the ranking, sometimes quite significant, took place in most of the universities occupying the middle positions. Thus, due to the weighting factors, the influence of outlying cases on individual indicators is leveled, which allows obtaining more stable, fair and informative results of rating the scientific activity of universities.

Article is written in Russian

Karpinskyi B. A.
Financial and Economic Support for the Activity and Publication Openness of Workers in the Scientific Sphere: Management Doctrine (p. 88 - 95)

The aim of the article is both in the system identification of the financial and economic features of supporting the scientific sphere and in the development of a management doctrine to increase the efficiency of activity of scientific workers in the global scientific space by combining publication openness, motivational levers, business and consumer interests based on foreign experience and strategiology of development in the realities of Ukraine. It is determined that the publication openness of a particular scientist depends on the scientific openness of publications in national print media, which are not always transparent for the global scientific space. The advantages and disadvantages of using scientometric databases as to editions that ensure the openness of scientific research results in terms of financial possibilities are considered. There singled out the managerial preference of the Information and analytical system “Bibliometrics of the Ukrainian Science”, which allows creating a bibliometric profile of a particular scientist through the environment of Google Scholar and improve the “visibility” ensuring both the improvement of his/her competitiveness and increase in the financial and economic support. There considered administrative advantages of associative complexes, similar to the Ivy League universities in America, and for the first time from the perspective of the strategiology of development there synthesized an approach regarding the creation of the given organizational structure, where the most famous classical universities would be concentrated, in Ukraine. The advantage and perspectivity of the proposed measures is the system formation of the management doctrine of financial and economic support for the scientific sphere, the optimization of using the scientific potential of the territory and ensuring its correspondence to the needs of consumers and business, the activization of publication openness and efficiency through managerial and motivational tools and effective use of taxpayers’ money.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kramarev H. V.
Assessment of the Industry Development and its Branches of Activity in the Country (p. 96 - 107)

The article is dedicated to the problems of assessing and analyzing various aspects of competitiveness of industry and its development. It is proved that the toolkit for assessing development of industry and its individual activities requires further improvement in terms of ensuring the possibility of determining through its application the ways to overcome negative consequences of structural deformations in the industrial complex of an economy, taking into account the current trends in innovation and technological development of the world’s leading countries. An analysis of the existing approaches to assessing development of industry (its competitiveness) in general and individual branches (activities) in particular, proposed by international institutions, scientists and practitioners, is carried out. It is shown that in assessment of development of industry and its individual branches, there used aggregated private indicators, which do not allow taking into account the specifics of branches, their significance in industry, technological level, or determine structural changes and their impact on the country’s socio-economic development. In order to eliminate these shortcomings, and based on the existing experience of specialists in this field, an improved model for assessment and a methodological approach to assessing the development of industry and its individual activities in the country are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krutova A. S., Kashchena N. B., Bigdan I. A.
Reforming the Pension System of Ukraine in the Context of Modern Global Trends (p. 108 - 116)

Proper social protection for present and future generations of pensioners is possible only if the level of solvency and financial stability of the state pension system in the long term are ensured. The aim of the article is to substantiate the directions for further improving the pension system of Ukraine in the context of modern global trends. The study found that the need for qualitative changes in the current pay-as-you-go pension system is determined by the inability of the PFU to make pension payments at the expense of its own funds, attracting the state as a donor and redistributing a significant amount of public financial resources to finance pension expenditures. Based on the critical analysis of the government’s legislative initiatives for the modernization of the pay-as-you-go pension system and the introduction of a funded system of nationwide pension insurance and the expansion of the non-state pension system, taking into account the experience of most countries in the world, recommendations are developed for a further reforming of the pension system and corresponding transformation of Ukraine’s pension legislation. Prospects for further scientific research in this area are analysis of the world practice in managing non-state pension funds and regulation of their investment activities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kulyk V. V.
Problems and Prospects of the Dialog Planning of the Reproductive Processes in the National Economy (p. 117 - 124)

Some aspects of the formation, development and current application of the technique of dialog planning in economic studies of the reproduction processes in the national economy are analyzed. The stages of the formation of dialog planning as decision-making in human machine systems in organizational systems of a hierarchical and non-hierarchical type are determined. Investigation of the reproduction processes of complex economic systems and the dialog planning of their development is expedient to implement in the framework of a simplified economic model of a closed / open economy, which simultaneously describes the state of the research object and the processes of its reproduction. The methodological and informational basis for analyzing the reproduction processes within this model is the system of national accounting. Multicriterion analysis of the reproduction processes in the national economy as a complex socio-economic system at the beginning of research should be replaced by analysis of GDP in the context of GDP production processes and distribution of GDP, which allows to identify the peculiar features of the economy, its advantages and disadvantages, problem aspects, etc. It is expedient to study the reproduction processes in the national economy with maximal simplification of the system of balance to carry out an objective analysis of reproductive processes and their effective impact on the dynamics of GDP. To do this, a simplified system of balance of a closed economy should be applied to studying an open economy, while writing off all the discrepancies as results of external relations. In the framework of the simplified economic model, a macroeconomic analysis of the proportion of the economic reproduction in Ukraine is conducted, and its influence on the GDP dynamics is investigated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Miliutin H. V.
The Condition of and Structural Changes in the Energy Sector of Ukraine (p. 125 - 137)

The article is dedicated to the analysis of the condition of Ukraine’s energy sector and its structural changes in the period 2000-2016. The dynamics of electric power production in Ukraine and the world, as well as the capacity utilization factor are studied. There analyzed the structure of capacities and electric power production in Ukraine by types of generation: those of thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, combined heat and power plants, hydroelectric power plants, and renewable energy sources. The lifetime of the existing capacities is studied. Structural changes in the capacities and electric power production in Ukraine are investigated. It is proven that a tendency to reduce the electric power production in Ukraine, with a simultaneous increase in the world production, was observed; and that most of production capacities in the nuclear, thermal and hydropower sector have expired their design lifetime and require replacement or modernization. It is determined that the structural changes in capacities and electric power production in Ukraine in the period 2000-2016 were very low with the largest structural change in capacities and electric power production in the period under review taking place in the production of electricity from renewable energy sources, and a significant negative structural change – in the production of electricity in thermal power plants.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Oparin V. M., Paientko T. V.
The Ideology, Pragmatics, and Effectiveness of the Tax Reform in Ukraine (p. 138 - 147)

The article is dedicated to the assessment of the ideology and pragmatics of the tax reforms in Ukraine. The author’s approach to studying the problem differs from the traditional approaches, which are focused on assessing the fiscal effectiveness of taxes, and is aimed at evaluating the validity of such reforms and their benefits for the society with consideration for long-term development of the country. The purpose of the article is to assess the ideology and pragmatics of the tax reforms in terms of their validity and effectiveness for the society. There analyzed the vectors of the tax reforms concerning the main budget-forming taxes: profit tax, personal income tax, VAT. A comparative analysis of the trends in taxation of incomes and value added in Ukraine and the world is carried out. It is substantiated that the goals of the tax reforms declared by the authorities in Ukraine were either contrived or were never achieved. The real goals of the endless reforming were the creation of broad opportunities to avoid taxation on the “legitimate” grounds for the oligarchic clans. It was the avoidance of taxation that created the prerequisites for their accelerated enrichment, which was used mainly with unproductive purposes and did not contribute to the development of the national economy. In view of this, we consider it necessary to give a negative assessment of the tax reforms that were carried out in Ukraine. In addition, the result of the tax reforms was the inadequate filling of the budget with tax revenues and, consequently, very limited financing of the social sphere, whose state is recognized by the government itself as at the least unsatisfactory, being in fact catastrophic. Thus, the impartial assessment of the tax reforms in Ukraine testifies both to their inefficiency, and the negative consequences for the society, on the one hand, and the full realization of the targets for the oligarchs, on the other.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Petrakov I. V., Hnedina K. V.
The Methodology for Integral Assessment of the Impact of Renewable Energy on the Environment under Non-Stationary Economy (p. 148 - 155)

The need to reduce anthropogenic load, eliminate threats to environmental safety and provide ecologically oriented development are one of the main global challenges of our time. At the same time, the replacement of traditional energy sources with alternatives ones requires a quantitative assessment of direct and indirect environmental impacts. The article analyzes the dynamics and structure of pollution in Ukraine in terms of its sources and forms as well as their impact on the carbon productivity of the GDP. It is proposed to assess the impact of alternative energy on the environment under non-stationary economy using an integral indicator that takes into account a number of factors, in particular the change in the share of RES in the total primary energy supply, share of renewable energy production, the index of greenhouse gases by the energy sector, change in the quality of atmospheric air in the urban populated area, amount of investment in reducing CO2 emissions, carbon intensity of energy production, share of thermal generation capacity that meets the ecological requirements of the EU.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rekova N. Y.
A Retrospective Analysis of the Development of Fiscal Decentralization (p. 156 - 163)

The study forms the theoretical basis for the implementation of fiscal decentralization in Ukraine on the basis of determining the correspondence between the evolution of scientific approaches to the formation of an effective model of public administration and the degree of power centralization at a particular stage of the development of society. The views of thinkers of the ancient states of Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, China, Rome, Greece are generalized, and the priority of centralized public administration without segregation of centralization forms is determined. The degree of centralization in the period of development of feudal states is characterized. The scientific views of representatives of the neoinstitutional direction of economic thought are analyzed in detail, and the stages of the formation of decentralization, in particular fiscal, as a separate theory, are defined. The stages of and the corresponding organizational and legislative documents for the implementation of decentralization in Ukraine are outlined, and its results are characterized.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tokarskyi T. B.
Transformations of the Social Policy in Ukraine and its Problems (p. 164 - 171)

The article is dedicated to the background of the transformative processes of the Ukrainian society on the basis of the pro-European strategy for economic and social development of Ukraine in 2002-2011 and further in the subsequent crisis years. The focus is made on the plans regarding the approximation of the state to the norms and standards of developed democracy, as well as on the observed in the civil society failures related to the high level of corruption, violation of social security standards, human and civil rights and freedoms, etc. A special attention is paid to economic approaches and the concepts of the problems of social policy as well as the formation of mechanisms for social protection of the population. There highlighted the most critical problems of the transformation of the social policy, in particular, changes in the pension plan and social benefit program.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khumarova N. I., Popyk O. V.
Methodological Basis for the Formation of a Motivational Mechanism of Environmental Resource Management in Ukraine (p. 172 - 178)

The author’s definition, semantic and functional filling of the motivational mechanism for the implementation of the basic principles of environment-oriented managerial influence within the urbanized space is presented. The psychoemotional and economic basis of the phenomenon “motivation” in the context of the formation of an environment-oriented behavioral model are indicated. The classification characteristic of the process of stakeholder motivation according to the source of activation of the motivation factors and the emotional coloring of the response to the applied measures of external influence is given. The economic and environmental potential and expediency of the measures on financial stimulation of stakeholders concerning the implementation of principles of environmental resource management at the local level are revealed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yanenkova I. G.
The Digital Transformation of the Ukrainian Industry: Key Aspects (p. 179 - 184)

Based on the analysis of foreign experience in digital transformations of industry and national economies as a whole, there made an attempt to highlight the key aspects of such transformations in Ukraine. It is substantiated that digitalization allows to obtain significant advantages due to decrease in costs of economic and social transactions, expansion of access to services and sharp increase in efficiency. On a national scale, this means acceleration of the economic growth, increase in the number of jobs and improvement of the quality of services. To take advantage of digitalization is possible only if the business climate is constantly improved, investments in new technologies are made, and large-scale economic reforms are carried out. The main technological trends in the sphere of digital transformation of industry are defined: mass application of intelligent sensors in the equipment and production lines; transition to unmanned production and mass application of robotic technologies; transition to storing information and carrying out calculations from own facilities to distributed resources, etc. The key developed digital initiatives for the national economy are analyzed. There proposed the priority directions for the formation and development of the digital economy for the period until 2020 for Ukraine, in particular, the creation of conditions for the digital transformation of the country’s industry; formation of information and telecommunication networks; elaboration of integrated engineering software platforms and development of design and product lifecycle management environments; development of means of production that meet the requirements and technological standards of Industry 4.0. Priority directions of the policy at different stages of digitalization of the economy are developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Andreichenko A. V.
Innovative Investment Support for Zero Waste Agriculture: Problems and Prospects (p. 36 - 41)

The article is dedicated to the peculiarities of innovative investment support for domestic zero waste agriculture under conditions of modern social and economic transformations. It is established that the development of innovative investment support for zero waste agriculture is a decisive factor in achieving the goal of competitive, resource saving and environmentally safe production in agribusiness. The main problems of innovative investment support for zero waste agriculture are determined. The main directions of the state innovation policy on the introduction of zero waste agriculture in Ukraine are determined. It is proved that an increase of innovative investment support for zero waste agriculture will contribute to a technical, technological, organizational, and economic renewal of agribusiness, and as a result —the manufacturing of competitive products for the domestic and world markets and ensuring of the country’s food security.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Broyaka A. А.
The Analysis of the Main Macroeconomic Indicators of the Socio-Economic Development of Ukraine (p. 42 - 48)

The article deals with studying the most important macroeconomic indicators characterizing the trends in the social and economic development of Ukraine for the period 2010–2017. Particular attention is paid to the index of nominal and real gross domestic product (GDP), including per capita, and to the factors that restrain its growth. An analysis of inflation processes using the dynamics of price indices (GDP Deflator, Consumer Price Index) is carried out. Furthermore, the problem of unemployment and employment, their impact on GDP dynamics are highlighted. Some aspects of Ukraine’s financial and economic stability are assessed on the basis of analysis of the performance of government debt obligations, balance of payments, and investments. As a result of the conducted research, it is revealed that during the last 2016-2017 there observed a partial stabilization of the socio-economic state of the national economy and its transition to the phase of recovery (in particular, the real GDP growth was 2.5 %, inflation — only 1.3 %, and unemployment — only 0.2 %). However, the analyzed indicators testify to the still relatively low rates of economic recovery caused by the previous loss of production capacities, interbranch and logistics links in the interregional and foreign economic space, restriction of access to energy raw materials, devaluation of the national currency, and growth of investment risks. As a result, the directions of addressing the main unsolved problems for the transition to sustainable economic growth are outlined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Verbytska A. V.
Financial Mechanisms for Integrating Higher Education of Ukraine into the Quadrangle “Education — Government — Business — Society” (p. 49 - 54)

The aim of the article is to identify the financial mechanisms for integrating higher education of Ukraine into the quadrangle “education — government – business — society”, which are intended for increasing the international competitiveness of higher education of Ukraine. There substantiated the formation of a new national financial strategy in the field of higher education, which is based on the introduction of a mechanism for distributing financial responsibility between the state and consumers of educational services represented by employers and business structures, which can be implemented within multi-channel financing; adaptation of the experience in creation of endowment funds as a tool for additional financing of the higher education system; increase in the effectiveness of the export policy in the market for educational services. The principle of performance-based budgeting of higher education and its coordination with the concept of effective financial management is revealed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hubarieva I. O.
Monitoring the Implementation of State Regulation of National Economic Security (p. 55 - 61)

The aim of the article is to improve the methodological tools for monitoring the implementation of state regulation of national economic security. The approaches to defining the essence of the concept of “national economic security” are generalized. Assessment of the level of national economic security is a key element in monitoring the implementation of state regulation in this area. Recommendations for improving the methodology for assessing national economic security, the calculation algorithm of which includes four interrelated components (economic, political, social, spiritual one), suggests using analysis methods (correlation and cluster analysis, and taxonomy), which allows to determine the level and disproportion of development, can serve as a basis for monitoring the implementation of state regulation of national economic security. Such an approach to assessing national economic security makes it possible to determine the place (rank) that a country occupies in a totality of countries, the dynamics of changing ranks over a certain period of time, to identify problem components, and monitor the effectiveness of state regulation of the national economic security. It the course of the research it was determined that the economic sphere is the main problem component of ensuring the security of Ukraine’s economy. The analysis made it possible to identify the most problematic partial indicators in the economic sphere of Ukraine: economic globalization, uneven economic development, level of infrastructure, level of financial market development, level of economic instability, macroeconomic stability. These indicators have a stable negative dynamics and a downward trend, which requires an immediate intervention of state bodies to ensure the national economic security.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Karintseva O. I.
The Optimal Structure of the National Economy as a Guarantee of Sustainable Development of a State (p. 62 - 68)

The article considers the theoretical essence of the category “national economy” in a narrow and broad sense and identifies its following features: versatility of the links between its structural elements and their integrity; hierarchy of the structure of the national economy, dynamism, openness. The main trend of development of the national economy, which is manifested in the transformation processes, is determined. The following transformation processes of the national economy are identified: system-forming, system-affirming, system-reproducing. Theories of structural transformation of the national economy are considered. There determined relations that characterize the reproductive structure of the national economy: between the main stages of the movement of the aggregate social product; between the forms of the aggregate social product according to the natural-material composition; between elements and forms of the aggregate social product by a functional role; between the constituent parts of social production; between the replacement of the means of production used and the newly created products. Based on the data of the World Bank on the structure of the gross added value of groups of countries in terms of income and regional characteristics in the context of individual spheres, the practical analysis of the structure of the national economy in different countries is carried out. It is established that for the last five years the trend of development of enterprises in the sphere of services has grown.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Shpilevskyi V. V., Miliutin H. V.
The Substantiation of Priority Directions for the Structural and Technological Modernization of the Electricity Generation Sector (p. 69 - 86)

The article substantiates the necessity of the structural and technological modernization of the electricity generation sector of Ukraine in view of the promising directions of technological development of modern energy and the production sufficiency of domestic power engineering. A methodical approach to the selection of priority directions for structural and technological modernization of the Ukrainian electricity generation sector is proposed. The structural shifts in electricity consumption in the country are investigated. The production and consumption of electricity in the country, the specifics of regulation of daily “semi-peak” and “peak” loads, as well as seasonal fluctuations during the year are analyzed. The methods of base-load provision in the united energy system of Ukraine (UES), the level of flexibility of various types of power plants, the distribution of capacities for base-load provision in the UES by types of energy generation are analyzed. Comparison of the main recommended and actual parameters of the energy generation sector based on the data of 2016 is made, and the existence of significant unused reserves of electric power generation is proved. The possibility for optimizing the structure of the energy generation fleet is justified. The main structural measures for eliminating the problems of the national generation of electric power are identified. A comparative structural and technological characteristic of the sphere of electric energy generation is developed. There constructed a matrix of the positioning of technologies for generation of electric power by the adjusted operating expenses and capital investments as well as a matrix of comparison of technologies for generation of electric power by level of their development and level of market development. Comparison of advanced technologies for thermal generation of electric power until 2035 is made. There justified the choice of the list of technologies for electric power generation, which are expedient to introduce at Ukrainian power stations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kolupaieva I. V.
The Analysis of the Regulatory Activity of Executive Authorities (p. 87 - 94)

The aim of the article is a detailed analysis of the regulatory activity of executive authorities. By systematizing and summarizing the available information on the implementation of the state regulatory policy in the context of analysis of the regulatory activity of executive authorities, the following issues are considered: the draft regulatory acts are reviewed for compliance with the principles and requirements of the state regulatory policy; the level of integration of Ukraine’s regulatory policy with that of the EU is determined by analyzing the fulfillment of Ukraine’s obligations on the implementation of EU norms regarding legislation; the ineffectiveness of ensuring and implementing the state regulatory policy is identified through determining the compliance of the priorities in ensuring and implementing the state regulatory policy with the available results. It is determined that at the present time there is a tendency to decline in the regulatory activity of executive authorities due to the formal and unsystematic nature of planning their regulatory activities and the failure to comply with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On the Principles of Regulatory Policy in Economic Activity”. Prospects for further research in this direction are to determine the impact of regulatory policy on the national economy by building an appropriate simulation model with the reflection of the relevant cause-effect relations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Korepanov O. S.
Development of the Information Society in Ukraine: the Historical Aspect in the Development of Statistics of Information and Communication Technologies (p. 95 - 100)

The aim of the article is to carry out a thorough study and analysis of different historical aspects in the formation and development of statistics of information and communication technologies (ICT). The history of the origin and the main approaches to defining such concepts as “information and communication technologies”, “information technologies”, etc. are considered. The chronology of covering issues of the ICT development at the World Summits on the Information Society (WSIS) is disclosed. The roles and approaches of the leading international organizations in studying the issues of using and developing ICT, as well as identifying the initiatives on the availability and measurement of ICT statistics are revealed and analyzed. The main goals and main achievements of the Partnership for the statistical measurement of ICT are analyzed. Also, the author of the article has carried out a grouping of interested parties regarding the use of the ICT statistics system at the national level and their content analysis. There carried out a comparative analysis of the data on the use of computers and computer networks, application of modern systems and means of telecommunications and communication, access and use of the Internet in Ukraine and regions of the world. Based on the results of the analysis, the author has formulated the main possible positive changes in the country’s socio-economic development, which are expected as a result of effective application of the latest competitive ICTs in all spheres of public life.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuzmin O. Y., Maslak O. O., Petryshyn N. Y., Zhezhukha V. Y.
Revisiting the Issue of Development of the Legal Framework for Cluster Development (p. 101 - 107)

The article deals with the concept of clusterization of the national economy as a process of creating within the national economy clusters (cluster systems), and other network structures, there highlighted its importance for the development of the national economy (it ensures increasing competitiveness of the national economy, strengthening its innovation component, improving the quality of education, reconciling the interests of government and business structures, etc.). As a result of investigation of the major clusters, there determined the underdevelopment of the legal framework of clusterization and the negative impact of the legislative factor on it. The article presents recommendations for the development of the legal framework for cluster devlopment in four areas: development (adoption) of certain laws and regulations, the introduction of amendments to the existing laws in the field of clustering, changes to a number of legal acts concerning the regulation of the national economy, adherence to the norms of international law.

Article is written in English

Provolotska O. M., Voloshina S. V., Hura O. S.
The Place of Ukraine in World Rankings as an Indicator of its Investment Attractiveness (p. 108 - 114)

The article is dedicated to the substantiation, based on world rankings, of top-priority measures for the formation of Ukraine’s investment attractiveness at the present stage of its development. The dynamics of direct foreign investment in the economy of Ukraine for 2012-2017 is analyzed, negative trends of recent years are established. The study of Ukraine’s positions in the main world rankings in 2015-2016 showed no significant positive changes in the country. The analysis of changes in the components of the indexes (subindexes) made it possible to identify factors that hamper the flow of foreign investment in the national economy of the country: the weakness of institutions that must ensure the rule of law, excessive regulation of the economy, concentration of power in the hands of oligarchic clans, significant corruption in the allocation of public funds, incompetent judicial system, etc. It is determined that priority measures should be aimed at eliminating or significantly weakening the influence of these “symptoms”. As a result, it is expected that both Ukraine’s positions in world rankings and activation of foreign investment will be strengthened.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Serbin O. O., Sitnicki M. W.
Prospects for the Development of Scientific Libraries of Ukrainian Research Universities in the context of the Implementation of the European Experience (p. 115 - 121)

The key directions for the long-term development of scientific libraries of research universities in Ukraine are determined to improve their strategic management system on the way toward entry into the European competitive environment. The scientific ideas, practice and legislative bases in the field of the development of scientific libraries in the European Union are highlighted. There carried out comparative characteristic of the traditional library and the modern one with the purpose of revealing distinctions of their functioning and development. The content of the seventeen main contrasts that distinguish these libraries is identified and described. On the basis of the analysis of the European experience, there identified and characterized twelve key directions for the further strategic development of Ukraine’s scientific libraries, which are in the improvement of digital content; library space; systems of automation of service processes; observance of copyrights; commercialization of library services; international exchange of the library information; depository of master works; updating of equipment; a consolidated system for detecting plagiarism; introduction of new related services; alternative financing systems; systems for staff development. The results of this study will be useful for leaders of research universities and their scientific libraries, as well as scientists and practitioners in the field of strategic management of development of research universities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skrypnyk A. V., Namiasenko Y. O., Sabishchenko O. V.
The Power Sector of Ukraine: Collapse or Survival (p. 122 - 134)

There considered the state of the basic traditional power industries of the Ukrainian economy: hydropower, nuclear, thermal one, which were put into operation as far back as in the time of the planned economy. The analysis of the hydropower industry has revealed its extreme inefficiency in terms of the use of space for the generation of a unit of electricity (1 TWh / year), which makes up 900 sq. km for the cascade of the Dnieper HPPs. This significantly exceeds the figures of the world hydropower industry (53 sq. km). The existence of the cascade of the Dnieper HPPs led to the practical destruction of shipping, as a result of which the country incurs annual losses from USD400 to 700 million. The existing nuclear power industry, whose security state is supported by the EU, is approaching the service life limit of 50 years, which cannot but affects the growth of the accident rate. As regards the existing thermal power industry, it is also approaching the limit of its possible service life and does not meet modern requirements either for input-output energy efficiency, not for the permissible level of pollutant emissions. Consequently, it is necessary to make a transition to the renewable power industry, but its growth rate is much less than is planned in the Energy Strategy. Therefore, the proposed development option will help overcome the onset of a national energy crisis by attracting investments (the increase in emission tax rates and the abolition of VAT for the import of modern equipment for TPPs) in modern efficient thermal power industry and stimulation of renewable power industry by eliminating the maximum power limit for green tariff users and justifying the growth of tariffs for energy in the short term.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsymbaliuk S. O.
The Main Trends in the Labor Market and their Influence on the Staff Policy of Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 135 - 141)

The importance of a quick response to changes taking place in the labor market, adaptation to them of the staff policy of enterprises is determined by the need to maintain their competitiveness in the labor market. It is reasonable to monitor main trends in the labor market with a view to adapting the staff policy to changes in order to strengthen the competitive position and attract competent specialists. The aim of the article is to identify the main trends in the labor market and estimate their impact on the staff policy of enterprises in Ukraine. It is determined that the decrease in the number of economically active population, reduction in the supply of workplaces and increase in unemployment are characteristics of the Ukrainian modern labor market. At the same time, there observed a disproportionality between the supply of and demand for representatives of different professional categories. It is determined that the high turnover indices negatively characterize the staff policy and demonstrate that employers neither pay due attention to the issues of forming the employees’ engagement, loyalty nor create appropriate conditions for the fulfillment of their labor potential. The revealed tends lead to increased competition among employers in the labor market for competent specialists, which finally stimulates them to use various instruments for enhancing the enterprises’ attractiveness and the formation of a positive employer brand.

Article is written in English


Tsyplitska O. O., Yanenkova I. G.
Industrial Policy of the European Union: Institutional Preconditions for Formation and Features of Realization (p. 44 - 50)

The aim of the article is to determine the socio-economic, political and institutional prerequisites for the formation of EU industrial policy and the specifics of its implementation. It is determined that industrial policy is one of the main priorities of the economic development of EU countries and the key focus of the Europe 2020 strategy. EU industrial policy was formed under the influence of the growing competition in the world market, the need to realize the idea of uniting European countries with a view to ensuring the stability of the political situation. Deepening the democratic foundations of government, expanding the rights and freedoms of citizens, the need for convergence of economic development with increasing number of members of the community have become new challenges for the formation of a single internal market and ensuring the competitiveness of EU industrial enterprises. As a result, the developed model of industrial policy has focused on supporting a favorable environment for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, developing and implementing innovative technologies, creating equal opportunities in a competitive environment (horizontal industrial policy) as opposed to sectoral policies and reducing state support for individual industries, ensuring the implementation of framework agreements. The most successful practices of using the model of EU industrial policy, aimed at creating favorable conditions to increase the competitiveness of industrial enterprises, can be used to elaborate Ukraine’s industrial development strategy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bocharova Y. G.
Determinants and Imperatives of the Innovation Infrastructure Development in the Context of Globalization (p. 51 - 57)

The article systematizes approaches to classifying factors (determinants) of the innovation infrastructure development. It is determined that the classification of the innovation infrastructure determinants based on the synthesis of position and specificity criteria has the greatest theoretical and practical value. Using the proposed approach to classifying factors of innovation infrastructure, there determined universal external factors, universal internal factors, specific external factors, specific internal factors of the innovation infrastructure development. The most important universal external factors that have a multi-vector, systemic influence on the development of a country’s innovation infrastructure at the current stage of the development of the world economy and international economic relations are: 1) the transition from an industrial to a postindustrial society and, as a result, the active development of information and communication technologies; 2) globalization, accompanied by an increase in global interaction, changes in the nature of the interdependence of countries (neo-dependence), etc. The most important for the innovation infrastructure development external factors are the condition, features and potential of the development of the national innovation system, the effectiveness of the state innovation policy and financial support. The most important for the innovation infrastructure development universal internal factors are the condition and features of its architecture. The most important for the innovation infrastructure development internal factors are the condition and specific features in the formation of individual elements of the innovation infrastructure. Based on the analysis of the determinants and specifics of the context of the innovation infrastructure development, the imperatives of its formation in the context of globalization are determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanova N. S.
An Empirical Study of Economic Security of Regions in the Aspect of Ensuring Security of the National Economy (p. 58 - 65)

The aim of the article is an empirical study of economic security of Ukraine’s regions based on the developed canonical models. To investigate and systematize factors of regional economic security, methods of theoretical generalization are employed. Methods of system analysis, namely the method of canonical analysis, are used to identify latent factors ensuring effective management of regional economic security and develop forecast models of economic security in the regions. The method of comparison has enabled determining the general and distinguishing features of the results of calculating the economic security of the regions based on the two models. The application of the method of canonical analysis to estimating the data on socio-economic development of Ukraine’s regions for 2008-2015 allowed to develop models to forecast economic security of the regions. The results of the canonical analysis indicate that 97.08 % of the variation in the effective indicators of regional economic security is due to variations in the eleven symptom factors. The developed models for assessing regional economic security ZYi (by partial characteristics) and ZXi (by symptom factors) are correct and have a close relationship, which is confirmed by the value of the correlation coefficient (0.97). The applied nature of the proposed models is justified by their practical implementation based on the actual data of social and economic development of Ukraine’s regions for 2008-2016. The introduction of the developed models made it possible to determine that Dnipropetrovsk region has the best state of economic security by the results of 2016, and Lugansk region is the worst in terms of this indicator. In further research, it is appropriate to determine criteria for assessing economic security of the regions, build a matrix of regional economic security, and to formulate the characteristics of their economic security states.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Chechetovа-Terashvili T. M.
A Methodological Approach to Integral Assessment of the Development Level of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Ukrainian Economy (p. 71 - 79)

The article states that the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is an important prerequisite for the stable functioning of the country’s economy, a source of providing jobs for its citizens, a guarantee of their financial well-being, the basis for the middle class formation. The aim of the article is to develop a methodological approach to integral assessment of the level of SME development in the Ukrainian economy. The article examines the existing methodological approaches to assessing the level of development and significance of SMEs and suggests a methodological approach based on the relevant system of indicators that can be calculated using available official statistical information and form the components of an integral indicator characterizing various aspects of the SME development in Ukraine (the development dynamics and significance for the economy). Using the proposed approach, an integral indicator for assessment of the level of development and significance of SMEs by economic activity (EA) and, in general, in the economy of Ukraine, as well as by its components, is calculated. On the basis of the conducted research, it is established that in 2012-2015 the majority of economic activities of the country had a disproportionate correlation between the dynamics of development and the significance of SMEs, which had a negative impact on the level of social and economic development of Ukraine as a whole.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koliesnichenko A. S.
Institutional Determinants of Antimonopoly Regulation of Relationships among Entities in the Electricity Market (p. 80 - 87)

The analysis carried out in the article shows that under present economic conditions the concentration of large business structures in the generation sector of the energy market in Ukraine, revealing the problems of demonopolization of the essence of relationships among the entities in the industry, is based on the institutional nature of determinants of antimonopoly regulation. The key tasks of the antimonopoly bodies include the definition of a monopolist in a market and the development of adequate effective measures aimed at regulating its functioning and relationships with other market entities on a parity basis. Given this, the formation of dominance criteria with the help of different indices and parameters plays an important role in the production of institutional levers of regulation. The comparative analysis of the results of applying the dominance criterion and the Herfindahl-Hirschman index, using the example of entities in the generation sector of the electricity market, allows to conclude that the approach to developing an antimonopoly leverage should be weighed and justified, with regard to the complex vision of the determinants that are used in measuring the degree of market specificity and form institutional prerequisites for building a competitive model of relationships among participants in the market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuzmin O. Y., Shakhno A. Y.
The National Model of State Regulation of Human Capital Development under Conditions of Global Competition (p. 88 - 97)

The aim of the article is to study the role of the state in and its influence on the processes of formation, reproduction and development of human capital in the context of globalization. Attention is focused on the fact that human capital is a key factor that will allow the country to accelerate the pace of integration into the world economic space. It is determined that currently in Ukraine, with the economy of innovative development, built on the knowledge economy, being the country’s priority and strategic course, unfavorable conditions for the preservation and reproduction of competitive human capital have developed. The authors present the definition of the category “human capital in the context of globalization”. It is substantiated that state regulation of human capital development should be considered in terms of the impact of globalization processes and taking into account national strategies. The instruments of influence and principles of building the system of state regulation of human capital development are determined. The volume of financing and share of the State budget expenditures on education, health care, and spiritual and physical development are analyzed. It is indicated that there is a gradual decrease in the state spending on the development of human capital, which is a negative trend. It is noted that the decline in the standard of living of human capital leads to intensification of migration processes and intellectual capital outflow abroad. A national model of state regulation of human capital development under conditions of global competition is developed and proposed. To improve the effectiveness of the implementation of the state policy and minimize losses related to intellectual capital outflow, there proposed a set of measures on the part of the state to improve the regulation of human capital development in the country. Prospects for further research are to determine the impact of innovative components of state regulation mechanisms in the areas of activity that in the future could substantially improve the quality of human capital and increase the country’s human capital index.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mardus N. Y.
A Methodological Approach to Assessing the Development of the Internal Market for Goods (p. 98 - 104)

The aim of the article is to study the formation of a methodological approach to assessing the development character of the internal market for goods, which combines methods for assessing the state of the internal market for goods and methods for assessing the development of the internal market for goods, as provided by appropriate methodological approaches. To achieve the goal of the research, there studied the methodological apparatus that combines methods for assessing the state of the internal market for goods and methods for assessing the development of the internal market for goods, as provided by appropriate methodological approaches. A methodological approach to assessing the development of the internal market for goods involves several stages. Among them, the first stage is the formation of indicators for assessing the state that are contained in the information base, with using the method of inter-system conformity, based on the system of coefficients of development of the internal market for goods. Regarding the second block of indicators used for assessing the structural character, it is proposed to determine the indicators for assessing the structure by commodity groups and the indicators for assessing the structure by entities. As to the third block, it is proposed to determine the indicators for assessing the infrastructure development. For this purpose, there used a method to systematize the data contained in the information base for assessing the state of the internal market, which allows to order the indicators and divide them into three main blocks: indicators for assessing the functional character; indicators for assessing the structural character; indicators for assessing factors that determine the character. As a result, the distribution of indicators for assessing the state of the internal market based on their information heterogeneity is justified. In the article there generated a methodological approach to assessing the state of the internal market for goods that implies the formation of a system of indicators for assessing the state of the internal market for goods with the use of the method for systematization of data contained in the information base for assessing the state of the internal market for goods and its development. Prospects for further research in this area are assessing the development of the internal market for goods based on the methodological approach proposed in the article for assessing the development of the internal market for goods.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Miliutin H. V.
Assessing the Current State and Determining the Capabilities of the Domestic Power Engineering Industry to Ensure the Modernization of the Ukrainian Power Generation Sector (p. 105 - 120)

The article highlights the problems of development of the Ukrainian power generation sector. The aim of the article is to assess and analyze the current state of power engineering in Ukraine and determine its capabilities to ensure the modernization of the domestic power generation sector. The analysis of technical and technological support for the existing power generating fleet in Ukraine by types of main equipment is carried out. It is shown that the main equipment in Ukrainian NPPs is of Russian origin, and that in TPPs and HPPs are both of Ukrainian and Russian origin. The activity of main enterprises in the power engineering industry in Ukraine producing equipment for all types of power plants, including steam hydraulic turbines, generators, boilers, diesel engines, electrical equipment, cables, etc., is considered. A map of technical and technological support for the power generation sector of Ukraine is created. The main problems that hamper the further development of the domestic power engineering industry are identified. It is substantiated that the main strategic direction of the development of the domestic power engineering industry is the maximum possible satisfaction of the needs of the electric power complex by designing and manufacturing its own equipment and minimizing the volume of imports. It is proved that with the gradual solution of the existing problems and with more complete and competent use of the existing potential of the Ukrainian power engineering complex, the development of the enterprises of the complex in the set direction is quite realistic.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pelekh O. B.
Essence, Conceptual Principles, and Features of Structural Policy (p. 121 - 127)

Modern economic, social and political crises are to some extent due to insufficient attention to the formation and implementation of the state structural policy. The analysis of the results of studies of essential characteristics of the conceptual framework used allowed to formulate our own understanding of the concept of “structural policy”. Structural policy is an integral part of economic policy, which is an aggregate of social and economic activities carried out by the state and other economic policy actors through justifying and introducing purposeful structural changes and transformations in the economy and society with a view to realizing an optimal restructuring of the economic system, eliminating disproportions, ensuring balanced and positive development of the economy, solving urgent social and economic problems. Structural policy is characterized by system-wide properties. The defining features of structural policy are a plan package; the economic policy component; use of incentives, investment and innovation; directions of structural transformation; support for development of components of the national economy and formation of their necessary proportions; increase in efficiency of social production and its structure; ensuring economic growth. The goals of structural policy are implementation of structural reforms; use of structural changes as a tool to increase the pace of economic development; preparation of the economy to meet future needs. Structural policy offers methods and tools for its implementation. The toolkit includes tools for direct and indirect action. The components of structural policy are sectoral, innovative, industrial, investment, reproductive, regional, institutional, environmental, competitive, social, foreign economic policy. Structural policy in the process of its implementation takes various forms: policy of adaptation; prevention policy; anticipation policy; restructuring.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shevchuk S. V.
Theoretical and Methodological Bases for Defining the Category “State Regulatory Capacity”: Gnoseological Aspect (p. 128 - 133)

The category “state regulatory capacity” is considered from the positions of the epistemological approach and in the context of understanding events, phenomena, and processes that arise while realizing customs interests of subjects of foreign economic activity. In the course of the study it was found that under conditions of transparency and transformation of the global economic space, the need to identify the positions for enhancing the state regulatory capacity in the context of realizing national interests is an imperative of our time. The standpoints of scientists in understanding the essence of the definition of “state regulatory capacity” are analyzed and systematized, and the author’s approach to the interpretation of the definition is proposed. Emphasis is made on the multi-vector character of the standpoints in understanding the essence of the maxim, which in the general format reduces the effectiveness of its application and affects the nation-wide condition of the functioning of the state regulation system as a whole. There determined the standpoint of interpreting the maxim by scientists belonging to the Western economic school, who see the category “state regulatory capacity” mainly as human, financial resources, legislative base, and experience, unlike domestic researchers focusing on the opportunities and means that ensure efficiency of the regulation process. The differentiation of using the concept in the context of types of activities is provided. Attention is focused on the leading role of the state in terms of ensuring its managerial and organizational role, implementing regulatory capacity to realize its customs interests. A hypothesis is formed that it is the mechanisms of state regulation that are used to search for hidden resources and mobilize available reserves, opportunities, and resources in achieving positive indicators of economic activity; ensure close relationship between the state regulatory capacity and measures and instruments of state regulation of the economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shchepkina N. N.
Electronic Auctions under Conditions of Digital Transformation: Achievements and Miscalculations (p. 134 - 140)

The aim of the article is to study the basic principles of electronic auctions. The characteristic features of the work of electronic auctions are studied and summarized. The content of the category “electronic auction» is disclosed. The key interests of society that determine the level of public confidence in the work of electronic auctions in the context of the principles of information and digital activity are established. It is argued that the problems that require urgent solutions to fully implement the standards of openness and transparency in electronic auctions are the clarity in delineation of competences of individual authorities; elimination of cases of breaking the current legislation. The content of the implemented projects on transparency and openness of electronic auctions, namely “E-data» and “ProZorro», is disclosed. It is suggested to understand the institutional environment of electronic auctions as the formation of qualitative institutions — rules and norms for the functioning of such auctions. There presented and disclosed benefits of the work of electronic auctions for auction organizers and auctioneers, including the opportunity to participate in the bidding process from anywhere in the world without leaving your office; fair competition, excluding non-price methods; transparency and openness of the trading process. Further research in this area involves assessing the expediency of developing tools and mechanisms of virtual auctions aimed at forming digital reality, as well as elaborating a roadmap to address the deficiencies inherent in electronic auctions and accelerate development, globalization, mobility, and digital orientation of the economy.

Article is written in Russian


Antoniuk K. I.
The Efficiency of International Technical Assistance in Ukraine: Structural and Econometric Analysis (p. 37 - 44)

The aim of the article is to analyze methods to assess the efficiency of international technical assistance (ITA) and determine its real impact on economic transformations in Ukraine and its regions. Having examined a significant array of statistical data, scientific papers, there revealed trends in changes in the volume of and priority sectors for financing projects and programs of the ITA, taking into account political and economic transformations in the life of the country. There proposed approach to evaluating the efficiency of ITA based on determining the coefficient of correlation among the volumes of ITA in a particular sector of the economy, its share in the country’s GDP and individual sectoral indicators. Its evaluation for industries that are currently under reform (transport and infrastructure, health care and medicine, energy, the sectors of agricultural and education) has once again confirmed the conclusions of many scientists on the lack of clear correlation among the variables studied, which indicates multicriteriality, ambiguity and complexity of the impact of the ITA on the economic development of the country. Prospects for further research in this direction, given the ambiguity of the impact of ITA programs and projects on the development of the country, are in improving the system for monitoring projects by the authorities and local governments as well as in using modern analytical methods, simulation, system dynamic simulation, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kulyk V. V., Kudin G. I.
Forecasting Changes in Intrabranch Ties in the Input-Output Model (p. 45 - 55)

The study examines the theoretical and methodological bases for forecasting intrabranch ties, which are used in modern economic practice and are based on the methodology of national accounting. There analyzed reproduction processes of the production system of a national economy using the production account, the economy being considered as a single-branch, three-branch one. A review of modern economic and statistical methods to forecast changes in intrabranch ties based on the input-output model is carried out. The forecast of changes in intrabranch ties is made using an aggregated three-branch input-output model of the German economy (2013–2014). The study made it possible to carry out a systems analysis of the country’s economy, determine the changes in intrabranch ties and GDP due to changes in the structure of final consumption.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuryliak V. Y., Zhyvko M. A.
The New economy of Ukraine in the Context of Integration into European Civilization (p. 56 - 62)

The aim of the article is to analyze the current stage of development of the world economic system, which is formed under the influence of interstate processes of regionalization, reflects the current stage of globalization, and changes the usual foundations of the world order. The quantitative and qualitative forms of development and complication of international economic relations in view of the phenomenon of the emergence of a “new economy”, modern modernization, and “information society” are considered. It is noted that they form a new paradigm of the world order, include two interrelated trends of globalization processes that influence the formation of a holistic world economy and deep interdependence of national economies as a result of the intensification of international division and cooperation of labor, the liberalization of the economy, its wide transnationalization, which arise at the regional level and reinforce the processes of economic integration of the states, consolidating their economies into a single regional economic complex that has the potential to develop a “new economy”. Prospects for further research in this direction are to deepen the theoretical bases of the development of world economic architecture, which in the era of globalization is becoming a more holistic and at the same time complex, multi-layered polysystem of countries and regions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bondar-Pіdhurska O. V.
Materialization of the Methodological Approach to Forecasting and Assessing Efficiency of a System for Managing Innovation Factors of Sustainable Development of a Socially Responsible Economy Based on a Modified HDI (MHDI) (p. 43 - 48)

The aim of the article is to improve and materialize a scientific methodological approach to assessing and forecasting efficiency of a system for managing innovation factors of sustainable development of a socially responsible economy (IFSDSRE) based on the Modified Human Development Index (MHDI). The article presents an investigation of the HDI as a controlled parameter and an integral index for assessing efficiency of a system for managing IFSDSRE in view of determining the need for its modification in order to take into account the most significant parameters of the development of innovation activities in the context of sustainable satisfaction of basic needs of the majority of population. The terms “sustainability criterion” and “sustainability margin” of a system for managing IFRSOE are implemented into the economic sphere as markers of social stability. It is noted that a negative value of the sustainability margin indicates the country’s entry into the active phase of a crisis, a long stay in which will lead to a revolutionary situation. Based on an interdisciplinary approach, morphological analysis and index adjustment method, the author improved and materialized the integral index of efficiency of the system for managing IFSDSRE — MHDI. The index is the key regulated parameter of a system for managing IFSDSRE, which, along with the indices used in the generally accepted UN’s methodology for calculating the HDI, takes into account environmental, social, economic parameters of the subsystem of the system for managing IFSDSRE, in particular, the parameter of inequality in society. Thus it improves the HDI, presents a complex assessment of its efficiency as a dynamic system based on the criteria of sustainability, optimality, efficiency and is the basis for making management decisions on the implementation of measures aimed at increasing the level of satisfaction of the basic needs of population.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Grytsulenko S. I., Umanets O. Y.
The Infocommunications Development of Ukraine under Conditions of the Transition to the Digital Economy (p. 49 - 60)

A generally recognized factor that has a direct impact on the formation and development of the digital economy is the level of development of infocommunications, which actualizes the issue of its measurement as an indicator of the degree of readiness of Ukraine to implement its digital strategies. To this end, in the article, based on statistical data of the information society and the digital economy, with the use of appropriate assessment indicators (technological, economic, social ones) for Ukraine, Europe, and the CIS, there measured: level of ICT infrastructure development; level of using ICT by citizens, business and government; level of development of the ICT sector (economic, social aspects). According to the results of the study, relevant conclusions are made. In particular, the low level of infocommunications development of Ukraine relative to the countries of geographically close regions reduces the possibility of achieving the key objectives of its digital strategies, bringing to the fore the need to address the following specific tasks: development of ICT infrastructure through increasing the availability and innovativeness of communication networks; further provision of access of the population, households, business and government structures to ICT; preservation of niches in regional ICT services markets and sustainable development of the production segment of the ICT sector, enhancing its ability to meet the demand for communication equipment and new jobs.

Article is written in Russian

Yermachenko V. Y., Zhang Lei, Mirzoiev D. S.
A Methodological Approach to the Selection of Priority Areas for the Export of Educational Services Based on the Analysis of Indicators of Foreign Trade (p. 61 - 70)

The article presents the key indicators reflecting the number of foreign students studying in Ukraine and the volume of demand for educational services in the countries that are their main suppliers. Furthermore, it justifies the procedure of ranking potential competitors of Ukraine in the world market of educational services as well as the selection of components of a comprehensive strategy for the state program to support the export potential of higher education institutions based on the grouping of priority export territories in view of the requirements of potential consumers, who have so far been choosing other countries to study abroad, to the infrastructure of national educational systems. It is proposed to use a combination of ranking methods, cluster and discriminant analysis when choosing priority geographic areas for the export of educational services and a list of measures aimed at improving the international competitiveness of the national education system and individual educational institutions, which together form a universal algorithm for determining the necessary set of measures at successive stages of developing a strategy for the country’s entry into the global market for educational services.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ilyash O. I.
Directions of the State Policy to Ensure Equal Opportunities for Women and Men for Operational Purposes of Social Security of Ukraine (p. 71 - 78)

The aim of the article is to study the reasons for the low impact of the state policy in developing and implementing effective means for overcoming gender bias, the need to implement EU experience in overcoming gender disparities, and the priorities for increasing state economic opportunities in gender sensitive budgeting, which have a significant impact on social security of Ukraine. The generalization and systematization of views of a number of scientists made it possible to determine the backgrounds, assess the current state, and investigate the risks of state policy of socio-economic reforms in this area, present directions for countering gender tension in the society in order to ensure the convergence of social security of the state. The study analyzes the status of and trends in ensuring equal opportunities for women and men both in Ukraine and countries of the world. There identified risks of increasing gender inequality; deepening gender disparities in the political sphere, employment, education, training, and the economy; increased wage gap. The hypothesis of the study is the lack of procedures for the implementation of EU norms and practices for the prevention of violence, reduction of discrimination, and observance of human rights. The targeted state policy to ensure equal opportunities for women and men and the introduction of international human rights standards in all spheres of society using a comprehensive approach to overcoming institutional constraints and reducing economic losses are worked out. Prospects for further research in this direction are the improvement of the presented to state and local authorities recommendations on the development of operational goals of a social security strategy through changing policy priorities in the field of equal opportunities for men and women, prevention of gender-based violence, observance of political rights and economic opportunities for women in the society, maintaining parity in the labor market and promoting social protection for both men and women in the society. Further escalation of the problems of gender inequality and lack of strategic goals of social security in the gender sphere may lead to a decrease in the level of the national security of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Lelyuk O. V., Kostenko D. M.
Assessment and Diagnostics of the Development of Distributed Generation in Ukraine (p. 79 - 92)

The article proves that the concept of centralized energy supply is losing its significance, and the ideology of the new paradigm of energy development, among the basic provisions of which there is the need for the advanced development of distributed energy systems, comes to replace it. The aim of the article is to develop and test a methodological approach to assessing the level of development of distributed generation in Ukraine and its regions. There defined the essence of the concept “distributed generation” and its main principles: 1 – proximity of the location of production facilities to consumers; 2 – flexibility of production facilities; 3 – use of diversified nomenclature of primary fuel and energy resources (PFER). The methodological approach to assessing the development level of distributed generation in Ukraine and its regions is proposed. Within the framework of the approach: the indicator of covering demand by local production of regions of Ukraine is calculated; the degree of adequacy of local production for covering electricity demand in them is estimated; the indicators of development of distributed generation in regions of Ukraine are calculated; the structure of the power generation park in the country is studied, and the indicator of flexibility of production facilities in its regions is calculated; the level of flexibility of facilities in regions of the country is assessed; the structure of the power generation park in Ukraine by type of PFER is analyzed, and the indicator of diversification of production facilities in regions of the country by type of PFEPs is calculated; the level of diversification of facilities in regions of Ukraine by type of PFEPs is assessed; based on individual indicators, including the indicators of covering demand by production, energy flexibility, and diversification of facilities, the integral indicator of the development level of distributed generation in regions of Ukraine in 2017 is calculated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yaroshenko I. V., Semyhulina I. B.
Regulatory Support for Public Administration of the Development of Rural Areas and the Agricultural Sector in Ukraine (p. 93 - 104)

With the growing influence of economic globalization processes on the development of rural areas and the domestic agricultural sector, the relevance of studying new approaches to the formation of the economic basis for the functioning of self-sufficient territories, to overcome the critical problems of rural areas and ensure their sustainable development in the context of aggravating endogenous and exogenous risks, is increasing. Obviously, the current crisis situation in rural areas of the country neither contributes to satisfying interests and needs of producers and consumers of domestic agricultural products nor to providing residents of the territories with jobs and modern public services. Moreover, there intensified efforts on searching for new strategic approaches to managing the development of territories, which are aimed at reducing the differentiation of the level of socio-economic development of regions (territories, communities, etc.) by equalizing the conditions of economic activity, ensuring rational use of the production and resource potential of regions (territories, communities and etc.); achieving sustainable economic growth; improving the socio-economic indicators of the living standards in Ukraine. The importance of forming a legal framework essential for the functioning of an individual administrative territorial system (region, territory, community, etc.), assessing its condition with a view to its further use in public administration of territorial development determines the importance of elaborating and implementing an effective legal framework for solving socio-economic problems and stimulating sustainable regional development in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vlasyuk V. Y.
Government Support and Transparent Reporting as Tools of Market Transformations in Ukraine (p. 20 - 27)

The article deals with analysis of various approaches to scientific assessment of economic management. There presented a detailed consideration of methodological aspects related to determining quantitative and qualitative indicators of activities of business entities. The legislative consolidation of accounting and financial reporting in Ukraine is reviewed. The principles of integrated reporting, which were developed in Ukraine based on the recommendations of international experts, are summarized. The legislatively established requirements for the list of articles, financial statements indicators to be published are described. Practical examples of national policies aimed at supporting entrepreneurship in countries of the Asia-Pacific region are studied using a constructive and critical analysis. Attention is paid to proposals of the USA to support the American economic system. Separately, the prospects for the development of the domestic economy are investigated based on a process-oriented approach. Problems associated with ensuring an integrated approach to the diagnostic tools of financial information quality by means of the model of M. Boenisch are analyzed. There disclosed a number of other factors that complement the model of M. Boenisch, which expands the range of tools in order to achieve transparency and openness for the entire Ukrainian economic system. In order to improve the system for assessing risks associated with accounting abuses other relevant factors are being actualized. The necessity for stimulating entrepreneurial structures in the implementation of processes aimed at identifying changes in economic performance indicators is substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Kramarev H. V.
Justification of Promising Areas for the Development of the Manufacturing Industry in Ukraine (p. 28 - 45)

The article deals with the analysis of the state of the manufacturing industry in Ukraine and justification of promising directions for its development. It is determined that one of the most important branches of the manufacturing industry is mechanical engineering, and the industries that have the potential for development in Ukraine are the manufacturing of civil aircraft and passenger cars. There analyzed the state of the civil aircraft manufacturing industry: the dynamic patterns of aircraft manufacturing in Ukraine, the capital equipment stock and its age composition, the country’s fleet of aircraft; there considered an integrated assessment of the competitiveness of domestic airplanes AN-148-100A and AN-140-100, the global aircraft exports, the structure of the global market for the final products and the global market for general aviation, the structure of the global market for aircraft engines, technical and economic indicators of national manufacturers of aircraft for general aviation and of most widely represented light Ukrainian-made airplanes. The comparative analysis of the aircraft manufacturing industry in Ukraine and individual countries is carried out. A strategic matrix of SWOT analysis of the aircraft manufacturing industry in Ukraine is developed. It is proved that the priority directions in the development of the domestic aircraft manufacturing industry are the production of small general-purpose airplanes as well as of aircraft components (aircraft engines, etc.). There analyzed the state of passenger car manufacturing: models of domestic-made passenger cars, the dynamic patterns of their production in the country, market segments in which Ukrainian automotive products are represented and the competitive environment, an integrated assessment of the technical level of domestic cars ZAZ Lanos T-150 and ZAZ Lanos T 100 in comparison to similar products from leading manufacturers in the C-Segment, positions of Ukraine and some European countries in the world ranking in terms of the number of passenger cars per 1,000 inhabitants, the dynamic patterns of the global passenger car manufacturing, the top 10 countries – car manufacturers / the largest passenger car exporters / the largest passenger car manufactures / global manufacturers of automotive components / countries leading in terms of sales of electric cars. A strategic matrix of SWOT analysis of the automotive industry in Ukraine in terms of passenger car manufacturing is built. It is justified that promising areas in the development of the domestic automotive industry in the context of passenger car manufacturing are the component assembly of electric vehicles in chain order: SKD (semi knock down assembly) ? MKD (medium knock down assembly) and production of components for passenger cars of global leading manufacturing companies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Komarnytska H. O.
The Essence of Public-Private Partnership and its Intensification under Conditions of the Development of Investment and Innovation Activity (p. 46 - 51)

The article specifies the essence of the concept of public-private partnership and justifies the importance of its intensification in the context of the development of investment and innovation. The regulatory aspects of interpreting the content of this concept in the context of Ukrainian legislation are considered, and the domestic and foreign literature on these issues is analyzed. It is noted that public-private partnership in its content is a rather broad concept and covers various forms of cooperation between the public and private sector. Cooperation between public and private partners is carried out within the framework of various organizational and legal models. The subject of a public-private partnership is the joint implementation of various activities (the scope of which is mainly limited by legislation of a country) on the basis of the division of tasks and risks between public and private partners. It is concluded that the literature gives different interpretations of the concept of public-private partnership: as a system of state-business relations, as specific joint projects of public and private partners, as a form of cooperation, as an alliance, as a social institution, as a form of market interaction, as a special mechanism, etc. Different approaches to understanding the concept of public-private partnership indicate various aspects of this phenomenon; therefore, it is complicated and not appropriate to reduce the interpretation of this concept to one sentence. It is determined that, as concerns content and results, a public-private partnership has much in common with typical performance agreements. At the same time, the differences are precisely in the context of management of relevant projects and the content of agreements between the public and private partners. The limits of the concepts “public partner” and “private partner” are characterized, which is important given that the identification of these partners provides the possibility of compiling the list of entities that can enter into contractual relations within the limits of a public-private partnership. The relationship between the concepts “public-private partnership” and “public-private partnership” is considered.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vasyltsiv T. H., Lupak R. L., Rudkovsky O. V., Byelikova S. O.
State Regulation of the Development of the Tourist Complex as a Branch Element of the National Economic Security System (p. 31 - 38)

The aim of the article is to substantiate the conceptual provisions for state regulation of the development of the tourist complex as a branch element of the national economic security system. The necessity of state participation in regulation of the development of the tourist complex, which is determined by current trends in the market environment, is substantiated. The theoretical principles of the formation of the system for state industrial regulation are identified, and its impact on the economic security of the state is considered. The characteristics of the components of the development potential of the tourist complex in the system of state industrial regulation are presented. There made a review of the essential characteristics of the concept “state regulation of the development of the tourist complex,” which confirms the lack of a unified scientific approach to determining the basic criteria for measuring effectiveness of state regulation of tourism activities. The elements and sequence of state regulation of the development of the tourist complex, which takes into account the prerequisites, measures, tools and objectives of the regulatory policy of the state in the tourism industry, are determined. The elements of the state policy for realizing the potential and ensuring the economic security of the tourist complex of the state are formed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ilyash O. I., Blokhin P. V.
Formation of the Economics of Peacebuilding in the System of National Economic Security (p. 45 - 52)

The urgency, versatility and complexity of the problem of establishing the economics of peacebuilding in the system of national economic security are a matter of utmost importance for Ukraine, which has become an object of the Russian aggression, and requires a more deep study. The absence in the Ukrainian realities of a relevant study on the problem of the economics of peacebuilding complicates the development of mechanisms for overcoming internal and external threats to the economic security of the country, which necessitates the intensification of scientific research in this area. The article examines the development principles of the economics of peacebuilding, as a tool to overcome the social and economic imbalances in the development of Ukraine, and its impact on ensuring the economic security of the country. An attempt is made to determine the impact of the economics of peacebuilding on the system of economic security of the country in the post-conflict period. It is proved that the economics of peacebuilding in the system of national security is the material basis for the national sovereignty. The results of the study deepen the problem of underdevelopment of economic ties with EU countries. The authors are convinced that the reduction of hybrid threats and risks to the economic security of the country based on the economics of peacebuilding can guarantee the sustainability and stability of the national economy, its ability for self-development and economic progress along with social priorities and interests of the country. At the same time, the achievement of a truce creates new opportunities for the restoration of industrial and infrastructure facilities, attraction of international donors, resumption of economic ties, real support and revitalization of small and medium-sized businesses, formation of a new business model of the national economy. It is concluded that among the national interests of Ukraine in the sphere of economic security the highest priority should be paid to the creation of a competitive, socially oriented economy on the basis of peacebuilding and ensuring a steady increase in the standard of living and welfare of the population.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnyk T. M., Pugachevska K. S.
Determinants of Import Dependence of the Ukrainian Economy (p. 53 - 61)

The urgent issue of the formation of an effective import control system with the aim of stimulating the domestic industrial production and expanding the export potential of Ukraine is considered. The study is based on the analysis of the volume of import consumption in the economy of Ukraine. The review of scientific sources in this area indicates that among scientists there are discussions about the impact of imports on economic development. The issues of the influence of tariff and non-tariff restrictions on the competitiveness of domestic products are investigated only in a small number of the existing works. At the same time, further research is needed on the trends in and implications of the growing import dependence of the Ukrainian economy. There are analyzed the trends in foreign trade of Ukraine; commodity and geographical structure of imports; direction of their use for intermediate and final consumption, and gross accumulation. The causes and consequences of the excess of imports over the domestic production are determined, and indicators of the openness of the national economy are calculated. The possibilities of import substitution in certain economic activities are evaluated. The priority of combining the strategy of import substitution with the export orientation of industrial production on the basis of effective export promotion in foreign markets is grounded.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khaustova V. Y., Reshetnyak O. I.
Main Trends and Problems in the Development of Science in Ukraine (p. 62 - 72)

The aim of the article is analyzing the patterns and trends prevailing in the scientific sphere of Ukraine to identify the main problems in its development. As a result of the study, the main regularities and trends in the development of science in Ukraine are determined. It is proved that the development of science in Ukraine is contradicting the global trends. The main indicators characterizing the state of scientific development of the country, namely the changes in the number of scientific institutions; number of researchers; qualitative composition of researchers; distribution of funding for scientific and technological works; structure of sources of funding scientific and technological works; structure of expenditures on the implementation of scientific and technological works; share of scientific and technological works in GDP; number of scientific and technological works, applications and patents for inventions; number of innovatively active industrial enterprises, including those that provide funding for research and development. The study made it possible to identify the main problems in the development of the science sector and suggest directions for their solving. Prospects for further research in this area are the justification of specific measures for steering the domestic scientific sphere out of the crisis and the elaboration of recommendations on the formation of a strategy for the development of scientific and technological activities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khodzhaian A. O., Khodzhaian A. R.
Conceptual Framework of the State Structural Policy of the National Economy (p. 73 - 80)

The aim of the article is to define the conceptual framework for the formation and implementation of the policy for the structural adjustment of Ukraine’s economy, as well as to identify the basic principles, functional directions and priority measures to improve the structural policy of Ukraine. As a result of the study, key objectives and goals of the structural policy of Ukraine are identified, the criteria for determining the effectiveness of the organizational and economic mechanism for state regulation of structural changes are substantiated, and requirements for the formation and contents of intersectoral state programs for the structural adjustment of the economy of Ukraine are formulated. A set of functional and selective measures to improve the domestic structural policy, as well as mechanisms of institutional support for the implementation of these measures, are proposed. The functions of regulating the innovation and technological sphere in the system of the state structural policy are analyzed. The prospect for further research in this direction is the development of a methodology for determining the criteria for the selection of priority sectoral areas to perform structural changes in the Ukrainian economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shemayeva L. M.
Development of Public-Private Partnership in the Context of Indicators of Ukraine in the Global Rankings (p. 81 - 88)

The article presents an analysis of factors which affect the development of public-private partnership (PPP) in Ukraine. Considering that one of the main goals of PPP is to attract capital investments for the construction and modernization of infrastructure facilities, it is proved that the country’s positions in international rankings are important for developing relations with potential investors, strategic partners and also affect the development of the backbone links of PPP mechanisms. It is proposed to structure the indicators of global rankings by combining them into thematic blocks, namely: economic one (Doing Business, Global Competitiveness Index, Index of Economic Freedom, Legatum Prosperity Index); degree of corruption of the system (Corruption Perception Index, The Open Budget Survey, Global Open Data Index); governance indicators (Worldwide Governance Indicators). In the course of the analysis, it is determined that the country’s positions in global rankings should be considered simultaneously as indicators of the need for PPP and identification of obstactes in the development of partner relationship between the state and business. It is proposed to improve the Concept of PPP Development in Ukrainethe focus being made on the need for taking into account the country’s PPP- Readiness Index, based on a comprehensive assessment of the influence of factors of a political, economic, institutional, legal, social, and innovative and technological character. In this context, it is advisable to use the results of the analysis of the country’s positions in global rankings by representatives of government bodies, business, civil society institutions when formulating the national policy on PPP development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Voloshan I. G., Mazorenko O. V., Pysmak V. O.
Promoting the Export-Orientation of Ukraine’s Economy: Legislative and Regulatory Aspects (p. 29 - 36)

The article considers the problems of promoting the export activities of Ukraine. One of the tasks of the state in the context of European integration is the development and improvement of export activities of Ukrainian enterprises, which is impossible without measures to support and promote it on the part of the state. The integration of Ukraine into the European Union has contributed to the emergence of an objective need for reforming customs legislation and rethinking the methodology of its customs policy, as an element of the state policy for the protection of the national borders and security of Ukraine. The aim of the article is to justify the promoting effect of the customs regimes in Ukraine, the commodity structure of exports and the logistics component on the development of an export-oriented economy in the context of balancing the interests of exporters and the state under conditions of intensified foreign trade. In the framework of the study, the customs policy of Ukraine is analyzed, the essence of a customs regime is revealed, and the types of customs regimes are determined. The analysis of customs regimes in Ukraine showed that one of the most used ones is export. Furthermore, the structure of Ukraine exports is investigated, the top 10 current product groups are identified, and promising sectors of the economy are described. The comparison of the export structure of Ukraine with the world structure made it possible to determine that the commodity orientation of Ukraine’s exports is consistent with the global trends. Successful functioning in the international trade space is impossible without mainstreaming the logistics concept, continuous development of the functions, methods and tools of international logistics. A review of the regulatory support of logistics activities at intensifying exports in Ukraine is carried out and the main conventions on the regulation of international transport are systematized.

Article is written in English

Hutorov A. O.
Theoretical Bases of Development of Agro-Product Integration Relations (p. 37 - 46)

The aim of the article is to generalize and systematize the theoretical bases of development of agro-product integration relations. The genesis of integration of products is investigated, its relationship with value chains is shown. The principles of the implementation of agri-product integration relations are generalized. The interconnection of the production typology of agricultural manufacturers and agri-product integration is established. Organizational and economic basis for realizing the strategic potential for the development of product integration relations in the agricultural sector of the economy, the basis of which are the production typology and economic classification of agricultural producers, are enhanced. This, along with improving closed value chains, leads to the formation of an integrated system for organizing and locating agricultural production, the main link in reproduction of which, at the micro level, are integrated business entities, at the meso level – professional production associations and clusters, at the macro level – the agri-food sector, at the mega level – global production networks. A continuum of agro-product integration strategies is formed (full integration, partial integration, quasi-integration, non-integration, franchising), conceptual schemes for their implementation are developed. The integrity coefficient of the chain of creating surplus value is proposed as an indicator of the development of agro-product integration relations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Danilova E. I.
A Conceptual Approach to Assessing the Level of National Economic Security Based on Assessing the Economic Security of Stages of Social Reproduction (p. 47 - 53)

The aim of the article is to develop a conceptual approach to assessing the level of national economic security based on assessing the economic security at implementing each stage of social reproduction, which allows to identify sources of danger in the key processes of the national economy and evaluate the ability of the existing system of economic security to ensure balance, stability and development at each of the stages. The research methodology comprises: analysis method – to analyze the existing methodology for assessing the level of economic security of Ukraine; systematization – to form indicators of safety of input flows at each stage of public reproduction, indicators of implementation of the stage and indicators of output flows; additive convolution method – to calculate the Economic Security Index for the national economy. The proposed conceptual approach to assessing the level of economic security of the national economy allows to assess the economic security at implementing each stage of social reproduction and the national economy as a whole as well as to identify the compliance of the state of the economy with the safety criteria, namely: balance, stability, development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dybchuk L. V., Pchelianska H. O.
Marketing and Logistics Model of Distribution in the Food Market (p. 54 - 60)

The aim of the article is identifying the nature and characteristics of distribution in the food market and justifying the use of marketing and logistics distribution models for manufacturers and commercial intermediaries of food products. It is determined that distribution is an important part of marketing of finished food products, and the net result of the enterprise’s operation will depend on its effectiveness. Therefore, the logistics component, related to the organization of the physical movement, warehousing and storage of raw materials and finished products, also falls within the competence of marketing. It is established that the essence of the marketing logistics approach to enterprise management is the combination of the marketing mix and the logistics mix and involves the delivery of the right product to the right place, at the right time, and at a price lower than that of competitors. The changes in the structure of the wholesale turnover of the Ukrainian market over time are analyzed, and a high level of self-sufficiency of the country in terms of the main types of food resources is revealed. An upward trend in the retail trade turnover of food products is noticed, and the main factors affecting its behavior are singled out. The main advantages of the cooperation of food producers with distributors and the benefits of retail traders from such cooperation are identified. The key marketing strategies used in the food market, in particular, intensive, selective and exclusive distribution, are considered. The basic marketing and logistics models of distribution in the food market are defined, namely: direct (direct delivery of goods by the manufacturer to the consumer), indirect (using the services of a distributor as a commercial intermediary between the manufacturer and the consumer) and mixed one (using both direct and indirect models of distribution of goods). Moreover, the main factors that influence the choice of the model are analyzed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yevtushenko V. A., Kudinova M. М., Siladi K. B.
Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine in the National Ecosystem for Supporting Youth Startups (p. 61 - 67)

The aim of the article is to determine the main guidelines for the movement of startups in Ukraine as well as to study and assess the existing experience of working with international organizations whose activities are aimed at developing youth entrepreneurship and national higher education institutions (universities) to improve and deepen the cooperation. The essence of a startup is disclosed in the article, various definitions of the term “startup” are considered, the main trends in the development of the startup movement in Ukraine in general and youth entrepreneurship in particular are highlighted. Furthermore, the authoritative Global Startup Ecosystem Ranking is analyzed, and its evaluation criteria are given; the ranking of countries in terms of the number of startups and the Global Innovation Index is considered. Famous Ukrainian startups are studied, and their brief description is provided for a clearer understanding. The foreign experience in building ecosystem infrastructure, in particular, the experience of Singapore and Beijing, is reviewed. In addition, the national ecosystem for supporting youth start-ups in Ukraine and its main areas are analyzed. Moreover, the most important ecosystem projects are described, and their essence is determined. Examples of effective interaction between Ukrainian universities and international business incubators are given, in particular, the activities of the Innovative Ecosystem Sikorsky Challenge, a program aimed to support innovations and startups, at universities, and the positive experience of cooperation in the development of youth startups between the network of international academic business incubators YEP and the Faculty of Economics of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University is presented. The main activities of the business incubator, the history of its functioning are studied, and the opportunities that students receive while working with YEP in each of the presented directions are described.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mostova A. D.
The Institutional Framework for National Food Security (p. 68 - 76)

The aim of the article is to study the institutional framework for ensuring national food security, systematize its main problems and develop strategic directions for its improvement. Based on the analysis of scientific papers, a definition of institutions and institutes for food security is proposed. It is proposed to define the main institutions that facilitate the functioning of the mechanism for ensuring national food security as institutions for: market mechanisms and market pricing; social standards and macroeconomic indicators; technical regulation, certification, safety and product quality; commodity and financial interventions, food reserve; national agrarian policy and measures to support producers; infrastructure of the agricultural and food market; methods and tools of strategic planning; food security information; legal support for food security. Food security institutions are reviewed and systematized in accordance with the strategic level, at which the mechanisms for shaping the food security strategy are concentrated, and the tactical level, at which the mechanisms for implementing, coordinating and monitoring food security strategies are provided. The article considers the specifics of key food security institutions that exercise control over and are responsible for the formation of strategic directions of the state agricultural policy on issues of price, technical regulation, public procurement, development of the agricultural sector of the economy and areas of support for domestic producers, rural development, food safety and quality, consumer protection, formation of food reserves, coordination of and control over the activities of government bodies in the field of food security in accordance with the current state of food markets. The main strategic priorities for improving the institutional support for food security in Ukraine are identified. The main directions for further research should be the development of measures and recommendations for improving the state agrarian policy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Aksonova I. V.
Statistical Assessment of Pressure in the Ukrainian Labor Market (p. 33 - 40)

The labor market is an important component of any national economy since it forms the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the necessary labor force, on which the possibilities of structural transformation and dynamic changes in the country’s economy depend. In this regard, studying the labor market environment based on continuous monitoring of labor supply and demand and assessing their impact on the situation on the national and regional labor markets is relevant. The aim of the article is to conduct a statistical analysis of the main development trends in the Ukrainian labor market and assess the pressure of various socio-demographic groups of population on its formation and development. The methodological and informational basis of the study is scientific monographs, which highlight problems of the development of the modern labor market, materials from periodicals and Internet resources on these issues, statistical information from the websites of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the State Employment Service, and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. In the course of the study, the following methods are used: the generalization method, statistical methods of grouping, comparison, coordination, analysis of structure and trends. As a result of the study the population groups forming the labor market are identified; the analysis of the behavior of the main demographic indicators characterizing the labor market and affecting its formation is conducted; trends in the indicators exerting pressure on the labor market are considered; the correlation of demand, supply and employment of labor in dynamics is analyzed; a comparison of the regions of Ukraine in terms of the correlation of the number of unemployed, vacancies and average wages for the vacancies is carried out. Prospects for further research in the area of formation and regulation of the modern labor market are to assess the impact of the quantitative and qualitative structure of labor migration flows on the state of the Ukrainian labor market and the development of the country’s economy as a whole.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Horal L. T., Gavrylenko M. M., Vojtkiv T. I.
Tariff Setting for Natural Monopolies in a Digitalized Economy (p. 41 - 46)

The aim of the article is to justify the need for changing approaches to tariff setting due to the impact of digitalization of the economy on all production processes, using the example of enterprises specializing in transportation of crude oil. It is noted that the pricing policy of Ukrainian enterprises is still quite often implemented in an unsystemic way and without due professional knowledge, in particular, enterprises use a costly approach to pricing; when pricing, customer demand and competitor prices are not considered; price is used regardless other elements of the marketing mix; prices are not adapted to changes in market conditions. The analysis of the methodology of tariff setting for enterprises which are natural monopolies is carried out, using the example of UkrTransNafta OJSC of the group of companies Naftogaz of Ukraine. The attention is focused on the amount of rental charge. The establishment of the rental charge in US dollars with the tariffs set in hryvnas led to the fact that the rental rate for certain routes before the revision of tariffs was higher than the current ones. It is noted that the digitalization of the economy will lead to a decrease in tariffs for natural monopolies and an increase in their attractiveness since digitalization will become the main tool for achieving Ukraine’s strategic goal – increasing its GDP by 8 times, to USD1 trillion in 2030, and ensuring the well-being, comfort and quality of life of Ukrainian at the level above the average in Europe.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Savchenko M. V., Shkurenko O. V.
Trends in and Prospects for the Development of the Agricultural Commodities Market in a Globalized Economy (p. 47 - 54)

The aim of the article is to identify trends in and prospects for the development of the agricultural commodities market in a globalized economy. As a result of the study, it is found that identifying and investigating the development directions of the domestic agricultural commodities market are important tools in the system of measures for increasing competitiveness of agricultural commodities, forecasting development of the industry and adapting it to trends in the global agricultural commodities market. Based on the data for the period 2012–2016, the trends in the exports and imports of agricultural commodities in Ukraine are analyzed and the following features revealed: a decrease in exports with a simultaneous decline in exports of agricultural commodities; the main market for Ukrainian agricultural commodities remains the Asian market. It is established that in the global perspective, agricultural commodities markets stay well balanced due to the positive trends of maintaining high export opportunities of countries and relatively stable world prices. The predicted values of the world Agricultural Price Index up to 2024 are obtained. To improve the position of Ukrainian producers in the global agricultural commodities market, the following set of measures is proposed: developing innovative production technologies and improving the technical equipment in branches of the agricultural sector in order to enhance the quality of manufactured products to meet international standards; facilitating cooperation and integration of agricultural producers; improving logistics in promoting Ukrainian products on the world market in order to avoid losses in price and quality; developing transport infrastructure; ensuring state support for large-scale export-oriented production.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shevtsiv L. Y., Senyshyn B. B., Spodaryk T. I.
Trends in the Entrepreneurship Development in the Context of Establishment of the Information Economy in Ukraine (p. 55 - 61)

The trends in the entrepreneurship development in the context of establishment of the information economy in Ukraine are investigated. The aim of the research is elaborating strategic directions to stimulate the development of business activity, taking into account the current trends in the context of international and European integration. The article defines the essence of the concepts “entrepreneurship”, “small enterprise”. The main negative factors in the development of Ukrainian small enterprises are systematized, with regard to internal and external factors affecting the creation of favorable conditions for their functioning. Positive trends in the development of small enterprises on the territory of Ukraine at the state and regional level are highlighted. The main reasons for the failures due to which small enterprises cease their operation are identified. One of the reasons is the incompetence of their management staff, which has negative consequences. The changes in the number of small and medium-sized enterprises and the state of development of Ukrainian enterprises during 2010-2018, as well as the stimulating factors that have a direct impact on the expansion of the business sector are analyzed. To facilitate access to information they need, support institutions operating in Ukraine are identified, namely: information and advisory institutions, investment funds and companies. Strategic directions for effective development of Ukrainian small enterprises with use of cloud services are proposed. Theoretical bases for the economic development and support of small enterprises under the international programs COSMO and Horizon 2020 are formed. Using the results of the research, it is determined that small and medium-sized enterprises are developing at a slow pace, one of the reasons being the tax burden, which entails using tax evasion schemes by an enterprise or even ceasing its business activity. Therefore, providing IT infrastructure, reducing tax pressure, creating investment programs through government and foreign financing will help develop and enhance the competitive advantages of small enterprises internationally.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Azmuk N. A.
Digital Employment in the System of Regulation of the National Economy (p. 52 - 58)

The widespread use of digital technologies in the manufacturing and service sector is changing the labor process, social and labor relations, contributing to the development of digital employment. Digital employment is global in nature and, in fact, is beyond national regulation. The aim of the article is to assess digital employment, forecast its changes in the short term, develop measures and tools for adapting regulation of the national labor market during the transition to a digital economy. A hypothesis for evaluating digital employment, which is based on measuring the number of people employed in the production of a pure digital product, is proposed. The number of employees, volume of production, and the share of value added created in this segment are estimated. Using trend lines, a forecast of changes in the number of employees and volume of manufactured products in the short term is made. The forecast is based on the evolutionary scenario of development of the national digital economy. The reliability of the forecast is confirmed by high values of the coefficients of determination. It is proved that global threats along with the implementation of a negative impact on the social and labor sphere can act as a factor stimulating the development of digital employment. It is determined that the mixed-product manufacturing sector should become a segment of digital employment growth. A system of measures to regulate the national labor market, which is adapted to the conditions of transition to a digital economy, is developed. The proposed system of measures implies a combination of measures for adaptation to digital regulatory conditions with traditional and digital tools. The combination of traditional and digital regulatory tools facilitate minimization of resources.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dankevych V. Y., Pyvovar P. V., Dankevych Y. M.
The Impact of World Trade Liberalization on the Development of Domestic Brewing Companies (p. 59 - 67)

The aim of the article is to study the impact of world trade liberalization on the development of domestic enterprises (using the example of the brewing industry). The conceptual basis for the introduction of liberal regimes for international trade is considered. Modern approaches to simplification of customs barriers to export and import operations are analyzed. The main advantages and disadvantages of liberalization of foreign trade are identified. The beer market in Ukraine and the main trends in it are analyzed. The geographical structure of Ukraine’s beer export and import is investigated. The main stages of the brewing industry entering international markets are considered. The construction of a gravity model makes it possible to make qualitative forecast of the development state of markets for economic agents of the national economy. That is, the gravity model is primarily a tool for modeling trade flows of a particular product among countries. Based on the gravity model, it is possible to assess effectiveness of international trade. In our case, as a result of constructing the gravity model and testing it using forecast indicators, the most promising markets for export activities of brewing enterprises are determined. The gravity model of international trade in beer based on the trade balance is adapted. The constructed model is tested, and potential partner countries for export operations are identified. A set of proposals is worked out for the development of beer export to the recommended countries.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zinkevych O. V.
Application of the Systems Approach to Studying the Essence of State Regulation of Forestry (p. 68 - 75)

The main goal of this article is to apply the methodology of the systems approach to studying the essence of state regulation of forestry. The article analyzes the features of using this approach, its advantages in comparison with other methods of scientific research. To apply this method, in the work, forestry is considered as a branch of material production, which involves studying, keeping records and ensuring reproduction, conservation and protection of forests, as well as regulation of their use, in order to meet the demand of economic entities for forest and other related resources. It is noted that from the perspective of the systems approach, the forestry sector can be represented as a combination of various sub-sectors and industries, namely: timber-planting and other activities in forestry, logging, provision of auxiliary services in forestry, and collection of non-timber forest products. Using the methodology of the systems approach to studying forestry state regulation made it possible to specify its content. In particular, it is proposed to consider the system under study as follows: state regulation of forestry is a system of relations between government bodies and economic entities that carry out business activities in the field of material production, which involves studying, keeping records and ensuring reproduction, conservation and protection of forests. This results in one-way influence on the functioning of these entities, which is made using the necessary methods, tools, and levers, with the aim of forming a favorable environment for their development. Furthermore, the study specifies the goal of the system, which is in creating an economic environment that would contribute to the development of forestry in the country, identifies the main entities in the system and their relationship. The article analyzes the features of the interaction between the system of forestry state regulation and other economic entities. Special attention is paid to highlighting systemic problems in this area and directions for their solution.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ilyash O. I., Buhaichuk N. V.
Strategic Goals of the Housing and Utilities Infrastructure Development in the Direction of Ensuring High Quality of Life and Realizing Economic Interests of the State (p. 76 - 88)

The article provides theoretical substantiation and proposes a solution to the scientific problem associated with the elaboration of conceptual, methodological and applied tools for the development of housing and utilities infrastructure, with regard to threats to and opportunities of the economic security system of the state. There determined the influence of the level of development of housing and utilities infrastructure on the realization of national interests and economic security by ensuring high quality of life within the triad of functional components: housing provision; equipment of housing; improvement of outdoor space. An integral assessment of the level of development of housing and utilities infrastructure is carried out; the internal opportunities for the development of housing and utilities infrastructure in the system of ensuring national economic interests with the use of the method of taxonomy are identified. There detected the main threats to the development of housing and utilities infrastructure, in particular, threats to the health and life of the population due to low living standards: low rates of introducing renovation / modernization and reconstruction of outdated housing, low rates of energy efficiency in the housing and utilities sector of Ukraine. Using the method of taxonomy, internal opportunities for the development of housing and utilities infrastructure in the system of ensuring economic security of the state are identified. The main indicators of the level of development of housing and utilities infrastructure, broken down in accordance with the functional components of security of housing and utilities infrastructure, are generalized to a single composite indicator of the level of development. Using multivariate statistical analysis, there established a direct linear relationship between the component of quality of life in Ukraine and the level of development of housing and utilities infrastructure, in particular, equipment of the housing in the country. A forecast model of the level of development of housing and utilities infrastructure is proposed in order to ensure high quality of life of the population and realize the economic interests of the state. The strategic guidelines of the state policy and applied recommendations for ensuring the development of housing and utilities infrastructure in the field of realization of economic interests, which envisage the improvement of the housing provision, equipment of the housing stock, and the improvement of outdoor space, are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kopylchak B. V., Chopko N. S.
Improvement of the System of Strategic Development Management by Youth Public Organizations in Ukraine (p. 89 - 97)

The aim of the article is to study the available ways to improve the strategic management system in youth public organizations, based on successful principles and practices of commercial organizations in combination with the specifics of public activities and youth policy. With regard to the analysis of scientific works of world scientists and the practical experience of the authors, the components of the system of strategic development management are considered, and trend management principles are systematized. As a result of the study, a comprehensive approach to determining the development priorities of youth public organizations and the priority development goals until 2025 are proposed. The necessity of a two-stage formation of a sustainable development strategy in a youth public organization is justified. The article indicates that improving the system of strategic development management by youth public organizations is possible only through the use of innovative approaches. Among the approaches, more attention should be paid to application of trend management principles, the most effective management practices and the latest methods. A promising issue requiring more careful consideration in further studies is the cyclical nature of the process of managing strategic development by youth public organizations. The future transition from sequential to cyclical management in youth organizations will ensure rapid achievement of development priorities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prokopchuk O. A., Kutsmus N. M.
Effectiveness of Investment Support for Multifunctionality of Agriculture in the Global Economy (p. 98 - 105)

The aim of the study is to assess the effectiveness of investments in agriculture and the impact of investment processes on implementing multifunctionality of the industry under globalization. An assessment of the effectiveness of investments through the prism of the results of implementing multifunctionality of agriculture in the context of globalization processes is carried out. It is established that investment processes in agriculture of Ukraine demonstrate positive development trends and, unlike other sectors of the economy, are more resistant to macroeconomic fluctuations, the impact of which is partially offset by global trends in the world agricultural market development. It is proved that investment activity in agriculture is characterized by an increase in the level of economic efficiency, in particular, as concerns the industry performing a globalization function. This is manifested in an increase in the international trade of enterprises and the value of agricultural exports. The social and environmental efficiency of investment processes in agriculture is low and does not meet the needs of rural population and the significance of agricultural production on a global and national scale. It is argued that a growth in the overall efficiency of investment processes in agriculture requires consolidating efforts of government institutions and industrial entities in the direction of increasing the social and environmental responsibility of the latter. The results of the scientific research constitute the methodological basis for developing proposals to improve the efficiency of investments in agricultural production as a tool for the industry to implement its multifunctional public purpose.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Barna S. S., Shpak Y. O.
The Current State of the Energy Market and Monitoring of the Key Issues in the Innovation Management System (p. 71 - 81)

The factors affecting the innovative development of energy service enterprises are considered. The aim of the study is to establish the relationship between the energy policy, willingness of the population to use measures to improve energy efficiency and innovative potential of energy service companies. The review of scientific papers on energy security and environmental safety shows the relevance of developing mechanisms for reforming the energy market through considering the level of development of innovations and their management at the energy company level. The objects of the study are 5 energy companies in Western Ukraine (Ternopiloblenergo, Lvivoblenergo; Chernivtsioblenergo; Rivneoblenergo; Volynoblenergo), which are the main energy providers in the region and, accordingly, reflect the general trends in the formation of the energy market. The methodological tools of the study are the focus group method, personal interviews, variation of parameters, statistical observation, induction, deduction, generalization. The article presents external and internal factors affecting innovative development of energy enterprises. The aspects of the regulatory policy in the energy market are considered. Risks for the development of the energy market and provision of quality energy services are identified. A low level of innovative development of personnel in the energy sector is noted. The importance of enhancing the cooperation of energy enterprises with the united territorial communities with the aim of implementing the approved legal norms for reforming the energy market in Ukraine is taken into account. Among the measures to strengthen the motivation of the population to use energy saving technologies, intensification of activities of media and other information providers is noted. The results of the study may be useful for managers of energy companies, the heads of the united territorial communities and associations of co-owners of apartment buildings, scientists working on projects to improve energy conservation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Grytsulenko S. I.
Analysis of Trends in the Development of Innovation and Invention Activities in Ukraine (p. 82 - 90)

Under conditions of a new wave of scientific and technological progress and transformational changes of the modern economy caused by it, one of the most important factors of technical and economic growth at the micro and macro levels is innovation and invention activities, which actualizes the issue of determining the state and problems of their development in Ukraine. To this end, the article measures the main indicators for evaluating innovation and invention activities in the context of creating and using innovation proposals and inventions in the economy. Based on the results of the study, the following main trends are observed: - a low level of invention activity and its long-term decline in 1991–2019 (–41 %); - a significant drop in the number of applications for inventions, patents for which are most in demand in the world (up to 2096 in 2019 from 8687 in 1993); - negative trends in patenting inventions (–14 %) and utility models (–17 %) as the basis for technological innovation by the corporate sector of the economy in 2010–2019; - a steady negative trend in applying the results of invention and innovation activities in production, which, along with the loss of inventive potential, caused a decrease in the level of activity of enterprises using technological innovations (–18 %), the volume of innovative products sold (–26 %) and the level of their novelty (–5 %) for 2008–2018. Taking into account the generally negative trends, the need to revive the institution of innovation and invention activities as a key tool to overcome the accumulated technological backwardness of Ukrainian enterprises and the modern factor in the development of the country’s economy on an advanced technological basis is emphasized.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dankevych V. Y., Dankevych Y. M., Sheheda O. V.
Formation of the Land Market as a Prerequisite for Ensuring Food Security of a Country (p. 91 - 103)

The article outlines theoretical approaches to the study of the development of land relations and provides the substantiation of the methodological toolkit for the study. A set of legal and economic relations that arise in the course of turnover of land is investigated, namely, transactions of purchase and sale, inheritance, exchange, gift, pledge, lease and emphyteusis. The structure of land transactions and changes in their number over time by designated purpose are analyzed. The use of the Ward’s and k-means methods made it possible to divide regions of Ukraine into three cluster groups by level of development of land governance as well as to identify the existing problems. The European practice of the development of land relations and the formation of the agricultural land market is considered. The practice of the EU Member States has proved that a developed and well-institutionalized land market is a necessary prerequisite for ensuring food security of a country and developing its export potential. The analytical review and findings of the study of the features characterizing the evolution of land relations in Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Romania made it possible to identify the main elements of the formation of a full-fledged agricultural land market, namely: cadastre, specialized land institutions, market-based land valuation mechanism and state regulation. It is established that effective use of land resources in Ukraine is possible only provided that the land reform is completed and a full-fledged agricultural land market is formed. Only under these conditions the use of the available agricultural land can be intensified, and the food and economic security of the state can be ensured.

Article is written in English

Zhurakovska L. A.
The State of and Prospects for the Development of Small Businesses in the Agricultural Sector of Ukraine (p. 104 - 110)

The aim of the article is to study the current state of small businesses operating in the agricultural sector of the Ukrainian economy and to substantiate the ways for increasing their efficiency, which will fully reveal their potential. In Ukraine, small businesses make a significant contribution to gross agricultural production and remain a stabilizing link of the economy. They smooth out price fluctuations and manufacture niche products, thereby ensuring the food needs of the population and the appropriate level of food security of the state. However, they are in unequal competitive conditions compared to medium-sized and large agricultural producers. The low level of their provision with agricultural machinery leads to low labor productivity and to a large extent affects the completeness and timeliness of implementing a range of works on growing and harvesting crops. A significant problem for small enterprises remains the imperfection of state support programs for farms, in particular, the unevenness of support during the year, changes in the allocation of funds from the state budget, complication of the procedure for submitting documents for consideration by commissions, and imposition of additional limitations. This leads to a decrease in the number of recipients of such support as well as to the denial by farmers themselves to receive such support. The adopted amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Farming” do not yet prompt personal peasant households to transform into farm businesses. The state policy for stimulating the development of small businesses in the agricultural sector of Ukraine should be based primarily on solving the issue of further functioning of households. At the same time, the state support measures should be aimed at strengthening organizational and economic assistance in the creation and functioning of family farms, with their subsequent integration into agricultural cooperatives.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zinchuk T. O., Patynska-Popeta M. M.
A Modern Model of United Territorial Communities as a Factor of Business Development in Rural Areas: European-Ukrainian Realities (p. 111 - 118)

The purpose of the article is to investigate and describe the main trends in business development in rural areas in the context of Ukraine’s European integration prospects; identify the conditions, directions, and tools for setting up a rural business. Modern problems of Ukraine’s rural areas are characterized. It is proved that increasing the efficiency of the agricultural sector is a key factor for strengthening the economic potential of territorial communities. Main positive trends in the export of agricultural products of Ukraine, their impact on business development in rural areas are analyzed. The priority measures for innovative development of the agri-food sector are highlighted. Attention is focused on elaboration of alternative schemes for organizing rural development, which ensures diversification of employment and sources of income. The types of non-agricultural employment in rural areas are presented. The conditions, promising areas, tools for creating and developing business in rural areas are determined with regard to European practices. The need for stimulating local initiatives to unleash the potential of agricultural production and business, in order to fully use favorable for Ukraine conditions in the world agricultural market, is substantiated. It is argued that positive changes in the development of rural areas of Ukraine can be achieved by investing in innovation, support for business, human capital. Using the example of activities of united territorial communities (UTC) of Zhytomyr region, a system of measures for business development in rural areas is presented.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Kramarev H. V.
Methodological Approach to Estimating and Analyzing International Trade in Manufactured Goods in Value Added Terms in Ukraine and Countries of the World (p. 119 - 129)

The article proves that for the past three decades international trade has been considered largely within the framework of the concept of global value chains (GVC). As a tool for assessing the integration of countries into GVCs and forming effective foreign economic policy based on it, the system of trade in value-added (TiVA) indicators is widely used. It is found that today there are powerful online information resources, which allow obtaining the values of value-added indicators for a certain set of countries of the world, including in terms of economic activities. The OECD, together with the World Trade Organization, has launched a joint initiative to create a database of trade in value-added indicators, which are calculated based on world input-output tables developed by the OECD and describe the interactions between industries and consumers in 64 economies. However, due to the small share of Ukraine in international trade flows, there are no estimates for the country in the OECD database. But the analysis of international trade in value added is an important tool in identifying bottlenecks and hidden risks in Ukraine’s trade. Therefore, it is obvious that it is necessary to adapt the methodology to the system of statistical information of Ukraine and implementation of corresponding calculations. The aim of the article is to develop a methodological approach to estimating and analyzing international trade in manufactured goods in value added terms in Ukraine and countries of the world. The methodological approach proposed in the article allows estimating international trade in manufactured goods of countries of the world and Ukraine or its individual economic activities, determining homogeneous in terms of indicators of international trade in manufactured goods or individual economic activities groups (clusters) of countries of the world, identifying areas of the integration of the Ukrainian industry and its individual economic activities into global value chains.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Salashenko T. I.
Competitive Electricity Markets: Theoretical Approaches and Formation Models (p. 130 - 143)

The article presents theoretical approaches to formation of a competitive electricity market: centralized and decentralized ones, making a choice between which depends on the degree of balance of physical and commercial electricity flows in the energy system, which determines the features of market modeling. Regardless of the approach, the modeling of a competitive electricity market is based on justifying its 7 key determinants including geographical delimitation, dispatch method, market infrastructure, time scaling, forms of trade, pricing methods, and product diversification. There is conflicting experience in the world concerning a competitive electricity market and no universal model of it. The analyzed models of the EU, USA and Australia show their significant differences. The decentralized approach was applied in the EU and a four-segment model of a competitive electricity market with zonal delimitation of energy systems was created. In the USA and Australia, the centralized approach with nodal delimitation of energy systems was used, and two- and one-segment models were created, respectively. The models of a competitive electricity market presented in the article also differ in dispatch methods, forms of trade, and products. Their only common characteristic is the orientation towards marginal pricing, although in each of the models it has specific features. Ukraine has formed a quasi-competitive electricity market using the European model. The correction of flaws of this model should be made with regard to the characteristics of the national energy system and the successful experience in liberalizing the electricity markets of other countries of the world, not just that of the EU.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kupalova H. I., Goncharenko N. V.
State Stimulation of the Development of Organic Crop Production in Ukraine (p. 144 - 152)

The aim of the article is to improve the theoretical and practical bases of state stimulation of developing organic crop production in Ukraine, with consideration for the best domestic and foreign practices of increasing the motivation of agricultural producers to adopt the principles of organic farming. It is established that the current rate of agricultural land involvement in organic production is not enough to solve the problems of soil degradation that have accumulated in the agricultural sector and to conquer market niches at the international and national levels.The theoretical bases of state stimulation of organic crop production are justified by clarifying its essence and functions. A logical frameworkmodel of financial support for organic producers in Ukraine, which provides for balancing sources of income and expenses, is proposed. It is determined that the priority areas of state financing for stimulating organic production should be research in the field of organic farming; training of specialists in the field of organic production; analysis and forecasting of organic markets; provision of loans to finance operating activities of organic agricultural producers during the conversion period.The practical use of this model will help increase the motivation of agricultural producers to implement the principles of organic farming, form ecological and logistics infrastructure, and scientific and educational support for organic farming.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Obelets T. V.
Current Trends of Transformation of Labor Resources during Technological Changes (p. 153 - 159)

The aim of this work is to deepen the understanding of the impact of modern technological progress on the nature of transformation of the labor market, changes in the role of qualification level of the employed population, and determination of the skills and competences of employees necessary for forming competitiveness of labor resources and overcoming modern challenges in the labor market. The article presents an assessment of the potential of intra-industry polarization by individual types of economic activity, with consideration for the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) at enterprises. It is noted that information and communication technologies replace certain tasks performed by humans. Consequently, the share of employed among not only highly qualified and paid experts but low-skilled service personnel related to this sphere will increase as well. An assessment of the share of employees who used ICT in enterprises is performed. It is determined that, in Ukraine, the maximum number of employees who used ICT in their professional activities were employed in the fields of information technologies, telecommunications, as well as scientific and technical activities. The close to the Ukrainian average value share of employees using ICT in enterprises is observed in industry. The minimal use of ICT was in the field of transport, warehousing, postal and courier activities and water supply. The results obtained have allowed to single out a number of enterprises with the maximum potential for applying the latest technologies and reformatting the structure of the employed population. The role of skills and competences necessary for forming competitiveness of labor resources and overcoming various challenges in the labor market is determined. The core skills and competences for effective employment are defined with the use of the content-based model O*NET and proposed in the study. It is noted that promoting the development of non-routine skills is the most relevant strategy for the formation of labor competitiveness under modern conditions, especially as a result of the impulse created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Faizov A. V.
Features of Organizing Public Procurement in Ukraine (p. 160 - 165)

The article deals with considering modern organizational aspects of the functioning of the public procurement system, taking into account innovations in tender legislation, international and European practices; defining the role of a clearly structured public procurement system in ensuring rational and efficient use of budget resources; characterizing new laws in the field of procurement organization; evaluating the adaptation of new organizational forms of tendering in the national tender system; characterizing centralized and decentralized procurement organization models with consideration for efficiency and rationality of the processes; analyzing the collegial form of tender organization by national customers with the use of tender committees, identifying prospects for its further use in procurement; highlighting problematic aspects of modern traditional tendering practices; systematizing a number of advantages of alternative methods for organizing procurement using the institutions of an authorized person and a centralized procurement organization; describing the features of organizing cooperation between customers in the implementation of a centralized procurement function, in particular, presenting details of the interaction mechanism, methods and stages of introducing a centralized model in the context of domestic tender practice; determining the potential of a centralized form of organizing procurement to ensure rational use of budget funds, minimize financial and human resources; forming further directions for intensifying the spread of pan-European centralized procurement practices.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yastremskii O. I., Kulyk V. V.
The Total Load of Emissions on the Final Demand in the Aggregated Interbranch Model of Ukraine (p. 166 - 174)

The aim of the article is to develop a methodology and study the results of calculating the load of direct and indirect emissions on final demand based on the data from the aggregated costs-emissions scheme of Ukraine. The article examines the total load of carbon dioxide, nitric oxide and methane emissions on the end use of three groups of economic activities of the Ukrainian economy in 2017. The largest emitter is the secondary sector (industry), whose share in the total load of emissions is about 50 % for carbon dioxide, nitric oxide, and methane. The tertiary sector (the services sector) is the second largest emitter. During 2013–2017, there observed a downward trend in the load of emissions on the final demand of the studied sectors, especially for 2013–2014. A scenario “reduction in the total economic cost of production ? change in emissions” is developed and implemented. It characterizes the elasticity of the release of all emissions to the total economic cost of production – a decrease in the total cost by 1 % leads to a relative decrease in the release of all emissions by 1.41 %, 1.62 %, 1.71 %. Prospects for further research are the expansion of the calculation scheme to 10 economic activities, 19 economic activities, 42 economic activities, 10 types of emissions; application of uniform methodological approaches and single arrays for comparative environmental and economic research; elaboration of a costs-emissions scheme with additional technologies “processing of emissions” and quadrants “interbranch flows of economic activities for processing emissions”, “additional release of emissions in processing emissions” for Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bogdan N. M., Gardaushenko N. A., Skryl O. R.
Competitiveness Determinants of the Travel Industry in Ukraine: the Hotel Complex (p. 34 - 44)

The activity of Ukraine’s hotel complex has been analyzed as a factor in the competitiveness of the travel industry; approaches to determining the impact of the hotel complex on tourism development have been suggested. The purpose of the article is to scientifically substantiate the necessity to develop hotel industry as a factor in the competitiveness of Ukraine’s travel industry and to suggest approaches to assessing the impact made by hotel industry on the development of the travel industry. To achieve this goal, a number of general and special research methods have been used, namely: analysis and synthesis; abstract and logical method; comparison; hierarchy analysis method; entropy; mathematical modelling in Economics using correlation and regression analysis; integrated approach. The article substantiates the need to develop tourism infrastructure, including the hotel complex, which is determined by the importance of tourism as one of the most promising areas of economic development in Ukraine, in general, and its individual regions, in particular. It has been determined that, in addition to tourist attractions, it is worth paying attention to providing tourist infrastructure with accommodation. To give scientific background proving the impact of hotel complex development on travel industry development and to assess this impact, a correlation analysis of the factors of travel industry development in a region has been carried out. The analysis results have been used as a ground for assessing the impact of hotels and other accommodation on tourism revenues. It has been found out that tourism industry today is an important factor in the social and economic development of various countries and regions, a source of stable and dynamic increase in budget revenues and a factor in activating the entire network of national economy sectors, as it has a multiplier effect on other economic sectors. Therefore, it is important for Ukraine to unite the efforts of tourism employees and researchers from different fields in order to create a framework for further development of the country’s tourism infrastructure. Comprehensive research in this area can become the subject of further research.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dekhtyar N. A.
Theoretical Tasks of Determining the Sectoral Structure of an Economic System (p. 45 - 55)

The article aims to determine the methodical approach to the analytical assessment of the structure of a country’s national economy in accordance with the sectoral classification of the economic formations theory using tourism as an example. With this aim in mind, the main tasks have been fulfilled, namely: a comparative analysis of the main cost indicators of the global market in the periods of stability and crisis has been carried out through grouping primary, secondary and tertiary economy sectors; the main trends in the dynamics and structure of the tourism industry in Ukraine by volumes of agricultural, industrial and services sales have been identified; the demand pattern of the tourist market in Ukraine has been characterized by determining the contribution of small and microenterprises to the total volume of the products sold; the necessity of providing an additional forecasting approach has been substantiated, the approach being based on carrying out structural analysis and studying intersectoral relationships by means of the number series extrapolation method, used by the World Travel and Tourism Council to determine trends in national tourism markets. Having made a review of research on the theoretical aspects of the national economies classification we have come to conclusion that a three-sectoral model (agriculture, industry, services) still dominates in the field, although it no longer meets modern requirements as to carrying out empirical research. This is the reason why the number of published works, whose authors suggest to expand the list of sectors, has been growing. The author of the study in question suggests to provide an additional independent sector that accumulates surplus funds and distributes them among the market actors. The analysis of the global GDP carried out shows that the shares of the primary sector and extractive industry grow in times of crisis, while the service sector, and tourism in particular, requires macroeconomic stability. The same trends have been observed in Ukraine. The countries of the world have been clustered according to their national economy structure, with Ukraine getting into the most numerous group of countries with a developed agro-industrial complex (though it does not play the leading role in forming the GDP), a high share of the service sector and a sufficient level of industrial production.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kavun-Moshkovska O. O.
Structural and Regional Peculiarities of Developing Retail Trade in Ukraine (p. 56 - 64)

The purpose of the article is to identify the structural and regional peculiarities of developing retail trade in Ukraine during 1990–2019. On the basis of the research the author has come to conclusion that the process of developing retail trade in Ukraine during the years 1990–2018 can be divided into four periods, two of which (2000–2013 and 2016–2018) show positive dynamics of changes in the industry, and the other two (1991–1999 and 2014–2016) reflect the negative consequences of the processes that took place in the country’s economy at that time. The structure of retail trade of the whole period analyzed, with the exception of 1993–2001, was dominated by non-food goods. Their share increased from 55.6 % in 1990 to 61.5 % in 2018. The turnover structure at retail trade enterprises in 2005–2013 varied from region to region: in some regions the volume of retail turnover was increasing, while in others it was shrinking. The analysis has showed that during 2005–2019, the structure of Ukraine’s retail trade turnover was dominated by consumer goods produced in the country, but their share fell from 70.5% to 52.4%. The realization of consumer goods in Ukraine during the period analyzed was carried out mainly through traditional sales channels (i.e., shops). The research has resulted in proving that the share of trade turnover made with payment cards increased from 21.3 % to 30.8 % during 2017–2019. At the same time, retail trade, carried out by way of executing bank loan agreements, accounted for a small share, ranging from 2.2 to 2.4 %. A thorough analysis of the commodity structure of retail trade and that of the regional peculiarities of Ukrainian consumers’ preferences can serve as future research perspectives in this direction.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kulakov G. T., Bondar-Pіdhurska O. V., Khomenko I. I.
Innovative Development Intensification in the Socially Oriented Economies of Belarus and Ukraine: Problems and Factors (p. 65 - 72)

The purpose of the article is to study and highlight the main problems and factors characterizing the innovative development intensification in the socially oriented economies of Ukraine and Belarus, and to suggest the ways to eliminate the causes of hindering this intensification. Taking into account the correlation-regression analysis results and the characteristic features of the structural elements of the innovative development index of Ukraine in 2007-2017, we have identified the main problem and a significant factor hindering the innovative activity in the economy, namely, “innovative products sales in the industry”, i.e., the low level of commercialization of the scientific and technical activity results, caused by a low level of patent protection and patent research. The analysis of marketing and patent research in Ukraine shows the necessity to perform a number of the following tasks: 1) to adopt the national standard of Ukraine titled “Patent and Market Research”; 2) to introduce changes to the DSTU 35-75-97 “Patent Research. Basic Provisions and Procedure”, which is the national standard for implementing the process of patent and market research; 3) to adopt the Methodology for Patent and Market research; 4) to eliminate the hindrances for providing enterprises and organizations with modern market and marketing information. Emphasis has been placed on the imperfections in the methodology for evaluating the efficiency of projects related to the innovations implementation, which have recently attracted some interest from businesses. This primarily applies to licenses, as the right to use an invention, industrial design or license can become an object of transference in a specially defined area and during a specified period of time. A methodology for paying for license agreements (contracts, agreements) has been suggested, based on assessing the net present value received from implementing licenses, which determines the cost of licenses and operating costs paid to authors from the license income during the time agreed under the contract. This will intensify the businesses’ innovative activity and create appropriate conditions to develop the socially oriented economies of Belarus and Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khaustova V. Y., Reshetnyak O. I., Poliakova O. Y., Shlykova V. O.
Assessment of the Ukrainian Industries’ Participation in Global Value Added Chains (p. 73 - 85)

The article aims at assessing the Ukrainian industries’ participation in global value-added chains and identifying prospects for intensifying these processes. The research methods used are the following: statistical analysis, comparison, and graphical analysis. The rise of the role of exporting products with high added value, as well as that of their integration into global value creation chains has been identified. A methodical approach to assessing the Ukrainian industries’ participation in global value creation chains is proposed, making it possible to determine the level of the country’s involvement in the process of international labor division by industries. The export pattern of Ukrainian industries has been analyzed, and the industries that have a significant export share in total exports and in the output composition have been identified. The main indicators of the country’s participation in global value-added chains have been calculated, namely: the national value added in the country’s exports by industry; the contribution of certain sectors of the economy to the national value added of gross exports; the share of the total national gross exports value added accounting for the national value added in specific industries. The positioning of industries in the plane of coordinates ‘share in the exports pattern – share in the national value added in exports’ has been carried out. It has been determined that the share of national value added in the exports of Ukrainian extractive industries is higher than the average one in the countries surveyed, while in the manufacturing sphere it is lower, which confirms the nearly total lack of knowledge-intensive and innovative stages of manufacturing in the latter, thus raising the share of low-grade products in exports. Several directions of the rational integration of Ukraine’s economy into global value added chains have been suggested. State policy measures to intensify the involvement of Ukrainian producers in global value added chains have been designed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Husakovska T. O., Kuzhel N. L.
Startups Development in Ukraine: Problems and Prospects (p. 29 - 34)

The article aims at identifying topical problems in designing and successfully managing innovative projects for small and medium enterprises in Ukraine and finding effective ways to solve them. The following general and special research methods were used to solve the tasks set in the article: analysis and synthesis, generalization, comparison and systematization. The stages of startups development have been considered as well as the types of funding sources for enterprises that are just starting their activities. The role of the state in supporting small and medium-sized businesses under risk and the importance of encouraging the promotion of innovative projects in order to increase the competitiveness of both enterprises and the country as a whole have been identified. The global ecosystem of startups has been analyzed as to its theoretical representation. The reasons for the low innovative activity of Ukrainian enterprises have been identified and ways to overcome them have been suggested helping startup projects to achieve ultimate success despite the imperfect legal system and unfavorable investment climate. The authors have designed some measures guaranteeing that domestic business ideas will have sufficient potential for development. The experience of the most promising cities in Ukraine, which have been developing and implementing startups in recent years, has been studied. The necessity not only to support the development of startups at the initial stage, but also to mentor and coordinate them throughout the project life cycle has been proven. The main results of the research can be used in practice while designing and implementing of innovative business ideas at an enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dankevych V. Y., Prokopchuk O. A., Usiuk T. V.
Participatory Management of Territorial Communities’ Local Security: EU Experience and Practices (p. 35 - 41)

The article purpose aims at studying the results of and prospects for further implementing the European participatory model of local security management of territorial communities amidst the local government reform in Ukraine. The research results show that it is worth implementing the European participatory model of governing united territorial communities as a means of forming their local security, activating and accumulating their adaptability. The author of the article understands the local security of territorial communities term as a state guaranteeing protection to the population’s vital interests, resistance to internal and external threats, ability to operate sustainably and progressively. Under the conditions of decentralization, the key factor for its formation is the community’s endogenous potential, which proves the feasibility of using the participatory approach as a tool for activating and accumulating adaptability. Some participatory management tools are already being used successfully at the local level and have confirmed their effectiveness. The analysis of the unite territorial communities (UTCs) in the Zhytomyr region made by the amount of income of the joint purse per 1 inhabitant in 2019 allowed to single out 3 groups of UTCs according to their income. Arguments have been suggested that further active application of the European participation experience (online questionnaires and discussions of initiatives, implementation of comprehensive programs to cover the activities of communities, etc.) will help increase the local security of communities. The scientific results received serve as the methodological basis for substantiating the proposals to increase the UTCs’ local security by intensifying the implementation of the European experience in participatory management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krasnonosova O. M., Kharchenko R. V.
State Policy Tools in the Field of Support and Stimulation of Small Business Development (p. 42 - 47)

The definition of state policy on business regulation is understood here in accordance with the current Commercial Code of Ukraine, namely: it is a system of economic, social, organizational, legal and political support of a favorable business climate so as to form and develop small business. This understanding allows us to distinguish three blocks within state policy. The first block includes fiscal components of economic relations, primarily related to financing (this block includes monetary policy, investment policy, antitrust policy, depreciation policy, innovation policy); the second block includes organizational measures, in particular, support for small businesses, domestic banks and funds financing small businesses; the third block includes legal measures, namely: a simplified system of registration and licensing, improved tax legislation as for the implementation of international accounting standards, simplification of the accounting system for small businesses, etc. The classification of the system of state policy tools in the field of supporting and stimulating small business development is considered. Unlike others, it provides systematizing state influence tools in two main vector directions: state regulation tools and state policy tools of support and stimulation of small and medium business entities, which makes it possible to clarify the composition of each group. The composition of the state regulation mechanism of small business development has been clarified as one including functions, methods, means and tools, thus allowing us to single out the tools of state regulatory and coordination influence. The concept of state support for small business has been specified as a component of public policy, which is interpreted in the work as a set of methods and forms of promoting small business, taking into account the interests of the state and businesses, allowing us to formulate its purpose, directions and tools. The latter are divided into three groups by their features: state forecasting and planning of small business development by type of economic activity; tax and financial and investment support; information, advisory and institutional support for the development of small business entities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kubakh T. G., Zhuravka O. S.
Ukraine’s Policy in Developing the Domestic Investment Climate (p. 48 - 57)

The purpose of the article is to study the main trends occurring in the investment climate of Ukraine, to analyze the main factors that have both positive and negative impact on the competitiveness and investment attractiveness of the domestic economy. As a result of the analysis, Ukraine’s position in the international ratings on investment attractiveness was assessed; the main directions of capital investment were identified, and investor countries were pointed out. Priority state projects are indicated, which are to increase the level of high-quality investment resources. At the same time, significant problems were identified that need to be addressed immediately in order to prevent a slow-down in creating an attractive investment climate for foreign and domestic capital. Systematization of a number of factors allowed to emphasize the need not only to attract to the economy financial resources from other countries, but also to intensify state policy that would promote the investment of Ukrainian funds through a system of incentives, and create the rule of law. Investment plays a central part in the development of a country’s economy; it is investment that makes it possible to implement the latest technologies or innovation; or to significantly expand production capacity of a business entity; or to solve a number of social problems. At the same time, the intensification of investment activity is impossible without promoting the accumulation of domestic financial resources, through a system that would stimulate Ukrainian people to save, and through institutional investors, to transfer capital to the real sector of the economy. Prospects for further research in this area are the following: to determine the degree of the state involvement in the development of a competitive economy; to find the ways to eliminate the imbalances and exogenous and endogenous factors that have a chilling effect on the investment process in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Obolentseva L. V.
Formulation of the Concept for Social Tourism Development Strategy in Ukraine: European Experience and National Realities (p. 58 - 66)

The article aims at formulating a concept for the social tourism development strategy in Ukraine, taking into account the European experience and national realities. The article proves that the main function of social tourism is to create and maintain appropriate conditions that allow people to participate in the tourism process, i.e. provide them with access to recreation and the effective recovery of physical, emotional and spiritual strength. The study presents a generalized structure of the social tourism system in Europe, enumerating the supply and demand factors together with their key elements. Based on foreign experience, the work identifies three main systems of social tourism services, such as: specialized accommodation; holiday checks; charitable donations. The article suggests a concept for social tourism development strategy in Ukraine, providing for a number of measures to form social tourism in Ukraine. To specify the measures needed, it is necessary to use the SWOT-analysis data and results. It has been found out that these measures comprise several groups, such as: organizational measures; measure related to participants’ work in social tourism; specific steps for social tourism promotion. The author comes to conclusion that social tourism can be considered the basis for domestic tourism development in a country, because a high development rate of domestic tourist flows will provide a new qualitative level of development for the national tourism industry, which, in turn, will contribute to placing the focus of tourism on tourists, both domestic and foreign ones.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Omelyanenko V. A.
Practical Aspects of Using the Institutional and Innovation Design Methodology in the Context of Innovation Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development (p. 67 - 74)

The need to consider the institutional component of solving the problems of sustainable development forms a new analysis plane due to a significant expansion of the range of influence factors. At the same time, it becomes important to develop the practical aspects of substantiating the most important areas of institutional design. The study in question aims at analyzing the institutional aspects of innovation policy development in the context of sustainable development. To achieve the task, it is important that innovations cover not only technological changes, but also changes in organizational, labor and social practices as such, thus potentially influencing transition to sustainable development. The author sums up the innovative aspects of sustainable development goals. To identify the components of the "sustainable development – security" national system the author has adapted the OECD (OECD Well-being Framework) experts’ approach to the classification of sustainable development components through systematizing 17 sustainable development goals by capital type, institutional capital included. The calculations results show that institutional capital is the most problematic component of the "sustainable development - security" national system. The institutional-network approach to innovation policy involves assessing the entirety of institutions and their interaction patterns within active networks (institutional clusters), ensuring the transformation of resources into real results by effective methods in accordance with the national context and the society demands. Some aspects of this approach have been analyzed in a branch case study of the tool engineering development. The author suggests an institutional-innovative project outline in the sphere of tool engineering development. During the project implementation it is possible to realize the potential of the innovation network; to identify promising innovation areas within the network mentioned; to improve the mechanism of attracting private capital on the basis of the public-private partnership. It also becomes possible to develop new ways of intensifying innovation processes, thus causing an increase in the research and development efficiency, products competitiveness, and state support effectiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pavlov A. I., Didukh S. M.
Inclusive Development of Ukraine as a System (p. 75 - 81)

The purpose of the article is to improve the scientific understanding of the essence of the categorical apparatus of inclusiveness and define the inclusive development of Ukraine as a system in its spatial dimension, sectoral and sectoral sections, political, economic, social and spiritual manifestations. It is determined that the systemic challenge caused by the global economic crisis, exacerbated by the epidemic of coronavirus infection, has focused on the problem of overcoming poverty and socio-economic inequality at both global and national levels, which in turn raises the issue of society's transition to principles. inclusiveness. It is substantiated that the issue of transformation of the model of development of society has become important against the background of the contradictory development of globalization, associated with the widening gap between the countries of the center of the world system and countries on its periphery. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the definition of stages, directions of creating the preconditions for inclusiveness, and in substantiating the systemic idea of inclusive development of Ukraine. To reveal the essence and structure of inclusive development of Ukraine, an analysis of the scientific discourse related to the categorical apparatus of research was carried out. An analysis of inclusive development was conducted based on the identification of paired dichotomies that reveal the essence and direction of this process. The rating of Ukraine according to the index of inclusive development among the developing country is presented. A systematic idea of inclusive development of Ukraine is formed, the components of which are inclusion as a social phenomenon, inclusive development as a process, its elements (objects) and result. Problems that have their manifestation at the national level, in the spatial dimension, sectoral and sectoral sections, in the political, economic, social, spiritual spheres of public life, and are certain obstacles to the formation of an inclusive society, prospects for social development based on inclusiveness. Prospects for further scientific research are in the plane of substantiation of the domestic model of inclusive development, which would take into account the specifics and current state of Ukrainian society.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rayevnyeva O. V., Azizova K. M., Ostapenko V. M.
The Innovatively Active University: Formation Causes and Performance Features (p. 82 - 97)

The article aims at defining the essence of the "innovatively active university" concept as well as the key characteristics and structural components of such a university; substantiating the management framework of educational innovations taking place at a university and providing a flexible combination of teaching, research and entrepreneurship. The article considers the regulatory support present in Ukraine as for the functioning of the education system, including all its levels and subsystems, the activities of various educational institutions, public or private, irrespective of their attendance modes. The analysis of definitions of the "innovative university" term suggested by various scientists has been carried out thus allowing the author to consider this concept within the functional approach. It has been determined that the given terms are similar in their meaning, but still the difference between them is rather significant. For a deeper understanding of the concept, decomposition of the abovementioned definitions into the main components has been made according to the following points: the essential component of the concept; activity areas of the innovative university; the mission of an innovative university. The "innovatively active university" has been defined as an entrepreneurial organization that possesses the resource readiness to promote accelerated social and economic development through intensive transfer of knowledge and technology generated at the university due to partnership relations established with stakeholders (labor market actors, government and NGOs). Models of the innovative university and their distinctive features have been suggested. The main characteristics of the innovative university that contribute to the development of new systems and management processes have been outlined. The ways of managing innovative universities have been considered and the management framework of educational innovations at a university has been offered. Prospects for further research in this area lie in the following: analyzing the competitive strength of universities around the world to determine the internal and external features of an innovatively active university, helping it to achieve and maintain a high level of competitiveness and attractiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Нaponenko H. I., Yevtushenko O. V., Shamara I. M.
Problems and Prospects of Greening Tourism in Ukraine (p. 4 - 10)

The article considers modern tendencies in tourism development and analyzes the existing approaches to greening tourism; ecological problems of managing tourism development in Ukraine. The article aims at substantiating scientifically and theoretically the prospects for developing the national tourism market in Ukraine, taking into account the environmental factor. To attain the aim, the following general scientific and special methods were used: analysis and synthesis were used to study the scientific principles of tourism development; statistical analysis, comparison and generalization helped us to study the impact of environmental factors on the tourism market development in Ukraine. The authors draw attention to the need to increase the level of environmental safety of travelling in accordance with the sustainable development criteria. It is determined that greening tourism is a consistent implementation of the ideas within the "green" economy paradigm and international experience in nature conservation and sustainable environment in environmental legislation, recreational tourism, regional management, development of "green" technologies, environmental education and recreational nature management. The main directions of greening tourism at the macro- and micro-levels have been identified by analyzing the state of the environment and the tourism industry in Ukraine. Thus, the authors believe that an ecologically safe tourist product should include the following points: environmentally friendly transportation, food consumption, garbage collection and processing throughout the journey; environmentally friendly building materials used for tourist accommodation; participation of tourism business entities in solving environmental problems in the region.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hubarieva I. O., Salashenko T. I.
Electricity Safety Monitoring as a Tool for the State Regulation of Ukraine’s Electricity Market (p. 11 - 20)

The article substantiates the methodological approach to electricity safety monitoring and developing practical guidelines for its implementation. Electricity safety is a state of the electric power system, which ensures its existence and guarantees that the electric power interests of its elements are satisfied. Ensuring electricity safety means achieving a systemic state in which electricity consumers are aware of the effective level of their own consumption, which provides them with the chosen option of operation, and electricity producers can meet their electricity interests to the required extent. Electricity safety monitoring should be carried out regularly (daily) and be of an operational and preventive nature in order to quickly identify risks and respond to threats of electricity crises. The methodical approach to monitoring electricity safety includes the following points: development of the electricity safety components and synthesis of the electricity safety indicators; quantitative and qualitative assessment of electricity safety; generalized assessment and qualitative interpretation of electricity safety. A methodical approach to monitoring electricity safety is proposed, which requires daily assessment of the quantitative and qualitative state of electricity safety by consumer (adequacy margin), production (reliability margin) and fuel (supply margin) components, and makes it possible to quickly identify and respond to risks, thus avoiding electricity crises. The approbation of the proposed approach allowed us to specify the crisis level of the real electricity security and the pre-crisis level of the nominal electricity security. Such a situation requires immediate action by the central executive body to prevent power outages.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Isaieva N. I.
Institutional Support for Strategizing in the Economic System of a State (p. 21 - 27)

The initiation and implementation of the strategizing process in a country should be accompanied by a comprehensively developed, high-quality state mechanism of strategic management. The existence of an institutional mechanism, which provides for the creation of organization structures in the public authorities system, the division of their functions and responsibilities, clearly defined interaction of structures designed to achieve common strategic development goals, is a prerequisite for a successful strategic process in the country. Providing institutional support for strategizing in a complex socio-economic system, which is still developing, requires coordination and balance in the activities of all the strategic management entities, thus becoming relevant in the current conditions of Ukraine’s development. The article aims at studying the structure and functions of the executive authorities in the field of strategic management. Recommendations have been developed to improve the institutional support for the strategic process in the country by implementing the EU institutional organization principles, designed by the ESDN, and the PDCA Cycle in public administration. The author identifies Ukraine’s strategizing participants; develops recommendations for supplementing the public authorities’ functions in the strategizing field; suggests creating an organizational structure which would support strategizing; and creates a consistent institutional support scheme helping to implement strategizing at the national level.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Onyschenko V. O., Berezhna A. Y., Filonych О. М.
Incentive Tariff Regulation of Utilities: Theoretical Basis and Practical Application (p. 28 - 44)

The article aims at studying the manifestation features of the system of incentive tariff regulation of utilities given the need to attract investment to modernize the utilities infrastructure in cities in the field of electricity and centralized water consumption, indicating its risks and benefits. The following methods were used: decomposition, comparative analysis (when considering the methods of tariff calculation based on the "cost plus" principle and on the "rate of return on invested capital and regulatory asset base"), scientific abstraction, systemic approach, construction of scientific hypotheses (when studying the algorithm for the calculation and dynamics of the incentive tariff for electricity distribution services and centralized water consumption). A change in the electricity cost for end consumers under the transition to an incentive tariff for electricity distribution has been modelled. The dynamics of tariffs changes in centralized water consumption services is studied based on the concept of the rate of return on invested capital and regulatory asset base (RAB-methodology), and the number of investment resources that under such conditions can be directed to modernize urban water infrastructure is forecasted. The expediency of different approaches to determining the rate of return on capital (single and differentiated rate) given the legal status of assets is proved. The RAB tariff regulation concept is applied to services in the field of centralized water consumption with the identification of risks and benefits for consumers, service providers and potential investors in the modernization of the industry infrastructure. Given the energy intensity of the services, the impact of the full introduction of the electricity market on the tariffs dynamics and on the need for effective social tension preventers has been identified. The research results prove the necessity and validity of applying incentive tariff regulation in the field of electricity and water consumption, provided that the interests of consumers and service providers are balanced; and allow authorized persons to design a number of appropriate measures to ensure that the service provider invests the established amount of finance in the first regulatory period, given the uncertainty of this issue in the regulations.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dankevych V. Y., Zakharina O. V., Zolotnytska Y. V.
Institutional Support for the Development of Public-Private Partnership in the Public Governance System (p. 17 - 22)

Theoretic aspects of the formation and development of public-private partnership (PPP) are studied. By using a systemic approach, it is determined that the most important factor in improving the efficiency of public-private partnership is its institutional support. It is substantiated that globally, the PPP is mostly initiated by public authorities, which can be explained by a number of reasons. Firstly, public authorities are responsible for the country's strategic development. Secondly, public authorities formulate "rules of the game" for businesses and individuals, plan capital investments, and select PPP entities that are a priority in terms of public interest. In fact, it is the state that undertakes to address objectives facing society. Therefore, nowadays the importance of creating a favorable institutional environment to develop PPPs is recognized at all the levels of economic management and is emphasized in the scientific community. It is proved that the interests of public authorities, private businesses and the community are reconciled through the complementation of political, legal, and socio-economic norms and rules of conduct. The functions of public authorities at the national and regional levels of government are systematized.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Reshetnyak O. I., Uspalenko V. I.
Theoretical and Methodological Approach to Identify Promising Areas in Scientific and Scientific and Technological Activity in Ukraine (p. 23 - 36)

The study is aimed at developing and implementing a theoretical and methodological approach to identify promising areas in scientific and scientific and technological activity in Ukraine. The following general and special methods are used: logical analysis (to determine the state and trends in the development of scientific and scientific and technological activity in Ukraine and other countries); modeling and prognosticating (to create prognostic models of scientific support for economic development); analysis and synthesis (to determine the priority areas of scientific and scientific and technological activity, general-purpose technologies and areas of scholars training); fuzzy logics (to identify sectors of economy, promising for scientific and scientific and technological development, and priority areas in scientific and scientific and technological activity. The suggested theoretical and methodical approach to substantiate promising guidelines for scientific and scientific and technological activity in Ukraine requires the following: analysis of current trends and assessment of global guidelines for scientific and scientific and technological activity; identification of promising economic sectors of Ukraine as for ensuring scientific and scientific and technological activity, and assessment of scientific support for their development; substantiation of the choice of promising general-purpose technologies and areas of scientific and scientific and technological activity in the country; substantiation of training areas for scientific personnel; identification of priority areas in providing scientific and scientific and technological activity that enables taking into account both global economic development trends and features, and the state of scientific and scientific and technological activity in the country. The use of the suggested theoretical and methodical approach has made it possible to substantiate the main topics of the activity in question and promising general-purpose technologies, which are aimed at ensuring the development of traditional economic sectors of strategic importance and high-tech industries, the development of which will increase the country's competitiveness and living standards in the future, i.e. meet the needs of all the stakeholders of scientific and scientific and technological activity (government, education, business, society).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kurnosenko A. O., Sytnyk H. V.
The Role of Social Capital in Providing Economic Development (p. 37 - 48)

In the knowledge-based economy, the role of intangible factors in providing economic development is increasing, thus mainstreaming research on the methodological foundations forming such factors, as well as the mechanisms of their impact on the state of economies. One of such factors is social capital, which is a set of stable communications within institutional environment, whose work is based on trust. The article aims at revealing the role of social capital in providing economic development, in general, and assessing its impact on Ukraine’s economic development, in particular. The research is based on the principles of the systemic approach and was carried out using such methods as analysis and synthesis, logical generalization, graphical and tabular methods of data presentation, and systematization method. The ways in which social capital influences the development of the economy are analyzed. They can be traced in the reduction of the transaction costs level, government corruptness, and shadow economy; the creation of new available forms of business financing. Using the main indicators of the social capital level, it has become possible to establish relation between social cohesion, social conditions and economic development of states. Ukraine’s place among other states as for its social capital level is considered. Connection between social capital development, the dynamics of economic development, and prosperity index is proven.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Malihon Y. M., Motailo O. V.
Legal Regulation of the State Personnel Policy in the Field of Health Care in Ukraine (p. 49 - 55)

The article aims at studying the features of the legal regulation on the state personnel policy in the field of health care in Ukraine. It is determined that the creation of a legal framework for the effective functioning and development of the state personnel policy as for the healthcare system is a priority for improving the effectiveness of the healthcare industry. The article analyzes the existing legal regulation on improving the staffing of the healthcare system in Ukraine, namely: articles of the Constitution of Ukraine, provisions of the Labour Code, articles of the Law of Ukraine «On Employment», articles of the Law of Ukraine «On Collective Bargaining Agreements», articles of the Law of Ukraine «On Labour Protection», provisions of the Law of Ukraine «On Vacations», articles of the Law of Ukraine «On Labour Remuneration», provisions of the Law of Ukraine «Fundamentals of Legislation of Ukraine on Health Care», and provisions of the Law of Ukraine «On Improving the Accessibility and Quality of Healthcare in the Countryside». It is determined that the Labour Code of Ukraine is the main source of employment and labour law and the state regulation of labour relations, regardless of the industry. The main elements (features) of a collective bargaining agreement are studied, namely: individual and personal feature, organizational feature, material feature, regulatory feature, subject feature. The principles of state policy in the field of labour protection are determined. The Ministry of Health orders for 2020 – early 2021 on personnel policy issues in the field of health care are analyzed, conclusion is made that the Ministry of Health, being an immediate subject in the case, is highly interested in the creation of a legal framework on the state personnel policy as for the healthcare system in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Svirko S. V., Tarasova T. O.
Institutionalization of Public Administration in the Field of Budget Security: Subjective Renewal (p. 56 - 62)

The article aims at forming a general vision of the institutionalization of public administration in the field of budget security and summing up the latest trends in the sphere. Systematic, integral, complex and logical approaches are used in the research. It is suggested to understand the institutionalization of public budget security management as the process of identifying relevant institutions, formalizing and systematizing fundamental provisions (object, purpose, principles, functions, tasks, forms, and norms), their connections and communications within public budget security management in particular and in general, as a whole or in the context of a particular focal request. Regulatory institutions of direct and indirect action as for budget security are identified in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, namely: the Ministry of Finance and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine are institutions of direct action; the Ministry of Economy, the Accounting Chamber, the State Audit Service of Ukraine, the State Customs Service of Ukraine, the State Treasury Service of Ukraine, and the State Financial Monitoring Service are institutions of indirect action. A general institutional activity model for the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine is designed on the basis of the elaboration of legislative documents. The analysis made of its provisions provides grounds for formulating a proposal to clarify the Law of Ukraine "On the Bureau of Economic Security in Ukraine" by introducing a new section III "Lines of Activity of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine" with a specific structure; provisions of budget security are presented in three draft articles of the law, enumerating the objects of regard for the Bureau of Economic Security and the grounds for starting activity and communication. Prospects for further research are seen in continuing to detail the institutional provisions for all the declared regulatory institutions, while identifying vulnerabilities for each of them with regard to the object of the research, i.e., public budget security management, and in suggesting recommendations for their solution.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Soboliev V. M., Sobolieva M. V.
Institutional Capacity of the Higher Education System and Factors of Its Provision (p. 63 - 69)

The article is aimed at revealing the state of the institutional system of higher education in Ukraine in the context of the coronavirus pandemic by using the category of institutional capacity. To this end, the following methodological achievements of economic research are used: the unity of logical and historical, normative and positive analysis; institutional and evolutionary approach; logical modeling; behavioral economics; and political markets theory. Based on the authors' definition of the institutional capacity concept, the main features of the institutional capacity of the higher education system are specified, namely: internal complementarity of the institutional system; its external complementarity; interlinking internal and external complementarity. The analysis shows that the Ukrainian higher education system is experiencing a deep multilevel crisis, the origins of which lie in the fact that the government lacks the following: a systemic vision of modern higher education problems; understanding of the close relationship between the level of state support and the dynamics of national competitiveness; absolute dominance of fiscal motivation over the strategic one while solving the problems of financing the needs of higher education. The results obtained provide an opportunity to further study the ways of inhibiting destructive processes, then neutralizing them and, finally, creating the preconditions to restore institutional capacity. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that it enriches scientific ideas about the structure of the institutional system of higher education and, on this basis, helps to develop managerial decisions aimed at improving the efficiency of the system. The originality of the article is stipulated by using the institutional capacity category and the institutional complementarity concept to study the current state of higher education in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Berezivskyi Y. P.
Theoretical and Methodological Provisions of Institutional Support for the Technological Competitiveness of the Economy: Essence, Functions, Tasks (p. 35 - 41)

Technological competitiveness of the economy is a very dynamic concept, associated with the rapid growth of production and implementation of innovations and technologies. The latter are continuously increasing their importance in ensuring the socio-economic development of the state. The evolution of scientific approaches to interpreting innovation infrastructure through a number of systemic features of institutional support for technological competitiveness of the economy is studied. The meaning of the definitions «infrastructure of technological activity» and «technological infrastructure» is substantiated. On analyzing the development of innovation infrastructure in the marketing behavior of the national economy, the author determined general properties of the innovation and market infrastructure. It is concluded that innovation infrastructure plays the main role in the technological growth of various sectors of the national economy. It is proved that the systemic-functional approach is the most common approach to interpreting the innovation infrastructure of the national economy. It is concluded that most studies reveal the meaning of the functions of a usual innovation infrastructure, and less attention is paid to the functions and tasks characteristic for the infrastructure of the technological competitiveness of the national economy. Within the comprehensive theoretical definition of the important role infrastructure of technological competitiveness plays in innovation and technological growth of the national economy, its main functions (the innovative and regenerative, investing and stimulating, supporting, transformational, coordinating, resources-accumulating, consolidating, and process-stimulating) and tasks are defined The results of generalizing the existing approaches make it possible to form a unique approach to interpreting the definition of the «infrastructure of technological competitiveness».

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kanova O. A.
Financial and Analytical Aspects of Making Decisions on Determining the Roles of Participants in Partnership Projects (p. 42 - 47)

The article is aimed at forming an analytical basis for making decisions on determining the optimal role played by participants in financing partnership projects for the economic development of a state. The paper outlines the importance of distributing financial support efficiently in order to address problems related to the lack of funding and low efficiency of socially important projects implemented on a partnership basis. Statistical data testifying to the development of projects implemented in Ukraine on a partnership basis are considered. The most common forms of partnership agreements and financial support mechanisms used in partnership projects in Ukraine are also identified. The regions of Ukraine that are leaders and outsiders as for the number of partnership agreements concluded and / or implemented on their territory are identified. The effectiveness of various financial participation forms used by various parties to partnership projects is analyzed. To fulfill the task, the participation of potential investors is generalized by three sources of funding: state budget funds, local budget funds and other sources that include all extrabudgetary financial resources (own resources of program participants, businesses and individuals related to project implementation results, international organizations, as well as sponsorship and charitable funds, borrowed funds, etc.). Regression models have been constructed to determine the impact of the funding sources involved on the successful implementation of partnership projects in different areas (programs in economic, social and environmental areas are considered separately). Based on the modelling results, the elasticity coefficient has been calculated, which shows the extent to which the attraction of an individual funding source influences the success of the program. Conclusions are made on the extent to which the increase (or decrease) of the share of funding from a single source affects the success of the program in a certain area.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Kotliarov Y. I.
Ways to Improve the Mechanism of the State Regulation of Investment Activity in Heat Supply (p. 48 - 55)

The article is aimed at substantiating the measures to improve the state regulation of investment activities of heat supply companies, aimed at intensifying work on the modernization of district heating systems. In Ukraine, the need for state regulation of activities (including investment) in the field of heat and power engineering is established by the Law of Ukraine “On Heat Supply”. Such regulation is carried out by adopting regulations that are mandatory for use by all economic entities in the field of heat supply, and by providing control functions to the national regulator and local governments. The article analyzes Procedures for development, approval, coordination and approval of investment programs of municipal heat companies which are now in force in Ukraine. The analysis of current regulations has made it possible to identify the main problems of the state regulation of investment activity: imperfection of planning; complexity of development, justification, approval and control of investment programs; and a complicated mechanism for financing investment activities. According to the results of the research, the following ways to improve the state regulation of investment activity of the enterprises working in the municipal heat power engineering are offered: transition from short-term to medium- and long-term planning of investment activity; simplification of the current procedures for approval and adoption of investment programs; further decentralization of investment management and granting all powers to local governments; dismissal of the obligation for each measure and investment program as a whole to be economically efficient. A local authority should be entitled to independently choose the priorities for designing an investment program, e.g.: to improve the quality or reliability of heat supply, or to reduce tariffs; to simplify procedures of monitoring the implementation of investment programs, to give a heat supply company more independence in spending funds received under the investment program.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Matsuka V. N.
Current Trends in Developing Travel Industry in the Regions of Ukraine (p. 56 - 64)

The article is aimed at studying the trends in tourism development in the regions of Ukraine. By analyzing, systematizing and generalizing statistical data and research works of many scientists, the author considers the state and trends of travel industry development in various regions of Ukraine, reveals problems in regional tourism development, substantiates areas of travel industry development in Ukraine, in general, and its regions, in particular. As a result of the study, current trends in tourism development in the regions of Ukraine are outlined, namely: the revival of tourism alternates with recessions; Ukraine’s image remains uncertain in the global market environment; the outbound tourist flow prevails over the inbound one; the private tourism share is the largest one in the structure of tourist flows both from Ukraine and to Ukraine; the neighboring countries share is the largest one in the geographical structure of tourist flows; tourism is most developed in the following regions of Ukraine: the city of Kyiv and Kyiv, Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa and Zaporizhzhia regions; tourism is least developed in Luhansk, Kirovohrad, Zhytomyr, Ternopil, Rivne, and Sumy regions. The study reveals such problems of tourism development in the regions of Ukraine: logistics imperfection; ignoring environmental, sanitary and epidemiological issues; non-transparency of tourism business; social and political instability; global coronavirus pandemic; lack of effective demand, etc. The research in question has made it possible to determine such prospects for developing travel industry in the regions of Ukraine: the achievement of European and world standards for the ratio of service quality and prices for tourism services; adaptation of regulatory and legislative acts of the travel industry to the standards accepted in the European and world community; attracting investment in the tourism business; creation of an attractive tourist image of the regions and promotion of regional tourist products in the national and international tourist markets; development of the infrastructure of regional tourist markets, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Savitska O. Р.
Types of Tourism by the Purpose of Journey: Current State and Development Trends in Ukraine (p. 65 - 72)

The tourism market in Ukraine is facing a significant imbalance in the distribution of tourist flows in different regions, due to different climatic conditions, traditions and customs, the presence of historical, cultural and architectural monuments, different priorities in the regional strategic economic development. All this determines the differentiation of the developing tourist activities by the reason and purpose of a tourist’s journey. The topic being high on the agenda, the article examines the current state and trends in the development of tourism types in Ukraine by the purpose of a tourist’s journey. In particular, grounding on the statistics of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the author has assessed the dynamics of distributing tourists served by tour operators, travel agents who are legal entities, and travel agents who are individual entrepreneurs, by purpose of a tourist’s journey and by tourism types for the period 2011-2020. Taking research by domestic and foreign scientists on the tourism issue, the theoretical approaches are highlighted to classifying types of tourism and interpreting such types as business, educational, health, and sports tourism. Having analyzed the peculiarities of the tourism sector development in Ukraine in 2011–2020 as for the tourism types identified by the purpose of a tourist’s journey, the author has come to conclusion that most tourists prefer journeys organized for leisure and recreation. Regional distribution of tourists served by tour operators and travel agents who traveled for leisure and recreation during 2019-2020 is analyzed, and the regions of Ukraine that are characterized by the highest percentage of tourists traveling for leisure and recreation are identified. A study of the tourism development trends in view of tourism types by the purpose of a tourist’s journey will help to identify priority areas, strengths and weaknesses of the tourism market, problems, threats, and barriers to tourism development, as well as potential opportunities that will effectively position Ukraine in the tourism market.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dodukalo M. Y., Danko N. I.
European Experience in Creating Clusters in Rural Green Tourism and Its Implementation in Ukraine (p. 14 - 20)

The article reveals the trends in tourism activities and analyzes the existing opportunities to improve its structure and territorial organization based on developing green tourism in rural areas. The natural conditions and resources of the picturesque rural areas, as well as the unemployed rural population are defined as resources. Forms, sources and mechanisms of organizing green tourism, as well as proposals for the provision and expansion of the range of services are suggested. Prospects for using the EU experience and the benefits of European integration processes for Ukraine are revealed. Recommendations for the establishment of ventures and other tourist associations in the countryside are developed. Research ss conducted in agricultural development; solving employment, organizational and economic problems related to the reproduction of labor potential in the agricultural sector; appearance of new trends in the production and marketing of agricultural commodities. Systemic approach to studying the formation and development of green tourism in the rural areas of Ukraine together with favorable natural potential and surplus labor make up the methodological basis for the work. It is concluded that the development of green tourism in rural areas helps to solve such socio-economic problems in the countryside as unemployment of the rural population. Green tourism in rural areas provides additional income to the rural population, expanding employment opportunities for farmers not only in the manufacturing sector but also in the services sector. With the increase in the number of vacationers it becomes necessary to meet their diverse needs, thus stimulating the development of services: excursions, communications, trade, livelihoods, recreation and entertainment, and so on.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanov Y. B., Krasnonosova O. M., Poliakova O. Y., Tur O. V.
Creating Incentive Tools for Small Business Development in the Regions of Ukraine (p. 21 - 28)

The reform of power decentralization, which has been actively implemented in Ukraine for the last five years, has generally increased the capacity of local authorities to stimulate the development of small businesses in accordance with the requirements of territorial infrastructure. Territorial differences between regions in Ukraine are quite significant. The composition of development tools for small business representatives depends on such a qualitative characteristic as the industry structure, and a number of quantitative characteristics. The problem of creating tools to stimulate the development of small business is considered in the works of many Ukrainian scientists, both economists and public administration specialists, as it deals with economic justification of the feasibility of certain measures, as well as their legislative support. Due to the necessity to improve the methodological support for the formation of tools stimulating small business development in Ukraine, the theoretical justification of the methodological approach to choosing such tools is urgent. The small business sector in Ukraine suffers from constant changes in both legal regulation and economic support, and so, additional requirements to the procedure of conducting research are appearing. First of all, it is proved that a study should be conducted based on the dynamics of the state of business activities. In addition, significant differences are observed in the conditions of business development by administrative territories and by types of economic activity. As a result, it becomes necessary to streamline both the development goals and incentive tools. It is possible to solve this problem by establishing a hierarchy. As a result of the conducted work, a methodical approach to creating development incentive tools for small business within a certain administrative territory is formed on the basis of the hierarchy analysis method.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Reshetnyak O. I.
Organizational and Economic Mechanism of Education, Science and Business Integration: The Modern University Model (p. 29 - 41)

The article is aimed at forming an organizational and economic mechanism of education, science and business integration on the basis of University 4.0. To achieve this goal, the methods of logical analysis and analytical modeling were used. The article clarifies the concept of “organizational and economic mechanism of education, science and business integration”, which is proposed to be treated as a set of organizational and economic interrelated elements, namely: instruments, forms, tools, levers, factors, and methods of management that work to improve the effectiveness of innovation and achievement of certain goals by coordinating the interests of the parties involved in its work. The organizational and economic mechanism of science, education and business integration should promote effective implementation of all the stages of the research and innovation cycle to ensure the socio-economic development of individual regions and the country as a whole. The organizational and economic mechanism of education, science and business integration according to the university 4.0 model is suggested, and its following components are substantiated: the purposes and tasks; legal norms; priorities and principles of its creation; organizational and economic forms, management methods, tools; means of implementing educational, scientific and innovative processes; levers and factors of influence; management effectiveness measures; resources. Actual use of the organizational and economic mechanism of education, science and business integration based on the formation of an innovative ecosystem around the university can enhance the positive influence of academic activity on the socio-economic development of individual regions and the country as a whole due to providing highly qualified personnel training according to innovative development needs, involving young people in research and startups development, stimulating the commercialization of research results, promoting large-scale use of scholarly knowledge as a virtually inexhaustible resource of economic growth for the development of high-performance technologies, tools, products, services, new knowledge, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kryvytska O. R., Kovalenko L. B., Kovalchuk V. M.
Methodical Approach to Assessing the Demand for Higher Education in Ukraine (p. 42 - 49)

The article is aimed at developing a theoretical and methodical approach to assessing the demand for higher education in Ukraine. Educational qualification levels, characterized by a specific range of information users, are analyzed. Accordingly, it is natural for every user to form a certain information environment, which can be useful and interesting for one level, but not in demand for another. Therefore, when learning environment coordinators develop a communication strategy, it is necessary to clearly understand, which level it is designed for. Thus, the issue of establishing a classification of learning environment coordinators, who will provide training for education seekers at different levels, is relevant. It is noted that the concept of demand for higher education should be differentiated between the demand in society and the demand among i education seekers. The choice of "fashionable" specialties without taking into account the needs of the labor market leads to increase in the disparity of the workload per vacancy for certain professional groups. In order to quantify the demand for higher education, it is proposed to use the coefficient of demand for higher education in society (CDHES). Necessity to take into account many factors influencing the demand for higher education in society has led us to choosing an integrated method, which is normally used to measure the impact of factors in multiplicative, index, additive index models. The coefficients suggested, in our opinion, will be important for higher education institutions (HEIs) wishing to develop a communication strategy for both the short and long term. The importance of such coefficients can be explained by the fact that the patterns and trends identified during the study of their dynamics can serve as an information field for the HEI management service when outlining key aspects in developing a new communication strategy or improving the existing one. The fundamental difference between the proposed coefficients and the already existing ones lies in the fact that the former take into account not only the dynamics of the labor market and employment opportunities, but also the economic feasibility of education costs, and calculation of the payback prospects of receiving higher education.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prokhorova V. V., Babichev A. V., Yukhman Y. V., Varenko T. V.
Public-Private Partnership as an Institute of Combined Public and Private Efforts to Solve Socially Important Tasks in Ukraine (p. 50 - 55)

It is determined that, the Ukrainian economy is facing systemic challenges which it needs to overcome to ensure sustainable development of its communities. This requires working out new effective mechanisms and forms of interaction between the government and businesses that would balance the interests and rely on the principles of mutual gain maximization. The limited investment resources of the state render it impossible to properly finance regional socio-economic projects and develop infrastructure. Historically, it so happened that the world would tackle the above problems, especially under unfavorable macroeconomic conditions, using the potential offered by the public-private partnership (PPP) as a form of interaction between the public and private sectors. The private sector tends to increase profits; obtaining more resources for doing business through attracting public resources; improving the efficiency of the use of their resources due to the effect of financial leverage in the merger of own resources with state resources; creation of a certain set of guarantees and preferences; removal of barriers to its development. It is concluded that, the specific nature of the state and municipal property and the limitations of the budget funding for social and infrastructure facilities, as well as the need to address socio-environmental and economic problems in an effective and efficient way determine the need to imtroduce PPP models into practice. Ukraine has embarked on the trajectory of PPP development as a pre-requisite for ensuring self-sufficiency of the state and its territorial communities. Its course is reasonably sensible because it strated with the relevant changes in the legal framework and creation of the supporting units to facilitate the PPP implementation and development. The main spheres the PPP projects are being implemented are major infrastructure facilities (electric power and heat production, water treatment, waste management, roads) and social life (health care and leisure).

Article is written in English

Rayevnyeva O. V., Aksonova I. V., Brovko O. I.
Comparative Rating Analysis of the Situation with and Trends in the Digitalization of Ukrainian Society and Economy (p. 56 - 66)

The trends in the formation of the digital society are studied, and Ukraine’s readiness to implement digitalization processes is determined. The article is aimed at assessing Ukraine’s position among other states in the digital competitiveness index based on comparative rating analysis, and identifying trends in the development of digitalization in Ukraine’s society and economy. Based on a comparative rating analysis of Ukraine's position in the world as for its digitalization of society and economy, it is determined that Ukraine ranks low in its digital competitiveness as compared to advanced countries, but belongs to the group of promising countries currently characterized by a low digitalization level but tending to increase their pace of digital development. Based on the cluster analysis, countries are grouped into four clusters according to their development of digital processes, and not only Ukraine's place among them is identified, but also cluster migration is analyzed, as well as positive and negative trends in digitalization processes. The general features of information society development, specific for the countries in each individual cluster, are determined. Characteristic features of two scenarios for the digitalization of national society are suggested, i.e. the evolutionary and forced ones, and it is proved that the formation of a developed digital economy in Ukraine requires systematic state support for implementing digital tools in public life, and focus on the forced (target) scenario for digital development processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rayevnyeva O. V., Ostapenko V. M.
Transformation of the Interaction between the Educational and Scientific Activity of a University in the Innovative Economy (p. 67 - 78)

The article aims at studying the technology of transforming the interaction between the educational and scientific activity of a university taking into account the innovative model of economic development, which involves determining the stages of university transformation, while putting emphasis on peculiarities of R&D activity, interaction between the educational and scientific activity, and elements of their control system. The article identifies the factors determining the need for transformation of research and development and innovative activities, and the main areas of transforming research in Ukraine. The algorithm for transforming the interaction between the educational and scientific activity of a university is formed, consisting of individual but interconnected elements, such as legislative and statutory support in the educational and R&D activity; interaction between the educational and R&D activity of a university; management of the interaction between the educational and R&D activity of a university. Problems and priority areas in the work of the state policy carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine are highlighted. A number of legislative initiatives of the Ministry, launched in 2020 and planned for the future, have been approved in order to solve the existing problems in these areas. The Ministry of Education and Science has implemented and planned activities aimed at stimulating transformations in education, science and innovation. Legislative and regulatory support in the educational and R&D areas is grouped according to the stages of its adoption. The most common models used at modern universities are characterized in accordance with their peculiarities in combining R&D and educational activities of a university, its structural units and individual faculty members. Specific features of managing of R&D activity at a research (entrepreneurial, innovative) and educational universities are compared. The interaction areas of interaction between educational and scientific transformations in Ukraine that could influence its scientific development and promote its integration into the European Research Area are highlighted.

Article is written in English

Shevchenko A. V.
Strategic Priorities of Ecomodernisation in Ukrainian Industry in the Context of Meeting Global Economic Challenges and Implementing Sustainable Development Goals (p. 79 - 84)

The long-term absence of a targeted state policy which would promote technological modernization in the industrial sector and radical reforms in the energy sector has caused raw materials and environmentally "dirty" industries to remain the focus of Ukraine's economy. Emergence of new challenges and threats caused by the revision of approaches to environmental policy made by many countries due to the exacerbation of climate problems, and by strengthening the environmental component of economic policy along with the introduction of numerous economic restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, updates research in the field of developing effective state policy mechanisms aimed at promoting eco-modernization and decarbonization in Ukraine’s industry. So, the article is aimed at studying the causes and consequences of high resource intensity of Ukrainian industry and related current challenges and threats, as well as at developing recommendations for state measures to be taken to support and stimulate eco-modernization, increase resource efficiency and introduce circular production models in industry. The article analyzes the situation with and current problems of industrial production in Ukraine. Key global trends in structural and industrial policy in the context of achieving sustainable development goals are outlined; the challenges and threats faced by Ukraine in the process of adapting its industrial complex to the new realities of strengthening the environmental requirements for industrial production are identified; current state policy initiatives that will stimulate energy efficiency, eco-modernization and decarbonization in Ukrainian industry are summarized. Based on the analysis, recommendations are developed for the priority measures of state policy aimed at implementing rational models of resource consumption and increasing resource efficiency for industrial output.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Holovnia O. M.
Exhibitions and Fairs as an Integration Tool for Implementing the Interests of Agricultural Enterprises (p. 20 - 25)

The state of modern exhibitions is considered, the latter being an important means of communication between producers and consumers in the Ukrainian market under market economy. Exhibitions reflect the material, technological, information, and communication development; they have become a standardized price indicator, an economic and political platform forecasting changes in supply and demand in the global agricultural market, and a globalized phenomenon with economic, political and socio-cultural content. The author argues that international agricultural exhibitions and fairs are the most effective tools for studying the situation in the agro-industrial market, finding potential consumers, establishing business and cooperation contacts, setting up business cooperation and integration, searching for investors, and more. The article characterizes such leading international agricultural exhibitions as: “Agritechnica”, or the International Exhibition of Agricultural Machinery and Equipment in Hanover; IGW Berlin (International Green Week), which is the largest platform for exhibiting equipment and products of the food industry, agriculture and horticulture; International Green Week (IGW); EuroTier Hannover, or the International Exhibition of Livestock and Poultry; SIMA Simagena Simavip, which is an agricultural exhibition in Paris; SIA (Salon International de L'agriculture), or Paris Agricultural Salon, specializing in animal husbandry, horticulture and food; AgriEquip, or International Modern Agricultural Equipment & Technology Exhibition held in Shanghai; the international exhibition of Warsaw Food Expo in Poland; and International Agro-Industrial Exhibition in Kyiv. It is argued that participation in exhibitions strengthens the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises, create long-term mutually beneficial partnerships, increase the enterprise’s domestic and foreign trade, and promote agricultural and food products in other market segments.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dziurakh Y. M., Kulyniak I. Y.
Role Played by Investment in Ensuring the Development of Ukrainian Rural Areas as Tourist Destinations (p. 26 - 32)

Given the unsatisfactory state of rural areas development in Ukraine, tourism development becomes one of the promising ways to overcome the decline in rural areas, labor migration, and unemployment, and to increase employment among countrymen, as well as to restore and expand tourism infrastructure in rural areas, etc. However, to develop tourism in rural areas, investment should be increased by attracting new funds. The authors consider some theoretical and methodological aspects of the role played by investment to ensure that rural areas be developed as tourist destinations. The conceptual and terminological apparatus in the field of tourism has been improved, and the investment activity concept has been specified. Taking into account the fact that investment activity largely depends on both the way it is supposed to influence investment objects and on the intended goals of its implementation, the authors present a typology for investment activity forms depending on investment objects (innovation, capital construction, leasing, corporate investment), which can be implemented while ensuring the development of rural areas as tourist destinations. Based on the considered general characteristics of investment activity, its various features, available types and forms of implementation, the investment types helping to ensure the development of rural areas as tourist destinations have been classified according to the following features: income sources (and the corresponding form of ownership); investment objects; investment risk level; profitability level; level of social responsibility. Priority areas for attracting investment to develop tourism in rural areas are highlighted. Emphasis is placed on improving the tools used within the state regulation of investment activities, and the mechanism for attracting investment resources in order to develop rural tourism.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hubarieva I. O., Zinchenko V. A., Manoilenko O. V., Blahun S. I.
Determinants of Maintaining the Competitiveness of the Woodworking Industry in Ukraine in the Postwar Period (p. 33 - 40)

Theoretical provisions and practical recommendations for identifying the determinants of woodworking industry development in Ukraine in the postwar period make up the subject of the study. The existing research papers indexed by scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science on maintaining the competitiveness of the woodworking industry in Ukraine have been systematized and generalized. The research results in deepening the theoretical basis for identifying the basic meaningful determinants of competitiveness of the woodworking industry in various countries grounded on using bibliometric analysis tools (by means of VOSviewer v.1.6.10). Four contextual research clusters on the competitiveness of the woodworking industry, which include the largest number of publications, are identified. An integrated assessment is made of competitiveness shown by certain types of economic activity carried out by the woodworking industry in Ukraine and the world. The main measures of state support aimed at maintaining the work of Ukraine’s industrial sector during the war are presented. The following problems in organizing the activity of the woodworking enterprises in wartime are defined: lack of qualified personnel; loss of logistics infrastructure, supply chains, and sales in the regions where active hostilities took place; limited access to raw materials for enterprises located in less forested regions of Ukraine; loss of customer base; limited supply of fuels and lubricants, spare parts, equipment of enterprises in the Central, Eastern and Southern regions of Ukraine; reduction of business activity in some regions of Ukraine, etc. Drivers of maintaining the competitiveness of Ukraine’s woodworking industry in the postwar period have been formed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ilyash O. I., Smoliar L. G., Duchenko M. M., Dzhadan I. M.
Strategic Priorities of the State Policy of Stimulating the Industrial and Technological Ukraine National Economy Development on the Basis of Marketing in Order to Ensure Economic Security (p. 41 - 50)

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the strategic priorities of state policy to stimulate industrial and technological development of the national economy on the basis of marketing in order to ensure economic security. Investment attractiveness of the country, human capital development, favorable scientific and educational environment, scientific and technological progress, technological potential, high scientific intensity of industrial production, eco-innovation of the national economy, international partnerships and more are identified as the strategic priorities of economic growth. The model which defines strategic landmarks of the state economic safety strengthening as well as preconditions for creation of the systemic strategic decisions on the basis of marketing maintenance of industrial and technological development is offered. The presented model reflects the strategic priorities of increasing the competitiveness of the national economy in the global world by marketing support of industrial and technological development in terms of eight operational objectives of public policy: international, investment, environmental, industrial, innovative, technological, educational and scientific marketing. The relationship between the main goal of economic security and the operational goals of the strategy of marketing support of industrial and technological development of the national economy is substantiated. The substantiation was facilitated by the systematization of the components of strategic marketing in relation to the industrial and technological development of the national economy. It is determined that the strategic goal of state policy in the analyzed area should be to ensure the ability of the national economy to expand its self-reproduction by ensuring the effective operation of state, economic and social institutions in the direction of protection against external and internal threats. It is appropriate to build the operational goals of the national strategy in accordance with the provision of the appropriate level of components of the marketing support of industrial and technological development of the national economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dmytryshyn L. I., Romanchukevych M. Y.
Labor Market in Ukraine: Current Situation and Development Prospect (p. 39 - 46)

The labor market is one of the main and most complex elements of a market economy. It is a system of organization of wage labor based on market laws, which includes employers who demand labor, employees who form the supply of labor in this market, as well as mechanisms and institutions to reconcile the interests of workers and employers. The purpose of the article is a statistical and expert analysis of the labor market in Ukraine and the formation of promising areas of its development in terms of postwar expectations and the impact of global processes. Statistical analysis of the main indicators of the labor market showed that the share of employees and the wage fund by type of economic activity are approximately the same. While the level of average wages in Ukraine differs significantly from them by type of economic activity. This is the reason for the formation of demand for the relevant professions. Based on expert analysis, it is established that the most popular in Ukraine are specialties in the field of services. There are significant differences in the expectations of employers and the wishes of job seekers. There is a shortage of staff and a gradual alleviation of the problem of ageism. Globalization processes have shifted the importance of the profession towards the acquired skills. On the one hand, the acceleration of automation and the growth of cyber risks have increased the interest of employers in such new specialties related to artificial intelligence. On the other hand, skills such as critical thinking, the ability to analyze, the ability to solve problems, the ability to learn, endurance, resilience to stress, flexibility become more relevant. Russia's military aggression has changed the list of professions that will be most in demand in the postwar period. The main professional directions for the reconstruction of the country's economy are analyzed. These include both highly intelligent (engineers, architects, doctors, lawyers, psychologists, programmers, managers and marketers) and working professions.

Article is written in English

Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Shlykova V. O.
War in Ukraine: Analysis of the Prerequisites, Lessons of the Infighting, and Conclusions for the Future (p. 47 - 57)

On February 24, 2022, russia launched an all-out invasion of Ukraine. This situation has radically changed the relations between the states, marked a point of no return in the relations between the once fraternal peoples, changed the vectors and priorities for the further development of Ukraine, and created new challenges in all spheres of its life. Moreover, the war in the center of Europe affected the world economy as a whole and the economy of many individual countries, as well as migration and sociopolitical processes. All this was reflected in the change in the research priorities in the world and, in particular, in Ukraine. The purpose of this study is to formulate generalized proposals on ways to counter russia’s military aggression. The article analyzes: World Military Strength Ranking 2022, losses of the russian armed forces as of 15.06.2022; changes in the number of personnel, weapons and equipment of Ukraine’s Armed Forces in 1991-2021. Also a comparative quantitative assessment of the armed forces of Ukraine and russia in 2021 was carried out, considering weaknesses and miscalculations in the formation and development of independent Ukraine that had allowed a full-scale war to take place on its territory. The military potential of the Ukrainian and Russian armies in 1991 and 2021 is compared, new types of weapons developed in Ukraine are considered. The results of Delphi analysis of the Ukrainian defense industry clusters necessary for asymmetric deterrence against an external aggression over the time horizon until 2030 are presented. The ways to provide Ukraine’s Armed Forces with the main types of weapons and military equipment are defined. The conducted research has allowed us to determine that russia, being a country with geopolitical ambitions, will always present a threat to Ukraine, so the national security of our country must be built with consideration for the military and economic strength of the aggressor country. Сonsequently Ukraine must enter into at least one military and economic alliance with other European and world countries. Moreover, Ukraine must have a strong diversified defense industry complex, which will produce its own competitive weapons and military equipment both independently and jointly with other European and world countries or under licenses from foreign manufacturers. Ukraine’s Armed Forces must have such a structure of their services and branches that would allow them to withstand threats from the russian armed forces or asymmetric types of weapons and military equipment that would make it possible to conduct the 2nd, 3rd and 6th generation war.

Article is written in English

Matiichuk L. P.
Features of the Security System of the Gas Market in Ukraine (p. 58 - 65)

The ways of implementing the main principles of functioning of the gas market in Ukraine according to the European scenario are outlined. It was determined that Ukraine currently applies such cooperation systems with the European Association of Gas Transmission System Operators EU – ENTSO-G and the European Association of Electric Network Operators EU – ENTSO-S. The challenges facing the gas industry have been clarified, including: gas distribution and gas supply companies have mainly carried out a formal separation of spheres of activity, remaining in fact the property of the same shareholders and vertically integrated enterprises; preferential pricing of natural gas for specific categories of consumers (population, heat supply companies, religious organizations) in combination with a special regime of guaranteed supply creates prerequisites for the accumulation of debts and manipulations at the level of gas distribution and gas supply companies; incompleteness of the process of establishing gas accounting systems and the existence of normative consumption volumes leaves opportunities for manipulations, abuses and debt formation between market participants, primarily gas distribution companies to the operator; instability in the natural gas market is one of the reasons that stand in the way of increasing domestic production and, accordingly, reducing dependence on imports; there is a constant threat of termination of the transit of Russian gas through the territory of Ukraine after the expiration of the current contracts between the Russian Gazprom and Naftogaz of Ukraine, which will bring significant changes to the operation of the gas transportation system. The structure of the gas sector, which covers the management of the corporation Naftogaz of Ukraine, is structurally connected with the state gas production company JSC "Ukrgazvydobuvannya" and the operator of gas storage facilities is studied. Several criteria have been allocated that will contribute to ensuring the appropriate level of security of the natural gas market in Ukraine, among which we can highlight the following: the low purchasing power of consumers. Several crises have been noted, consistently accompanied by the growth rates of prices and tariffs for energy resources. The direction of increasing own production of natural gas in Ukraine is provided for in the Energy Strategy of Ukraine for the period up to 2030. The basis in this direction should be an exploration for finding and extracting shale gas deposits. It should be noted that the oil and gas mining industry is characterized by several differences, primarily in the analysis and evaluation of the efficiency of investment projects. The use of the systematicity of energy security criteria of the oil and gas segment will provide an opportunity for the subjects of these market structures to dynamize the relevant components to obtain an energy effect, with the subsequent activation of mechanisms for adapting the entire system to new operating conditions. In summary, it should be noted that a system is understood as a certain number of interconnected elements that interact with each other and form the integrity and expediency of their existence in terms of synergy. The application of systematicity allows solving the long-term strategy and sustainability of energy security with the possibility of consistency of goals, balanced energy policy, and institutional transformation of the system. The synergy of the system will take place under the condition of adequate assessment of the main components for their functional purpose. The use of the systematicity method involves a description of possible changes in the structure of the energy sector system of Ukraine, namely: a gradual change in the ownership of energy sector assets, an increase in the share of the private sector in the functioning of the country's energy sector.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Semencha I. Y., Kovalov M. S.
Macroeconomic Analysis of the Efficiency of Regulation of the Ukrainian Economy: The Retrospective and the Present Financial-Economic Situation (p. 66 - 75)

With the beginning of Russia’s large-scale war against Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Ukraine’s economy suffered shock influences, which on the part of the main public administration bodies caused an urgent need to respond promptly to the sharp changes and dynamics of events that have since unfolded. In addition, it was necessary to understand why and for what reasons the financial-economic system of Ukraine reacted in the way it behaved. Thus, the presented study is aimed at defining and assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of the previous systemic policy along with analyzing the operational actions of the National Bank of Ukraine as the main financial-economic regulator in the conditions of belligerency with regard to the country’s economy. Such an analysis provides an opportunity to further adjust the tactics of managing the financial-economic processes, taking into account the identified shortcomings in the implementation of decisions of previous periods. The research uses a comprehensive approach to macroeconomic analysis, methods of structural analysis and analysis of the dynamics of financial-economic indicators in retrospection. The research is built in two stages. At the first stage, with the help of retrospective financial-economic analysis methods, an assessment of the efficiency of the implementation of the defined Strategy for the development of financial markets in Ukraine for the period from 2016 to 2021 was carried out. At the second stage of the research, the actions of the Central bank were recorded, which led to the stabilization of the macroeconomic crisis in the country, the main directions of operational regulation during martial law in Ukraine were determined, their efficiency was assessed. A retrospective analysis of the actions of the National Bank of Ukraine in 2016-2022 showed that during this period the following important results were achieved in ensuring both financial and price stability, also the stability of the monetary unit: the monetary regime was used quite successfully in conducting inflation targeting, the standards of commercial banks were increased, a program for the accumulation of international reserves was carried out, and the exchange rate was regulated in order to ensure its growing. The assessment of the actions of the National Bank of Ukraine during the period of martial law after February 24, 2022 showed that the following measures of operational regulation were carried out: a number of external and internal incoming and outgoing financial barriers were applied, the accounting rate was regulated, special measures were constantly taken to ensure the financial-economic reserves of the financial system of Ukraine, new mechanisms of financial levers for the credit situation were developed. Further on, it would be advisable to consider the efficiency of regulating the financial-economic situation in a more distant period in order to be able to assess the correctness and fallacy of the decisions taken and adjust the regulator’s actions to maintain a stable state of the economy and further gradually exit from the crisis status. This analysis allows society to apprehend the complexity, consistency of actions of the central economic regulatory bodies, to understand the consequences and expediency of such actions. The presented research is original and comprehensive, touching on all macroeconomic aspects of the activities of the main financial regulator of Ukraine, its influence on the financial-economic situation of the country.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Goloborodko A. Y.
The Conceptual Prerequisites for Enterprise Development: The Government Regulation of Digitalization (p. 20 - 26)

Studying the foreign experience in the development of digitalization on the example of advanced countries is based on two main models: the model of evolutionary development of digitalization based on market competition and the administrative model for regulating the development of digitalization. The author of the study proposed a mixed model, which is a synthesis of a model of evolutionary development of digitalization on the basis of market competition with elements of administrative regulation of this activity. A comprehensive study of the world experience of government regulation of digitalization and the features and prospects of its development allowed the author to form a model of government regulation of Digitalization of Ukraine, which is a systematized, generalized vision of the efficient policy of government regulation of Digitalization in Ukraine. The proposed author’s model of government regulation of Digitalization of Ukraine is an interrelated system of goals, objectives, functions, methods, principles, and infrastructure. To achieve the goal of ensuring sustainable balanced development of digitalization – the government regulation should be aimed at solving a number of tasks: accelerating economic growth and attracting investment; transformation of all spheres of economic activity and business processes on the basis of competitiveness and efficiency; development of innovative technologies, networks, and platforms; creation of digital strategic partnerships; availability and openness of digital technologies; implementation of intellectual capital, transformation of the system of social productivity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hutorov A. O., Hutorova O. O.
The Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Elaborating the Agricultural Cooperation as a Part of the Development of the Agrarian System of Ukraine (p. 27 - 34)

The purpose of the article is to generalize, systematize and deepen the theoretical and methodological principles of the elaboration of agricultural cooperation in the development of the agrarian system of Ukraine. The role and place of cooperation in the system of social organization of labor is researched. It is displayed that cooperation is an objective prerequisite for integration, and the division of labor itself causes its necessity. In institutional theory, the choice between free market transactions and full vertical coordination for economic agents is caused by market conditions, allocative efficiency of resource allocation and their minimum cost. The dynamics and state of development of agricultural cooperation in Ukraine are analyzed. An approximate three-level scheme of the national agricultural cooperative system is developed. At the first level of the hierarchy, agricultural cooperatives and cooperative associations should be located, at the second – regional unions (associations) of agricultural cooperatives, at the third – the All-Ukrainian Association of Agricultural Cooperatives. Under such a cooperative system, the principles of centralized and decentralized management are optimally combined, the self-government of cooperatives and compliance with the principles of cooperation are ensured. Based on the three-level scheme of the national agricultural cooperative system, the conceptual principles for the development of cooperative relations in agriculture at the regional level are substantiated. At this, management functions are retained by the cooperative association, which includes agricultural enterprises, farms and households belonging to the country’s residents, consulting services and support are provided by the regional advisory service, and the distribution of funds is carried out by a credit union founded by members of this cooperative association. A model of elaborating the cooperative relations in the agricultural sector of the economy with the participation of households and small commodity producers is proposed, which provides for the creation of a consumer agricultural cooperative. In case of deepening the integration of a consumer cooperative with another production, processing or sales enterprise of the agricultural sector of the economy, the cooperative model is transformed into a cooperative-integrated one, while maintaining the advantages of cooperation and receiving additional organizational and economic benefits from integration.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Shpilevskyi V. V., Shpilevskyi O. V.
The Military-Tactical and Economic Preconditions for the Development of the Defense Industry of Ukraine (p. 35 - 44)

An essential prerequisite for success in modern warfare is military superiority over the enemy, which is based on the tactical and technological level of the operating groups of the armed forces and the economic sufficiency of its provision. This definition became the basis for the study of the laws of the causal chain of formation of military superiority over the enemy and the economic prerequisites for its provision. The article highlights the dependence of strategic goals, operational actions, tactics, principles of forming a system of military superiority over the enemy; the peculiarities of formation of military expenditures of countries depending on their geopolitical and economic situation are analyzed; the necessary methodological principles for creating economic and social preconditions for the formation of military expenditures sufficient to ensure Ukraine’s defense capability have been determined. The study uses the following provisions: of military affairs; of general tactics; combat statutes of the armed forces; normative legal acts of regulation of relations in the spheres of national security; military economy; ensuring the defense capability of countries; scientific methodology.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kunytska-Iliash M. V.
Assessing the Financial Security of Priority Sectors of the National Economy of Ukraine (p. 45 - 51)

The purpose of the article is to develop and approbate a methodical approach to analyzing the financial security of priority sectors of the national economy. The article emphasizes the relevance of considering the issues of economic and, in particular, financial security at the level of the sectoral economic system. The authors’ own methodology of analysis is developed and the weighting factors of indicators of financial security of agriculture, industry, construction and transport, warehousing, postal and courier activities of Ukraine are evaluated. The structure of financial security of priority sectors of the national economy, i. e., the investment, credit, debt, monetary, production and economic, system-structural components is determined and the weighting factors of indicators are evaluated according to these security components. This approach made it possible to identify the indicators with a lesser extent along with the indicators with a greater extent of an impact they have on the general condition of subindexes, and therefore determine the overall level of financial-economic security of priority sectors of the national economy of Ukraine. The integral values of financial security of priority sectors of the national economy of Ukraine for 2010-2020 were computed. The results of the assessment allowed to identify, firstly, the state of financial security of the analyzed industries; secondly, the dynamic characteristics of changes in the level of financial security of priority sectors of the national economy; thirdly, the measure of differentiation in the state of financial security among the analyzed types of economic activity; fourthly, to form conclusions regarding the factors influencing the parameters of financial security of priority sectors of the national economy of Ukraine; fifthly, to determine the strategic directions and develop a set of the State policy instruments focused on strengthening financial security, taking into account the existing specifics for agriculture, industry, construction and transport, warehousing, postal and courier activities of Ukraine. Prospects for further scientific research in the analyzed sphere relate to the formation of recommendations regarding the linking of the results of the accomplished analysis with the formation of actions in the field of strengthening the financial-economic security of priority sectors of the Ukrainian economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pavlovska I. G.
Developing the Approaches to Interpretation of the Concept of «Food Security» (p. 52 - 61)

The purpose of the article is to study and analyze the historical prerequisites for the development of approaches to the interpretation and definition of food security in the XX century and at the beginning of the XXI century. The available approaches to the number and content of historical stages of development of approaches to defining food security are considered. It is concluded that contemporary authors perceive the evolution of the interpretation of food security as a linear process of development, during which additional components are gradually distinguished. Thus the early stages are characterized by an emphasis on the problems of food availability and food self-sufficiency, later, the problem of food stocks and control of world prices is actualized, gradually highlighting the problems of poverty, physical and economic availability of food. And at the last stage, there are questions of nutritional value and food security. As a result of the study, an own periodization is developed, which influences the evolution and development of approaches to the interpretation and definition of «food security», the major publications that influenced the interpretation of this concept are pointed out. The proposed six stages are considered in more detail. It is noted that not all trends are reflected in domestic regulations and at the present are not widely reflected in the works of Ukrainian researchers, which means that Ukraine is currently at the fifth stage of understanding food security and lags behind the world community in terms of plan. It is concluded that the development of approaches to the interpretation and definition of the concept of food security is largely determined by the deepening of the division of labor, the development of commodity-money relations, changes in the standard of living of the population, as well as scientific and technological progress and improvement of methods for collecting and processing statistical information.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prokhorova V. V., Yukhman Y. V.
Dominant Impact of Structural Transformation of the Economy of Ukraine on the Efficiency of the Investment Potential Development of Enterprises under Conditions of Uncertainty (p. 62 - 69)

The article defines that the structural transformation of the economy is of great importance for the state, it determines the potential of its long-term development, as a result of which it becomes a strategic factor of general development not only for enterprises of a certain industry, but also for the country as a whole. That is why the structural transformation of Ukraine's economy has a dominant effect on the effectiveness of the development of the investment potential of all industrial enterprises, since today there is a decline in production, which directly depends on the latest innovative measures of the state's strategic development. On the basis of the structural priorities of the socio-economic development of Ukraine and the existing scientific, technical and innovative potential of the domestic economic sector, with the aim of ensuring competition in the scientific sphere, effective concentration of material, technical and financial resources to solve current problems in the economic sector of Ukraine, it is necessary to form long-term innovative programs in general industry in market conditions of management, where the main aspects of scientific and innovative activity of industrial enterprises are indicated. To date, in the economic field, innovations are not implemented very efficiently at effective industrial enterprises. It was concluded that the insufficient amount of financial and economic resources is one of the main reasons preventing the development of new types of products and technologies in the process of implementing innovative developments on the territory of our country. Financial institutions are reluctant to lend to risky innovative projects, and the existing financial and credit mechanism is imperfect and ensures the implementation of the results of applied scientific research in the domestic market and in the markets of developed countries of the world, where credit institutions are created with the participation of state authorities in order to provide guarantees, reducing the amount of use budgetary funds and distributing the risk between the borrower, the bank and the guarantor for the financing of innovative programs and the implementation of innovative projects. The development of industry on an innovative and scientific basis requires the training of a new generation of researchers and highly qualified specialists, ready to carry out innovative activities in market conditions.

Article is written in English

Salashenko T. I.
The Conception of Competitive Electric Energy Market in Ukraine on a Postliberal Basis (p. 70 - 83)

The formation of a competitive electric energy market is an international obligation of Ukraine and the national interest of its society. Currently, the European model of the electric energy market is being implemented in Ukraine, but in the EU the process of its revision is also underway to accelerate the «green» energy transition. The article expounds that the neoliberal economic paradigm that has dominated the world for the past 90 years needs to be revised to enhance interaction in the interests of society and the environment. The new economic paradigm is recognized as post-neoliberalism, which implies a strategic partnership between the State and business in the interests of society and the environment. The formation of a competitive electric energy market on a post-neoliberal basis is able to ensure the effectiveness of its functioning, prevent electric energy crises and promote sustainable adequate development. The theoretical basis for the formation of a competitive electric energy market should be the theory of the sectoral market, synergetics and the theory of economic mechanisms, the principles of which should constitute the basis of a competitive electric energy market. The electric energy market on a post-liberal basis is based on 3 functions: market effectiveness, electric energy safety, and adequacy of development – and also provides for the introduction of 2 direct economic mechanisms: the commodity market, the market of capacities (mechanisms of the market of ancillary services and throughput capacities are subsidiary to them). The article proposes a conceptual model of a competitive electric energy market on a post-neoliberal basis, highlighting the principles, tasks; defining the roles of participants; formulating a system of hypotheses and provisions for its implementation. The operating model for the introduction of a competitive electric energy market consists of four stages: its identification by key determinants, analysis of development tendencies, construction of an economic mechanism, selection of diagnostic tools.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khaustova V. Y., Boiko O. V., Trushkina N. V.
Vectors of Increasing the Level of Innovation and Investment Attractiveness of the Transport and Logistics Infrastructure of the National Economy of Ukraine (p. 84 - 97)

In the article, based on the methods of grouping and classification, the approaches to the interpretation of transport and logistics infrastructure proposed by various scientific schools are conventionally systematized. An author's approach to defining the meaning of the terms “transport infrastructure” and “logistics infrastructure” is proposed. Financial, economic, social, and informational factors influencing the level of investment attractiveness of transport and logistics enterprises have been identified. The approach to evaluating the effectiveness of innovative activities in the transport sector is substantiated, the use of which will allow examining the current state of the government regulation processes, the decision-making and goal-setting support system, and institutional provision. An organizational model of the national innovative transport hub and an approach to evaluating its functioning are proposed. Proposals have been made for diagnosing the investment attractiveness of transport infrastructure objects, selecting priority projects for government funding, and forming public-private partnership models for the innovative development of transport infrastructure. An investment strategy has been developed, the main provisions of which should be based on the established investment policy of enterprises in the field of transport and logistics. The relevance of the problem of modernization of transport and logistics infrastructure in the context of sustainable development and recovery of the national economy of Ukraine at the current stage is proven. The key vectors of the modernization of the transport and logistics infrastructure have been established, which include green transformation (decarbonization, implementation of the mechanism of green logistics, green investment as a non-traditional source of financial support for the implementation of infrastructure projects), innovative technologies, public-private partnership, clustering, digitalization (digital logistics, digital transport technologies).

Article is written in English


Danylenko Y. S.
The Public Procurement of Passenger Cars in Ukraine (p. 35 - 45)

The article presents the most popular models of passenger cars among authorities, institutions and organizations. The author provides information on the volume of purchases and total costs of cars of different brands and autobody types by authorities, institutions and organizations from January to October 2022. It is found that the largest number of passenger cars was purchased by law enforcement agencies, health care institutions, housing and communal services enterprises, and the State administration bodies. The most popular models were Renault Duster, Renault Express, Toyota RAV4, Renault Sandero Stepway Life+, Haval Jolion. The most popular were: among crossovers – the Renault Duster, among sedans – Peugeot 301, among the SUV – Toyota RAV4, among the hatchbacks – Renault Sandero Stepway Life+, among the station-wagons – ?koda Superb and Renaut Megan, among the vans – Fiat Doblo Combi Mahi, among the minivans – Renault Express, among the minibuses – Mercedes-Benz sprinter 313. Renault cars are most demanded. The most popular autobody types are crossover, hatchback and SUV. Sedans are popular in law enforcement agencies, health care facilities, housing and communal services. Crossovers are most in demand in law enforcement agencies, health care institutions, and the State administrations. Hatchbacks are in demand in law enforcement and healthcare facilities. The SUVs are of greatest popularity in law enforcement agencies, housing and communal services enterprises, and the State administrations. The main buyer of the vans are the State administrations, health care institutions, and housing and communal services enterprises. Minivans are used by law enforcement agencies and housing and communal services enterprises. The author estimates that in 2022, through the Prozorro public procurement website, government agencies spent UAH 234.003 million on the purchase of passenger cars.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Kotliarov Y. I.
Substantiating an Integrated Approach to the Modernization of District Heating and Heat Consumption Systems of Localities (p. 46 - 58)

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the feasibility of an integrated approach to the implementation of measures for the restoration and modernization of housing stock and heat supply objects. On the conditional example of heat supply of a heated quarter (which means a small number of residential buildings to be heated, a local boiler room and local distribution heat networks), various modernization options are considered: separate thermal modernization of buildings, modernization of heating networks, modernization of the boiler room, and options for simultaneous modernization of all elements of the chain: production-supply-consumption of heat energy (complex modernization of the heated district). It is proved that precisely a comprehensive modernization, which involves a simultaneous production, coordinated in terms of time and volumes, supply and consumption of heat, is an effective instrument for improving efficiency in the sphere of heat supply and heat consumption. The complexity of modernization in this example involves thermal modernization of buildings in the heated district (with a decrease in heat consumption by 40%) with the simultaneous modernization of heat transmission networks (with a decrease in heat loss when supplied from 20% to 5%) and modernization of the boiler room (with an increase in the efficiency quotient of boiler equipment from 88% to 93%). The implementation of such a project is economically feasible for all participants: consumers reduce the cost of paying for heat supply services by 49%, and the supplier and producer of heat with a slight (up to 6%) increase in heating tariffs provide break-even activities and receive a larger investment resource in the form of a larger amount of depreciation. At the national level, the proposed mass complex modernization of heated districts can almost halve the consumption of natural gas by municipal heat and power engineering and to the same extent reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. In addition, it becomes possible to significantly reduce the amount of subsidies from the budget for the payment of housing and communal services by the population.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Shpilevskyi V. V., Kotliarov Y. I.
The Technical and Economic Aspects of Creating a Subsector for the Production of Synthetic Liquid Fuels in Ukraine (p. 59 - 79)

The article proves that today Ukraine finds itself in a situation where it depends solely on imported supplies of light oil products to meet its motor fuel needs, which is unacceptable from the point of view of the country’s energy and national security, and the solution to this problem lies in the plane of organization of motor fuel production from the country’s own natural resources. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the technical and economic foundations for creating a synthetic motor fuel subsector in Ukraine. To achieve this aim, the authors define the classification of alternative motor fuels; provide a comparative description of the energy content and scope of use of different types of motor fuels, and also provides comparative characteristics of synthetic along with the best grades of natural oil; assess the compliance of synthetic gasoline and diesel fuel with the Euro-4 standard; considers the technical-operational advantages of synthetic analogues of oil fuel over other alternatives. Based on the carried out analysis, the article proves that, given the limited resource capabilities of Ukraine’s motor fuel production from oil and natural gas, the production of synthetic liquid motor fuel (SLMF) from coal raw materials should be recommended for development in the country; the raw material base for the production of synthetic liquid fuel is researched. The article also analyzes the peculiarities of methods and specific technologies for producing synthetic liquid motor fuel from coal and determines that the technology of synthesizing synthetic liquid motor fuel using the Fischer-Tropsch method with preliminary production of synthesis gas by steam-oxygen gasification of coal is advisable for development in Ukraine. Taking this into account, the resource and product balance of the full cycle of synthetic liquid fuel production is formed, a general production scheme of the industry subsector of SLF in Ukraine is developed, technical-economic characteristics of the national and regional industrial complexes for the production of SLF are presented, and the structure of the subsector for the production of SLF in the country is proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Poltavets A. M.
Use of Labor Resources in the Context of Land Resource Management of Agricultural Enterprises (p. 80 - 86)

The article examines the issue of the use of labor resources in the context of land resource management of agrarian enterprises. Such indicators as the number of the population, the share of the rural population, the share of labor resources employed in agricultural production, the share of the able-bodied rural population, the area of agricultural land per person employed in agricultural production, as well as the volume of production of agricultural products per person employed in agricultural production were analyzed. Thus, during 2010-2021, the working capacity ratio of the rural population decreased slightly, from 0.59 to 0.58, which indicates that the labor potential in rural areas is not high enough. The coefficient of utilization of labor resources in 2011 was only 0.22, which indicates that in rural areas only every fourth resident is engaged in labor activities or works outside of agriculture. The load on one able-bodied person is increasing. Both the general level of economic activity of the rural population and the level of economic activity of the able-bodied population are decreasing. The number of people employed in agriculture is decreasing every year. Thus, in 2010, the number of people working in rural areas was 2870.6 thousand, in 2019 - 3010.4 thousand, and in 2021 - only 2692.7 thousand. The level of unemployment in rural areas is much higher than in the city, which is due to the limited number of vacancies and their specific characteristics. However, a significant reduction in the number of people employed in agricultural production did not have a positive effect on the dynamics of labor productivity in general in the country, since the labor force from this industry sector was displaced to personal auxiliary farms where manual labor is used mostly and, therefore, a lower level of the labor productivity is observed. The main trends in the dynamics of indicators of the working capacity ratio of the rural population, the ratio of the use of labor resources, the level of economic activity of the rural population, etc. have been determined. It is established that the level of unemployment in rural areas is significantly higher than in the city, which is due to the limited number of vacancies and their specific characteristics.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yakushko I. V.
A Rating Analysis of the Development of the Digital Economy in Ukraine (p. 87 - 93)

The development of the digital economy is an objective process that is actively taking place all over the world nowadays. As a result, basic centers for the production and export of information and communication technologies were formed, which led to the formation of competition between countries in the sphere of digitalization and the development of the digital economy. Today, Ukraine is actively involved in world digitalization processes. However, the level of use of digital technologies is insufficient, which determines the importance of conducting scientific research of foreign experience in this direction, specifying current trends in the development of the digital economy in the country. The article provides a rating analysis of the current state of development of the digital economy in Ukraine. This analysis was carried out by studying the most common world rankings, which are developed and used by scientists and analysts to describe the basic trends in the digitalization of society in different countries and regions over the world. In particular, information on the digital competitiveness rating, the ranking of world countries according to the Network Readiness Index, the ranking of countries of the world by the level of Internet freedom, the Digital Economy and Society Index, and the Digital Quality of Life Index were used. As a result, it is determined that the best positions in these rankings in the vast majority of cases are occupied by countries with high socioeconomic development, which have formed conditions for innovative development, including the development, implementation and export of modern information and communication technologies. Ukraine in the above-mentioned rankings holds mediocre positions. This indicates a significant potential for the development of the digital economy in the country, which can be realized through the active intervention of public authorities in creating favorable conditions for attracting investments in the sphere of ICT. It is also determined that an important element of ensuring the development of such a sphere is the transformation of the work of the State-based institutions, since according to many criteria it is the direction of regulation that appears the most undeveloped.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zinchenko O. A., Apalkov S. S.
The European Green Deal as Part of the Course to Implementing National Economic Interests (p. 42 - 48)

The article is concerned with substantiating the directions of implementation of the European Green Deal in the system of ensuring national economic interests. The authors characterize the European Green Deal and define the current directions of its implementation in the conditions of post-war development of Ukraine. Among the national economic interests in the reconstruction of Ukraine in the vector of the European Green Deal, the authors distinguish «green» recovery, ensuring raw materials and energy security, «green» transition, restoration of industry on the basis of a circular economy, overcoming the negative environmental consequences of hostilities, spreading the principles of conscious consumption and social responsibility, ensuring food stability in compliance with eco-standards, supporting green projects in all spheres of social activity, green education and environmental culture in educating youth, effective functioning and transparent use of target and donor funds for the development of a «green» economy, decentralization of management and involvement of the public and communities in decision-making. The article substantiates each of these directions, determines the current state and prospects of its implementation. The authors prove that for the success of recovery processes, it is necessary to change the paradigm of thinking from an egocentric attitude to nature to conscious consumption and social responsibility. And active participation of the public in discussing the concept of reconstruction of the country, involving communities in making important decisions on the restoration of territories, information transparency and inclusiveness of power represent the key to the adoption by society of all further administrative, economic, social changes on the way to implementing the European Green Deal. As promising directions for future research, the authors highlight the development of mechanisms for implementing the «green» course with a perspective on post-war recovery, the methodological content of these mechanisms, the development of their instruments.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Malуarets L. M., Denysiuk O. V., Kulikov O. P., Fatyanov D. V.
The Strategy for Efficiency of Using the Export-Import Potential (p. 49 - 57)

The purpose of the article is to study the efficiency of using the export-import potential in the current conditions of limited activity and to form the theoretical, informational and analytical support for the relevant strategy. The article briefly analyzes the current state of the economy in the country. Based on the generalization of opinions of leading scholars and practical activities of economic entities, the main characterizations of the conditions limiting their activities are presented. Formation of a strategy for the efficient use of export-import potential involves the development of information support, which be based on an appropriate system of indicators reflecting the status, use and factors influencing this potential. The analytical support for the strategy development includes an analysis of trends of changes in the values of indicators of the efficiency of the use of export and import potential, which is recommended to be carried out using descriptive statistics. In forming a strategy, it is important to determine the relationship between trends in the changes of values of indicators of efficiency of the use of export-import potential in assessing the levels of factors influencing efficiency and planning and forecasting the values of these indicators. It is recommended to add to the analytical method of determining the mechanism of interrelation of trends in the development of factors influencing the efficiency of the use of export-import potential the following stages: diagnosing trends in time series of indicators using the descriptive statistics tools, determining the relationship between the factors of influence and identifying the most significant factors using multivariate factor analysis, diagnosing the stationarity of time series, testing the hypothesis of cointegration of time series using the Engel-Granger criterion. This logic of applying mathematical tools contributes to the scientific substantiation of the strategy for the efficient use of export-import potential and the identification of new knowledge about this potential.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kondratenko N. O., Dobryanskyy O. I.
The Formation of an Integrated System of Economic Security at the National Level (p. 58 - 64)

The article forms an integrated system of economic security at the national level. It is noted that new threats to Ukraine’s national security today are caused by hostilities on its own territory and certain problems in the country’s economy. In this regard, a sharp lag in technical-technological, organizational, managerial, marketing, and human resources potentials in almost all sectors of the national economy is observed, which significantly affects the level of economic security at the national level. It is specified that when forming an integrated system of economic security at the national level, it is necessary to take into account certain objective circumstances, neglect of which may lead to a loss of control over national interests. It is defined that in today’s conditions, the economic security of a country is the foundation for the functioning of all elements related to this system: political, social, military, environmental, technological, information security, etc. Thus, it can be confidently stated that it occupies a central place in the national security system, since its provision guarantees the vital activity of virtually all spheres of society and contributes to the socioeconomic development of the State. A structure of the economic security of the State is proposed. After analyzing the proposed integrated system of economic security at the national level, the authors note the close interrelation of all types of threats and their impact on the realization of the national interests of the State. It is concluded that the formation of an integrated system of economic security at the national level, which combines the identification of threats to national security and the level of economic security of the country, can ensure the sustainability of all sectors of the economy, long-term economic growth and high quality of life of the country’s population. When building an integrated system of economic security at the national level, the authors identify the main types of threats: of national level, internal economic relations, of territorial level, and threats to public relations, the presence and relevance of which prove the need for an integrated approach to solving the problems of economic security.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prokhorova V. V., Diachenko K. S., Babichev A. V.
The IT Industry as a Driver of the Strategic Development of Ukraine's Economy in the Context of Digital Transformation (p. 65 - 73)

The purpose of the article is analyze the current state of the IT industry of Ukraine and determine its promising directions as a driver of the strategic development of Ukraine's economy in the context of digital transformation. By analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the scientific works of leading domestic and foreign scientists, the destabilizing factors of the development of the IT industry were determined, both the pre-war and the current state of the IT industry was analyzed, and the challenges and advantages of its operation in the strategic development of Ukraine were outlined. During the research, it was found that in the pre-war period, the IT industry of Ukraine was one of the largest exporters of IT services in European countries, with the growth by 25–30% every year, generating more than 4% of Ukraine's GDP. The current state of the IT industry in Ukraine, which is complicated by the state of war, economic instability, and systematic blackouts, is also analyzed. As a result of the research, the challenges that have a significant impact on the activities of the companies in the IT industry as a whole were identified and formulated. The advantages of the IT industry from the point of view of the global economy, for the State, for other branches of the economy, and for those employed in the field of IT technologies, are determined. Prospects for further research in this direction are the development of a set of measures to stimulate and develop the IT sphere of Ukraine, in particular at the State level, which would ensure sustainable development in both the long-term and the short-term perspective.

Article is written in English


Holovnia O. M., Potapov V. P.
Integration Processes in the Sphere of Rural Green Tourism as a Factor in Activating the Development of Rural Areas (p. 31 - 40)

The article analyzes rational approaches to the need to develop rural green tourism, the importance of which is actualized in the conditions of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine. The author believes that the key component in the development of the country's agrarian sphere is the comprehensive development of rural areas aimed at stable development of agricultural production, improvement of working and living conditions, and preservation of the natural environment of the population. The revival and further economic and social development of rural areas of Ukraine now is directly linked to the tourism industry, particularly green tourism. The author researched the phenomenon of gastronomic tourism and analyzed the problems of its development in the current conditions in Ukraine, generalizing the theoretical, methodical and practical aspects of the development of gastrotourism. The article presents gastronomic routes of the Vinnytsia region, which cover interesting historical places, architectural highlights, and well-known excursion projects. Vinnytsia region is rich in culinary traditions, which should become the basis for the development of gastronomic routes in the region, and the unique tourist «magnets» could be created in the communities. The sphere of gastrotourism has growth potential, but without the creation of additional «magnets» for tourists, it has no chance of independent realization. It is determined that clusters as integration structures are focused on creating new value within a network or reducing transactional and economic costs. They complement each other in production and sales chains or when implementing innovative projects. The initiators and coordinators of the creation of network organizations can be different institutions in accordance with the nature of the activities. Although wine clusters in Ukraine are developing as well, at the present moment this market has not reached its full potential.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Shpilevskyi V. V., Kriachko Y. M.
Energy Efficiency of the Ukrainian Economy by Types of Economic Activity (p. 41 - 55)

The article is concerned with assessing and analyzing the energy efficiency of the Ukrainian economy by types of economic activity. The study analyzes the place of Ukraine among other countries according to international rankings (indices): the Energy Transition Index, the Trilemma Index of the World Energy Council (WEC), the International Energy Security Risk Index. It is found that Ukraine’s positions in international rankings determine a number of interrelated problems of energy, economic and environmental development of the country, among which one of the major ones is the high energy intensity of GDP. The dynamics of energy intensity of GDP in some countries of the world and in Ukraine is analyzed. A matrix for estimating the energy efficiency of economies of countries (groups of countries) according to the criteria of direction and intensity of changes and the level of energy intensity of GDP is proposed. It is examined what structural changes occurred in the energy sector and economy of Ukraine by the type of continuity of the production process and the level of energy intensity in the final consumption of fuel and energy resources (FER) and production output. The specific weight of characteristics of groups of foreign economic activity of Ukraine in the final consumption of FER and production output is analyzed. The related indices are computed and directions of structural shifts in foreign economic activity in final consumption of FER and production output are determined. A general characterization of consistency of structural shifts in final consumption of FER and production output due to foreign economic activity and their groups in Ukraine is formed. The carried out study allowed to determine that the high energy intensity of Ukraine’s GDP is a consequence of the peculiarities of the structure of the national economy, shifted towards more energy-intensive industries and technological lag of most sectors of the economy from the level of developed countries. It is determined that, in general, in the structure of the economy of Ukraine there were coordinated minor changes in the final consumption of FER and production output. However, in parts of the group of foreign economic activity related to industries with a continuous type of production process with high and medium energy intensity, there were significant uncoordinated negative structural changes both in the final consumption of FER and in production output. Some increase in energy efficiency of the national economy was caused by a reduction in production volumes in highly energy-intensive industries with a continuous production cycle. Thus, despite the high rate of decline in the energy intensity of GDP in Ukraine, its energy intensity remains one of the highest in the world (exceeding the world average by 2.1 times), which determines the unsatisfactory energy efficiency of the economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kondratenko N. O., Dobryanskyy O. I.
The Determination of National Threats as a Prerequisite for the Formation of an Integrated System of Economic Security at the National Level (p. 56 - 62)

The article considers specificity of determination of national threats as prerequisites for formation of an integrated system of economic security at the national level. It is noted that the integrated system of economic security is a complex structure that includes various components that cover the main spheres of functioning of the national economy. It is defined that the growing complexity of the global geopolitical and economic environment increases the need to create an effective system for managing the country’s economic security. It is noted that the main advantage of the integrated system of economic security of the State is the possibility of its full consideration of fluctuations of the global economic system through careful analysis and monitoring of economic tendencies, changes in world trade or financial markets, and other key global factors. This becomes of particular importance in the view of the State adapting in a timely manner to changes in the global economic environment while ensuring its economic stability and security. The role of determination of national threats in formation of an integrated system of economic security is analyzed. The key factors influencing the economic security of the country, such as geopolitical location, natural resources, technological development, demographic situation, level of corruption, etc., are examined. It is found that the determination of national threats allows to identify the potential risks and vulnerabilities of the national economy. The principles of formation of strategic approaches and policy of ensuring economic security at the national level have been proposed. The peculiarities of introduction of integrated systems of economic security on the basis of determination of national threats are considered. The importance of studying national threats for the formation of an effective system of economic security is proved. The application of the analysis of determination of national threats for the development of strategies for ensuring stability and development of the national economy has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuklin O. V., Azmuk N. A., Dernova I. A.
Resilience of the National Higher Education System: An Assessment, the Directions for Strengthening (p. 63 - 73)

A competitive national educational system is the key to the development of the national economy, innovative growth and ensuring a decent quality of life for the population in the country. The aim of the study is to assess the resilience of the higher education system and to develop directions for post-war reform of the national higher education system on the basis of resilience. The article presents the authors’ own vision of the conception of resilience of the national system of higher education. The authors have identified and substantiated the main factors that ensure the resilience of higher education. A comprehensive characterization of the factors of resilience formation is proposed and their quantitative and qualitative parameters are analyzed. Based on the analysis of statistical data, it is defined that the national education system is sustainable and maintains its structural integrity despite the influence of destructive external factors. An important sign of resilience during martial law is academic continuity. It is found that the educational system is determined by different types of educational institutions, a wide range of educational programs, a variety of approaches to building an individual educational trajectory. It is substantiated that the national educational system is characterized by sufficient stability and diversity, but this is not a sufficient condition to ensure its resilience. The resource provision of the national system of higher education is examined. The financial resources of the educational system are emphasized and their insufficiency to ensure the resilience of the system is proved. According to the results of the correlation analysis, it is determined that there is a close relationship between the level of financing and the choice of a country of study by potential students. Based on the results of the study, directions for strengthening the resilient national system of higher education are identified. The proposed measures are systematized according to three main factors of ensuring the resilience of the educational system.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kolupaieva I. V., Bezsonov S.
The State and Directions of Development of e-Commerce in Ukraine (p. 74 - 80)

The rapid development of information technology changes the business environment around the world. Ukraine is no exception. The formation of the digital economy has become the basis of a new paradigm for the functioning of business entities. The availability of the Internet and the development of information technology, which are the main accelerators of the development of e-commerce, have contributed to a significant demand for online trade (e-commerce) in Ukraine. Nowadays, the number of companies that are switching to online platforms to sell their products is increasing. In Ukraine, online commerce covers a wide range of goods and services, ranging from food and household appliances to clothing, footwear and electronics. The aim of the study is to analyze e-commerce trends in Ukraine and ways of further development in the context of current challenges. The study defines that online commerce in Ukraine is a promising market with great potential for further growth and development. An analysis of the dynamics of the e-commerce market in Ukraine showed that by 2022 Ukraine demonstrated significant success in the e-commerce market. The largest increase of +48% compared to the previous period was observed in 2020 and was connected with the COVID-19 pandemic, which has become an accelerator of digitalization. In 2021, Ukrainian e-commerce market grew significantly – by 27%, compared to a global growth rate of 15%. Despite the fact that the number of purchased goods and services in Ukraine is gradually growing, these figures are still quite low compared to the average for EU countries. In order to determine the priorities of regulatory policy regarding the Ukrainian e-commerce market, based on the SWOT analysis, opportunities for further development and challenges that need to be addressed have been identified. Only with a balanced regulatory policy regarding the e-commerce market and the effective choice of appropriate regulatory levers can economic growth and the level of welfare of the population, the development of the country as a whole, be ensured.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nazarenko S. A., Nosan N. S.
Implementation of Project Management Technologies in the Sphere of Public Administration of Ukraine in Crisis Conditions (p. 81 - 86)

The article is aimed at substantiating the prospects for improving public administration on the basis of project management in the context of aggravation of crisis phenomena in the national economy of Ukraine. Modernization of the modern system of territorial organization of power along with reinforcing of future victory by creating the foundation for strengthening Ukraine’s national security in the future is of great importance. In turn, this necessitates the study of project management technologies of public authorities, which are more focused on solving specific tasks both at the State level and at the level of the territorial community. Analyzing, systematizing and summarizing scientific research, the issue of improving the project approach in the sphere of public administration in Ukraine during the wartime was considered. As a result of the study, the main components of the project are characterized. The views of scientists on the characteristic features of project activities of public authorities are considered and generalized. Two groups of approaches to determining the characteristic features, which most informatively and effectively demonstrate the peculiarities of implementation of project activities in public administration bodies, have been allocated. The main directions of project activities in public administration are determined, taking into account wartime conditions. The prospects of using project management technologies in the sphere of public administration in Ukraine under conditions of crisis are outlined. The advantages provided by the use of new public administration model in accordance with the ideas of project management are indicated. Prospects for further research in this direction are the issues of training public administration sector employees to organize teamwork within the project, improving control over project implementation. The issues of ensuring the effective implementation of projects in the digital economy, the peculiarities of the project activities of public authorities in the context of the aggravation of the crisis in the national economy of Ukraine remain insufficiently studied.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ponomarenko V. S., Malуarets L. M., Barannik I. O., Baliuk Y. S.
The Provisions of the Conception of Transformation of the Innovative Development of Export-Import Activities of Economic Entities in the Wartime and Post-War Conditions (p. 87 - 98)

The article is aimed at forming provisions of the conception of transformation of the innovative development of export-import activity of economic entities (EIAEE), taking into account research by scientists and practitioners, current legislative orders of the State in the sphere of economy, practices of functioning and development of this activity, substantiation of expediency of implementation of these provisions in the wartime and post-war conditions. The article briefly analyzes the state of economy in Ukraine in the current conditions. A grouping of conceptions of innovative development by directions is provided. The concepts of «development» and «innovative development» are closer defined. The following provisions of the conception of transformation of innovative development of export-import activity of economic entities under conditions of limited activity are substantiated: 1) in the conditions of wartime and in the post-war period, the assistance of developed countries and international organizations accelerates the innovative development of the EIAEE in Ukraine; 2) government management of investments promotes innovative development of export-import activities; 3) transformation of innovation development of the EIAEE will take place in several stages; 4) with the help of innovative development of the EIAEE, a systemic economic strategy for the country’s recovery is successfully implemented; 5) government support for the development of entrepreneurial activity contributes to the innovative development of the EIAEE; 6) new signs of innovative development of the EIAEE are the training through export, digitalization of this activity, innovative competitiveness of human capital, increase of innovatively active enterprises, differentiation of the origin of investments and verification of their purity, transition in international trade from off-shoring to friend-shoring, establishment of criteria for determining friendly investments; 7) the results of evaluation, analysis, diagnostics, monitoring of innovative development of the EIAEE create an analytical basis for wartime risk insurance instruments, which is one of the prerequisites for attracting foreign direct investment; 8) formation of a sufficient level of export-import potential ensures innovative development of the EIAEE and its sustainability; 9) in the process of international scientific and technical cooperation, innovative development of the EIAEE is carried out; 10) management of innovation development of the EIAEE consists in choosing the best option for this development; 11) competitiveness ensures the innovative development of the EIAEE. These provisions create a scientific basis for the development of effective management programs, measures at all levels of management both in the war and the post-war situation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sadchykova I. V., Tarasenko A. V.
Evolutionary Views on the Essence of the Concept of «e-Business» (p. 99 - 105)

Today, the development of e-business is an integral part of the digital economy around the world. The active development of digital technologies contributes to the gradual transformation of enterprises, the emergence of new spheres and sectors of the national economy. This development also changes the usual way of doing business, and thus the behavior of entrepreneurial entities and buyers of goods and services. The above actualizes carrying out new scientific research in this direction in order to specify the essence of e-business and determine the specifics of using the capabilities of digital technologies in entrepreneurial activity. With a view to a detailed study of the essence of e-business, this article examines the main periods of formation and development of this type of business in the world, identifying among them the following: formation (50-60s of the twentieth century); fragmentation (70s of the twentieth century); development (80-90s of the twentieth century); adaptation and customization (1990-1995); standardization (1996-2000); multi-attribution and convergence (2000s and up to now). The article also discusses the main direction of e-business that are actively developing over the world nowadays. These include e-commerce, electronic financial services, e-marketing, and virtual enterprises. It is found that a significant number of scientific works equate such definitions as e-commerce and e-business. However, the study has defined that e-commerce is only a separate direction of entrepreneurial activity which is currently undergoing a significant transformation as a result of the use of information technology. As a result, it is proposed to consider e-business as a new model of contemporary doing business making use of information and communication technologies and systems to generate profits and ensure stable socioeconomic development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sytnyk N. S., Yurchenko I. M.
Prospects for the Tax Reform «10-10-10» in Ukraine (p. 106 - 111)

In the wake of the war in Ukraine and the rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses have either suspended or closed their operations. The introduction of martial law requires rapid adaptation of tax legislation to new realities. To do this, the State must, in particular, distribute its burden to promote the survival of businesses in the wartime conditions. One of such plans is to carry out the tax reform «10-10-10», which provides for amendments to tax legislation, revision of preferential taxation of certain business segments and reduction of basic tax rates. Making adjustments to these tax rates will lead to serious changes in the State budget itself. The main taxes that will be changed during the reform are VAT, personal income tax and business income tax. Analysts argue that reducing them to 10% and strengthening tax control over entrepreneurs and enterprises will lead to the withdrawal of a significant part of business from the «shadow». The important point is that, in contrast to reducing the rates on basic taxes, the authors of the reform propose to strengthen control over the activities of not only registered entrepreneurs, but also the population that receives income without registering as a business entity. This will entail an increase in fines for violating tax legislation. Among the important shortcomings of the reform are the potential increase in the budget deficit resulting from a significant reduction in taxes, as well as the conditions of the European Directive 112, which Ukraine has to adhere to within the framework of European integration and according to which the VAT rate cannot be less than 15%. In turn, the advantages are strengthening tax control, de-shadowing the economy and reducing the tax burden on the wage fund, improving the standard of living of the population, supporting business and attracting foreign investment. Thus, after a detailed consideration of the reform, familiarization with the opinions of leading experts and a brief analysis, it can be argued that in such a difficult situation in which Ukraine finds itself now, it is appropriate to make fundamental changes to the tax system in order to improve the financial condition of the population, enterprises and the economy in general.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shevchenko O. V.
Adaptation to Climate Change: The Experience of the European Union (p. 52 - 58)

The article examines the theoretical and legal framework for the formation of public administration instruments in the field of climate change at the EU level. The author identifies the main directions of the European Union’s climate policy and sets out the tasks envisaged to be implemented by 2030. The article analyzes the main groups of instruments and measures used within the framework of European governance aimed at combating climate change. The world is currently experiencing significant and dynamic changes. Climate change has become an important challenge for the whole world, and the EU countries recognize its potentially negative impact on the environment and society. Climate change is recognized as one of the greatest challenges of our time, and the EU is actively engaged in developing and implementing measures to ensure the resilience of its territory and citizens to these challenges. The study analyzes the approaches and strategies used by the EU to adapt to climate change at various levels. The article analyzes the general context of climate change and the main challenges posed by climate change, and examines the EU policies and initiatives on adaptation, including the development of national strategies, funding programs, and mechanisms for cooperation between the EU Member States. One of the most important and urgent issues of the European Union is the protection of the natural environment and ecological security of the continent in the context of climate change. In this regard, current trends in European development force us to think about complex theoretical issues, such as the quality of life of Europeans. In this context, the role of climate change policy is becoming increasingly important in shaping new areas of political science, which encompasses and interacts with the fields of economics, law, sociology, and ecology. The article substantiates the challenges faced by the EU in the issue of climate change adaptation and provides recommendations for the further development of strategies and policies in this sphere. The study aims to contribute to a better understanding and utilization of the EU’s experience in climate change adaptation both in Europe and in other parts of the world.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bondar-Pіdhurska O. V., Konovalova N. S., Khomenko I. I., Baklanov S. O.
Innovative Technologies in the Logistics of Industrial Enterprises during the Wartime and in the Post-War Development of the Economy of Ukraine: Corporate Relations and Intellectual Property (p. 59 - 70)

The article is aimed at studying the main changes in logistics during the wartime and, further on, generalizing innovative technologies in industrial logistics in the situation of wartime and concerning the post-war period of economic development of Ukraine, as well as developing proposals for improving the efficiency of their use from the standpoint of corporate relations and intellectual property. The authors’ own structural and logical scheme of the study on the topic «Innovative technologies in the logistics of industrial enterprises during the wartime and in the post-war development of the economy of Ukraine: corporate relations and intellectual property» in a general form is built, the material of the article is presented accordingly. The main changes in logistics that took place during the war of Russian Federation on Ukraine are highlighted. The importance of «innovative technology in the logistics of industrial enterprises» is substantiated from the standpoint of valuating the interests of all stakeholders. In the course of the study, the authors’ own interpretation of this category as new technologies that are created on the basis of the use of intellectual property rights and are able to satisfy the vital interests of all participants in corporate relations by means of applying them in the logistics of industrial enterprises is presented. The promising directions of application of innovative technologies in the logistics of industrial enterprises in the conditions of wartime and in the post-war development of the national economy are generalized. It is noted that the current economy of Ukraine operates in the context of transformation of market relations in accordance with the requirements of the EU, one of which is the formation of the corporate sector for the effective use of pooled capital (both financial and non-financial). The indicators of receipt of applications for objects of property rights (OPR) and for inventions during the period of 2018–2022 are analyzed, the results of the carried out analysis have actualized the issue of motivation for the creation and introduction of the objects of intellectual property rights (OIPR) as a source of innovative technologies in the logistics of industrial enterprises during the wartime and in the post-war development of the economy of Ukraine. The conceptual and logical scheme of creation and implementation of objects of intellectual property rights as a source of innovative technologies in the logistics of industrial corporate associations is visualized on the basis of situational and integrated approaches. It is expected that the recommendations provided will improve the process of management of innovative technologies in the logistics of industrial enterprises, accelerate the restoration, modernization and development of corporate industrial associations, increase the level of satisfaction of vital interests of participants in corporate relations and of the population of Ukraine as a whole concerning both during the wartime and in the post-war development of the national economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Honcharuk I. V., Pantsyreva H. V., Vovk V. Y.
Assessing the Bioenergy Potential of the Agro-Industrial Complex to Ensure the Energy Independence of the Industry (p. 71 - 80)

The purpose of the study is to assess the bioenergy potential of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine to ensure the energy independence of the industry. The article analyzes the structure of the world-wide supply of primary energy and determines the share of renewable energy sources (hereinafter – RES) in this structure. The expediency of using biomass for the development of bioenergy in Ukraine is substantiated. The classification of the main sources of biomass for energy production is characterized, which, first of all, include primary wood, agricultural waste (dry and wet residues), energy plants, food and industrial waste. The formation of primary agricultural waste in Ukraine is studied, starting from the gross harvest of the main crops and waste coefficients. The theoretical bioenergy potential of primary crop waste in Ukraine in terms of equivalent fuel based on the heat of combustion of waste from the corresponding crops is calculated. The technical bioenergy potential of crop waste has been determined using the coefficients of technical accessibility, the basis of which is the existing technologies for the collection and processing of agricultural waste into energy. An assessment of the economic potential of crop waste for energy production is carried out, the computed technical potential of crop waste and the coefficient of energy use of waste have been taken as the basis for the calculation. According to the results of the study, it is concluded that in Ukraine, the primary waste of such crops as corn for grain, sunflower, wheat, rapeseed and soybeans has the greatest potential for use for energy purposes. The main barriers that hinder the development of bioenergy in Ukraine and slow down the pace of achieving energy independence of the agro-industrial complex are identified. The main ways to overcome the identified barriers are proposed, which should stimulate the use of the bioenergy potential of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Matrunchyk D. M.
Modernization of the Military-Industrial and Security Complex as the Main Link in the Innovative Transformation of the Post-War Economy of the Regions of Ukraine (p. 81 - 87)

It is substantiated that the modernization of the military-industrial and security complex is the main link in the innovative transformation of the national and regional economy in both the wartime and the post-war periods. Studies have shown that in the system of academic and sectoral domestic science, a significant potential for fundamental and applied research in the field of armaments, military equipment and security technologies is formed, which implies the basic determinant of innovative transformation of the national economy and the economy of individual regions through the modernization of the military-industrial and security complex. It is determined that the favorable prerequisites for the modernization of the military-industrial and security complex of Ukraine are: an extensive network of research and production institutions that specialized in the design of new types of weapons and military equipment; powerful research and engineering human resources of the military-industrial complex; availability of industrial capacities for the production of military products; sufficient resource base to ensure a full cycle of production of certain types of weapons and military equipment (availability of production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, various types of electronics and optics products). It is found that the restoration of the relationship between the sphere of research and development of defense and security direction and the development of the production of weapons, military equipment and security technologies will ensure the renewal of the military-industrial and security complex on a new technical and technological basis, and this will contribute to the growth of domestic demand for domestic metal products, the transfer of advanced foreign defense and security technologies, the accelerated development of domestic electronics and other industries related to the military-industrial complex, and the development of digital technologies. It is determined that Ukraine enjoys the broad support of the coalition of Western countries, which creates favorable conditions for the transfer of modern foreign defense and security technologies of the latest generations, which will allow to establish the production of modern weapons and military equipment at domestic enterprises of the defense-industrial sector in the short term.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Kotliarov Y. I., Filatova T. A.
Analyzing the Structure of the Ukrainian Market of Heat Energy Producers (p. 88 - 100)

The aim of the article is to study the structure of the market of heat energy producers by organizational and legal forms of economic management and by types of ownership, to determine on this basis the directions of reforming the communal heat and power industry. To achieve the aforementioned goal, the available regional registers of licensees-economic entities in the field of heat supply, as well as the resolutions of the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission on the issuance of licenses and/or setting the tariffs for heat energy, are analyzed. The accomplished analysis covers the period from 2014 to the first half of 2023 inclusive. 980 economic entities that carried out economic activity during the analyzed period, among them 844 that operated at the end of this period, are identified. These economic entities have different forms of ownership and different organizational and legal forms of economic management. It is determined that the well-known statement that the municipal heat and power industry has been in a state of crisis is valid only for the communal utilities operating large district heating systems. Such enterprises are characterized by a high level of wear and tear of equipment, unsatisfactory financial condition, and inefficient management of the enterprise. Along with the latter, the private sector enterprises are actively developing in Ukraine. Of the total number of economic entities included in the sample (844), more than half (492) are private enterprises, limited liability companies, or individual entrepreneurs. Such economic entities operate effectively in regional markets without receiving any subsidies from local budgets; many of them have been around for more than 10 years. On the basis of the performed analysis, directions of reforming heat and power enterprises of various forms of ownership, first of all, the State-owned and municipal enterprises, are suggested. It is proposed, when expecting an increase in the level of management of a municipal utility enterprise, in particular, to have all kinds of activities unbundled and to implement the outsourcing of the non-core functions. Prospects for further research on this topic would be the study of the organization of heat supply in certain regions and settlements of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Shpilevskyi V. V., Shpilevskyi O. V.
A Substantiation of Promising Directions for the Development of Circular Economy in Ukraine (p. 101 - 111)

The article determines that at the present stage of human development, the economy acquires the importance of a factor of direct impact on the natural environment, and that this situation has arisen as a result of economic development focused on meeting the needs of mankind under conditions of ignoring the need to ensure environmental neutrality of production and consumption, which, with the inconsistency of natural and economic resource cycles and limited natural resources, determines significant negative qualitative and structural changes in the environment. The article presents the results of a study on substantiation of promising directions for the development of the circular economy, where it is considered as a certain stage of economic evolution and an integral part of the real anthropogenic and natural resource cycles. The use of this approach along with the conceptual provisions of the circular economy contributed to the developing of: a system of defining features of certain types of economies; a cyclic-resource model of the anthropogenic environment; a complex of theoretical and methodological support for substantiating the directions of development of the circular economy. The peculiarities of the practical application of theoretical and methodological provision for the identification of promising directions for the development of the circular economy are disclosed on the example of solving the problem of reducing the negative anthropogenic impact on the environment, namely carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere in Ukraine, by types of economic activity in compliance with other conceptual provisions and restrictions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tretyak V. P., Chen Yuxi
Maintaining the Sustainability and Identifying the Development Opportunities for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (p. 112 - 118)

The article discusses the issue of functioning of small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine, their development in the economic, political and social spheres under conditions of high uncertainty. The current state of small and medium-sized businesses is analyzed and the possibilities of ensuring their sustainability and further development are defined. The approaches to the definition of entities of micro-entrepreneurship, small, medium, and large entrepreneurship in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine are systematized. The main parameters of micro-enterprises, small, medium, and large enterprises are specified. The main problems of the development of small business in Ukraine before the war are highlighted, in particular, the lack of an effective mechanism of the State support and protection of small and medium-sized businesses, the prevalence of corruption, the shadowing of business, raiding, and the imperfection of the tax system, underdevelopment of risk insurance in business, the need to increase the social responsibility of business, etc. The balance of economic entities and the dynamics of the number of operating economic entities (large, medium, small) in Ukraine in 2010–2021 are analyzed. It is concluded that during this period there was a general reduction in the number of enterprises, while the proportion of SMEs in the total number of economic entities remains at the level of 99.97%. It is noted that in the context of the full-scale russian invasion, SMEs continue to be a significant factor in the stability of the State. SMEs are payers of the taxes that Ukraine uses for various security and defense needs. A study of the dynamics of the number of employed employees in the field of small and medium-sized enterprises over the past ten years is carried out, allowing to note an increase in their number to 81.5% of the total number of employees in 2021. The problems and challenges of the development of entrepreneurial activity in modern Ukraine are identified, such as destruction, relocation, search and resumption of work in a new regional niche of the market segment, as well as the search for opportunities to pay taxes, pay wages, engage in volunteering, and receive income for their own development. The authors propose a number of directions of the State policy to maintain the stability of small and medium-sized businesses: creating a favorable environment for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises; expanding access to finance for small and medium-sized enterprises; simplification of tax administration for small and medium-sized enterprises; increasing the competitiveness and innovation potential of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kholiavko N. I., Samoilovych A. H., Olyfirenko I. S.
The Theoretical Foundations and Approaches to the Modernization of Higher Education Institutions on the Basis of the Conception of Sustainable Development (p. 119 - 127)

In recent years, higher education institutions have been developing under the influence of atypical, unpredictable, powerful exogenous challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to significant transformations in the educational, research, and international activities of universities, transferring most communications to an online format (distance learning, remote work, meetings with colleagues and communication with partners in the form of video conferencing, making use of modern digital technologies). With the beginning of russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine, educational institutions are suffering enormous losses both in human capital (departure of scientific and pedagogical staff and students of higher education abroad, mobilization, injury, captivity, death of both employees and students) and in material and technical support (damage or destruction of buildings, laboratories, destruction or theft of equipment, etc.). The authors of the article note that the post-war modernization of Ukrainian universities should be implemented on the basis of the conception of sustainable development, covering various areas of their activities, and not limited exclusively to restoration to the pre-war state. The aim of the article is to systematize scientific approaches to the study of the processes of modernization of higher education institutions on the basis of the conception of sustainable development. To achieve the goal, the method of content analysis was used to study scientific publications of foreign scientists devoted to the study of various aspects of sustainable development of higher education institutions. On the basis of the carried out study, the following main groups of scientific approaches have been allocated: institutional, material-ecological, process, experimental-search, stakeholder (partnership), and structural-functional approaches. The authors conclude that, given the multifaceted nature of the processes of modernization of higher education institutions on the basis of the conception of sustainable development, it appears more balanced to apply an integrated approach to the related research work.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shevchenko A. V.
The Guidelines and Tasks of Industrial Policy of Ukraine in the Context of Wartime and in the Post-War Recovery (p. 128 - 133)

The aim of the article is to determine the priorities of industrial policy in the conditions of wartime and in the post-war recovery, to substantiate its efficient instruments for ensuring transformational changes in the economy and the formation of a qualitatively new structure of industry. The article identifies directions of transformational changes in the industry, which consist in ensuring an increase in its structure of the share of industry branches that form high added value, as well as the development of industrial processing of products that are currently exported in the form of raw materials. The necessity of determining the priorities of the State support of strategic industries of Ukraine for the transformation of the industrial structure in the post-war recovery is substantiated. The article proposes a number of measures of the State policy aimed at the regulatory and legal consolidation of the lists of strategic industries and industrial enterprises of Ukraine, maintaining the adaptability and functionality of production chains in strategic industries, laying the financial foundation for the formation of growth points in the strategic industry branches. As the priorities of stimulating industrial processing are defined the processing of agricultural, mineral, both metal and secondary raw materials. Fostering the processing of agricultural raw materials involves stimulating domestic production and the use of equipment for the food processing industry, the formation of cooperatives for the production of finished food products by small and medium-sized enterprises. The implementation of the potential for the processing of mineral and metal raw materials will be ensured by the development of partnership with the EU in the field of critical raw materials, the promotion of attracting international investment in the industry with the provision of their control by the State authorities. Stimulating the recycling requires the identification of promising areas of recycling for the production of final industrial products, the use of available recycling facilities for the processing of waste generated as a result of the war.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pankova O. V., Kasperovich O. Y.
A Vision of a Renewal of the System of Social Dialogue in Ukraine under the Influence of the Novel Challenges and Threats (p. 295 - 305)

The aim of the article is to define and substantiate a vision of a comprehensive renewal of the system of social dialogue in Ukraine as an important prerequisite for its acquisition of a qualitatively new level of efficiency, which corresponds to the scale and complexity of the challenges facing Ukraine in the current conditions. The vision includes the content of the general conception of renewal (the essential logic of the process), the definition of the spectrum of the novel challenges and threats to the labor sphere, the system of social and labor relations (SLR) and social dialogue (these are four groups of factors: digitalization, the accelerated European integration, the devastating consequences of large-scale armed russian aggression and chronically unresolved problems accumulated in the pre-war period in the SLR system, and in the field of labor); the content and logic of the process of network-digital renewal of the system of social dialogue, its structural segments; the practical component is to identify the key actors involved in updating the system of social dialogue, the main areas of activity, measures for their implementation, the formation of a new technological basis for the updated system of social dialogue, which allows to ensure effective communication of the subjects of the SLR, to expand the composition of the parties to the social dialogue, to create conditions for a gradual transition to the model of «tripartism+». The authors of the article, on the basis of a generalization of the results of the research by previous authors and other studies, substantiate the need for a significant update of the system of social dialogue in Ukraine as an important instrument for consolidation of subjects of the social and labor sphere for the adoption and implementation of effective mutually agreed decisions to ensure the sustainability of the labor sphere and the national economy, to meet the needs of Ukraine’s recovery. The main idea of updating the system of social dialogue in Ukraine in the context of the needs to ensure the sustainability of the labor sphere is to create a qualitatively new environment for the productive interaction of the parties to the social dialogue through the use of modern network-digital and information-communication technologies. The expediency of such involvement is substantiated, the content of three key segments for the implementation of the platformization of the national system of social dialogue is disclosed. A list of the main participants in this process has been determined, the content of the main activities and measures for their implementation has been covered for each segment. Further research on updating the system of social dialogue in Ukraine should be aimed at forming a strategic basis, taking into account the further course of hostilities, European integration, digitalization of the economy and other processes that are decisive for Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kyzym M. O., Bielikova N. V., Poliakova O. Y.
The Conception of Ukraine’s Exit from the «Trap of Backwardness» in the Post-War Period (p. 64 - 69)

The formation of directions for Ukraine’s exit from the «trap of backwardness» in the post-war period requires a logical and well-grounded conception built on the principles of modern science. In modern research, much attention is paid to the development of methodological support for the development of conceptions and conceptional provisions as a basis for the development of the country. However, there is currently no single scientifically grounded conception for Ukraine’s exit from the «trap of backwardness» after the war. The aim of the article is to substantiate the draft conception of Ukraine’s exit from the «trap of backwardness» in the post-war period. The main postulates of classical and neoclassical theories and conceptions that examine the problems of backwardness of countries by directions and dynamics of socioeconomic development, as well as individual authors’ models that describe various modifications of the «traps of backwardness» are generalized. The basic postulates of modern European research on the problems of recovery of the socioeconomic development after crises are defined. On this basis, a theoretical platform for the draft conception of Ukraine’s exit from the «trap of backwardness» is proposed. The effectiveness of the use of cognitive models to address the needs of the theory and practice of Ukraine’s post-war exit from the «trap of backwardness» is shown. The draft conception of Ukraine’s exit from the «trap of backwardness» in the post-war period is substantiated, containing a number of hypotheses and provisions, which together solve an important scientific and practical task of creating a mechanism and conditions for overcoming and destroying the trap of backwardness in Ukraine, as well as excluding the causes and possibilities of its reproduction in the post-war and long-term periods. Theoretical and practical problems that can be solved on the basis of the implementation of the draft conception of Ukraine’s exit from the «trap of backwardness» presented in the article are structured.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kolbasin Y. S., Filatova T. A.
The State and Tendencies in the Development of the Forestry Industry Complex of Ukraine in the Pre-War Period (p. 70 - 81)

In the context of low provision of Ukraine with forests, its uneven distribution and low level of forest cover of the territory, and, as a result, forestry reserves, it seems promising to determine the priority areas for the development of the forest industry and mechanisms for effective management of the modern forestry industry complex, taking into account the experience of the structural policy of the countries with the forest fund that is similar in terms of extent. The aim of the article is to provide an in-depth analysis of the status and tendencies in the development of the forestry industry complex of Ukraine in the pre-war period, taking into account its integral components. The article analyzes the status and tendencies in the development of the forestry industry complex of Ukraine in the context of uneven distribution of forests and the extent of the forest fund in different regions of Ukraine. An in-depth analysis of the components of the forestry industry complex in the pre-war period is carried out, in particular, such as: woodworking industry, production of paper and paper products, furniture production. At presence, the woodworking industry of Ukraine has a low level of provision of mainly coniferous wood for forest consumers and the needs of the domestic market, which, in turn, leads to inefficient use of wood resources in conditions of low rates of reproduction of forest plantations. It is determined that the woodworking industry is a priority industry for most of the western regions of Ukraine and can further become a driving force for the intensive development of their economy. The activity of enterprises of the woodworking industry is also characterized from the standpoint of their number, net profit (loss) and profitability. An analysis of the foreign economic component of the development of the woodworking industry of Ukraine is carried out. It is proved that the prerequisite for the further development of the forestry industry complex of Ukraine in the post-war recovery period is its existing potential, which, under the conditions of an effective and systematic State policy in the field of forest management, will achieve an increase in competitiveness and growth of production at the regional level.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khaustova V. Y., Kyzym M. O., Kostenko D. M., Shpilevskyi V. V.
Analyzing the Tendencies in Meeting the Country’s Needs for Motor Fuel (p. 82 - 98)

The aim of the article is to analyze the oil and petroleum products markets in Ukraine and tendencies in meeting the country’s needs for motor fuel. To achieve this aim, an analysis of the state of the oil and gas condensate market in Ukraine was carried out; the dynamics of oil and gas condensate consumption in Ukraine is studied; the main consumers and producers of motor fuel in Ukraine are identified; the dynamics of oil and gas condensate refining volumes is analyzed. The article also examines the dynamics of exports and imports of oil and gas condensate in Ukraine. The demand for crude oil and gas condensate in Ukraine is analyzed and it is determined that the dependence of domestic producers of light oil products on imported oil supplies significantly affects the oil market of Ukraine. The tendencies of oil and gas condensate production in Ukraine have been studied and their steady decline in recent years has been noted. The results of the study of the current state and trends in the development of the oil products market in Ukraine are presented. The dynamics of consumption and production, as well as the features of demand for motor fuel both in general and for its types in particular – motor gasoline, diesel fuel and liquefied natural gas (LNG) – are analyzed. The geographical structure of motor fuel imports by its individual types is analyzed. Their main importers in the Ukraine have been identified. The balance of the market for the main types of motor fuel has been studied.

Article is written in English

Yurynets Z. V., Snovydovych I. V., Denysenko M. P., Panchenko V. A.
Areas of Training of Young Specialists Through Professional Development of Academic Staff in the Field of Education (p. 99 - 104)

The purpose of the article is to study the direction of training young specialists through the professional development of academic staff in the field of education. The areas that require regular research, updating and professional development from specialists based on the analysis of the areas of work of teachers of higher education institutions were identified. The main key competencies for lifelong learning have been identified. The training courses offered to teachers and academic staff at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv were presented. Skills are proposed for mastering as the main learning outcome for the academic staff of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. The training courses and programs offered by SoftServe have been identified by the monitoring of opportunities for practical training of teachers. For higher education institutions, professional development for academic staff is a mandatory element of the education quality assurance system and can take place through participation in master classes, seminars, trainings, webinars, and workshops. It has been established that academic staff, given the workload and challenges they face in terms of professional development and maintaining mental and emotional health, should receive professional help and support. Professional supervision can be helpful, which can help both individually and within the university. We believe that for academic staff to perform their tasks effectively, higher education institutions should provide them with quality material and technical support, and opportunities for continuous learning and development. A well-designed educational program will be the key to success for its developers, higher education institutions, students, and employers. It is necessary to create an environment of periodic discussion with employers of existing educational programs and their main components, which will allow timely making of important adjustments in response to important problems and topical issues. The principles by which the educational program is developed have been identified. The criteria for self-assessment and accreditation of educational programs have been formed.

Article is written in English


Azmuk N. A.
The Human Resources Potential of Ukrainian Industry: Challenges and Directions for Strengthening the Resilience (p. 20 - 27)

Post-war reconstruction of industry in Ukraine is impossible without the creation of appropriate conditions for the restoration of human resources potential, as well as ensuring its development and effective use. The foundation of the post-war recovery of the national economy should be modern industrial production based on the latest technological principles. The aim of the article is to substantiate the directions of strengthening the resilience of the human resources potential of industry as the basis for post-war reconstruction and renovation of the national economy. The article presents the author’s own definition of the resilience of human resources potential. The human resources potential of the industry has been studied by demographic, educational-qualification and motivational characteristics, identifying weaknesses as to the context of these components. Based on the analysis of the demographic component, a tendency of the national labor market to narrow due to a reduction in the demand and supply of labor force has been determined. A structural imbalance in the supply of labor force by age and gender has been revealed. In the study of the educational and qualification component, emphasis is placed on the growth of qualification horizontal and vertical gaps. The motivational component of the resilience of human resources potential is characterized by a decrease in the quality of working life and impoverishment of the population. Based on the results of the study, the author’s own approach to the development of directions for strengthening the resilience of the human resources potential of industry in the context of post-war economic recovery is proposed, taking into account its main components – demographic, educational, qualification, motivational. The expediency of restoring the national industrial sector of the economy on the basis of Industry 5.0 is substantiated. On the basis of the carried out research, directions for strengthening the resilience of human resources potential in terms of demographic, educational-qualification and motivational components are proposed and substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bogdan N. M., Osovets O. Е., Segeda I. V., Sоkоlеnkо А. S.
Ukraine’s Tourism Industry: Problems of Adaptation in the Wartime Period and Prospects for Post-War Recovery (p. 28 - 37)

The aim of the article is to analyze the current state of the domestic tourism industry in the context of the russian invasion of Ukraine, as well as to develop potential directions for eliminating the negative consequences for the tourism industry, speaking of its further recovery. The article examines the state of the tourism industry during the wartime, considers aspects of its adaptation to the conditions of martial law, and develops proposals for the post-war recovery. Since the onset of the large-scale military aggression, the tourism industry of Ukraine has undergone significant transformations, which have led to the practical halt of all types of tourism, especially at the initial stages of hostilities. However, a full assessment of the impact of military events on Ukrainian tourism becomes very difficult in view of the continuation of large-scale hostilities and the lack of accurate data. The study analyzes the amount of tourist tax and the structure of taxes to the State budget of Ukraine from the activities of tourism industry enterprises, the results of the analysis showed a significant drop in all indicators. An assessment of the impact of tourism development on the gross regional product (GRP) is carried out using correlation and regression analysis. Based on the results of modeling, a regression model of the dependence of GRP on tourist tax has been built, which confirms that the development of tourism in the region contributes to an increase in the gross regional product and has a significant multiplier effect. The features of recreation and work of tourist facilities in different regions of Ukraine are generalized and structured, and it is found that even with the existing restrictions, citizens continue to discover new places worth visiting in Ukraine. This can be attributed to the consideration that constant stress tires the body, and people need rest and recovery. A substantive characterization of the wartime factors of influence on the development of the tourism industry has been determined. It is determined that the recovery of the tourism industry will depend on the pace of restoration of the general and tourist infrastructure and the overall standard of living in the country, which will contribute to the rise of both inbound and outbound tourism. One of the main factors influencing the creation of a safe image of a tourist destination is the level of terrorist threat, in connection with which a set of measures to prevent terrorist threats has been formulated. The main program model for the development of tourism in post-war Ukraine is the public-private partnership (PPP), from the implementation of which the greatest return for the development of the tourism business is expected. In view of the above, the subject of prospective research should be the development of organizational and resource support for the PPP mechanism for the recovery of the tourism industry of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shkvarylyuk M. V.
The Main Vectors of Green Energy Development in Ukraine: Tariff Policy (p. 38 - 43)

The aim of the article is to form a scientific and practical basis for determining the main vectors of development of green energy in Ukraine, related to the definition of tariff policy. According to the results of the carried out study, it is proved that the prospects for the development of the world energy sector and the associated threats of irreversible negative impact on the environment are among the most pressing problems of the globalization process. All countries of the world are faced with the practical task of changing the paradigm of development, changing the system of basic ideological foundations for the use of industrial energy and «transparency» of resource management that meet the requirements of open and transparent activities based on innovative and progressive knowledge and technologies. All this requires the development of alternatives that will ensure the transition of world economies to sustainable development. Programs for the development of renewable and alternative energy sources are formed and implemented in almost all developed countries. However, the unresolved number of methodological issues regarding the introduction of renewable and alternative energy sources, the lack of relevant experience, the insufficient development of the regulatory framework at all levels and bureaucratic obstacles hinder the introduction of renewable and alternative energy sources in Ukraine, which justifies the relevance of this study. The article states that the problems of renewable energy development are discussed at different institutional levels. The constant threat of a crisis in the supply of oil, the threats associated with the development of nuclear energy, and the concern of modern society about environmental, and therefore climate problems, have led to the emergence of modern energy policy, the purpose of which is to create renewable green energy without greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. The most important role for the sustainable development of the world economy be played by energy, which is the basis for the functioning of the economy and society and should ensure the growth of the world’s population and economic development with an average annual GDP growth rate.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kasych A. O.
Trends and Models of e-Commerce Development in the Digital Economy (p. 74 - 82)

At the present stage of the rapid formation of the information space, there is a need to use the instruments of the digital economy. One such instrument is e-commerce. The aim of the article is to identify current trends and models of development of e-commerce in the context of digitalization. To achieve this goal, the methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison, expert surveys, statistical analysis, structural and logical generalization were used. The article examines trends and patterns of development of the world e-commerce market. The dynamics of the main indicators of activity of Ukrainian wholesale and retail trade enterprises, which use information and communication technologies, are analyzed. It is defined that in modern economic conditions it is expedient to develop and implement a digital strategy for managing the commercial activities of trade enterprises on the basis of the conception of interaction marketing, theories of networks and stakeholders, which should contain the following elements: use of information instruments and digital channels; formation of a qualitatively new culture of marketing communications (integration of digital channels of marketing communication into a single system); ways to improve the quality of customer service; creation of an omnichannel environment based on the integration of all digital channels, retail outlets and back-office into a single information space. The key trends that will influence the development of e-commerce in the digital economy include: personalization of products and communication through information technology; adaptive approach to interaction with consumers; building a business strategy for brands, advertising and marketing strategies using digital instruments; application of an integrated approach to the management of commercial activities; creation of a fundamentally new marketing structure (the emergence of specialists in consumer preferences and data processing); acquisition of skills in collecting large databases and using them; ensuring multi-channel practice in marketing communications; implementation of chatbots as one of the most effective ways to provide instant customer support; development of business models for the organization of electronic retail.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kostenko G. P., Zaporozhets A. O., Zaporozhets N. V., Verpeta V. O.
Aspects of Integrating Renewable Distributed Generation Into the Energy Supply System of Ukraine (p. 83 - 93)

The paper examines the strategic and practical aspects of integrating renewable distributed generation into the energy supply system of Ukraine, which faces challenges related to increasing the reliability, safety, and efficiency of the energy system in the context of global decarbonization trends and military threats. The key role of distributed renewable energy generation in increasing the stability of the energy system and reducing dependence on centralized energy sources has been established. An analysis of world experience has been carried out, which emphasizes the economic benefit and increased flexibility in the management of energy resources due to the implementation of distributed generation. Examples of successful implementation of distributed renewable energy generation projects in different countries and analysis of the potential for the development of renewable energy sources in Ukraine, in particular, solar, wind and small hydropower, are given. The completed review allows to draw a conclusion about the need for an integrated approach to the development of distributed renewable energy generation. Special attention is paid to the study of technical, economic, legal and regulatory aspects that determine opportunities and limitations for attracting investments in distributed renewable energy. Emphasis is also placed on the need to develop and implement innovative management systems and the latest technological solutions that will allow maximum use of the potential of distributed generation to ensure reliable, safe and efficient operation of the power system. Aspects of integration of energy storage systems are taken into account, allowing to smooth out peak loads and ensure the stability of system operation. It was concluded that it is necessary to improve financial support mechanisms that stimulate the development of small producers of electricity from renewable energy sources. Particular attention is paid to the study of international experience and its adaptation to Ukrainian realities, which allows to take into account the specifics of the national energy market and maximizing the effectiveness of the introduction of the latest technologies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Malуarets L. M., Norik L. O., Budarin O. S., Skliar T. P.
Features of the Development of Export-Import Activity of Economic Entities of the Public Sector of the Economy (p. 94 - 107)

Economic entities in the public sector, among other enterprises, play a key role in the resumption of export-import activities, as they have significant resources and can ensure the coordination and implementation of strategic measures in crucial sectors of the economy, thus contributing to the rapid recovery and stabilization of the country’s economic development. The aim of the article is to systematize the attributes of features of the development of export-import activities of economic entities in the public sector of the economy. The study examines the key aspects that characterize the export-import activities of economic entities in the public sector of the economy, in particular, the political context, State financial support, legal regulation and regulatory control. Special attention is paid to the strategic nature of the activities of economic entities in the public sector of the economy and their role in the implementation of the State-controlled programs and ensuring national security. The main benefits and financial mechanisms of the State support, which contribute to the effective implementation of export-import operations, have been defined. Further direction of development of this study is envisaged in carrying out an analysis of the efficiency of the State-controlled programs to support export-import activities, assessing the efficiency of foreign economic activity of economic entities in the public sector of the economy and determining the impact of international economic agreements on the development of export-import activities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Рopelo O. V., Samoilovych A. H., Popelo O. P.
Constructive and Destructive Consequences of Digitalization of Higher Education Institutions (p. 108 - 115)

The article substantiates that the formation of a single information and educational space of higher education institutions will have a positive impact on the content, organizational forms and tools for managing the process of providing educational services, as well as will help stimulate scientific and pedagogical workers to introduce innovative digital technologies in various components of the educational process. The risks associated with the digitalization of universities are analyzed; the advantages of digital transformation in higher education are outlined. The article considers digital tools that provide student-teacher communication, learning and efficiency in the educational process, including: video conferencing, electronic platforms, virtual laboratories, video classes, systems for tracking educational achievements. The authors emphasize that under martial law, the most risky situation is that of higher education institutions located in the border and/or frontline regions of Ukraine, most of which still continue blended or online learning, which is possible only through digitalization. The article systematizes both the constructive and the destructive consequences of digitalization with the allocation of endogenous and exogenous consequences among them, which allows to balance approaches to the introduction of digital technologies in higher education and ensure the maximum efficiency of this process. The constructive endogenous consequences of digitalization of higher education institutions include: improving the quality of education, the efficiency of administrative processes and competitiveness, the sustainable development of universities; constructive exogenous consequences include expanding access to education, innovative development and cooperation, involvement of students of border universities in the educational process. In turn, the destructive endogenous consequences are defined as follows: threats to academic integrity, violation of privacy and data security, remoteness of students and teachers, significant workload on teachers, and destructive exogenous consequences – problems of student socialization, digital divide and reduction of motivational aspects in learning. The tasks are outlined, the need to solve which is due to the digital transformation of universities and the development and implementation of digital technologies in their activities. The article substantiates the importance of combining innovative approaches with the preservation of the values and missions of universities, while ensuring equal access to quality higher education and the protection of data of higher education students and teachers, as well as promoting the development of universities on the basis of sustainability.

Article is written in Ukrainian

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